[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 05562672c1efa3147a9932bc299ad866c2578f76 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_advertisement.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_device.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_discovery_filter.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_export.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_low_energy_scan_session.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
} // namespace base
namespace device {
class BluetoothAdvertisement;
class BluetoothDiscoveryFilter;
class BluetoothDiscoverySession;
class BluetoothLocalGattService;
class BluetoothLowEnergyScanFilter;
class BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic;
class BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor;
class BluetoothRemoteGattService;
class BluetoothSocket;
class BluetoothUUID;
enum class UMABluetoothDiscoverySessionOutcome;
// BluetoothAdapter represents a local Bluetooth adapter which may be used to
// interact with remote Bluetooth devices. As well as providing support for
// determining whether an adapter is present and whether the radio is powered,
// this class also provides support for obtaining the list of remote devices
// known to the adapter, discovering new devices, and providing notification of
// updates to device information.
class DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT BluetoothAdapter
: public base::RefCounted<BluetoothAdapter> {
enum class LowEnergyScanSessionHardwareOffloadingStatus {
kUndetermined = 0,
enum class BluetoothRole { kCentral = 0, kPeripheral, kCentralPeripheral };
// Interface for observing changes from bluetooth adapters.
virtual ~Observer() {}
// Called when the presence of the adapter |adapter| changes. When |present|
// is true the adapter is now present, false means the adapter has been
// removed from the system.
virtual void AdapterPresentChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
bool present) {}
// Called when the radio power state of the adapter |adapter| changes. When
// |powered| is true the adapter radio is powered, false means the adapter
// radio is off.
virtual void AdapterPoweredChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
bool powered) {}
// Called when the discoverability state of the adapter |adapter| changes.
// When |discoverable| is true the adapter is discoverable by other devices,
// false means the adapter is not discoverable.
virtual void AdapterDiscoverableChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
bool discoverable) {}
// Called when the discovering state of the adapter |adapter| changes. When
// |discovering| is true the adapter is seeking new devices, false means it
// is not.
virtual void AdapterDiscoveringChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
bool discovering) {}
// Called when a new device |device| is added to the adapter |adapter|,
// either because it has been discovered or a connection made. |device|
// should not be cached. Instead, copy its Bluetooth address.
virtual void DeviceAdded(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothDevice* device) {}
// Called when the adapter |DiscoveryChangeComplete| is finished
virtual void DiscoveryChangeCompletedForTesting() {}
// Called when the result of one of the following methods of the device
// |device| changes:
// * GetAddress()
// * GetAppearance()
// * GetName() (Chrome OS and Windows only)
// * GetBluetoothClass()
// * GetInquiryRSSI()
// * GetInquiryTxPower()
// * GetUUIDs()
// * GetServiceData()
// * GetServiceDataUUIDs()
// * GetServiceDataForUUID()
// * GetManufacturerData()
// * GetManufacturerDataIDs()
// * GetManufacturerDataForID()
// * GetAdvertisingDataFlags()
// * IsConnectable()
// * IsConnected()
// * IsConnecting()
// * IsGattConnected()
// * IsPaired()
// On Android and MacOS this method is called for each advertisement packet
// received. On Chrome OS and Linux, we can't guarantee that this method
// will be called for each Adv. Packet received but, because the RSSI is
// always changing, it's very likely this method will be called for each
// Adv. Packet.
// |device| should not be cached. Instead, copy its Bluetooth address.
virtual void DeviceChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothDevice* device) {}
// Called when address property of the device |device| known to the adapter
// |adapter| change due to pairing.
virtual void DeviceAddressChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothDevice* device,
const std::string& old_address) {}
// Called when advertisement is received.
