[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 2d15d1900ba6134438529abb0eaf74239d69dd2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/input/input_handler.h"
#include "cc/input/snap_fling_controller.h"
#include "cc/paint/element_id.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_coalesced_input_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_gesture_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_common.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
namespace base {
class TickClock;
namespace cc {
class EventMetrics;
namespace ui {
class LatencyInfo;
namespace blink {
class WebInputEventAttribution;
class WebMouseWheelEvent;
class WebTouchEvent;
class ElasticOverscrollController;
} // namespace blink
namespace blink {
namespace test {
class InputHandlerProxyTest;
class InputHandlerProxyEventQueueTest;
class InputHandlerProxyMomentumScrollJankTest;
class InputHandlerProxyForceHandlingOnMainThread;
class TestInputHandlerProxy;
class UnifiedScrollingInputHandlerProxyTest;
} // namespace test
class CompositorThreadEventQueue;
class EventWithCallback;
class InputHandlerProxyClient;
class ScrollPredictor;
class MomentumScrollJankTracker;
class CursorControlHandler;
class SynchronousInputHandler {
virtual ~SynchronousInputHandler() {}
// Informs the Android WebView embedder of the current root scroll and page
// scale state.
virtual void UpdateRootLayerState(const gfx::PointF& total_scroll_offset,
const gfx::PointF& max_scroll_offset,
const gfx::SizeF& scrollable_size,
float page_scale_factor,
float min_page_scale_factor,
float max_page_scale_factor) = 0;
// This class is a proxy between the blink web input events for a WebWidget and
// the compositor's input handling logic. InputHandlerProxy instances live
// entirely on the compositor thread if one exists; however, it can exist on
// the main thread in web tests where only a single thread is used.
// Each InputHandler instance handles input events intended for a specific
// WebWidget.
// Android WebView requires synchronous scrolling from the WebView application.
// This class provides support for that behaviour. The WebView embedder will
// act as the InputHandler for controlling the timing of input (fling)
// animations.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT InputHandlerProxy : public cc::InputHandlerClient,
public cc::SnapFlingClient {
InputHandlerProxy(cc::InputHandler& input_handler,
InputHandlerProxyClient* client);
InputHandlerProxy(const InputHandlerProxy&) = delete;
InputHandlerProxy& operator=(const InputHandlerProxy&) = delete;
~InputHandlerProxy() override;
ElasticOverscrollController* elastic_overscroll_controller() {
return elastic_overscroll_controller_.get();
// TODO(dtapuska): Eventually move this to mojo.
struct DidOverscrollParams {
gfx::Vector2dF accumulated_overscroll;
gfx::Vector2dF latest_overscroll_delta;
gfx::Vector2dF current_fling_velocity;
gfx::PointF causal_event_viewport_point;
cc::OverscrollBehavior overscroll_behavior;
// Result codes returned to the client indicating the status of handling the
// event on the compositor. Used to determine further event handling behavior
// (i.e. should the event be forwarded to the main thread, ACK'ed to the
// browser, etc.).
enum EventDisposition {
// The event was handled on the compositor and should not be forwarded to
// the main thread.
// The compositor could not handle the event but the event may still be
// valid for handling so it should be forwarded to the main thread.
// Set only from a touchstart that occurred while a fling was in progress.
// Indicates that the rest of the touch stream should be sent non-blocking
// to ensure the scroll remains smooth. Since it's non-blocking, the event
// will be ACK'ed to the browser before being dispatched to the main
// thread.
// TODO(bokan): It's not clear that we need a separate status for this
// case, why can't we just use the DID_NOT_HANDLE_NON_BLOCKING below?
// Set to indicate that the event needs to be sent to the main thread (e.g.
// because the touch event hits a touch-event handler) but the compositor
// has determined it shouldn't be cancellable (e.g. the event handler is
// passive). Because it isn't cancellable, the event (and future events)
// will be sent non-blocking and be acked to the browser before being
// dispatchehd to the main thread.
// The compositor didn't handle the event but has determined the main
// thread doesn't care about the event either (e.g. it's a touch event and
// the hit point doesn't have a touch handler). In this case, we should ACK
// the event immediately. Both this and DID_HANDLE will avoid forwarding
// the event to the main thread and ACK immediately; the difference is that
// DROP_EVENT tells the client the event wasn't consumed. For example, the
// browser may choose to use this to avoid forwarding touch events if there
// isn't a consumer for them (and send only the scroll events).
