[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: cbf91e0f50b50be01a3c75b6b8bd15a275433dba [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (mjones@kde.org)
(C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (bastian@kde.org)
(C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis (weis@kde.org)
(C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org)
(C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org)
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/metrics/document_update_reason.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/lifecycle.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/viewport_intersection_state.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/scroll/scroll_into_view_params.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/document_transition/document_transition_request.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document_lifecycle.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/frame_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/layout_subtree_root_list.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/overlay_interstitial_ad_detector.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/sticky_ad_detector.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/depth_ordered_layout_object_list.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/hit_test_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/layout_object_counter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/layout_size.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/color.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/compositor_element_id.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/cull_rect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint_invalidation_reason.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/subtree_paint_property_update_reason.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/timer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/casting.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace cc {
class AnimationHost;
class Layer;
class PaintOpBuffer;
enum class PaintHoldingCommitTrigger;
using PaintRecord = PaintOpBuffer;
struct PaintBenchmarkResult;
namespace gfx {
class SizeF;
namespace ui {
class Cursor;
namespace blink {
class AXObjectCache;
class ChromeClient;
class CompositorAnimationTimeline;
class DeferredShapingDisallowScope;
class DeferredShapingMinimumTopScope;
class DeferredShapingViewportScope;
class DarkModeFilter;
class DocumentLifecycle;
class FragmentAnchor;
class Frame;
class FrameViewAutoSizeInfo;
class HTMLVideoElement;
class JSONObject;
class KURL;
class LayoutBox;
class LayoutEmbeddedObject;
class LayoutObject;
class LayoutShiftTracker;
class LayoutSVGRoot;
class LayoutView;
class LocalFrame;
class MobileFriendlinessChecker;
class Page;
class PaintArtifactCompositor;
class PaintController;
class PaintControllerCycleScope;
class PaintLayer;
class PaintLayerScrollableArea;
class PaintTimingDetector;
class RootFrameViewport;
class ScrollableArea;
class Scrollbar;
class ScrollingCoordinator;
class ScrollingCoordinatorContext;
class TransformState;
class LocalFrameUkmAggregator;
class WebPluginContainerImpl;
struct AnnotatedRegionValue;
struct IntrinsicSizingInfo;
struct MobileFriendliness;
struct PhysicalOffset;
struct PhysicalRect;
enum class PaintBenchmarkMode;
typedef uint64_t DOMTimeStamp;
using LayerTreeFlags = unsigned;
using MainThreadScrollingReasons = uint32_t;
struct LifecycleData {
LifecycleData() {}
LifecycleData(base::TimeTicks start_time_arg, int count_arg)
: start_time(start_time_arg), count(count_arg) {}
base::TimeTicks start_time;
// The number of lifecycles that have occcurred since the first one,
// inclusive, on a given LocalFrameRoot.
unsigned count = 0;
class CORE_EXPORT LocalFrameView final
: public GarbageCollected<LocalFrameView>,
public FrameView {
friend class PaintControllerPaintTestBase;
friend class Internals;
class CORE_EXPORT LifecycleNotificationObserver
: public GarbageCollectedMixin {
// These are called when the lifecycle updates start/finish.
virtual void WillStartLifecycleUpdate(const LocalFrameView&) {}
virtual void DidFinishLifecycleUpdate(const LocalFrameView&) {}
explicit LocalFrameView(LocalFrame&);
LocalFrameView(LocalFrame&, const gfx::Size& initial_size);
~LocalFrameView() override;
LocalFrame& GetFrame() const {
return *frame_;
Page* GetPage() const;
LayoutView* GetLayoutView() const;
void SetCanHaveScrollbars(bool can_have_scrollbars) {
can_have_scrollbars_ = can_have_scrollbars;
bool CanHaveScrollbars() const { return can_have_scrollbars_; }
bool VisualViewportSuppliesScrollbars();
void SetLayoutOverflowSize(const gfx::Size&);
bool DidFirstLayout() const;
bool LifecycleUpdatesActive() const;
void SetLifecycleUpdatesThrottledForTesting(bool throttled = true);
void ScheduleRelayout();
void ScheduleRelayoutOfSubtree(LayoutObject*);
bool LayoutPending() const;
bool IsInPerformLayout() const;
// Methods to capture forced layout metrics.
void WillStartForcedLayout();
void DidFinishForcedLayout(DocumentUpdateReason);
void ClearLayoutSubtreeRoot(const LayoutObject&);
void AddOrthogonalWritingModeRoot(LayoutBox&);
void RemoveOrthogonalWritingModeRoot(LayoutBox&);
bool HasOrthogonalWritingModeRoots() const;
void LayoutOrthogonalWritingModeRoots();
void ScheduleOrthogonalWritingModeRootsForLayout();
void MarkOrthogonalWritingModeRootsForLayout();
// Returns true if commits will be deferred for first contentful paint.
bool WillDoPaintHoldingForFCP() const;
unsigned LayoutCountForTesting() const { return layout_count_for_testing_; }
unsigned LifecycleUpdateCountForTesting() const {
return lifecycle_update_count_for_testing_;
void CountObjectsNeedingLayout(unsigned& needs_layout_objects,
unsigned& total_objects,
bool& is_partial);
bool NeedsLayout() const;
bool CheckDoesNotNeedLayout() const;
void SetNeedsLayout();
void SetNeedsUpdateGeometries() { needs_update_geometries_ = true; }
void UpdateGeometry() override;
bool LoadAllLazyLoadedIframes();
void UpdateStyleAndLayout();
// Marks this frame, and ancestor frames, as needing one intersection
// observervation. This overrides throttling for one frame, up to
// kLayoutClean. The order of these enums is important - they must proceed
// from "least required to most required".