// Override this function to observe LE advertisements. This function
// returns the raw values that have been parsed from EIR.
virtual void DeviceAdvertisementReceived(
const std::string& device_address,
const std::optional<std::string>& device_name,
const std::optional<std::string>& advertisement_name,
std::optional<int8_t> rssi,
std::optional<int8_t> tx_power,
std::optional<uint16_t> appearance,
const BluetoothDevice::UUIDList& advertised_uuids,
const BluetoothDevice::ServiceDataMap& service_data_map,
const BluetoothDevice::ManufacturerDataMap& manufacturer_data_map) {}
// Called when the bonded property of the device |device| known to the
// adapter |adapter| changed.
virtual void DeviceBondedChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothDevice* device,
bool new_bonded_status) {}
// Called when the paired property of the device |device| known to the
// adapter |adapter| changed.
virtual void DevicePairedChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothDevice* device,
bool new_paired_status) {}
// Called when the MTU |mtu| (Bluetooth Spec Vol 3, Part F, 3.4.2) used in
// ATT communication with device |device| known to the adapter |adapter|
// changed.
virtual void DeviceMTUChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothDevice* device,
uint16_t mtu) {}
// Called when advertisement is received from |device|. |eir| is the
// extended inquiry response specified in Bluetooth Core Spec, Vol 3,
// Part C, Section 11.
// Override this function to observe LE advertisements. Whenever |rssi| of
// |device| changes, this function is called with the latest |eir| from
// |device|. This function is never called on classic |device|.
virtual void DeviceAdvertisementReceived(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothDevice* device,
int16_t rssi,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& eir) {}
// Called when |device|'s state has changed from connected to not connected
// or vice versa.
virtual void DeviceConnectedStateChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothDevice* device,
bool is_now_connected) {}
// Called when blocked by policy property of the |device| known to the
// |adapter| changes.
virtual void DeviceBlockedByPolicyChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothDevice* device,
bool new_blocked_status) {}
// Called when the device battery info with |type| has been updated.
virtual void DeviceBatteryChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothDevice* device,
BluetoothDevice::BatteryType type) {}
// Called when the device |device| is removed from the adapter |adapter|,
// either as a result of a discovered device being lost between discovering
// phases or pairing information deleted. |device| should not be
// cached. Instead, copy its Bluetooth address.
virtual void DeviceRemoved(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothDevice* device) {}
// Deprecated GATT Added/Removed Events NOTE:
// The series of Observer methods for Service, Characteristic, & Descriptor
// Added/Removed events should be removed. They are rarely used and add
// API & implementation complexity. They are not reliable for cross
// platform use, and devices that modify their attribute table have not been
// tested or supported.
// New code should use Observer::GattServicesDiscovered and then call
// GetGattService(s)
// GetCharacteristic(s)
// GetDescriptor(s)
// TODO(710352): Remove Service, Characteristic, & Descriptor Added/Removed.
// See "Deprecated GATT Added/Removed Events NOTE" above.
// Called when a new GATT service |service| is added to the device |device|,
// as the service is received from the device. Don't cache |service|. Store
// its identifier instead (i.e. BluetoothRemoteGattService::GetIdentifier).
virtual void GattServiceAdded(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothDevice* device,
BluetoothRemoteGattService* service) {}
// See "Deprecated GATT Added/Removed Events NOTE" above.
// Called when the GATT service |service| is removed from the device
// |device|. This can happen if the attribute database of the remote device
// changes or when |device| gets removed.
virtual void GattServiceRemoved(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothDevice* device,
BluetoothRemoteGattService* service) {}
// Called when the GATT discovery process has completed for all services,
// characteristics, and descriptors in |device|.
virtual void GattServicesDiscovered(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothDevice* device) {}
// TODO(782494): Deprecated & not functional on all platforms. Use
// GattServicesDiscovered.
// Called when all characteristic and descriptor discovery procedures are
// known to be completed for the GATT service |service|. This method will be
// called after the initial discovery of a GATT service and will usually be
// preceded by calls to GattCharacteristicAdded and GattDescriptorAdded.
virtual void GattDiscoveryCompleteForService(
BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothRemoteGattService* service) {}
// Called when the GATT service on the peer side indicates that something is
// changed on their side, so we need to start re-discovery everything.
virtual void GattNeedsDiscovery(BluetoothDevice* device) {}
// See "Deprecated GATT Added/Removed Events NOTE" above.
// Called when properties of the remote GATT service |service| have changed.
// This will get called for properties such as UUID, as well as for changes
// to the list of known characteristics and included services. Observers
// should read all GATT characteristic and descriptors objects and do any
// necessary set up required for a changed service.
virtual void GattServiceChanged(BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothRemoteGattService* service) {}
// See "Deprecated GATT Added/Removed Events NOTE" above.
// Called when the remote GATT characteristic |characteristic| has been
// discovered. Use this to issue any initial read/write requests to the
// characteristic but don't cache the pointer as it may become invalid.
