[go: nahoru, domu]

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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ui/base/dragdrop/drag_drop_types.h"
#include "ui/base/dragdrop/mojom/drag_drop_types.mojom-forward.h"
#include "ui/events/event.h"
#include "ui/events/event_constants.h"
#include "ui/events/platform/platform_event_dispatcher.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/throb_animation.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/menu_button_controller.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_config.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_delegate.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget_observer.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_closure_animation_mac.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_cocoa_watcher_mac.h"
namespace ui {
class OSExchangeData;
struct OwnedWindowAnchor;
namespace views {
class Button;
class MenuHostRootView;
class MenuItemView;
class MenuPreTargetHandler;
class MouseEvent;
class SubmenuView;
class View;
class ViewTracker;
namespace internal {
class MenuControllerDelegate;
class MenuRunnerImpl;
} // namespace internal
namespace test {
class MenuControllerTest;
class MenuControllerTestApi;
class MenuControllerUITest;
} // namespace test
// MenuController -------------------------------------------------------------
// MenuController is used internally by the various menu classes to manage
// showing, selecting and drag/drop for menus. All relevant events are
// forwarded to the MenuController from SubmenuView and MenuHost.
class VIEWS_EXPORT MenuController
: public base::SupportsWeakPtr<MenuController>,
public gfx::AnimationDelegate,
public WidgetObserver {
// Enumeration of how the menu should exit.
enum class ExitType {
// Don't exit.
// All menus, including nested, should be exited.
// Only the outermost menu should be exited.
// the menu is being closed as the result of one of the menus being
// destroyed.
// Types of comboboxes.
enum class ComboboxType {
// If a menu is currently active, this returns the controller for it.
static MenuController* GetActiveInstance();
// Runs the menu at the specified location.
void Run(Widget* parent,
MenuButtonController* button_controller,
MenuItemView* root,
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
MenuAnchorPosition position,
bool context_menu,
bool is_nested_drag,
gfx::NativeView native_view_for_gestures = nullptr);
bool for_drop() const { return for_drop_; }
bool in_nested_run() const { return !menu_stack_.empty(); }
// Whether or not drag operation is in progress.
bool drag_in_progress() const { return drag_in_progress_; }
// Whether the MenuController initiated the drag in progress. False if there
// is no drag in progress.
bool did_initiate_drag() const { return did_initiate_drag_; }
bool send_gesture_events_to_owner() const {
return send_gesture_events_to_owner_;
void set_send_gesture_events_to_owner(bool send_gesture_events_to_owner) {
send_gesture_events_to_owner_ = send_gesture_events_to_owner;
// Returns the owner of child windows.
// WARNING: this may be NULL.
Widget* owner() { return owner_; }
// Gets the most-current selected menu item, if any, including if the
// selection has not been committed yet.
views::MenuItemView* GetSelectedMenuItem() { return pending_state_.item; }
// Selects a menu-item and opens its sub-menu (if one exists) if not already
// so. Clears any selections within the submenu if it is already open.
void SelectItemAndOpenSubmenu(MenuItemView* item);
// Gets the anchor position which is used to show this menu.
MenuAnchorPosition GetAnchorPosition() { return state_.anchor; }
// Cancels the current Run. See ExitType for a description of what happens
// with the various parameters.
void Cancel(ExitType type);
// When is_nested_run() this will add a delegate to the stack. The most recent
// delegate will be notified. It will be removed upon the exiting of the
// nested menu. Ownership is not taken.
void AddNestedDelegate(internal::MenuControllerDelegate* delegate);
// Returns the current exit type. This returns a value other than
// ExitType::kNone if the menu is being canceled.
ExitType exit_type() const { return exit_type_; }
// Returns the time from the event which closed the menu - or 0.
base::TimeTicks closing_event_time() const { return closing_event_time_; }
// Set/Get combobox type.
void set_combobox_type(ComboboxType combobox_type) {
combobox_type_ = combobox_type;
bool IsCombobox() const;
bool IsEditableCombobox() const;
bool IsReadonlyCombobox() const;
bool IsContextMenu() const;
// Various events, forwarded from the submenu.