// Used only in scroll unification; the compositor couldn't determine the
// scroll node to handle the event and requires a second try with an
// ElementId provided by a hit test in Blink.
using EventDispositionCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(
std::unique_ptr<blink::WebCoalescedInputEvent> event,
const blink::WebInputEventAttribution&,
std::unique_ptr<cc::EventMetrics> metrics)>;
void HandleInputEventWithLatencyInfo(
std::unique_ptr<blink::WebCoalescedInputEvent> event,
std::unique_ptr<cc::EventMetrics> metrics,
EventDispositionCallback callback);
// In scroll unification, a scroll begin event may initially return unhandled
// due to requiring the main thread to perform a hit test. In that case, the
// client will perform the hit test by calling into Blink. When it has a
// result, it can try handling the event again by calling back through this
// method.
void ContinueScrollBeginAfterMainThreadHitTest(
std::unique_ptr<blink::WebCoalescedInputEvent> event,
std::unique_ptr<cc::EventMetrics> metrics,
EventDispositionCallback callback,
cc::ElementIdType hit_tests_result);
// Handles creating synthetic gesture events. It is currently used for
// creating gesture event equivalents for mouse events on a composited
// scrollbar. `original_metrics` contains metrics for the original mouse event
// and is used to generated metrics for the new gesture event.
void InjectScrollbarGestureScroll(
const blink::WebInputEvent::Type type,
const gfx::PointF& position_in_widget,
const cc::InputHandlerPointerResult& pointer_result,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency_info,
const base::TimeTicks now,
const cc::EventMetrics* original_metrics);
// Attempts to perform attribution of the given WebInputEvent to a target
// frame. Intended for simple impl-side hit testing.
blink::WebInputEventAttribution PerformEventAttribution(
const blink::WebInputEvent& event);
// SynchronousInputHandler needs to be informed of root layer updates.
void SetSynchronousInputHandler(
SynchronousInputHandler* synchronous_input_handler);
// Called when the synchronous input handler wants to change the root scroll
// offset. Since it has the final say, this overrides values from compositor-
// controlled behaviour. After the offset is applied, the
// SynchronousInputHandler should be given back the result in case it differs
// from what was sent.
void SynchronouslySetRootScrollOffset(
const gfx::PointF& root_offset);
// Similar to SetRootScrollOffset above, to control the zoom level, ie scale
// factor. Note |magnify_delta| is an incremental rather than absolute value.
// SynchronousInputHandler should be given back the resulting absolute value.
void SynchronouslyZoomBy(float magnify_delta,
const gfx::Point& anchor);
// cc::InputHandlerClient implementation.
void WillShutdown() override;
void Animate(base::TimeTicks time) override;
void ReconcileElasticOverscrollAndRootScroll() override;
void SetPrefersReducedMotion(bool prefers_reduced_motion) override;
void UpdateRootLayerStateForSynchronousInputHandler(
const gfx::PointF& total_scroll_offset,
const gfx::PointF& max_scroll_offset,
const gfx::SizeF& scrollable_size,
float page_scale_factor,
float min_page_scale_factor,
float max_page_scale_factor) override;
void DeliverInputForBeginFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args) override;
void DeliverInputForHighLatencyMode() override;
// SnapFlingClient implementation.
bool GetSnapFlingInfoAndSetAnimatingSnapTarget(
const gfx::Vector2dF& natural_displacement,
gfx::PointF* initial_offset,
gfx::PointF* target_offset) const override;
gfx::PointF ScrollByForSnapFling(const gfx::Vector2dF& delta) override;
void ScrollEndForSnapFling(bool did_finish) override;
void RequestAnimationForSnapFling() override;
bool gesture_scroll_on_impl_thread_for_testing() const {
return handling_gesture_on_impl_thread_;
blink::WebGestureDevice currently_active_gesture_device() const {
return currently_active_gesture_device_.value();
friend class test::TestInputHandlerProxy;
friend class test::InputHandlerProxyTest;
friend class test::UnifiedScrollingInputHandlerProxyTest;
friend class test::InputHandlerProxyEventQueueTest;
friend class test::InputHandlerProxyMomentumScrollJankTest;
friend class test::InputHandlerProxyForceHandlingOnMainThread;
void DispatchSingleInputEvent(std::unique_ptr<EventWithCallback>,
const base::TimeTicks);
void DispatchQueuedInputEvents();
void UpdateElasticOverscroll();
// Helper functions for handling more complicated input events.
EventDisposition HandleMouseWheel(const blink::WebMouseWheelEvent& event);
EventDisposition HandleGestureScrollBegin(
const blink::WebGestureEvent& event);
EventDisposition HandleGestureScrollUpdate(
const blink::WebGestureEvent& event,
const blink::WebInputEventAttribution& original_attribution,
const cc::EventMetrics* original_metrics);
EventDisposition HandleGestureScrollEnd(const blink::WebGestureEvent& event);
EventDisposition HandleTouchStart(EventWithCallback* event_with_callback);
EventDisposition HandleTouchMove(EventWithCallback* event_with_callback);
EventDisposition HandleTouchEnd(EventWithCallback* event_with_callback);
const cc::InputHandlerPointerResult HandlePointerDown(
EventWithCallback* event_with_callback,
const gfx::PointF& position);
const cc::InputHandlerPointerResult HandlePointerMove(
EventWithCallback* event_with_callback,
const gfx::PointF& position,
bool should_cancel_scrollbar_drag);
const cc::InputHandlerPointerResult HandlePointerUp(
EventWithCallback* event_with_callback,
const gfx::PointF& position);
void InputHandlerScrollEnd();
// Request a frame of animation from the InputHandler or
// SynchronousInputHandler. They can provide that by calling Animate().
void RequestAnimation();
// Used to send overscroll messages to the browser. It bundles the overscroll
// params with with event ack.
void HandleOverscroll(const gfx::PointF& causal_event_viewport_point,
const cc::InputHandlerScrollResult& scroll_result);
// Update the elastic overscroll controller with |gesture_event|.
void HandleScrollElasticityOverscroll(
const blink::WebGestureEvent& gesture_event,
const cc::InputHandlerScrollResult& scroll_result);
// Overrides the internal clock for testing.