// Instead, use the specially assigned identifier to obtain a characteristic
// and cache that identifier as necessary, as it can be used to retrieve the
// characteristic from its GATT service. The number of characteristics with
// the same UUID belonging to a service depends on the particular profile
// the remote device implements, hence the client of a GATT based profile
// will usually operate on the whole set of characteristics and not just
// one.
virtual void GattCharacteristicAdded(
BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic) {}
// See "Deprecated GATT Added/Removed Events NOTE" above.
// Called when a GATT characteristic |characteristic| has been removed from
// the system.
virtual void GattCharacteristicRemoved(
BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic) {}
// See "Deprecated GATT Added/Removed Events NOTE" above.
// Called when the remote GATT characteristic descriptor |descriptor| has
// been discovered. Don't cache the arguments as the pointers may become
// invalid. Instead, use the specially assigned identifier to obtain a
// descriptor and cache that identifier as necessary.
virtual void GattDescriptorAdded(
BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* descriptor) {}
// See "Deprecated GATT Added/Removed Events NOTE" above.
// Called when a GATT characteristic descriptor |descriptor| has been
// removed from the system.
virtual void GattDescriptorRemoved(
BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* descriptor) {}
// Called when the value of a characteristic has changed. This might be a
// result of a read/write request to, or a notification/indication from, a
// remote GATT characteristic.
virtual void GattCharacteristicValueChanged(
BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value) {}
// Called when the value of a characteristic descriptor has been updated.
virtual void GattDescriptorValueChanged(
BluetoothAdapter* adapter,
BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* descriptor,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value) {}
// Called when the low energy scanning hardware offloading support state
// changes.
virtual void LowEnergyScanSessionHardwareOffloadingStatusChanged(
LowEnergyScanSessionHardwareOffloadingStatus status) {}
// Used to configure a listening service.
struct DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT ServiceOptions {
std::optional<int> channel;
std::optional<int> psm;
std::optional<std::string> name;
// Clients can configure this option to choose if they want to enforce
// bonding with remote devices that connect to this device. Options:
// * Unset: bonding is not enforced by the local device, and the remote
// device can choose if they want to enforce bonding.
// * Set to false: bonding is prevented by the local device. Clients which
// use this are responsible for securing their communication at the
// application level.
// * Set to true: bonding is enforced by the local device.
std::optional<bool> require_authentication;
// The ErrorCallback is used for methods that can fail in which case it is
// called, in the success case the callback is simply not called.
using ErrorCallback = base::OnceClosure;
using DiscoverySessionCallback =
using DeviceList = std::vector<BluetoothDevice*>;
using ConstDeviceList =
std::vector<raw_ptr<const BluetoothDevice, VectorExperimental>>;
using UUIDList = std::vector<BluetoothUUID>;
using CreateServiceCallback =
using CreateServiceErrorCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string& message)>;
using CreateAdvertisementCallback =
using AdvertisementErrorCallback = BluetoothAdvertisement::ErrorCallback;
using ConnectDeviceCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(BluetoothDevice*)>;
using ConnectDeviceErrorCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string& error_message)>;
using DiscoverySessionErrorCallback =
// The is_error bool is a flag to indicate if the result is an error(true)
// or a success(false)
// The Session Outcome is the result which could be success or some sort of
// error. However, this variable is ignored when the bool is false
using DiscoverySessionResultCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(/*is_error*/ bool,
enum class DiscoveryState {
kStarting = 0,
enum class PermissionStatus { kUndetermined = 0, kDenied, kAllowed };
// Creates a new adapter. Initialize() must be called before the adapter can
// be used.
static scoped_refptr<BluetoothAdapter> CreateAdapter();
virtual void Initialize(base::OnceClosure callback) = 0;
// Returns a weak pointer to an existing adapter for testing purposes only.
base::WeakPtr<BluetoothAdapter> GetWeakPtrForTesting();
// Shutdown the adapter: tear down and clean up all objects owned by
// BluetoothAdapter. After this call, the BluetoothAdapter will behave as if
// no Bluetooth controller exists in the local system. |IsPresent| will return
// false.
virtual void Shutdown();
// Adds and removes observers for events on this bluetooth adapter. If
// monitoring multiple adapters, check the |adapter| parameter of observer
// methods to determine which adapter is issuing the event.