enum IntersectionObservationState {
// The next painting frame does not need an intersection observation.
kNotNeeded = 0,
// The next painting frame needs an intersection observation.
kDesired = 1,
// The next painting frame must be generated up to intersection observation
// (even if frame is throttled).
kRequired = 2
// Sets the internal IntersectionObservationState to the max of the
// current value and the provided one.
void SetIntersectionObservationState(IntersectionObservationState);
IntersectionObservationState GetIntersectionObservationStateForTesting()
const {
return intersection_observation_state_;
// Get the InstersectionObservation::ComputeFlags for target elements in this
// view.
unsigned GetIntersectionObservationFlags(unsigned parent_flags) const;
void ForceUpdateViewportIntersections();
void SetPaintArtifactCompositorNeedsUpdate();
// Methods for getting/setting the size Blink should use to layout the
// contents.
gfx::Size GetLayoutSize() const { return layout_size_; }
void SetLayoutSize(const gfx::Size&);
// If this is set to false, the layout size will need to be explicitly set by
// the owner. E.g. WebViewImpl sets its mainFrame's layout size manually
void SetLayoutSizeFixedToFrameSize(bool);
bool LayoutSizeFixedToFrameSize() const {
return layout_size_fixed_to_frame_size_;
bool GetIntrinsicSizingInfo(IntrinsicSizingInfo&) const override;
bool HasIntrinsicSizingInfo() const override;
void Dispose() override;
void PropagateFrameRects() override;
void InvalidateAllCustomScrollbarsOnActiveChanged();
void UsesOverlayScrollbarsChanged();
Color BaseBackgroundColor() const;
void SetBaseBackgroundColor(const Color&);
void UpdateBaseBackgroundColorRecursively(const Color&);
enum class UseColorAdjustBackground {
// Use the base background color set on this view.
// Use the color-adjust background from StyleEngine instead of the base
// background color.
// Use the color-adjust background from StyleEngine, but only if the base
// background is not transparent.
void SetUseColorAdjustBackground(UseColorAdjustBackground use,
bool color_scheme_changed);
bool ShouldPaintBaseBackgroundColor() const;
void AdjustViewSize();
// Scale used to convert incoming input events.
float InputEventsScaleFactor() const;
void DidChangeScrollOffset();
void ViewportSizeChanged(bool width_changed, bool height_changed);
void MarkViewportConstrainedObjectsForLayout(bool width_changed,
bool height_changed);
void DynamicViewportUnitsChanged();
AtomicString MediaType() const;
void SetMediaType(const AtomicString&);
void AdjustMediaTypeForPrinting(bool printing);
// For any viewport-constrained object, we need to know if it's due to fixed
// or sticky so that we can support HasStickyViewportConstrainedObject().
enum ViewportConstrainedType { kFixed = 0, kSticky = 1 };
// Fixed-position and viewport-constrained sticky-position objects.
typedef HeapHashSet<Member<LayoutObject>> ObjectSet;
void AddViewportConstrainedObject(LayoutObject&, ViewportConstrainedType);
void RemoveViewportConstrainedObject(LayoutObject&, ViewportConstrainedType);
const ObjectSet* ViewportConstrainedObjects() const {
return viewport_constrained_objects_;
bool HasViewportConstrainedObjects() const {
return viewport_constrained_objects_ &&
viewport_constrained_objects_->size() > 0;
// Returns true if any of the objects in viewport_constrained_objects_ are
// sticky position.
bool HasStickyViewportConstrainedObject() const {
DCHECK(!sticky_position_object_count_ || HasViewportConstrainedObjects());
return sticky_position_object_count_ > 0;
// Objects with background-attachment:fixed.
void AddBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject(LayoutObject*);
void RemoveBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject(LayoutObject*);
bool RequiresMainThreadScrollingForBackgroundAttachmentFixed() const;
const ObjectSet& BackgroundAttachmentFixedObjects() const {
return background_attachment_fixed_objects_;
void InvalidateBackgroundAttachmentFixedDescendantsOnScroll(
const LayoutObject& scrolled_object);
void HandleLoadCompleted();
void UpdateDocumentAnnotatedRegions() const;
void DidAttachDocument();
void AddPartToUpdate(LayoutEmbeddedObject&);
Color DocumentBackgroundColor();
// Called when this view is going to be removed from its owning
// LocalFrame.
void WillBeRemovedFromFrame();
bool IsUpdatingLifecycle() const;
// Run all needed lifecycle stages. After calling this method, all
// non-throttled frames will be in the lifecycle state PaintClean.
// AllowThrottlingScope is used to allow frame throttling. Throttled frames
// will skip the lifecycle update and will not end up being PaintClean.
// Set |reason| to indicate the reason for this update, for metrics purposes.
// Returns whether the lifecycle was successfully updated to PaintClean.
bool UpdateAllLifecyclePhases(DocumentUpdateReason reason);
// Runs UpdateAllLifecyclePhases(DocumentUpdateReason::kTest) followed by
// RunPostLifecycleSteps(), which is what a full BeginMainFrame() would do.
bool UpdateAllLifecyclePhasesForTest();
// Computes the style, layout, compositing and pre-paint lifecycle stages
// if needed. Frame throttling is not enabled by default.
// After calling this method, all frames will be in a lifecycle
// state >= PrePaintClean, unless the frame was throttled (if frame
// throttling, which is not allowed by default, is allowed by the caller) or
// inactive.
// Returns whether the lifecycle was successfully updated to the
// desired state.
bool UpdateAllLifecyclePhasesExceptPaint(DocumentUpdateReason reason);
// Printing needs everything up-to-date except paint (which will be done
// specially). We may also print a detached frame or a descendant of a
// detached frame and need special handling of the frame.
