[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 10717b0f6dd1d6687584bce48f50200855643e20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/policy_service.h"
#include "base/win/registry.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
} // namespace base
namespace policy {
class AsyncPolicyLoader;
class ConfigurationPolicyProvider;
class ManagementService;
class Schema;
class SchemaRegistry;
} // namespace policy
namespace remoting {
// Watches for changes to the managed remote access host policies.
class PolicyWatcher : public policy::PolicyService::Observer {
// Called first with all policies, and subsequently with any changed policies.
// Policies that are unchanged will be absent in the returned dictionary.
// If a policy has no default value but is unset, it will be an empty Value,
// i.e., of type NONE.
using PolicyUpdatedCallback =
// Called after detecting malformed policies.
using PolicyErrorCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void()>;
PolicyWatcher(const PolicyWatcher&) = delete;
PolicyWatcher& operator=(const PolicyWatcher&) = delete;
~PolicyWatcher() override;
// This guarantees that the |policy_updated_callback| is called at least once
// with the current policies. After that, |policy_updated_callback| will be
// called whenever a change to any policy is detected. It will then be called
// only with the changed policies.
// |policy_error_callback| will be called when malformed policies are detected
// (i.e. wrong type of policy value, or unparseable files under
// $POLICY_PATH/managed).
// When called, the |policy_error_callback| is responsible for mitigating the
// security risk of running with incorrectly formulated policies (by either
// shutting down or locking down the host).
// After calling |policy_error_callback| PolicyWatcher will continue watching
// for policy changes and will call |policy_updated_callback| when the error
// is recovered from and may call |policy_error_callback| when new errors are
// found.
virtual void StartWatching(
const PolicyUpdatedCallback& policy_updated_callback,
const PolicyErrorCallback& policy_error_callback);
// Return the current policies. If the policies have not yet been read, or if
// an error occurred, the returned dictionary will be empty. The dictionary
// returned is the union of |platform_policies_| and |default_values_|.
base::Value::Dict GetEffectivePolicies();
// Return the set of policies which have been explicitly set on the machine.
// If the policies have not yet been read, no policies have been set, or if
// an error occurred, the returned dictionary will be empty.
base::Value::Dict GetPlatformPolicies();
// Return the default policy values.
static base::Value::Dict GetDefaultPolicies();
// Specify a |policy_service| to borrow (on Chrome OS, from the browser
// process). PolicyWatcher must be used on the thread on which it is created.
// |policy_service| is called on the same thread.
// When |policy_service| is specified then BrowserThread::UI is used for
// PolicyUpdatedCallback and PolicyErrorCallback.
static std::unique_ptr<PolicyWatcher> CreateWithPolicyService(
policy::PolicyService* policy_service);
// Construct and a new PolicyService for non-ChromeOS platforms.
// PolicyWatcher must be used on the thread on which it is created.
// |file_task_runner| is used for reading the policy from files / registry /
// preferences (which are blocking operations). |file_task_runner| should be
// of TYPE_IO type.
static std::unique_ptr<PolicyWatcher> CreateWithTaskRunner(
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& file_task_runner,
policy::ManagementService* management_service);
// Creates a PolicyWatcher from the given loader instead of loading the policy
// from the default location.
// This can be used with FakeAsyncPolicyLoader to test policy handling of
// other components.
static std::unique_ptr<PolicyWatcher> CreateFromPolicyLoaderForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<policy::AsyncPolicyLoader> async_policy_loader);
friend class PolicyWatcherTest;
// Gets Chromoting schema stored inside |owned_schema_registry_|.
const policy::Schema* GetPolicySchema() const;
// Normalizes policies using Schema::Normalize and converts deprecated
// policies.
// - Returns false if |dict| is invalid, e.g. contains mistyped policy values.
// - Returns true if |dict| was valid or got normalized.
bool NormalizePolicies(base::Value* dict);
// Converts each deprecated policy to its replacement if and only if the
// replacement policy is not set, and removes deprecated policied from dict.
void HandleDeprecatedPolicies(base::Value::Dict* dict);
// Stores |new_policies| into |effective_policies_|. Returns dictionary with
// items from |new_policies| that are different from the old
// |effective_policies_|.
base::Value::Dict StoreNewAndReturnChangedPolicies(
base::Value::Dict new_policies);
// Signals policy error to the registered |PolicyErrorCallback|.
void SignalPolicyError();
// |policy_service_task_runner| is the task runner where it is safe
// to call |policy_service_| methods and where we expect to get callbacks
// from |policy_service_|.
PolicyWatcher(policy::PolicyService* policy_service,
std::unique_ptr<policy::PolicyService> owned_policy_service,
std::unique_ptr<policy::SchemaRegistry> owned_schema_registry);
// Creates PolicyWatcher that wraps the owned |async_policy_loader| with an
// appropriate PolicySchema.
// |policy_service_task_runner| is passed through to the constructor of
// PolicyWatcher.
static std::unique_ptr<PolicyWatcher> CreateFromPolicyLoader(
std::unique_ptr<policy::AsyncPolicyLoader> async_policy_loader);
// PolicyService::Observer interface.
void OnPolicyUpdated(const policy::PolicyNamespace& ns,
const policy::PolicyMap& previous,
const policy::PolicyMap& current) override;
void OnPolicyServiceInitialized(policy::PolicyDomain domain) override;
void WatchForRegistryChanges();
PolicyUpdatedCallback policy_updated_callback_;
PolicyErrorCallback policy_error_callback_;
// The combined set of policies (|platform_policies_| + |default_values_|)
// which define the effective policy set.
base::Value::Dict effective_policies_;
// The policies which have had their values explicitly set via a policy entry.
base::Value::Dict platform_policies_;
// The set of policy values to use if a policy has not been explicitly set.
base::Value::Dict default_values_;
// Order of fields below is important to ensure destruction takes object
// dependencies into account:
// - |policy_service_| may be |owned_policy_service_|.
// - |owned_policy_service_| uses |owned_policy_provider_|
// - |owned_policy_provider_| uses |owned_schema_registry_|
std::unique_ptr<policy::SchemaRegistry> owned_schema_registry_;
std::unique_ptr<policy::ConfigurationPolicyProvider> owned_policy_provider_;
std::unique_ptr<policy::PolicyService> owned_policy_service_;
raw_ptr<policy::PolicyService> policy_service_;
// |policy_key_| relies on |policy_service_| to notify the host of policy
// changes. Make sure |policy_key_| is destroyed to prevent any notifications
// from firing while the above objects are being torn down.
base::win::RegKey policy_key_;
} // namespace remoting