virtual void AddObserver(BluetoothAdapter::Observer* observer);
virtual void RemoveObserver(BluetoothAdapter::Observer* observer);
virtual bool HasObserver(BluetoothAdapter::Observer* observer);
// The address of this adapter. The address format is "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX",
// where each XX is a hexadecimal number.
virtual std::string GetAddress() const = 0;
// The name of the adapter.
virtual std::string GetName() const = 0;
// The Bluetooth system name. Implementations may return an informational name
// "BlueZ 5.54" on Chrome OS.
virtual std::string GetSystemName() const;
// Set the human-readable name of the adapter to |name|. On success,
// |callback| will be called. On failure, |error_callback| will be called.
// TODO(crbug.com/1117654): Implement a mechanism to request this resource
// before being able to use it.
virtual void SetName(const std::string& name,
base::OnceClosure callback,
ErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Indicates whether the adapter is initialized and ready to use.
virtual bool IsInitialized() const = 0;
// Indicates whether the adapter is actually present on the system. For the
// default adapter, this indicates whether any adapter is present. An adapter
// is only considered present if the address has been obtained.
virtual bool IsPresent() const = 0;
// Indicates whether the adapter radio can be powered. Defaults to
// IsPresent(). Currently only overridden on Windows, where the adapter can be
// present, but we might fail to get access to the underlying radio.
virtual bool CanPower() const;
// Indicates whether the adapter radio is powered.
virtual bool IsPowered() const = 0;
// Returns the status of the browser's Bluetooth permission status.
virtual PermissionStatus GetOsPermissionStatus() const;
// Requests a change to the adapter radio power. Setting |powered| to true
// will turn on the radio and false will turn it off. On success, |callback|
// will be called. On failure, |error_callback| will be called.
// The default implementation is meant for platforms that don't have a
// callback based API. It will store pending callbacks in
// |set_powered_callbacks_| and invoke SetPoweredImpl(bool) which these
// platforms need to implement. Pending callbacks are only run when
// RunPendingPowerCallbacks() is invoked.
// Platforms that natively support a callback based API (e.g. BlueZ and Win)
// should override this method and provide their own implementation instead.
// Due to an issue with non-native APIs on Windows 10, both IsPowered() and
// SetPowered() don't work correctly when run from a x86 Chrome on a x64 CPU.
// See https://github.com/Microsoft/cppwinrt/issues/47 for more details.
virtual void SetPowered(bool powered,
base::OnceClosure callback,
ErrorCallback error_callback);
// Indicates whether the adapter support the LowEnergy peripheral role.
virtual bool IsPeripheralRoleSupported() const;
// Indicates whether the adapter radio is discoverable.
virtual bool IsDiscoverable() const = 0;
// Requests that the adapter change its discoverability state. If
// |discoverable| is true, then it will be discoverable by other Bluetooth
// devices. On successfully changing the adapter's discoverability, |callback|
// will be called. On failure, |error_callback| will be called.
virtual void SetDiscoverable(bool discoverable,
base::OnceClosure callback,
ErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Gets the current discoverable time for the adapter radio.
virtual base::TimeDelta GetDiscoverableTimeout() const = 0;
// Indicates whether the adapter is currently discovering new devices.
virtual bool IsDiscovering() const = 0;
// Inserts all the devices that are connected by the operating system, and not
// being connected by Chromium, into |devices_|. This method is useful since
// a discovery session cannot find devices that are already connected to the
// computer.
// TODO(crbug.com/653032): Needs to be implemented for Android and Windows.
virtual std::unordered_map<BluetoothDevice*, BluetoothDevice::UUIDSet>
const BluetoothDiscoveryFilter& discovery_filter);
// Requests the adapter to start a new discovery session. On success, a new
// instance of BluetoothDiscoverySession will be returned to the caller via
// |callback| and the adapter will be discovering nearby Bluetooth devices.
// The returned BluetoothDiscoverySession is owned by the caller and it's the
// owner's responsibility to properly clean it up and stop the session when
// device discovery is no longer needed.