// Frame throttling is not allowed by default. Normally we don't want to
// throttle frames for printing.
void UpdateLifecyclePhasesForPrinting();
// TODO(pdr): Remove this in favor of |UpdateAllLifecyclePhasesExceptPaint|.
bool UpdateLifecycleToPrePaintClean(DocumentUpdateReason reason);
// Computes the style, layout, and compositing inputs lifecycle stages if
// needed. After calling this method, all frames will be in a lifecycle state
// >= CompositingInputsClean, unless the frame was throttled (if frame
// throttling, which is not allowed by default, is allowed by the caller) or
// inactive.
// Returns whether the lifecycle was successfully updated to the
// desired state.
bool UpdateLifecycleToCompositingInputsClean(DocumentUpdateReason reason);
// Computes only the style and layout lifecycle stages.
// After calling this method, all frames will be in a lifecycle
// state >= LayoutClean, unless the frame was throttled (if frame throttling,
// which is not allowed by default, is allowed by the caller) or inactive.
// Returns whether the lifecycle was successfully updated to the
// desired state.
bool UpdateLifecycleToLayoutClean(DocumentUpdateReason reason);
void SetTargetStateForTest(DocumentLifecycle::LifecycleState state) {
target_state_ = state;
// This for doing work that needs to run synchronously at the end of lifecyle
// updates, but needs to happen outside of the lifecycle code. It's OK to
// schedule another animation frame here, but the layout tree should not be
// invalidated.
void RunPostLifecycleSteps();
void ScheduleVisualUpdateForPaintInvalidationIfNeeded();
// Perform a hit test on the frame with throttling allowed. Normally, a hit
// test will do a synchronous lifecycle update to kPrePaintClean with
// throttling disabled. This will do the same lifecycle update, but with
// throttling enabled.
HitTestResult HitTestWithThrottlingAllowed(
const HitTestLocation&,
HitTestRequest::HitTestRequestType) const;
void IncrementLayoutObjectCount() { layout_object_counter_.Increment(); }
void IncrementVisuallyNonEmptyCharacterCount(unsigned);
void IncrementVisuallyNonEmptyPixelCount(const gfx::Size&);
bool IsVisuallyNonEmpty() const { return is_visually_non_empty_; }
void SetIsVisuallyNonEmpty() { is_visually_non_empty_ = true; }
void EnableAutoSizeMode(const gfx::Size& min_size, const gfx::Size& max_size);
void DisableAutoSizeMode();
void ForceLayoutForPagination(const gfx::SizeF& page_size,
const gfx::SizeF& original_page_size,
float maximum_shrink_factor);
// Updates the fragment anchor element based on URL's fragment identifier.
// Updates corresponding ':target' CSS pseudo class on the anchor element.
// If |should_scroll| is passed it can be used to prevent scrolling/focusing
// while still performing all related side-effects like setting :target (used
// for e.g. in history restoration to override the scroll offset). The scroll
// offset is maintained during the frame loading process.
void ProcessUrlFragment(const KURL&,
bool same_document_navigation,
bool should_scroll = true);
FragmentAnchor* GetFragmentAnchor() { return fragment_anchor_; }
void InvokeFragmentAnchor();
void DismissFragmentAnchor();
bool ShouldSetCursor() const;
void SetCursor(const ui::Cursor&);
// FIXME: Remove this method once plugin loading is decoupled from layout.
void FlushAnyPendingPostLayoutTasks();
// These methods are for testing.
void SetTracksRasterInvalidations(bool);
bool IsTrackingRasterInvalidations() const {
return is_tracking_raster_invalidations_;
using ScrollableAreaSet = HeapHashSet<Member<PaintLayerScrollableArea>>;
void AddScrollAnchoringScrollableArea(PaintLayerScrollableArea*);
void RemoveScrollAnchoringScrollableArea(PaintLayerScrollableArea*);
const ScrollableAreaSet* ScrollAnchoringScrollableAreas() const {
return scroll_anchoring_scrollable_areas_.Get();
void AddAnimatingScrollableArea(PaintLayerScrollableArea*);
void RemoveAnimatingScrollableArea(PaintLayerScrollableArea*);
const ScrollableAreaSet* AnimatingScrollableAreas() const {
return animating_scrollable_areas_.Get();
void AddUserScrollableArea(PaintLayerScrollableArea*);
void RemoveUserScrollableArea(PaintLayerScrollableArea*);
const ScrollableAreaSet* UserScrollableAreas() const {
return user_scrollable_areas_.Get();
void ServiceScriptedAnimations(base::TimeTicks);
void ScheduleAnimation(base::TimeDelta = base::TimeDelta(),
base::Location location = base::Location::Current());
// FIXME: This should probably be renamed as the 'inSubtreeLayout' parameter
// passed around the LocalFrameView layout methods can be true while this
// returns false.
bool IsSubtreeLayout() const { return !layout_subtree_root_list_.IsEmpty(); }
// The bottom position of the nearest scrollable ancestor.
// This returns kIndefiniteSize if the viewport bottom is not registered.
LayoutUnit CurrentViewportBottom() const { return current_viewport_bottom_; }
void SetCurrentViewportBottom(base::PassKey<DeferredShapingViewportScope>,
LayoutUnit value) {
current_viewport_bottom_ = value;
// The "minimum top" position of the box which is being laid out.