// NOTE: the coordinates of the events are in that of the
// MenuScrollViewContainer.
bool OnMousePressed(SubmenuView* source, const ui::MouseEvent& event);
bool OnMouseDragged(SubmenuView* source, const ui::MouseEvent& event);
void OnMouseReleased(SubmenuView* source, const ui::MouseEvent& event);
void OnMouseMoved(SubmenuView* source, const ui::MouseEvent& event);
void OnMouseEntered(SubmenuView* source, const ui::MouseEvent& event);
bool OnMouseWheel(SubmenuView* source, const ui::MouseWheelEvent& event);
void OnGestureEvent(SubmenuView* source, ui::GestureEvent* event);
void OnTouchEvent(SubmenuView* source, ui::TouchEvent* event);
View* GetTooltipHandlerForPoint(SubmenuView* source, const gfx::Point& point);
void ViewHierarchyChanged(SubmenuView* source,
const ViewHierarchyChangedDetails& details);
bool GetDropFormats(SubmenuView* source,
int* formats,
std::set<ui::ClipboardFormatType>* format_types);
bool AreDropTypesRequired(SubmenuView* source);
bool CanDrop(SubmenuView* source, const ui::OSExchangeData& data);
void OnDragEntered(SubmenuView* source, const ui::DropTargetEvent& event);
int OnDragUpdated(SubmenuView* source, const ui::DropTargetEvent& event);
void OnDragExited(SubmenuView* source);
views::View::DropCallback GetDropCallback(SubmenuView* source,
const ui::DropTargetEvent& event);
// Invoked from the scroll buttons of the MenuScrollViewContainer.
void OnDragEnteredScrollButton(SubmenuView* source, bool is_up);
void OnDragExitedScrollButton(SubmenuView* source);
// Called by the MenuHost when a drag is about to start on a child view.
// This could be initiated by one of our MenuItemViews, or could be through
// another child View.
void OnDragWillStart();
// Called by the MenuHost when the drag has completed. |should_close|
// corresponds to whether or not the menu should close.
void OnDragComplete(bool should_close);
// Called while dispatching messages to intercept key events.
// Returns ui::POST_DISPATCH_NONE if the event was swallowed by the menu.
ui::PostDispatchAction OnWillDispatchKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event);
// Update the submenu's selection based on the current mouse location
void UpdateSubmenuSelection(SubmenuView* source);
// WidgetObserver overrides:
void OnWidgetDestroying(Widget* widget) override;
// Only used for testing.
bool IsCancelAllTimerRunningForTest();
// Only used for testing. Clears |state_| and |pending_state_| without
// notifying any menu items.
void ClearStateForTest();
// Only used for testing.
static void TurnOffMenuSelectionHoldForTest();
void set_use_ash_system_ui_layout(bool value) {
use_ash_system_ui_layout_ = value;
bool use_ash_system_ui_layout() const { return use_ash_system_ui_layout_; }
// Notifies |this| that |menu_item| is being destroyed.
void OnMenuItemDestroying(MenuItemView* menu_item);
// Returns whether this menu can handle input events right now. This method
// can return false while running animations.
bool CanProcessInputEvents() const;
// Gets the animation used for menu item alerts. The returned pointer lives as
// long as the MenuController.
const gfx::Animation* GetAlertAnimation() const { return &alert_animation_; }
// gfx::AnimationDelegate:
void AnimationProgressed(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
friend class internal::MenuRunnerImpl;
friend class test::MenuControllerTest;
friend class test::MenuControllerTestApi;
friend class test::MenuControllerUITest;
friend class MenuHostRootView;
friend class MenuItemView;
friend class SubmenuView;
class MenuScrollTask;
struct SelectByCharDetails;
// Values supplied to SetSelection.
enum SetSelectionTypes {
// If set submenus are opened immediately, otherwise submenus are only
// opened after a timer fires.
// If set and the menu_item has a submenu, the submenu is shown.
