[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 2efee14ac262532e99b25f4d24b9bcfe4be6a2d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <set>
#include "base/values.h"
#include "extensions/common/url_pattern.h"
class GURL;
namespace url {
class Origin;
namespace extensions {
// Represents the set of URLs an extension uses for web content.
class URLPatternSet {
typedef std::set<URLPattern>::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef std::set<URLPattern>::iterator iterator;
// Returns |set1| - |set2|.
static URLPatternSet CreateDifference(const URLPatternSet& set1,
const URLPatternSet& set2);
enum class IntersectionBehavior {
// For the following descriptions, consider the two URLPatternSets:
// Set 1: {"https://example.com/*", "https://*.google.com/*", "http://*/*"}
// Set 2: {"https://example.com/*", "https://google.com/maps",
// "*://chromium.org/*"}
// Only includes patterns that are exactly in both sets. The intersection of
// the two sets above is {"https://example.com/*"}, since that is the only
// pattern that appears exactly in each.
// Includes patterns that are effectively contained by both sets. The
// intersection of the two sets above is
// {
// "https://example.com/*" (contained exactly by each set)
// "https://google.com/maps" (contained exactly by set 2 and a strict
// subset of https://*.google.com/* in set 1)
// }
// Includes patterns that are contained by both sets and creates new
// patterns to represent the intersection of any others. The intersection of
// the two sets above is
// {
// "https://example.com/*" (contained exactly by each set)
// "https://google.com/maps" (contained exactly by set 2 and a strict
// subset of https://*.google.com/* in set 1)
// "http://chromium.org/*" (the overlap between "http://*/*" in set 1 and
// *://chromium.org/*" in set 2).
// }
// Note that this is the most computationally expensive - potentially
// O(n^2) - since it can require comparing each pattern in one set to every
// pattern in the other set.
// Returns the intersection of |set1| and |set2| according to
// |intersection_behavior|.
static URLPatternSet CreateIntersection(
const URLPatternSet& set1,
const URLPatternSet& set2,
IntersectionBehavior intersection_behavior);
// Returns the union of |set1| and |set2|.
static URLPatternSet CreateUnion(const URLPatternSet& set1,
const URLPatternSet& set2);
URLPatternSet(URLPatternSet&& rhs);
explicit URLPatternSet(const std::set<URLPattern>& patterns);
URLPatternSet(const URLPatternSet&) = delete;
URLPatternSet& operator=(const URLPatternSet&) = delete;
URLPatternSet& operator=(URLPatternSet&& rhs);
bool operator==(const URLPatternSet& rhs) const;
bool is_empty() const;
size_t size() const;
const std::set<URLPattern>& patterns() const { return patterns_; }
const_iterator begin() const { return patterns_.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return patterns_.end(); }
iterator erase(iterator iter) { return patterns_.erase(iter); }
// Returns a copy of this URLPatternSet; not instrumented as a copy
// constructor to avoid accidental/unnecessary copies.
URLPatternSet Clone() const;
// Adds a pattern to the set. Returns true if a new pattern was inserted,
// false if the pattern was already in the set.
bool AddPattern(const URLPattern& pattern);
// Adds all patterns from |set| into this.
void AddPatterns(const URLPatternSet& set);
void ClearPatterns();
// Adds a pattern based on |origin| to the set.
bool AddOrigin(int valid_schemes, const GURL& origin);
bool AddOrigin(int valid_schemes, const url::Origin& origin);
// Returns true if every URL that matches |set| is matched by this. In other
// words, if every pattern in |set| is encompassed by a pattern in this.
bool Contains(const URLPatternSet& set) const;
// Returns true if any pattern in this set encompasses |pattern|.
bool ContainsPattern(const URLPattern& pattern) const;
// Test if the extent contains a URL.
bool MatchesURL(const GURL& url) const;
// Test if the extent matches all URLs (for example, <all_urls>).
bool MatchesAllURLs() const;
// Returns true if any pattern in this set matches the host in |test|, plus
// all subdomains of |test| if |require_match_subdomains| is true,
bool MatchesHost(const GURL& test, bool require_match_subdomains) const;
bool MatchesSecurityOrigin(const GURL& origin) const;
// Returns true if there is a single URL that would be in two extents.
bool OverlapsWith(const URLPatternSet& other) const;
// Converts to and from Value for serialization to preferences.
base::Value::List ToValue() const;
bool Populate(const base::Value::List& value,
int valid_schemes,
bool allow_file_access,
std::string* error);
// Converts to and from a vector of strings.
std::vector<std::string> ToStringVector() const;
bool Populate(const std::vector<std::string>& patterns,
int valid_schemes,
bool allow_file_access,
std::string* error);
// The list of URL patterns that comprise the extent.
std::set<URLPattern> patterns_;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const URLPatternSet& url_pattern_set);
} // namespace extensions