LayoutUnit CurrentMinimumTop() const { return current_minimum_top_; }
void SetCurrentMinimumTop(base::PassKey<DeferredShapingMinimumTopScope>,
LayoutUnit value) {
current_minimum_top_ = value;
// A flag indicating whether the current layout container supports
// deferred shaping.
bool AllowDeferredShaping() const { return allow_deferred_shaping_; }
void SetAllowDeferredShaping(base::PassKey<DeferredShapingDisallowScope>,
bool value) {
allow_deferred_shaping_ = value;
void RequestToLockDeferred(Element& element);
bool LockDeferredRequested(Element& element) const;
// The window that hosts the LocalFrameView. The LocalFrameView will
// communicate scrolls and repaints to the host window in the window's
// coordinate space.
ChromeClient* GetChromeClient() const;
LocalFrameView* ParentFrameView() const override;
LayoutEmbeddedContent* GetLayoutEmbeddedContent() const override;
void AttachToLayout() override;
void DetachFromLayout() override;
using PluginSet = HeapHashSet<Member<WebPluginContainerImpl>>;
const PluginSet& Plugins() const { return plugins_; }
void AddPlugin(WebPluginContainerImpl*);
void RemovePlugin(WebPluginContainerImpl*);
// Custom scrollbars in PaintLayerScrollableArea need to be called with
// StyleChanged whenever window focus is changed.
void RemoveScrollbar(Scrollbar*);
void AddScrollbar(Scrollbar*);
// Indicates the root layer's scroll offset changed since the last frame
void SetRootLayerDidScroll() { root_layer_did_scroll_ = true; }
// Methods for converting between this frame and other coordinate spaces.
// For definitions and an explanation of the varous spaces, please see:
// http://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/blink-coordinate-spaces
gfx::Rect ViewportToFrame(const gfx::Rect&) const;
gfx::Rect FrameToViewport(const gfx::Rect&) const;
gfx::Point FrameToViewport(const gfx::Point&) const;
gfx::Point ViewportToFrame(const gfx::Point&) const;
gfx::PointF ViewportToFrame(const gfx::PointF&) const;
PhysicalOffset ViewportToFrame(const PhysicalOffset&) const;
// FIXME: Some external callers expect to get back a rect that's positioned
// in viewport space, but sized in CSS pixels. This is an artifact of the
// old pinch-zoom path. These callers should be converted to expect a rect
// fully in viewport space. crbug.com/459591.
gfx::Point SoonToBeRemovedUnscaledViewportToContents(const gfx::Point&) const;
// Functions for converting to screen coordinates.
gfx::Rect FrameToScreen(const gfx::Rect&) const;
// Converts from/to local frame coordinates to the root frame coordinates.
gfx::Rect ConvertToRootFrame(const gfx::Rect&) const;
gfx::Point ConvertToRootFrame(const gfx::Point&) const;
PhysicalOffset ConvertToRootFrame(const PhysicalOffset&) const;
gfx::PointF ConvertToRootFrame(const gfx::PointF&) const;
PhysicalRect ConvertToRootFrame(const PhysicalRect&) const;
gfx::Rect ConvertFromRootFrame(const gfx::Rect&) const;
gfx::Point ConvertFromRootFrame(const gfx::Point&) const;
gfx::PointF ConvertFromRootFrame(const gfx::PointF&) const;
PhysicalOffset ConvertFromRootFrame(const PhysicalOffset&) const;
gfx::Rect RootFrameToDocument(const gfx::Rect&);
gfx::Point RootFrameToDocument(const gfx::Point&);
gfx::PointF RootFrameToDocument(const gfx::PointF&);
gfx::Point DocumentToFrame(const gfx::Point&) const;
gfx::PointF DocumentToFrame(const gfx::PointF&) const;
PhysicalOffset DocumentToFrame(const PhysicalOffset&) const;
gfx::Rect DocumentToFrame(const gfx::Rect&) const;
PhysicalRect DocumentToFrame(const PhysicalRect&) const;
gfx::Point FrameToDocument(const gfx::Point&) const;
PhysicalOffset FrameToDocument(const PhysicalOffset&) const;
gfx::Rect FrameToDocument(const gfx::Rect&) const;
PhysicalRect FrameToDocument(const PhysicalRect&) const;
// Normally a LocalFrameView synchronously paints during full lifecycle
// updates, into the local frame root's PaintController. However, in some
// cases (e.g. when printing) we need to paint the frame view into a
// PaintController other than the default one(s). The following functions are
// provided for these cases. This frame view must be in PrePaintClean or
// PaintClean state when these functions are called.
// AllowThrottlingScope is used to allow frame throttling.
void PaintOutsideOfLifecycleWithThrottlingAllowed(
const CullRect& cull_rect = CullRect::Infinite());
// Same as the above, but frame throttling is not allowed by default. If this
// function is called without frame throttling allowed, the caller must have
// just updated the document lifecycle to PrePaintClean or PaintClean without
// frame throttling allowed.
void PaintOutsideOfLifecycle(
const CullRect& cull_rect = CullRect::Infinite());
// For testing paint with a custom cull rect.
void PaintForTest(const CullRect&);
// Get the PaintRecord based on the cached paint artifact generated during
// the last paint in lifecycle update.
sk_sp<cc::PaintRecord> GetPaintRecord() const;
void Show() override;
void Hide() override;
bool IsLocalFrameView() const override { return true; }
bool ShouldReportMainFrameIntersection() const override { return true; }
void Trace(Visitor*) const override;
void NotifyPageThatContentAreaWillPaint() const;
// Returns the scrollable area for the frame. For the root frame, this will
// be the RootFrameViewport, which adds pinch-zoom semantics to scrolling.
// For non-root frames, this will be the ScrollableArea of the LayoutView.
ScrollableArea* GetScrollableArea();
// Returns the ScrollableArea of the LayoutView, a.k.a. the layout viewport.
// In the root frame, this is the "outer" viewport in the pinch-zoom dual
// viewport model. Callers that need awareness of both inner and outer
// viewports should use GetScrollableArea() instead.