// SetSelection is being invoked as the result exiting or cancelling the
// menu. This is used for debugging.
// Direction for IncrementSelection and FindInitialSelectableMenuItem.
enum SelectionIncrementDirectionType {
// Navigate the menu up.
// Navigate the menu down.
// Tracks selection information.
struct State {
State(const State& other);
// The selected menu item.
raw_ptr<MenuItemView> item = nullptr;
// Used to capture a hot tracked child button when a nested menu is opened
// and to restore the hot tracked state when exiting a nested menu.
raw_ptr<Button> hot_button = nullptr;
// If item has a submenu this indicates if the submenu is showing.
bool submenu_open = false;
// Bounds passed to the run menu. Used for positioning the first menu.
gfx::Rect initial_bounds;
// Position of the initial menu.
MenuAnchorPosition anchor = MenuAnchorPosition::kTopLeft;
// The direction child menus have opened in.
std::list<bool> open_leading;
// Bounds for the monitor we're showing on.
gfx::Rect monitor_bounds;
// Is the current menu a context menu.
bool context_menu = false;
// Used by GetMenuPart to indicate the menu part at a particular location.
struct MenuPart {
// Type of part.
enum class Type { kNone, kMenuItem, kScrollUp, kScrollDown };
// Convenience for testing type == kScrollDown or type == kScrollUp.
bool is_scroll() const {
return type == Type::kScrollDown || type == Type::kScrollUp;
// Type of part.
Type type = Type::kNone;
// If type is kMenuItem, this is the menu item the mouse is over, otherwise
// this is null.
// NOTE: if type is kMenuItem and the mouse is not over a valid menu item
// but is over a menu (for example, the mouse is over a separator or
// empty menu), this is null and parent is the menu the mouse was
// clicked on.
MenuItemView* menu = nullptr;
// If type is kMenuItem but the mouse is not over a menu item this is the
// parent of the menu item the user clicked on. Otherwise this is null.
MenuItemView* parent = nullptr;
// This is the submenu the mouse is over.
SubmenuView* submenu = nullptr;
// Whether the controller should apply SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU to this item.
bool should_submenu_show = false;
// Sets the selection to |menu_item|. A value of NULL unselects
// everything. |types| is a bitmask of |SetSelectionTypes|.
// Internally this updates pending_state_ immediately. state_ is only updated
// immediately if SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY is set. If
// SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY is not set CommitPendingSelection is invoked
// to show/hide submenus and update state_.
void SetSelection(MenuItemView* menu_item, int types);
void SetSelectionOnPointerDown(SubmenuView* source,
const ui::LocatedEvent* event);
void StartDrag(SubmenuView* source, const gfx::Point& location);
// Returns true if OnKeyPressed handled the key |event|.
bool OnKeyPressed(const ui::KeyEvent& event);
// Creates a MenuController. See |for_drop_| member for details on |for_drop|.
MenuController(bool for_drop, internal::MenuControllerDelegate* delegate);
MenuController(const MenuController&) = delete;
MenuController& operator=(const MenuController&) = delete;
~MenuController() override;
// Invokes AcceleratorPressed() on the hot tracked view if there is one.
// Returns true if AcceleratorPressed() was invoked. |event_flags| is the
// flags of the received key event.
bool SendAcceleratorToHotTrackedView(int event_flags);
void UpdateInitialLocation(const gfx::Rect& bounds,
MenuAnchorPosition position,
bool context_menu);
// Returns the anchor position adjusted for RTL languages. For example,
// in RTL MenuAnchorPosition::kBubbleLeft is mapped to kBubbleRight.
static MenuAnchorPosition AdjustAnchorPositionForRtl(
MenuAnchorPosition position);
// Invoked when the user accepts the selected item. This is only used
// when blocking. This schedules the loop to quit.
void Accept(MenuItemView* item, int event_flags);
void ReallyAccept(MenuItemView* item, int event_flags);
bool ShowSiblingMenu(SubmenuView* source, const gfx::Point& mouse_location);
// Shows a context menu for |menu_item| as a result of an event if
// appropriate, using the given |screen_location|. This is invoked on long
// press, releasing the right mouse button, and pressing the "app" key.
