[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 917ac3cf9af203a79fa86c773fccab4ce589c8a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/media/smoothness_helper.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
#include "media/learning/common/learning_task_controller.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
using ::media::learning::FeatureVector;
using ::media::learning::LearningTaskController;
using ::media::learning::TargetValue;
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kSegmentSize = base::Seconds(5);
// Maximum distance between NNRs for them to be consecutive.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kMaxNNRDistance = base::Seconds(60);
// Max proportion of dropped frames in a window before we call it "not smooth".
static constexpr float kMaxDroppedFramesPerWindow = 0.2;
} // namespace
// Monitor smoothness during a playback, and call back on each window.
class SmoothnessWindowMonitor {
using WindowCB = base::RepeatingCallback<void(int64_t dropped_frames,
int64_t decoded_frames)>;
SmoothnessWindowMonitor(SmoothnessHelper::Client* player, WindowCB cb)
: player_(player), cb_(std::move(cb)) {
segment_dropped_frames_ = player_->DroppedFrameCount();
segment_decoded_frames_ = player_->DecodedFrameCount();
update_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, kSegmentSize,
~SmoothnessWindowMonitor() = default;
// Split playback into segments of length |kSegmentSize|, and update the
// default value of the current playback.
void OnTimer() {
auto new_dropped_frames = player_->DroppedFrameCount();
auto dropped_frames = new_dropped_frames - segment_dropped_frames_;
segment_dropped_frames_ = new_dropped_frames;
auto new_decoded_frames = player_->DecodedFrameCount();
auto decoded_frames = new_decoded_frames - segment_decoded_frames_;
segment_decoded_frames_ = new_decoded_frames;
if (!decoded_frames)
cb_.Run(dropped_frames, decoded_frames);
SmoothnessHelper::Client* player_ = nullptr;
WindowCB cb_;
base::RepeatingTimer update_timer_;
// Current dropped, decoded frames at the start of the segment.
int64_t segment_decoded_frames_;
int64_t segment_dropped_frames_;
SmoothnessHelper::SmoothnessHelper(const FeatureVector& features)
: features_(features) {}
SmoothnessHelper::~SmoothnessHelper() = default;
class SmoothnessHelperImpl : public SmoothnessHelper {
std::unique_ptr<LearningTaskController> consecutive_controller,
std::unique_ptr<LearningTaskController> nnr_controller,
const FeatureVector& features,
Client* player)
: SmoothnessHelper(features),
player_(player) {
monitor_ = std::make_unique<SmoothnessWindowMonitor>(
player_, base::BindRepeating(&SmoothnessHelperImpl::OnWindow,
// This will ignore the last segment, if any, which is fine since it's not
// a complete segment. However, any in-progress observation will be completed
// with the default value if we've gotten enough data to set one.
~SmoothnessHelperImpl() override = default;
// See if we've exceeded the intra-NNR distance, and reset everything. Note
// that this can be called even when there isn't an NNR.
void UpdateNNRWindow() {
if (!most_recent_nnr_)
auto now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
auto delta = now - *most_recent_nnr_;
if (delta >= kMaxNNRDistance) {
num_consecutive_nnrs_ = 0;
void NotifyNNR() override {
most_recent_nnr_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
if (num_consecutive_nnrs_ > max_num_consecutive_nnrs_) {
max_num_consecutive_nnrs_ = num_consecutive_nnrs_;
// Insist that we've started the NNR instance, so that we enforce a
// minimum amount of playback time before recording anything. Though
// it's possible that an NNR is interesting enough to record it anyway,
// and we only want to elide zero-NNR observations for short playbacks.
if (consecutive_nnr_.is_started()) {
features(), TargetValue(max_num_consecutive_nnrs_));
// Split playback into segments of length |kSegmentSize|, and update the
// default value of the current playback.
void OnWindow(int64_t dropped_frames, int64_t decoded_frames) {
// After the first window, start the NNR observation. We want to ignore any
// short playback windows. We might want to require more than one window.
// TODO(liberato): How many windows count as a playback for NNR?
if (!consecutive_nnr_.is_started()) {
features(), TargetValue(max_num_consecutive_nnrs_));
// Compute the percentage of dropped frames for this window.
double pct = (static_cast<double>(dropped_frames)) / decoded_frames;
// Once we get one full window, default to 0 for the consecutive windows
// prediction task.
if (!consecutive_bad_.is_started())
consecutive_bad_.UpdateObservation(features(), TargetValue(0));
// If this is a bad window, extend the run of consecutive bad windows, and
// update the target value if this is a new longest run.
if (pct >= kMaxDroppedFramesPerWindow) {
if (consecutive_bad_windows_ > max_consecutive_bad_windows_) {
max_consecutive_bad_windows_ = consecutive_bad_windows_;
features(), TargetValue(max_consecutive_bad_windows_));
} else {
consecutive_bad_windows_ = 0;
// Don't update the target value, since any previous target value is still
// the max consecutive windows.
// Helper for different learning tasks.
struct Task {
Task(std::unique_ptr<LearningTaskController> controller)
: controller_(std::move(controller)) {}
Task(const Task&) = delete;
Task& operator=(const Task&) = delete;
~Task() = default;
// Return true if and only if we've started an observation.
bool is_started() const { return !!id_; }
void UpdateObservation(const FeatureVector& features,
TargetValue current_target) {
target_value_ = current_target;
if (!is_started()) {
id_ = base::UnguessableToken::Create();
controller_->BeginObservation(*id_, features, target_value_);
} else {
controller_->UpdateDefaultTarget(*id_, target_value_);
const TargetValue& target_value() const { return target_value_; }
// If an observation is in progress, then this is the id.
absl::optional<base::UnguessableToken> id_;
std::unique_ptr<LearningTaskController> controller_;
TargetValue target_value_;
// Struct to hold all of the "at least |n| consecutive bad windows" data.
struct Task consecutive_bad_;
int consecutive_bad_windows_ = 0;
int max_consecutive_bad_windows_ = 0;
struct Task consecutive_nnr_;
// Time of the most recent nnr.
absl::optional<base::TimeTicks> most_recent_nnr_;
// Number of NNRs that have occurred within |kMaxNNRDistance|.
int num_consecutive_nnrs_ = 0;
// Maximum value of |num_consecutive_nnrs_| that we've observed.
int max_num_consecutive_nnrs_ = 0;
// WebMediaPlayer which will tell us about the decoded / dropped frame counts.
Client* player_;
std::unique_ptr<SmoothnessWindowMonitor> monitor_;
// static
std::unique_ptr<SmoothnessHelper> SmoothnessHelper::Create(
std::unique_ptr<LearningTaskController> bad_controller,
std::unique_ptr<LearningTaskController> nnr_controller,
const FeatureVector& features,
Client* player) {
return std::make_unique<SmoothnessHelperImpl>(
std::move(bad_controller), std::move(nnr_controller), features, player);
// static
base::TimeDelta SmoothnessHelper::SegmentSizeForTesting() {
return kSegmentSize;
} // namespace blink