PaintLayerScrollableArea* LayoutViewport() const;
// If this is the main frame, this will return the RootFrameViewport used
// to scroll the main frame. Otherwise returns nullptr. Unless you need a
// unique method on RootFrameViewport, you should probably use
// getScrollableArea.
RootFrameViewport* GetRootFrameViewport();
int ViewportWidth() const;
int ViewportHeight() const;
bool LocalFrameTreeAllowsThrottling() const;
bool LocalFrameTreeForcesThrottling() const;
// Returns true if this frame should not render or schedule visual updates.
bool ShouldThrottleRendering() const;
// Same as ShouldThrottleRendering, but with an AllowThrottlingScope in scope.
bool ShouldThrottleRenderingForTest() const;
bool CanThrottleRendering() const override;
void UpdateRenderThrottlingStatus(bool hidden_for_throttling,
bool subtree_throttled,
bool display_locked,
bool recurse = false) override;
void BeginLifecycleUpdates();
// Records a timestamp in PaintTiming when the frame is first not
// render-throttled (since it last was throttled if applicable).
void MarkFirstEligibleToPaint();
// Resets the optional timestamp in PaintTiming to null to indicate
// that the frame is now render-throttled, unless the frame already has
// a first contentful paint. This is a necessary workaround, as when
// constructing the frame, HTMLConstructionSite::InsertHTMLBodyElement
// initiates a call via Document::WillInsertBody to begin lifecycle
// updates, and hence |lifecycle_updates_throttled_| is set to false, which
// can cause the frame to be briefly unthrottled and receive a paint
// eligibility timestamp, even if the frame is throttled shortly thereafter
// and not actually painted.
void MarkIneligibleToPaint();
// Shorthands of LayoutView's corresponding methods.
void SetNeedsPaintPropertyUpdate();
// Viewport size that should be used for viewport units (i.e. 'vh'/'vw').
// May include the size of browser controls. See implementation for further
// documentation.
gfx::SizeF ViewportSizeForViewportUnits() const;
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#small-viewport-size
gfx::SizeF SmallViewportSizeForViewportUnits() const;
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#large-viewport-size
gfx::SizeF LargeViewportSizeForViewportUnits() const;
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#dynamic-viewport-size
gfx::SizeF DynamicViewportSizeForViewportUnits() const;
// Initial containing block size for evaluating viewport-dependent media
// queries.
gfx::SizeF ViewportSizeForMediaQueries() const;
void EnqueueScrollAnchoringAdjustment(ScrollableArea*);
void DequeueScrollAnchoringAdjustment(ScrollableArea*);
void PerformScrollAnchoringAdjustments();
void SetNeedsEnqueueScrollEvent(PaintLayerScrollableArea*);
std::unique_ptr<JSONObject> CompositedLayersAsJSON(LayerTreeFlags);
String MainThreadScrollingReasonsAsText();
// Main thread scrolling reasons including reasons from ancestors.
MainThreadScrollingReasons GetMainThreadScrollingReasons() const;
// Main thread scrolling reasons for this object only. For all reasons,
// see: mainThreadScrollingReasons().
MainThreadScrollingReasons MainThreadScrollingReasonsPerFrame() const;
bool MapToVisualRectInRemoteRootFrame(PhysicalRect& rect,
bool apply_overflow_clip = true);
void MapLocalToRemoteMainFrame(TransformState&);
void CrossOriginToMainFrameChanged();
void CrossOriginToParentFrameChanged();
void SetVisualViewportOrOverlayNeedsRepaint();
bool VisualViewportOrOverlayNeedsRepaintForTesting() const;
LayoutUnit CaretWidth() const;
size_t PaintFrameCount() const { return paint_frame_count_; }
// Return the ScrollableArea in a FrameView with the given ElementId, if any.
// This is not recursive and will only return ScrollableAreas owned by this
// LocalFrameView (or possibly the LocalFrameView itself).
ScrollableArea* ScrollableAreaWithElementId(const CompositorElementId&);
// When the frame is a local root and not a main frame, any recursive
// scrolling should continue in the parent process.
void ScrollRectToVisibleInRemoteParent(const PhysicalRect&,
PaintArtifactCompositor* GetPaintArtifactCompositor() const;
cc::Layer* RootCcLayer();
const cc::Layer* RootCcLayer() const;
ScrollingCoordinatorContext* GetScrollingContext() const;
cc::AnimationHost* GetCompositorAnimationHost() const;
CompositorAnimationTimeline* GetCompositorAnimationTimeline() const;
LayoutShiftTracker& GetLayoutShiftTracker() { return *layout_shift_tracker_; }
PaintTimingDetector& GetPaintTimingDetector() const {
return *paint_timing_detector_;
MobileFriendlinessChecker* GetMobileFriendlinessChecker() const {
return mobile_friendliness_checker_;
void DidChangeMobileFriendliness(const MobileFriendliness& mf);
// Return the UKM aggregator for this frame, creating it if necessary.
LocalFrameUkmAggregator& EnsureUkmAggregator();
// Report the First Contentful Paint signal to the LocalFrameView.
// This causes Deferred Commits to be restarted and tells the UKM
// aggregator that FCP has been reached.
void OnFirstContentfulPaint();
void SetIsUpdatingDescendantDependentFlags(bool val) {
is_updating_descendant_dependent_flags_ = val;
bool IsUpdatingDescendantDependentFlags() const {
return is_updating_descendant_dependent_flags_;
void RegisterForLifecycleNotifications(LifecycleNotificationObserver*);
void UnregisterFromLifecycleNotifications(LifecycleNotificationObserver*);
// Enqueue tasks to be run at the start of the next lifecycle. These tasks
// will run right after `WillStartLifecycleUpdate()` on the lifecycle
// notification observers.
void EnqueueStartOfLifecycleTask(base::OnceClosure);
// For testing way to steal the start-of-lifecycle tasks.