// This doesn't take the ownership of the clock. |tick_clock| must outlive the
// InputHandlerProxy instance.
void SetTickClockForTesting(const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
// |is_touching_scrolling_layer| indicates if one of the points that has
// been touched hits a currently scrolling layer. |allowed_touch_action| is
// the touch_action we are sure will be allowed for the given touch event.
EventDisposition HitTestTouchEvent(const blink::WebTouchEvent& touch_event,
bool* is_touching_scrolling_layer,
cc::TouchAction* allowed_touch_action);
EventDisposition RouteToTypeSpecificHandler(
EventWithCallback* event_with_callback,
const blink::WebInputEventAttribution& original_attribution);
void set_event_attribution_enabled(bool enabled) {
event_attribution_enabled_ = enabled;
void RecordMainThreadScrollingReasons(blink::WebGestureDevice device,
uint32_t reasons_from_scroll_begin,
bool was_main_thread_hit_tested,
bool needs_main_thread_repaint);
bool HasQueuedEventsReadyForDispatch();
InputHandlerProxyClient* client_;
// The input handler object is owned by the compositor delegate. The input
// handler must call WillShutdown() on this class before it is deleted at
// which point this pointer will be cleared.
cc::InputHandler* input_handler_;
SynchronousInputHandler* synchronous_input_handler_;
// This should be true when a pinch is in progress. The sequence of events is
// as follows: GSB GPB GSU GPU ... GPE GSE.
bool handling_gesture_on_impl_thread_;
bool gesture_pinch_in_progress_ = false;
bool in_inertial_scrolling_ = false;
bool scroll_sequence_ignored_;
// Used to animate rubber-band/bounce over-scroll effect.
std::unique_ptr<ElasticOverscrollController> elastic_overscroll_controller_;
// The merged result of the last touch event with previous touch events
// within a single touch sequence. This value will get returned for
// subsequent TouchMove events to allow passive events not to block
// scrolling.
absl::optional<EventDisposition> touch_result_;
// The result of the last mouse wheel event in a wheel phase sequence. This
// value is used to determine whether the next wheel scroll is blocked on the
// Main thread or not.
absl::optional<EventDisposition> mouse_wheel_result_;
// Used to record overscroll notifications while an event is being
// dispatched. If the event causes overscroll, the overscroll metadata is
// bundled in the event ack, saving an IPC.
std::unique_ptr<DidOverscrollParams> current_overscroll_params_;
std::unique_ptr<CompositorThreadEventQueue> compositor_event_queue_;
// Set only when the compositor input handler is handling a gesture. Tells
// which source device is currently performing a gesture based scroll.
absl::optional<blink::WebGestureDevice> currently_active_gesture_device_;
// Tracks whether the first scroll update gesture event has been seen after a
// scroll begin. This is set/reset when scroll gestures are processed in
// HandleInputEventWithLatencyInfo and shouldn't be used outside the scope
// of that method.
bool has_seen_first_gesture_scroll_update_after_begin_;
// Whether the last injected scroll gesture was a GestureScrollBegin. Used to
// determine which GestureScrollUpdate is the first in a gesture sequence for
// latency classification. This is separate from
// |is_first_gesture_scroll_update_| and is used to determine which type of
// latency component should be added for injected GestureScrollUpdates.
bool last_injected_gesture_was_begin_;
const base::TickClock* tick_clock_;
std::unique_ptr<cc::SnapFlingController> snap_fling_controller_;
std::unique_ptr<ScrollPredictor> scroll_predictor_;
// These flags are set for the SkipTouchEventFilter experiment. The
// experiment either skips filtering discrete (touch start/end) events to the
// main thread, or all events (touch start/end/move).
bool skip_touch_filter_discrete_ = false;
bool skip_touch_filter_all_ = false;
// This bit is set when the input handler proxy has requested that the client
// perform a hit test for a scroll begin on the main thread. During that
// time, scroll updates need to be queued. The reply from the main thread
// will come by calling ContinueScrollBeginAfterMainThreadHitTest where the
// queue will be flushed and this bit cleared. Used only in scroll
// unification.
bool hit_testing_scroll_begin_on_main_thread_ = false;
// This bit can be used to disable event attribution in cases where the
// hit test information is unnecessary (e.g. tests).
bool event_attribution_enabled_ = true;
// This tracks whether the user has set prefers reduced motion.
bool prefers_reduced_motion_ = false;
// Helpers for the momentum scroll jank UMAs.
std::unique_ptr<MomentumScrollJankTracker> momentum_scroll_jank_tracker_;
// Swipe to move cursor feature.
std::unique_ptr<CursorControlHandler> cursor_control_handler_;
} // namespace blink