// If clients desire device discovery to run, they should always call this
// method and never make it conditional on the value of IsDiscovering(), as
// another client might cause discovery to stop unexpectedly. Hence, clients
// should always obtain a BluetoothDiscoverySession and call
// BluetoothDiscoverySession::Stop when done. When this method gets called,
// device discovery may actually be in progress. Clients can call GetDevices()
// and check for those with IsPaired() as false to obtain the list of devices
// that have been discovered so far. Otherwise, clients can be notified of all
// new and lost devices by implementing the Observer methods "DeviceAdded" and
// "DeviceRemoved".
// |client_name|: The name of the application using this scan session. This
// field is for logging purposes and does not affect any scanning logic, so
// the value can be freely defined by the caller.
void StartDiscoverySession(const std::string& client_name,
DiscoverySessionCallback callback,
ErrorCallback error_callback);
void StartDiscoverySessionWithFilter(
std::unique_ptr<BluetoothDiscoveryFilter> discovery_filter,
const std::string& client_name,
DiscoverySessionCallback callback,
ErrorCallback error_callback);
// Return all discovery filters assigned to this adapter merged together.
std::unique_ptr<BluetoothDiscoveryFilter> GetMergedDiscoveryFilter() const;
// Requests the list of devices from the adapter. All devices are returned,
// including those currently connected, those paired and all devices returned
// by RetrieveGattConnectedDevicesWithDiscoveryFilter() (from the previous
// call). Use the returned device pointers to determine which they are.
virtual DeviceList GetDevices();
virtual ConstDeviceList GetDevices() const;
// Returns a pointer to the device with the given address |address| or NULL if
// no such device is known.
virtual BluetoothDevice* GetDevice(const std::string& address);
virtual const BluetoothDevice* GetDevice(const std::string& address) const;
// Returns a list of UUIDs for services registered on this adapter.
// This may include UUIDs from standard profiles (e.g. A2DP) as well
// as those created by CreateRfcommService and CreateL2capService.
virtual UUIDList GetUUIDs() const = 0;
// Possible priorities for AddPairingDelegate(), low is intended for
// permanent UI and high is intended for interactive UI or applications.
enum PairingDelegatePriority {
// Adds a default pairing delegate with priority |priority|. Method calls
// will be made on |pairing_delegate| for incoming pairing requests if the
// priority is higher than any other registered; or for those of the same
// priority, the first registered.
// |pairing_delegate| must not be freed without first calling
// RemovePairingDelegate().
virtual void AddPairingDelegate(
BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate* pairing_delegate,
PairingDelegatePriority priority);
// Removes a previously added pairing delegate.
virtual void RemovePairingDelegate(
BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate* pairing_delegate);
// Returns the first registered pairing delegate with the highest priority,
// or NULL if no delegate is registered. Used to select the delegate for
// incoming pairing requests.
virtual BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate* DefaultPairingDelegate();
// Creates an RFCOMM service on this adapter advertised with UUID |uuid|,
// listening on channel |options.channel|, which may be left null to
// automatically allocate one. The service will be advertised with
// |options.name| as the English name of the service. |callback| will be
// called on success with a BluetoothSocket instance that is to be owned by
// the received. |error_callback| will be called on failure with a message
// indicating the cause.
virtual void CreateRfcommService(
const BluetoothUUID& uuid,
const ServiceOptions& options,
CreateServiceCallback callback,
CreateServiceErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Creates an L2CAP service on this adapter advertised with UUID |uuid|,
// listening on PSM |options.psm|, which may be left null to automatically
// allocate one. The service will be advertised with |options.name| as the
// English name of the service. |callback| will be called on success with a
// BluetoothSocket instance that is to be owned by the received.
// |error_callback| will be called on failure with a message indicating the
// cause.
virtual void CreateL2capService(
const BluetoothUUID& uuid,
const ServiceOptions& options,
CreateServiceCallback callback,
CreateServiceErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Creates and registers an advertisement for broadcast over the LE channel.
// The created advertisement will be returned via the success callback. An
// advertisement can unregister itself at any time by calling its unregister
// function.
virtual void RegisterAdvertisement(
std::unique_ptr<BluetoothAdvertisement::Data> advertisement_data,
CreateAdvertisementCallback callback,
AdvertisementErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Indicates whether LE extended advertising is supported.
virtual bool IsExtendedAdvertisementsAvailable() const = 0;
// Sets the interval between two consecutive advertisements. Valid ranges
// for the interval are from 20ms to 10.24 seconds, with min <= max.