WTF::Vector<base::OnceClosure> TakeStartOfLifecycleTasksForTest() {
return std::move(start_of_lifecycle_tasks_);
// Called when the "dominant visible" status has changed for a
// HTMLVideoElement in the page. "dominant visible" means the element is
// mostly filling the viewport.
void NotifyVideoIsDominantVisibleStatus(HTMLVideoElement* element,
bool is_dominant);
bool HasDominantVideoElement() const;
// Gets the fullscreen overlay layer if present, or nullptr if there is none.
PaintLayer* GetFullScreenOverlayLayer() const;
void RunPaintBenchmark(int repeat_count, cc::PaintBenchmarkResult& result);
PaintController& GetPaintControllerForTesting() {
return EnsurePaintController();
bool PaintDebugInfoEnabled() const {
return layer_debug_info_enabled_ ||
void FrameRectsChanged(const gfx::Rect&) override;
void SelfVisibleChanged() override;
void ParentVisibleChanged() override;
void NotifyFrameRectsChangedIfNeeded();
void SetViewportIntersection(const mojom::blink::ViewportIntersectionState&
intersection_state) override {}
void VisibilityForThrottlingChanged() override;
bool LifecycleUpdatesThrottled() const override {
return lifecycle_updates_throttled_;
void VisibilityChanged(blink::mojom::FrameVisibility visibility) override;
void EnqueueScrollEvents();
LocalFrameView(LocalFrame&, gfx::Rect);
class DisallowLayoutInvalidationScope {
explicit DisallowLayoutInvalidationScope(LocalFrameView* view);
LocalFrameView* local_frame_view_;
// Throttling is disabled by default. Instantiating this class allows
// throttling (e.g., during BeginMainFrame). If a script needs to run inside
// this scope, DisallowThrottlingScope should be used to let the script
// perform a synchronous layout if necessary.
class AllowThrottlingScope {
explicit AllowThrottlingScope(const LocalFrameView&);
AllowThrottlingScope(const AllowThrottlingScope&) = delete;
AllowThrottlingScope& operator=(const AllowThrottlingScope&) = delete;
~AllowThrottlingScope() = default;
base::AutoReset<bool> value_;
class DisallowThrottlingScope {
explicit DisallowThrottlingScope(const LocalFrameView& frame_view);
DisallowThrottlingScope(const DisallowThrottlingScope&) = delete;
DisallowThrottlingScope& operator=(const DisallowThrottlingScope&) = delete;
~DisallowThrottlingScope() = default;
base::AutoReset<bool> value_;
// The logic to determine whether a view can be render throttled is delicate,
// but in some cases we want to unconditionally force all views in a local
// frame tree to be throttled. Having ForceThrottlingScope on the stack will
// do that; it supercedes any DisallowThrottlingScope on the stack.
class ForceThrottlingScope {
explicit ForceThrottlingScope(const LocalFrameView& frame_view);
ForceThrottlingScope(const ForceThrottlingScope&) = delete;
ForceThrottlingScope& operator=(const ForceThrottlingScope&) = delete;
~ForceThrottlingScope() = default;
AllowThrottlingScope allow_scope_;
base::AutoReset<bool> value_;
friend class AllowThrottlingScope;
friend class DisallowThrottlingScope;
friend class ForceThrottlingScope;
PaintController& EnsurePaintController();
// A paint preview is a copy of the visual contents of a webpage recorded as
// a set of SkPictures. This sends an IPC to the browser to trigger a
// recording of this frame as a separate SkPicture. An ID is added to the
// canvas of |context| at |paint_offset| to track the correct position of
// this frame relative to its parent. Returns true on successfully creating
// a placeholder and sending an IPC to the browser.
bool CapturePaintPreview(GraphicsContext& context,
const gfx::Vector2d& paint_offset) const;
// EmbeddedContentView implementation
void Paint(GraphicsContext&,
const CullRect&,
const gfx::Vector2d&) const final;
void PaintFrame(GraphicsContext&, PaintFlags = PaintFlag::kNoFlag) const;
LayoutSVGRoot* EmbeddedReplacedContent() const;
void PrepareForLifecycleUpdateRecursive();
// Returns whether the lifecycle was successfully updated to the
// target state.
bool UpdateLifecyclePhases(DocumentLifecycle::LifecycleState target_state,
DocumentUpdateReason reason);
// The internal version that does the work after the proper context and checks
// have passed in the above function call.
void UpdateLifecyclePhasesInternal(
DocumentLifecycle::LifecycleState target_state);
// Four lifecycle phases helper functions corresponding to StyleAndLayout,
// Compositing, PrePaint, and Paint phases. If the return value is true, it
// means further lifecycle phases need to be run. This is used to abort
// earlier if we don't need to run future lifecycle phases.
bool RunStyleAndLayoutLifecyclePhases(
DocumentLifecycle::LifecycleState target_state);
bool RunAccessibilityLifecyclePhase(
DocumentLifecycle::LifecycleState target_state);
bool RunCompositingInputsLifecyclePhase(
DocumentLifecycle::LifecycleState target_state);
bool RunPrePaintLifecyclePhase(
DocumentLifecycle::LifecycleState target_state);
void RunPaintLifecyclePhase(PaintBenchmarkMode);
void UpdateStyleAndLayoutIfNeededRecursive();
bool UpdateStyleAndLayoutInternal();
void UpdateLayout();
void PerformLayout();
void PerformPostLayoutTasks(bool view_size_changed);
bool PaintTree(PaintBenchmarkMode, PaintControllerCycleScope&);
void PushPaintArtifactToCompositor(bool repainted);
void CreatePaintTimelineEvents();
void ClearLayoutSubtreeRootsAndMarkContainingBlocks();
DocumentLifecycle& Lifecycle() const;
void RunIntersectionObserverSteps();
void RenderThrottlingStatusChanged();
// Methods to do point conversion via layoutObjects, in order to take
// transforms into account.