// Returns whether a context menu was shown.
bool ShowContextMenu(MenuItemView* menu_item,
const gfx::Point& screen_location,
ui::MenuSourceType source_type);
// Closes all menus, including any menus of nested invocations of Run.
void CloseAllNestedMenus();
// Gets the enabled menu item at the specified location.
// If over_any_menu is non-null it is set to indicate whether the location
// is over any menu. It is possible for this to return NULL, but
// over_any_menu to be true. For example, the user clicked on a separator.
MenuItemView* GetMenuItemAt(View* menu, int x, int y);
// If there is an empty menu item at the specified location, it is returned.
MenuItemView* GetEmptyMenuItemAt(View* source, int x, int y);
// Returns true if the coordinate is over the scroll buttons of the
// SubmenuView's MenuScrollViewContainer. If true is returned, part is set to
// indicate which scroll button the coordinate is.
bool IsScrollButtonAt(SubmenuView* source,
int x,
int y,
MenuPart::Type* part);
// Returns the target for the mouse event. The coordinates are in terms of
// source's scroll view container.
MenuPart GetMenuPart(SubmenuView* source, const gfx::Point& source_loc);
// Returns the target for mouse events. The search is done through |item| and
// all its parents.
MenuPart GetMenuPartByScreenCoordinateUsingMenu(MenuItemView* item,
const gfx::Point& screen_loc);
// Implementation of GetMenuPartByScreenCoordinate for a single menu. Returns
// true if the supplied SubmenuView contains the location in terms of the
// screen. If it does, part is set appropriately and true is returned.
bool GetMenuPartByScreenCoordinateImpl(SubmenuView* menu,
const gfx::Point& screen_loc,
MenuPart* part);
// Returns the RootView of the target for the mouse event, if there is a
// target at |source_loc|.
MenuHostRootView* GetRootView(SubmenuView* source,
const gfx::Point& source_loc);
// Converts the located event from |source|'s geometry to |dst|'s geometry,
// iff the root view of source and dst differ.
void ConvertLocatedEventForRootView(View* source,
View* dst,
ui::LocatedEvent* event);
// Returns true if the SubmenuView contains the specified location. This does
// NOT included the scroll buttons, only the submenu view.
bool DoesSubmenuContainLocation(SubmenuView* submenu,
const gfx::Point& screen_loc);
// Returns whether the location is over the ACTIONABLE_SUBMENU's submenu area.
bool IsLocationOverSubmenuAreaOfActionableSubmenu(
MenuItemView* item,
const gfx::Point& screen_loc) const;
// Opens/Closes the necessary menus such that state_ matches that of
// pending_state_. This is invoked if submenus are not opened immediately,
// but after a delay.
void CommitPendingSelection();
// If item has a submenu, it is closed. This does NOT update the selection
// in anyway.
void CloseMenu(MenuItemView* item);
// If item has a submenu, it is opened. This does NOT update the selection
// in anyway.
void OpenMenu(MenuItemView* item);
// Implementation of OpenMenu. If |show| is true, this invokes show on the
// menu, otherwise Reposition is invoked.
void OpenMenuImpl(MenuItemView* item, bool show);
// Invoked when the children of a menu change and the menu is showing.