// Note: This is a best effort. The actual interval may vary non-trivially
// from the requested intervals. On some hardware, there is a minimum
// interval of 100ms. The minimum and maximum values are specified by the
// Core 4.2 Spec, Vol 2, Part E, Section 7.8.5.
virtual void SetAdvertisingInterval(
const base::TimeDelta& min,
const base::TimeDelta& max,
base::OnceClosure callback,
AdvertisementErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Resets advertising on this adapter. This will unregister all existing
// advertisements and will stop advertising them.
virtual void ResetAdvertising(base::OnceClosure callback,
AdvertisementErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Connect to a device with |address| that is either undiscovered or not
// previously paired or connected. Callers are responsible for ensuring that
// the device with |address| is available and nearby via their own out-of-band
// mechanism, and should not call this method if GetDevice(address) returns
// a valid reference (in which case this method will fail).
virtual void ConnectDevice(
const std::string& address,
const std::optional<BluetoothDevice::AddressType>& address_type,
ConnectDeviceCallback callback,
ConnectDeviceErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Returns the list of pending advertisements that are not registered yet.
virtual std::vector<BluetoothAdvertisement*>
GetPendingAdvertisementsForTesting() const;
// Returns the local GATT services associated with this adapter with the
// given identifier. Returns NULL if the service doesn't exist.
virtual BluetoothLocalGattService* GetGattService(
const std::string& identifier) const = 0;
// The following methods are used to send various events to observers.
void NotifyAdapterPresentChanged(bool present);
void NotifyAdapterPoweredChanged(bool powered);
void NotifyDeviceChanged(BluetoothDevice* device);
void NotifyAdapterDiscoveryChangeCompletedForTesting();
void NotifyDevicePairedChanged(BluetoothDevice* device,
bool new_paired_status);
void NotifyDeviceConnectedStateChanged(BluetoothDevice* device,
bool is_connected);
void NotifyDeviceBatteryChanged(BluetoothDevice* device,
BluetoothDevice::BatteryType type);
void NotifyDeviceBondedChanged(BluetoothDevice* device,
bool new_bonded_status);
void NotifyDeviceIsBlockedByPolicyChanged(BluetoothDevice* device,
bool new_blocked_status);
void NotifyGattNeedsDiscovery(BluetoothDevice* device);
void NotifyGattServiceAdded(BluetoothRemoteGattService* service);
void NotifyGattServiceRemoved(BluetoothRemoteGattService* service);
void NotifyGattServiceChanged(BluetoothRemoteGattService* service);
void NotifyGattServicesDiscovered(BluetoothDevice* device);
void NotifyGattDiscoveryComplete(BluetoothRemoteGattService* service);
void NotifyGattCharacteristicAdded(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic);
void NotifyGattCharacteristicRemoved(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic);
void NotifyGattDescriptorAdded(BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* descriptor);
void NotifyGattDescriptorRemoved(BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* descriptor);
void NotifyGattCharacteristicValueChanged(
BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value);
void NotifyGattDescriptorValueChanged(
BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* descriptor,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value);
void NotifyLowEnergyScanSessionHardwareOffloadingStatusChanged(
LowEnergyScanSessionHardwareOffloadingStatus status);
// Set a service allowlist by specifying services UUIDs. When this is called,
// existing connections will be disconnected and services not in the allowlist
// will be blocked. Device property |IsBlockedByPolicy| will be True if some
// of the auto-connect services are blocked, False otherwise.
virtual void SetServiceAllowList(const UUIDList& uuids,
base::OnceClosure callback,
ErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// Returns |kSupported| if the device supports the offloading of filtering and
// other scanning logic to the Bluetooth hardware. This brings the benefit of
// reduced power consumption for BluetoothLowEnergyScanSession. Returns
// |kNotSupported| if hardware offloading is not available, in which case
// BluetoothLowEnergyScanSession will operate with higher power
// consumption. |kUndetermined| indicates the status can not currently be
// determined (such as when the adapter is not present), and the client should
// retry.
// Consumers should check this value before
// creating a BluetoothLowEnergyScanSession and consider ways to mitigate
// power usage, especially if the scan session is intended to be long-running.
virtual LowEnergyScanSessionHardwareOffloadingStatus
GetLowEnergyScanSessionHardwareOffloadingStatus() = 0;
// Starts a low energy scanning session that will notify the client on session
// started, session invalidated, device found and device lost events via the
// |delegate|.