gfx::Rect ConvertToContainingEmbeddedContentView(const gfx::Rect&) const;
gfx::Point ConvertToContainingEmbeddedContentView(const gfx::Point&) const;
PhysicalOffset ConvertToContainingEmbeddedContentView(
const PhysicalOffset&) const;
gfx::PointF ConvertToContainingEmbeddedContentView(const gfx::PointF&) const;
gfx::Rect ConvertFromContainingEmbeddedContentView(const gfx::Rect&) const;
gfx::Point ConvertFromContainingEmbeddedContentView(const gfx::Point&) const;
PhysicalOffset ConvertFromContainingEmbeddedContentView(
const PhysicalOffset&) const;
gfx::PointF ConvertFromContainingEmbeddedContentView(
const gfx::PointF&) const;
void UpdateGeometriesIfNeeded();
void ScheduleUpdatePluginsIfNecessary();
void UpdatePluginsTimerFired(TimerBase*);
bool UpdatePlugins();
AXObjectCache* ExistingAXObjectCache() const;
void SetLayoutSizeInternal(const gfx::Size&);
ScrollingCoordinator* GetScrollingCoordinator() const;
void CollectAnnotatedRegions(LayoutObject&,
Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue>&) const;
template <typename Function>
void ForAllChildViewsAndPlugins(const Function&);
template <typename Function>
void ForAllChildLocalFrameViews(const Function&);
enum TraversalOrder { kPreOrder, kPostOrder };
template <typename Function>
void ForAllNonThrottledLocalFrameViews(const Function&,
TraversalOrder = kPreOrder);
template <typename Function>
void ForAllThrottledLocalFrameViews(const Function&);
void ForAllThrottledLocalFrameViewsForTesting(
template <typename Function>
void ForAllRemoteFrameViews(const Function&);
bool UpdateViewportIntersectionsForSubtree(
unsigned parent_flags,
absl::optional<base::TimeTicks>& monotonic_time) override;
void DeliverSynchronousIntersectionObservations();
bool RunScrollTimelineSteps();
bool NotifyResizeObservers(DocumentLifecycle::LifecycleState target_state);
bool RunResizeObserverSteps(DocumentLifecycle::LifecycleState target_state);
void ClearResizeObserverLimit();
bool RunDocumentTransitionSteps(
DocumentLifecycle::LifecycleState target_state);
bool CheckLayoutInvalidationIsAllowed() const;
// This runs the intersection observer steps for observations that need to
// happen in post-layout. These results are also delivered (if needed) in the
// same call. Returns true if the lifecycle should process style and layout
// again before proceeding.
bool RunPostLayoutIntersectionObserverSteps();
// This is a recursive helper for determining intersection observations which
// need to happen in post-layout.
void ComputePostLayoutIntersections(
unsigned parent_flags,
absl::optional<base::TimeTicks>& monotonic_time);
// Returns true if the root object was laid out. Returns false if the layout
// was prevented (e.g. by ancestor display-lock) or not needed.
bool LayoutFromRootObject(LayoutObject& root);
// Returns true if the value of layer_debug_info_enabled_ changed.
bool UpdateLayerDebugInfoEnabled();
// Return the interstitial-ad detector for this frame, creating it if
// necessary.
OverlayInterstitialAdDetector& EnsureOverlayInterstitialAdDetector();
void GetUserScrollTranslationNodes(
Vector<const TransformPaintPropertyNode*>& scroll_translation_nodes);
// Return the sticky-ad detector for this frame, creating it if necessary.
StickyAdDetector& EnsureStickyAdDetector();
// Returns true if we should paint the color adjust background from the
// StyleEngine instead of the base background color.
bool ShouldUseColorAdjustBackground() const;
// Verifies the shared elements for the document transition on this view.
void VerifySharedElementsForDocumentTransition();
// Append document transition requests from this view into the given vector.
void AppendDocumentTransitionRequests(
bool AnyFrameIsPrintingOrPaintingPreview();
DarkModeFilter& EnsureDarkModeFilter();
LayoutSize size_;
typedef HeapHashSet<Member<LayoutEmbeddedObject>> EmbeddedObjectSet;
EmbeddedObjectSet part_update_set_;
Member<LocalFrame> frame_;
HeapVector<Member<Element>> deferred_to_be_locked_;
LayoutUnit current_viewport_bottom_ = kIndefiniteSize;
LayoutUnit current_minimum_top_;
bool allow_deferred_shaping_ = false;
bool can_have_scrollbars_;
bool has_pending_layout_;
LayoutSubtreeRootList layout_subtree_root_list_;
DepthOrderedLayoutObjectList orthogonal_writing_mode_root_list_;
bool layout_scheduling_enabled_;
unsigned layout_count_for_testing_;
unsigned lifecycle_update_count_for_testing_;
HeapTaskRunnerTimer<LocalFrameView> update_plugins_timer_;
bool first_layout_;
UseColorAdjustBackground use_color_adjust_background_{
Color base_background_color_;
// Used for tracking the frame's size and replicating it to the browser
// process when it changes.
absl::optional<gfx::Size> frame_size_;
AtomicString media_type_;
AtomicString media_type_when_not_printing_;
unsigned visually_non_empty_character_count_;
uint64_t visually_non_empty_pixel_count_;
bool is_visually_non_empty_;
LayoutObjectCounter layout_object_counter_;
Member<FragmentAnchor> fragment_anchor_;
// Scrollable areas which overflow in the block flow direction.
