[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 7a98b1483c97cd30e8745a33182cbc4b232e7bdb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/files/file_util_proxy.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/shared_memory.h"
#include "content/browser/streams/stream.h"
#include "content/browser/streams/stream_context.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_message_filter.h"
#include "webkit/browser/fileapi/file_system_context.h"
#include "webkit/browser/fileapi/file_system_operation_runner.h"
#include "webkit/common/blob/blob_data.h"
#include "webkit/common/fileapi/file_system_types.h"
#include "webkit/common/quota/quota_types.h"
class GURL;
namespace base {
class FilePath;
class Time;
namespace fileapi {
class FileSystemURL;
class FileSystemOperationRunner;
struct DirectoryEntry;
struct FileSystemInfo;
namespace net {
class URLRequestContext;
class URLRequestContextGetter;
} // namespace net
namespace content {
class BlobStorageHost;
namespace webkit_blob {
class ShareableFileReference;
namespace content {
class ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl;
class ChromeBlobStorageContext;
// TODO(tyoshino): Factor out code except for IPC gluing from
// FileAPIMessageFilter into separate classes. See crbug.com/263741.
class CONTENT_EXPORT FileAPIMessageFilter : public BrowserMessageFilter {
// Used by the renderer process host on the UI thread.
int process_id,
net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter,
fileapi::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
ChromeBlobStorageContext* blob_storage_context,
StreamContext* stream_context);
// Used by the worker process host on the IO thread.
int process_id,
net::URLRequestContext* request_context,
fileapi::FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
ChromeBlobStorageContext* blob_storage_context,
StreamContext* stream_context);
// BrowserMessageFilter implementation.
virtual void OnChannelConnected(int32 peer_pid) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnChannelClosing() OVERRIDE;
virtual base::TaskRunner* OverrideTaskRunnerForMessage(
const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;
virtual ~FileAPIMessageFilter();
virtual void BadMessageReceived() OVERRIDE;
typedef fileapi::FileSystemOperationRunner::OperationID OperationID;
void OnOpenFileSystem(int request_id,
const GURL& origin_url,
fileapi::FileSystemType type);
void OnResolveURL(int request_id,
const GURL& filesystem_url);
void OnDeleteFileSystem(int request_id,
const GURL& origin_url,
fileapi::FileSystemType type);
void OnMove(int request_id,
const GURL& src_path,
const GURL& dest_path);
void OnCopy(int request_id,
const GURL& src_path,
const GURL& dest_path);
void OnRemove(int request_id, const GURL& path, bool recursive);
void OnReadMetadata(int request_id, const GURL& path);
void OnCreate(int request_id,
const GURL& path,
bool exclusive,
bool is_directory,
bool recursive);
void OnExists(int request_id, const GURL& path, bool is_directory);
void OnReadDirectory(int request_id, const GURL& path);
void OnWrite(int request_id,
const GURL& path,
const std::string& blob_uuid,
int64 offset);
void OnTruncate(int request_id, const GURL& path, int64 length);
void OnTouchFile(int request_id,
const GURL& path,
const base::Time& last_access_time,
const base::Time& last_modified_time);
void OnCancel(int request_id, int request_to_cancel);
void OnSyncGetPlatformPath(const GURL& path,
base::FilePath* platform_path);
void OnCreateSnapshotFile(int request_id,
const GURL& path);
void OnDidReceiveSnapshotFile(int request_id);
// Handlers for BlobHostMsg_ family messages.
void OnStartBuildingBlob(const std::string& uuid);
void OnAppendBlobDataItemToBlob(const std::string& uuid,
const webkit_blob::BlobData::Item& item);
void OnAppendSharedMemoryToBlob(const std::string& uuid,
base::SharedMemoryHandle handle,
size_t buffer_size);
void OnFinishBuildingBlob(const std::string& uuid,
const std::string& content_type);
void OnIncrementBlobRefCount(const std::string& uuid);
void OnDecrementBlobRefCount(const std::string& uuid);
void OnRegisterPublicBlobURL(const GURL& public_url, const std::string& uuid);
void OnRevokePublicBlobURL(const GURL& public_url);
// Handlers for StreamHostMsg_ family messages.