// This closes any submenus and resizes the submenu.
void MenuChildrenChanged(MenuItemView* item);
// Builds the paths of the two menu items into the two paths, and
// sets first_diff_at to the location of the first difference between the
// two paths.
void BuildPathsAndCalculateDiff(MenuItemView* old_item,
MenuItemView* new_item,
std::vector<MenuItemView*>* old_path,
std::vector<MenuItemView*>* new_path,
size_t* first_diff_at);
// Builds the path for the specified item.
void BuildMenuItemPath(MenuItemView* item, std::vector<MenuItemView*>* path);
// Starts/stops the timer that commits the pending state to state
// (opens/closes submenus).
void StartShowTimer();
void StopShowTimer();
// Starts/stops the timer cancel the menu. This is used during drag and
// drop when the drop enters/exits the menu.
void StartCancelAllTimer();
void StopCancelAllTimer();
// Calculates the bounds of the menu to show. is_leading is set to match the
// direction the menu opened in. Also calculates anchor that system compositor
// can use to position the menu.
gfx::Rect CalculateMenuBounds(MenuItemView* item,
bool prefer_leading,
bool* is_leading,
ui::OwnedWindowAnchor* anchor);
// Calculates the bubble bounds of the menu to show. is_leading is set to
// match the direction the menu opened in. Also calculates anchor that system
// compositor can use to position the menu.
// TODO(msisov): anchor.anchor_rect equals to returned rect at the moment as
// bubble menu bounds are used only by ash, as its backend uses menu bounds
// instead of anchor for positioning.
gfx::Rect CalculateBubbleMenuBounds(MenuItemView* item,
bool prefer_leading,
bool* is_leading,
ui::OwnedWindowAnchor* anchor);
// Returns the depth of the menu.
static int MenuDepth(MenuItemView* item);
// Selects the next or previous (depending on |direction|) menu item.
void IncrementSelection(SelectionIncrementDirectionType direction);
// Sets up accessible indices for menu items based on up/down arrow selection
// logic, to be used by screen readers to give accurate "item X of Y"
// information (and to be consistent with accessible keyboard use).
// This only sets one level of menu, so it must be called when submenus are
// opened as well.
void SetSelectionIndices(MenuItemView* parent);
// Selects the first or last (depending on |direction|) menu item.
void MoveSelectionToFirstOrLastItem(
SelectionIncrementDirectionType direction);
// Returns the first (|direction| == NAVIGATE_SELECTION_DOWN) or the last
// (|direction| == INCREMENT_SELECTION_UP) selectable child menu item of
// |parent|. If there are no selectable items returns NULL.
MenuItemView* FindInitialSelectableMenuItem(
MenuItemView* parent,
SelectionIncrementDirectionType direction);
// Returns the next or previous selectable child menu item of |parent|
// starting at |index| and incrementing or decrementing index by 1 depending
// on |direction|. If there are no more selectable items NULL is returned.
MenuItemView* FindNextSelectableMenuItem(
MenuItemView* parent,
int index,
SelectionIncrementDirectionType direction,
bool is_initial);
// If the selected item has a submenu and it isn't currently open, the
// the selection is changed such that the menu opens immediately.
void OpenSubmenuChangeSelectionIfCan();
// If possible, closes the submenu.
void CloseSubmenu();
// Returns details about which menu items match the mnemonic |key|.
// |match_function| is used to determine which menus match.
SelectByCharDetails FindChildForMnemonic(
MenuItemView* parent,
char16_t key,
bool (*match_function)(MenuItemView* menu, char16_t mnemonic));
// Selects or accepts the appropriate menu item based on |details|.
void AcceptOrSelect(MenuItemView* parent, const SelectByCharDetails& details);
// Selects by mnemonic, and if that doesn't work tries the first character of
// the title.
void SelectByChar(char16_t key);
// For Windows and Aura we repost an event which dismisses the |source| menu.
// The menu may also be canceled depending on the target of the event. |event|
// is then processed without the menu present. On non-aura Windows, a new
// mouse event is generated and posted to the window (if there is one) at the
// location of the event. On aura, the event is reposted on the RootWindow.
void RepostEventAndCancel(SubmenuView* source, const ui::LocatedEvent* event);
// Sets the drop target to new_item.
void SetDropMenuItem(MenuItemView* new_item,
MenuDelegate::DropPosition position);
// Starts/stops scrolling as appropriate. part gives the part the mouse is
// over.
void UpdateScrolling(const MenuPart& part);
// Stops scrolling.
