[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 40c88f18beca08dc18ba4ecaf71e9ff57d767b0b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "mojo/core/test/multiprocess_test_helper.h"
#include "mojo/public/c/system/trap.h"
#include "mojo/public/c/system/types.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/message_pipe.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace mojo {
namespace core {
namespace test {
class MojoTestBase : public testing::Test {
// Mojo Core is configured with this message size limit in tests so that we
// can reliably exercise code paths for oversized messages.
static constexpr size_t kMaxMessageSizeInTests = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
MojoTestBase(const MojoTestBase&) = delete;
MojoTestBase& operator=(const MojoTestBase&) = delete;
~MojoTestBase() override;
using LaunchType = MultiprocessTestHelper::LaunchType;
class ClientController {
ClientController(const std::string& client_name,
MojoTestBase* test,
LaunchType launch_type);
ClientController(const ClientController&) = delete;
ClientController& operator=(const ClientController&) = delete;
const base::Process& process() const { return helper_.test_child(); }
MojoHandle pipe() const { return pipe_.get().value(); }
int WaitForShutdown();
friend class MojoTestBase;
MultiprocessTestHelper helper_;
ScopedMessagePipeHandle pipe_;
bool was_shutdown_ = false;
ClientController& StartClient(const std::string& client_name);
template <typename HandlerFunc>
void RunTestClient(const std::string& client_name, HandlerFunc handler) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, RunTestClientAndGetExitCode(client_name, handler));
template <typename HandlerFunc>
int RunTestClientAndGetExitCode(const std::string& client_name,
HandlerFunc handler) {
ClientController& c = StartClient(client_name);
return c.WaitForShutdown();
template <typename HandlerFunc>
void RunTestClientWithController(const std::string& client_name,
HandlerFunc handler) {
ClientController& c = StartClient(client_name);
EXPECT_EQ(0, c.WaitForShutdown());
// Closes a handle and expects success.
static void CloseHandle(MojoHandle h);
////// Message pipe test utilities ///////
// Creates a new pipe, returning endpoint handles in |p0| and |p1|.
static void CreateMessagePipe(MojoHandle* p0, MojoHandle* p1);
// Writes a string to the pipe, transferring handles in the process.
static void WriteMessageWithHandles(MojoHandle mp,
const std::string& message,
const MojoHandle* handles,
uint32_t num_handles);
// Writes a string to the pipe with no handles.
static void WriteMessage(MojoHandle mp, const std::string& message);
// Reads a string from the pipe, expecting to read an exact number of handles
// in the process. Returns the read string.
static std::string ReadMessageWithHandles(MojoHandle mp,
MojoHandle* handles,
uint32_t expected_num_handles);
// Reads a string from the pipe, expecting either zero or one handles.
// If no handle is read, |handle| will be reset.
static std::string ReadMessageWithOptionalHandle(MojoHandle mp,
MojoHandle* handle);
// Reads a string from the pipe, expecting to read no handles.
// Returns the string.
static std::string ReadMessage(MojoHandle mp);
// Reads a string from the pipe, expecting to read no handles and exactly
// |num_bytes| bytes, which are read into |data|.
static void ReadMessage(MojoHandle mp, char* data, size_t num_bytes);
// Writes |message| to |in| and expects to read it back from |out|.
static void VerifyTransmission(MojoHandle in,
MojoHandle out,
const std::string& message);
// Writes |message| to |mp| and expects to read it back from the same handle.
static void VerifyEcho(MojoHandle mp, const std::string& message);
//////// Shared buffer test utilities /////////
// Creates a new shared buffer.
static MojoHandle CreateBuffer(uint64_t size);
// Duplicates a shared buffer to a new handle.
static MojoHandle DuplicateBuffer(MojoHandle h, bool read_only);
// Maps a buffer, writes some data into it, and unmaps it.
static void WriteToBuffer(MojoHandle h,
size_t offset,
const base::StringPiece& s);
// Maps a buffer, tests the value of some of its contents, and unmaps it.
static void ExpectBufferContents(MojoHandle h,
size_t offset,
const base::StringPiece& s);
//////// Data pipe test utilities /////////
// Creates a new data pipe.
static void CreateDataPipe(MojoHandle* producer,
MojoHandle* consumer,
size_t capacity);
// Writes data to a data pipe.
static void WriteData(MojoHandle producer, const std::string& data);
// Reads data from a data pipe.
static std::string ReadData(MojoHandle consumer, size_t size);
// Queries the signals state of |handle|.
static MojoHandleSignalsState GetSignalsState(MojoHandle handle);
// Helper to block the calling thread waiting for signals to go high or low.
static MojoResult WaitForSignals(MojoHandle handle,
MojoHandleSignals signals,
MojoTriggerCondition condition,
MojoHandleSignalsState* state = nullptr);
// Like above but only waits for signals to go high.
static MojoResult WaitForSignals(MojoHandle handle,
MojoHandleSignals signals,
MojoHandleSignalsState* state = nullptr);
void set_launch_type(LaunchType launch_type) { launch_type_ = launch_type; }
friend class ClientController;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ClientController>> clients_;
LaunchType launch_type_ = LaunchType::CHILD;
// Use this to declare the child process's "main()" function for tests using
// MojoTestBase and MultiprocessTestHelper. It returns an |int|, which will
// will be the process's exit code (but see the comment about
// WaitForChildShutdown()).
// The function is defined as a subclass of |test_base| to facilitate shared
// code between test clients and to allow clients to spawn children
// themselves.
// |pipe_name| will be bound to the MojoHandle of a message pipe connected
// to the test process (see RunTestClient* above.) This pipe handle is
// automatically closed on test client teardown.
#define DEFINE_TEST_CLIENT_WITH_PIPE(client_name, test_base, pipe_name) \
class client_name##_MainFixture : public test_base { \
void TestBody() override {} \
public: \
int Main(MojoHandle); \
}; \
client_name##TestChildMain, \
::mojo::core::test::MultiprocessTestHelper::ChildSetup) { \
client_name##_MainFixture test; \
return ::mojo::core::test::MultiprocessTestHelper::RunClientMain( \
base::BindOnce(&client_name##_MainFixture::Main, \
base::Unretained(&test))); \
} \
int client_name##_MainFixture::Main(MojoHandle pipe_name)
// This is a version of DEFINE_TEST_CLIENT_WITH_PIPE which can be used with
// gtest ASSERT/EXPECT macros.
#define DEFINE_TEST_CLIENT_TEST_WITH_PIPE(client_name, test_base, pipe_name) \
class client_name##_MainFixture : public test_base { \
void TestBody() override {} \
public: \
void Main(MojoHandle); \
}; \
client_name##TestChildMain, \
::mojo::core::test::MultiprocessTestHelper::ChildSetup) { \
client_name##_MainFixture test; \
return ::mojo::core::test::MultiprocessTestHelper::RunClientTestMain( \
base::BindOnce(&client_name##_MainFixture::Main, \
base::Unretained(&test))); \
} \
void client_name##_MainFixture::Main(MojoHandle pipe_name)
#define DEFINE_TEST_CLIENT_WITH_PIPE(client_name, test_base, pipe_name)
#define DEFINE_TEST_CLIENT_TEST_WITH_PIPE(client_name, test_base, pipe_name)
#endif // !BUILDFLAG(IS_IOS)
} // namespace test
} // namespace core
} // namespace mojo