// TODO(tyoshino): Consider renaming BlobData to more generic one as it's now
// used for Stream.
// Currently |content_type| is ignored.
// TODO(tyoshino): Set |content_type| to the stream.
void OnStartBuildingStream(const GURL& url, const std::string& content_type);
void OnAppendBlobDataItemToStream(
const GURL& url, const webkit_blob::BlobData::Item& item);
void OnAppendSharedMemoryToStream(
const GURL& url, base::SharedMemoryHandle handle, size_t buffer_size);
void OnFinishBuildingStream(const GURL& url);
void OnAbortBuildingStream(const GURL& url);
void OnCloneStream(const GURL& url, const GURL& src_url);
void OnRemoveStream(const GURL& url);
// Callback functions to be used when each file operation is finished.
void DidFinish(int request_id, base::File::Error result);
void DidGetMetadata(int request_id,
base::File::Error result,
const base::File::Info& info);
void DidGetMetadataForStreaming(int request_id,
base::File::Error result,
const base::File::Info& info);
void DidReadDirectory(int request_id,
base::File::Error result,
const std::vector<fileapi::DirectoryEntry>& entries,
bool has_more);
void DidWrite(int request_id,
base::File::Error result,
int64 bytes,
bool complete);
void DidOpenFileSystem(int request_id,
const GURL& root,
const std::string& filesystem_name,
base::File::Error result);
void DidResolveURL(int request_id,
base::File::Error result,
const fileapi::FileSystemInfo& info,
const base::FilePath& file_path,
fileapi::FileSystemContext::ResolvedEntryType type);
void DidDeleteFileSystem(int request_id,
base::File::Error result);
void DidCreateSnapshot(
int request_id,
const fileapi::FileSystemURL& url,
base::File::Error result,
const base::File::Info& info,
const base::FilePath& platform_path,
const scoped_refptr<webkit_blob::ShareableFileReference>& file_ref);
// Sends a FileSystemMsg_DidFail and returns false if |url| is invalid.
bool ValidateFileSystemURL(int request_id, const fileapi::FileSystemURL& url);
// Retrieves the Stream object for |url| from |stream_context_|. Returns unset
// scoped_refptr when there's no Stream instance for the given |url|
// registered with stream_context_->registry().
scoped_refptr<Stream> GetStreamForURL(const GURL& url);
fileapi::FileSystemOperationRunner* operation_runner() {
return operation_runner_.get();
int process_id_;
fileapi::FileSystemContext* context_;
ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl* security_policy_;
// Keeps map from request_id to OperationID for ongoing operations.
// (Primarily for Cancel operation)
typedef std::map<int, OperationID> OperationsMap;
OperationsMap operations_;
// The getter holds the context until OnChannelConnected() can be called from
// the IO thread, which will extract the net::URLRequestContext from it.
scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter> request_context_getter_;
net::URLRequestContext* request_context_;
scoped_refptr<ChromeBlobStorageContext> blob_storage_context_;
scoped_refptr<StreamContext> stream_context_;
scoped_ptr<fileapi::FileSystemOperationRunner> operation_runner_;
// Keeps track of blobs used in this process and cleans up
// when the renderer process dies.
scoped_ptr<BlobStorageHost> blob_storage_host_;
// Keep track of stream URLs registered in this process. Need to unregister
// all of them when the renderer process dies.
base::hash_set<std::string> stream_urls_;
// Used to keep snapshot files alive while a DidCreateSnapshot
// is being sent to the renderer.
std::map<int, scoped_refptr<webkit_blob::ShareableFileReference> >
} // namespace content