void StopScrolling();
// Updates active mouse view from the location of the event and sends it
// the appropriate events. This is used to send mouse events to child views so
// that they react to click-drag-release as if the user clicked on the view
// itself.
void UpdateActiveMouseView(SubmenuView* event_source,
const ui::MouseEvent& event,
View* target_menu);
// Sends a mouse release event to the current active mouse view and sets
// it to null.
void SendMouseReleaseToActiveView(SubmenuView* event_source,
const ui::MouseEvent& event);
// Sends a mouse capture lost event to the current active mouse view and sets
// it to null.
void SendMouseCaptureLostToActiveView();
// Sets exit type. Calling this can terminate the active nested message-loop.
void SetExitType(ExitType type);
// Performs the teardown of menus. This will notify the |delegate_|. If
// |exit_type_| is ExitType::kAll all nested runs will be exited.
void ExitMenu();
// Performs the teardown of the menu launched by Run(). The selected item is
// returned.
MenuItemView* ExitTopMostMenu();
// Handles the mouse location event on the submenu |source|.
void HandleMouseLocation(SubmenuView* source,
const gfx::Point& mouse_location);
// Sets hot-tracked state to the first focusable descendant view of |item|.
void SetInitialHotTrackedView(MenuItemView* item,
SelectionIncrementDirectionType direction);
// Sets hot-tracked state to the next focusable element after |item| in
// |direction|.
void SetNextHotTrackedView(MenuItemView* item,
SelectionIncrementDirectionType direction);
// Updates the current |hot_button_| and its hot tracked state.
void SetHotTrackedButton(Button* new_hot_button);
// Returns whether typing a new character will continue the existing prefix
// selection. If this returns false, typing a new character will start a new
// prefix selection, and some characters (such as Space) will be treated as
// commands instead of parts of the prefix.
bool ShouldContinuePrefixSelection() const;
// Manage alerted MenuItemViews that we are animating.
void RegisterAlertedItem(MenuItemView* item);
void UnregisterAlertedItem(MenuItemView* item);
// Sets anchor position, gravity and constraints for the |item|.
void SetAnchorParametersForItem(MenuItemView* item,
const gfx::Point& item_loc,
ui::OwnedWindowAnchor* anchor);
// The active instance.
static MenuController* active_instance_;
// If true the menu is shown for a drag and drop. Note that the semantics for
// drag and drop are slightly different: cancel timer is kicked off any time
// the drag moves outside the menu, mouse events do nothing...
const bool for_drop_;
// If true, we're showing.
bool showing_ = false;
// Indicates what to exit.
ExitType exit_type_ = ExitType::kNone;
// Whether we did a capture. We do a capture only if we're blocking and
// the mouse was down when Run.
bool did_capture_ = false;
// As the user drags the mouse around pending_state_ changes immediately.
// When the user stops moving/dragging the mouse (or clicks the mouse)
// pending_state_ is committed to state_, potentially resulting in
// opening or closing submenus. This gives a slight delayed effect to
// submenus as the user moves the mouse around. This is done so that as the
// user moves the mouse all submenus don't immediately pop.
State pending_state_;
State state_;
// If the user accepted the selection, this is the result.
raw_ptr<MenuItemView> result_ = nullptr;
// The event flags when the user selected the menu.
int accept_event_flags_ = 0;
// If not empty, it means we're nested. When Run is invoked from within
// Run, the current state (state_) is pushed onto menu_stack_. This allows
// MenuController to restore the state when the nested run returns.
using NestedState =
std::pair<State, std::unique_ptr<MenuButtonController::PressedLock>>;
std::list<NestedState> menu_stack_;
// When Run is invoked during an active Run, it may be called from a separate
// MenuControllerDelegate. If not empty it means we are nested, and the
// stacked delegates should be notified instead of |delegate_|.
std::list<internal::MenuControllerDelegate*> delegate_stack_;
// As the mouse moves around submenus are not opened immediately. Instead
// they open after this timer fires.
base::OneShotTimer show_timer_;
// Used to invoke CancelAll(). This is used during drag and drop to hide the
// menu after the mouse moves out of the of the menu. This is necessitated by
// the lack of an ability to detect when the drag has completed from the drop
// side.
base::OneShotTimer cancel_all_timer_;
// Drop target.
raw_ptr<MenuItemView> drop_target_ = nullptr;
MenuDelegate::DropPosition drop_position_ =
// Owner of child windows.