// The client controls the lifetime of the session (except on unexpected
// invalidation, see below). The client ends a scan session by destroying the
// returned instance.
// A session cannot recover once the
// BluetoothLowEnergyScanSession::Delegate::OnSessionInvalidated() callback
// has been invoked. Invalidation can happen if the platform unexpectedly
// cleans up the scan session due to a firmware crash, etc.. If a client wants
// an identical scanning session, it should discard its newly invalidated
// BluetoothLowEnergyScanSession and create a new one by calling
// StartLowEnergyScanSession() again.
virtual std::unique_ptr<BluetoothLowEnergyScanSession>
std::unique_ptr<BluetoothLowEnergyScanFilter> filter,
base::WeakPtr<BluetoothLowEnergyScanSession::Delegate> delegate) = 0;
// Returns a list of all the roles that are supported by the adapter.
virtual std::vector<BluetoothRole> GetSupportedRoles() = 0;
// Set the adapter name to one chosen from the system information. Only Ash
// needs to do this.
virtual void SetStandardChromeOSAdapterName() = 0;
// The timeout in seconds used by RemoveTimedOutDevices.
static const base::TimeDelta timeoutSec;
// This struct is meant to hold any possible callback from a discovery
// request. The purpose of this is to consolidate all discovery request
// callbacks into one array that can be handled all at once when the state
// desired from all requests is achieved or an error is thrown.
struct StartOrStopDiscoveryCallback {
StartOrStopDiscoveryCallback(base::OnceClosure start_callback,
ErrorCallback start_error_callback);
base::OnceClosure stop_callback,
DiscoverySessionErrorCallback stop_error_callback);
// The success callback for a start discovery request.
base::OnceClosure start_callback;
// The success callback for a stop discovery request.
base::OnceClosure stop_callback;
// The error callback for a start discovery request.
ErrorCallback start_error_callback;
// The error callback for a stop discovery request.
DiscoverySessionErrorCallback stop_error_callback;
friend class base::RefCounted<BluetoothAdapter>;
friend class BluetoothAdapterFactory;
friend class BluetoothDiscoverySession;
friend class BluetoothTestBase;
using DevicesMap =
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<BluetoothDevice>>;
using PairingDelegatePair =
std::pair<BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate*, PairingDelegatePriority>;
using CallbackQueue =
// Implementations on Android and macOS need to store pending SetPowered()
// callbacks until an appropriate event is received, due to a lack of blocking
// or callback supporting platform APIs. Declaring the struct here allows
// Android and macOS to share the implementation.
struct SetPoweredCallbacks {
bool powered = false;
base::OnceClosure callback;
ErrorCallback error_callback;
virtual ~BluetoothAdapter();
virtual base::WeakPtr<BluetoothAdapter> GetWeakPtr() = 0;
// This method calls into platform specific logic on macOS and Android where
// pending SetPowered() callbacks need to be stored explicitly.
virtual bool SetPoweredImpl(bool powered) = 0;
// Called by macOS, Android and WinRT once the specific powered state events
// are received or an error occurred. Clears out pending callbacks.
void RunPendingPowerCallbacks();
// Internal methods for initiating and terminating device discovery sessions.
// An implementation of BluetoothAdapter keeps an internal reference count to
// make sure that the underlying controller is constantly searching for nearby
// devices and retrieving information from them as long as there are clients
// who have requested discovery. These methods behave in the following way:
// On a call to StartScanWithFilter:
// - This should only be called when we get the first request to start the
// scan with only the initial filter in that request.
// - This function should do the OS specific things to get the filter
// started.
// - When finished it should callback with success or the appropriate
// Output for an error.
// On a call to UpdateFilter:
// - The scan should already be started or at least starting.
// - This function takes in a filter and should do all the OS specifics
// needed to update the scan with the new filter.