// Needed for calculating scroll anchoring.
Member<ScrollableAreaSet> scroll_anchoring_scrollable_areas_;
Member<ScrollableAreaSet> animating_scrollable_areas_;
// Scrollable areas which are user-scrollable, whether they overflow or not.
Member<ScrollableAreaSet> user_scrollable_areas_;
Member<ObjectSet> viewport_constrained_objects_;
// Number of entries in viewport_constrained_objects_ that are sticky.
unsigned sticky_position_object_count_;
ObjectSet background_attachment_fixed_objects_;
Member<FrameViewAutoSizeInfo> auto_size_info_;
gfx::Size layout_size_;
bool layout_size_fixed_to_frame_size_;
bool needs_update_geometries_;
// Verified when finalizing.
bool has_been_disposed_ = false;
PluginSet plugins_;
HeapHashSet<Member<Scrollbar>> scrollbars_;
// TODO(bokan): This is unneeded when root-layer-scrolls is turned on.
// crbug.com/417782.
gfx::Size layout_overflow_size_;
bool root_layer_did_scroll_;
// Mark if something has changed in the mapping from Frame to GraphicsLayer
// and the Frame Timing regions should be recalculated.
bool frame_timing_requests_dirty_;
// Exists only on root frame.
Member<RootFrameViewport> viewport_scrollable_area_;
// Non-top-level frames a throttled until they are ready to run lifecycle
// updates (after render-blocking resources have loaded).
bool lifecycle_updates_throttled_;
// Used by AllowThrottlingScope and DisallowThrottlingScope
bool allow_throttling_ = false;
// Used by ForceThrottlingScope
bool force_throttling_ = false;
// This is set on the local root frame view only.
DocumentLifecycle::LifecycleState target_state_;
using AnchoringAdjustmentQueue =
AnchoringAdjustmentQueue anchoring_adjustment_queue_;
HeapLinkedHashSet<WeakMember<PaintLayerScrollableArea>> scroll_event_queue_;
bool suppress_adjust_view_size_;
// In DCHECK on builds, this is set to false when we're running lifecycle
// phases past layout to ensure that phases after layout don't dirty layout.
bool allows_layout_invalidation_after_layout_clean_ = true;
IntersectionObservationState intersection_observation_state_;
bool needs_focus_on_fragment_;
// True if the frame has deferred commits at least once per document load.
// We won't defer again for the same document.
bool have_deferred_commits_ = false;
bool visual_viewport_or_overlay_needs_repaint_ = false;
// Whether to collect layer debug information for debugging, tracing,
// inspection, etc. Applies to local root only.
bool layer_debug_info_enabled_ = DCHECK_IS_ON();
LifecycleData lifecycle_data_;
// Lazily created, but should only be created on a local frame root's view.
mutable std::unique_ptr<ScrollingCoordinatorContext> scrolling_context_;
// For testing.
bool is_tracking_raster_invalidations_ = false;
// Used by |PaintTree()| to collect the updated |PaintArtifact| which will be
// passed to the compositor. It caches display items and subsequences across
// frame updates and repaints.
std::unique_ptr<PaintController> paint_controller_;
std::unique_ptr<PaintArtifactCompositor> paint_artifact_compositor_;
MainThreadScrollingReasons main_thread_scrolling_reasons_;
scoped_refptr<LocalFrameUkmAggregator> ukm_aggregator_;
unsigned forced_layout_stack_depth_;
base::TimeTicks forced_layout_start_time_;
// From the beginning of the document, how many frames have painted.
size_t paint_frame_count_;
UniqueObjectId unique_id_;
Member<LayoutShiftTracker> layout_shift_tracker_;
Member<PaintTimingDetector> paint_timing_detector_;
// This will be nullptr iff !frame_->IsMainFrame().
Member<MobileFriendlinessChecker> mobile_friendliness_checker_;
HeapHashSet<WeakMember<LifecycleNotificationObserver>> lifecycle_observers_;
HeapHashSet<WeakMember<HTMLVideoElement>> fullscreen_video_elements_;
std::unique_ptr<StickyAdDetector> sticky_ad_detector_;
// These tasks will be run at the beginning of the next lifecycle.
WTF::Vector<base::OnceClosure> start_of_lifecycle_tasks_;
// Filter used for inverting the document background for forced darkening.
std::unique_ptr<DarkModeFilter> dark_mode_filter_;
bool is_updating_descendant_dependent_flags_;
bool is_updating_layout_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FrameThrottlingTest, ForAllThrottledLocalFrameViews);
inline void LocalFrameView::IncrementVisuallyNonEmptyCharacterCount(
unsigned count) {
if (is_visually_non_empty_)
visually_non_empty_character_count_ += count;
// Use a threshold value to prevent very small amounts of visible content from
// triggering didMeaningfulLayout. The first few hundred characters rarely
// contain the interesting content of the page.
static const unsigned kVisualCharacterThreshold = 200;
if (visually_non_empty_character_count_ > kVisualCharacterThreshold)
inline void LocalFrameView::IncrementVisuallyNonEmptyPixelCount(
const gfx::Size& size) {
if (is_visually_non_empty_)
visually_non_empty_pixel_count_ += size.Area64();
// Use a threshold value to prevent very small amounts of visible content from
// triggering didMeaningfulLayout.
static const unsigned kVisualPixelThreshold = 32 * 32;
if (visually_non_empty_pixel_count_ > kVisualPixelThreshold)
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<LocalFrameView> {
static bool AllowFrom(const EmbeddedContentView& embedded_content_view) {
return embedded_content_view.IsLocalFrameView();
} // namespace blink