// WARNING: this may be NULL.
raw_ptr<Widget> owner_ = nullptr;
// An optional NativeView to which gestures will be forwarded to if
gfx::NativeView native_view_for_gestures_ = nullptr;
// Indicates a possible drag operation.
bool possible_drag_ = false;
// True when drag operation is in progress.
bool drag_in_progress_ = false;
// True when the drag operation in progress was initiated by the
// MenuController for a child MenuItemView (as opposed to initiated separately
// by a child View).
bool did_initiate_drag_ = false;
// Location the mouse was pressed at. Used to detect d&d.
gfx::Point press_pt_;
// We get a slew of drag updated messages as the mouse is over us. To avoid
// continually processing whether we can drop, we cache the coordinates.
bool valid_drop_coordinates_ = false;
gfx::Point drop_pt_;
int last_drop_operation_ = ui::DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE;
// If true, we're in the middle of invoking ShowAt on a submenu.
bool showing_submenu_ = false;
// Task for scrolling the menu. If non-null indicates a scroll is currently
// underway.
std::unique_ptr<MenuScrollTask> scroll_task_;
// The lock to keep the menu button pressed while a menu is visible.
std::unique_ptr<MenuButtonController::PressedLock> pressed_lock_;
// ViewTracker used to store the View mouse drag events are forwarded to. See
// UpdateActiveMouseView() for details.
std::unique_ptr<ViewTracker> active_mouse_view_tracker_;
// Current hot tracked child button if any.
raw_ptr<Button> hot_button_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<internal::MenuControllerDelegate> delegate_;
// The timestamp of the event which closed the menu - or 0 otherwise.
base::TimeTicks closing_event_time_;
// Time when the menu is first shown.
base::TimeTicks menu_start_time_;
// If a mouse press triggered this menu, this will have its location (in
// screen coordinates). Otherwise this will be (0, 0).
gfx::Point menu_start_mouse_press_loc_;
// If the mouse was under the menu when the menu was run, this will have its
// location. Otherwise it will be null. This is used to ignore mouse move
// events triggered by the menu opening, to avoid selecting the menu item
// over the mouse.
absl::optional<gfx::Point> menu_open_mouse_loc_;
// Controls behavior differences between a combobox and other types of menu
// (like a context menu).
ComboboxType combobox_type_ = ComboboxType::kNone;
// Whether the menu |owner_| needs gesture events. When set to true, the menu
// will preserve the gesture events of the |owner_| and MenuController will
// forward the gesture events to |owner_| until no |ET_GESTURE_END| event is
// captured.
bool send_gesture_events_to_owner_ = false;
// Set to true if the menu item was selected by touch.
bool item_selected_by_touch_ = false;
// Whether to use the ash system UI specific layout.
bool use_ash_system_ui_layout_ = false;
// During mouse event handling, this is the RootView to forward mouse events
// to. We need this, because if we forward one event to it (e.g., mouse
// pressed), subsequent events (like dragging) should also go to it, even if
// the mouse is no longer over the view.
raw_ptr<MenuHostRootView> current_mouse_event_target_ = nullptr;
// A mask of the EventFlags for the mouse buttons currently pressed.
int current_mouse_pressed_state_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<MenuClosureAnimationMac> menu_closure_animation_;
std::unique_ptr<MenuCocoaWatcherMac> menu_cocoa_watcher_;
std::unique_ptr<MenuPreTargetHandler> menu_pre_target_handler_;
// Animation used for alerted MenuItemViews. Started on demand.
gfx::ThrobAnimation alert_animation_;
// Currently showing alerted menu items. Updated when submenus open and close.
base::flat_set<MenuItemView*> alerted_items_;
} // namespace views