// - When finished it should call the callback with success or the
// appropriate output for an error
// On a call to StopScan:
// - Make a request to the physical adapter that we no longer needs to
// be scanning
// - When finished it should callback with success. If an error is thrown
// we still return success to the user and update our internal state to
// say that we are not discovering.
virtual void StartScanWithFilter(
std::unique_ptr<BluetoothDiscoveryFilter> discovery_filter,
DiscoverySessionResultCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void UpdateFilter(
std::unique_ptr<BluetoothDiscoveryFilter> discovery_filter,
DiscoverySessionResultCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void StopScan(DiscoverySessionResultCallback callback) = 0;
// Removes the |discovery_session| from |discovery_sessions_| and updates
// accordingly
void RemoveDiscoverySession(BluetoothDiscoverySession* discovery_session,
base::OnceClosure callback,
DiscoverySessionErrorCallback error_callback);
// Helper function that short circuits a successful callback if the filter is
// the same as the current filter.
void MaybeUpdateFilter(
std::unique_ptr<BluetoothDiscoveryFilter> discovery_filter,
DiscoverySessionResultCallback callback);
// Called by RemovePairingDelegate() in order to perform any class-specific
// internal functionality necessary to remove the pairing delegate, such as
// cleaning up ongoing pairings using it.
virtual void RemovePairingDelegateInternal(
BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate* pairing_delegate) = 0;
// Marks all known DiscoverySession instances as inactive. Called by
// BluetoothAdapter in the event that the adapter unexpectedly stops
// discovering. This should be called by all platform implementations.
void MarkDiscoverySessionsAsInactive();
void DeleteDeviceForTesting(const std::string& address);
// Removes from |devices_| any previously paired, connected or seen
// devices which are no longer present. Notifies observers. Note:
// this is only used by platforms where there is no notification of
// lost devices.
void RemoveTimedOutDevices();
int NumDiscoverySessions() const;
// Number of DiscoverySessions with the status of SCANNING.
int NumScanningDiscoverySessions() const;
// UI thread task runner.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner_;
// Observers of BluetoothAdapter, notified from implementation subclasses.
base::ObserverList<device::BluetoothAdapter::Observer>::Unchecked observers_;
// Devices paired with, connected to, discovered by, or visible to the
// adapter. The key is the Bluetooth address of the device and the value is
// the BluetoothDevice object whose lifetime is managed by the adapter
// instance.
DevicesMap devices_;
// Default pairing delegates registered with the adapter.
std::list<PairingDelegatePair> pairing_delegates_;
// SetPowered() callbacks, only relevant for macOS and Android.
std::unique_ptr<SetPoweredCallbacks> set_powered_callbacks_;
// List of active DiscoverySession objects. This is used to notify sessions to
// become inactive in case of an unexpected change to the adapter discovery
// state. We keep raw pointers, with the invariant that a DiscoverySession
// will remove itself from this list when it gets destroyed or becomes
// inactive by calling DiscoverySessionBecameInactive(), hence no pointers to
// deallocated sessions are kept.
std::set<raw_ptr<BluetoothDiscoverySession, SetExperimental>>
// This is the callback for all OS level calls to StartScanWithFilter,
// UpdateFilter, and StopScan. It updates the state accordingly, calls all
// appropriate callbacks, and calls ProcessDiscoveryQueue().
void OnDiscoveryChangeComplete(bool is_error,
UMABluetoothDiscoverySessionOutcome outcome);
// This method processes all queued requests that have been waiting for a
// process to finish.
void ProcessDiscoveryQueue();
// Utility method used to call all callbacks in the case of an error in a
// process
void NotifyDiscoveryError(CallbackQueue queue);
// Utility function to update our internal state after a process has
// completed(example: kStarting -> kDiscovering)
void UpdateDiscoveryState(bool is_error);
// List of callbacks for requests that have been queued up and are awaiting a
// process to finish before they can begin the request
CallbackQueue discovery_callback_queue_;
// List of callbacks whose requests are currently being processed by the OS
// level adapter
CallbackQueue callbacks_awaiting_response_;
// Discovery filter currently being used by the adapter
device::BluetoothDiscoveryFilter current_discovery_filter_;
// Discovery filter that is about to be set in the OS level adapter. After
// the process that is implementing this feature is finished this will become
// the |current_discovery_filter_|.
device::BluetoothDiscoveryFilter filter_being_set_;
// True, if there is a pending request to start or stop discovery.
bool discovery_request_pending_ = false;
// enum used to track our internal discovery state.
DiscoveryState internal_discovery_state_ = DiscoveryState::kIdle;
} // namespace device