[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 185fb0b075028941d540d9aa93df6314f71b1fa4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is the browser side of the resource dispatcher, it receives requests
// from the child process (i.e. [Renderer, Plugin, Worker]ProcessHost), and
// dispatches them to URLRequests. It then forwards the messages from the
// URLRequests back to the correct process for handling.
// See http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/multi-process-resource-loading
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "content/browser/download/download_resource_handler.h"
#include "content/browser/loader/global_routing_id.h"
#include "content/browser/loader/resource_loader.h"
#include "content/browser/loader/resource_loader_delegate.h"
#include "content/browser/loader/resource_scheduler.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/child_process_data.h"
#include "content/public/browser/download_item.h"
#include "content/public/browser/download_url_parameters.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_request_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h"
#include "content/public/browser/resource_dispatcher_host.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
#include "net/cookies/canonical_cookie.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request.h"
#include "webkit/common/resource_type.h"
class ResourceHandler;
struct ResourceHostMsg_Request;
namespace net {
class URLRequestJobFactory;
namespace webkit_blob {
class ShareableFileReference;
namespace content {
class ResourceContext;
class ResourceDispatcherHostDelegate;
class ResourceMessageDelegate;
class ResourceMessageFilter;
class ResourceRequestInfoImpl;
class SaveFileManager;
class WebContentsImpl;
struct DownloadSaveInfo;
struct Referrer;
class CONTENT_EXPORT ResourceDispatcherHostImpl
: public ResourceDispatcherHost,
public ResourceLoaderDelegate {
virtual ~ResourceDispatcherHostImpl();
// Returns the current ResourceDispatcherHostImpl. May return NULL if it
// hasn't been created yet.
static ResourceDispatcherHostImpl* Get();
// ResourceDispatcherHost implementation:
virtual void SetDelegate(ResourceDispatcherHostDelegate* delegate) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetAllowCrossOriginAuthPrompt(bool value) OVERRIDE;
virtual DownloadInterruptReason BeginDownload(
scoped_ptr<net::URLRequest> request,
const Referrer& referrer,
bool is_content_initiated,
ResourceContext* context,
int child_id,
int route_id,
bool prefer_cache,
scoped_ptr<DownloadSaveInfo> save_info,
uint32 download_id,
const DownloadStartedCallback& started_callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ClearLoginDelegateForRequest(net::URLRequest* request) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BlockRequestsForRoute(int child_id, int route_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ResumeBlockedRequestsForRoute(
int child_id, int route_id) OVERRIDE;
// Puts the resource dispatcher host in an inactive state (unable to begin
// new requests). Cancels all pending requests.
void Shutdown();
// Notify the ResourceDispatcherHostImpl of a new resource context.
void AddResourceContext(ResourceContext* context);
// Notify the ResourceDispatcherHostImpl of a resource context destruction.
void RemoveResourceContext(ResourceContext* context);
// Force cancels any pending requests for the given |context|. This is
// necessary to ensure that before |context| goes away, all requests
// for it are dead.
void CancelRequestsForContext(ResourceContext* context);
// Returns true if the message was a resource message that was processed.
bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message,
ResourceMessageFilter* filter);
// Initiates a save file from the browser process (as opposed to a resource
// request from the renderer or another child process).
void BeginSaveFile(const GURL& url,
const Referrer& referrer,
int child_id,
int route_id,
ResourceContext* context);
// Cancels the given request if it still exists.
void CancelRequest(int child_id, int request_id);
// Marks the request as "parked". This happens if a request is
// redirected cross-site and needs to be resumed by a new render view.
void MarkAsTransferredNavigation(const GlobalRequestID& id);
// Cancels a request previously marked as being transferred, for use when a
// navigation was cancelled.
void CancelTransferringNavigation(const GlobalRequestID& id);
// Resumes the request without transferring it to a new render view.
void ResumeDeferredNavigation(const GlobalRequestID& id);
// Returns the number of pending requests. This is designed for the unittests
int pending_requests() const {
return static_cast<int>(pending_loaders_.size());
// Intended for unit-tests only. Overrides the outstanding requests bound.
void set_max_outstanding_requests_cost_per_process(int limit) {
max_outstanding_requests_cost_per_process_ = limit;
void set_max_num_in_flight_requests_per_process(int limit) {
max_num_in_flight_requests_per_process_ = limit;
void set_max_num_in_flight_requests(int limit) {
max_num_in_flight_requests_ = limit;
// The average private bytes increase of the browser for each new pending
// request. Experimentally obtained.
static const int kAvgBytesPerOutstandingRequest = 4400;
SaveFileManager* save_file_manager() const {
return save_file_manager_.get();
// Called when a RenderViewHost is created.
void OnRenderViewHostCreated(int child_id, int route_id);
// Called when a RenderViewHost is deleted.
void OnRenderViewHostDeleted(int child_id, int route_id);
// Force cancels any pending requests for the given process.
void CancelRequestsForProcess(int child_id);
void OnUserGesture(WebContentsImpl* contents);
// Retrieves a net::URLRequest. Must be called from the IO thread.
net::URLRequest* GetURLRequest(const GlobalRequestID& request_id);
void RemovePendingRequest(int child_id, int request_id);
// Cancels any blocked request for the specified route id.
void CancelBlockedRequestsForRoute(int child_id, int route_id);
// Maintains a collection of temp files created in support of
// the download_to_file capability. Used to grant access to the
// child process and to defer deletion of the file until it's
// no longer needed.
void RegisterDownloadedTempFile(
int child_id, int request_id,
const base::FilePath& file_path);
void UnregisterDownloadedTempFile(int child_id, int request_id);
// Needed for the sync IPC message dispatcher macros.
bool Send(IPC::Message* message);
// Indicates whether third-party sub-content can pop-up HTTP basic auth
// dialog boxes.
bool allow_cross_origin_auth_prompt();
ResourceDispatcherHostDelegate* delegate() {
return delegate_;
// Must be called after the ResourceRequestInfo has been created
// and associated with the request.
// |id| should be |content::DownloadItem::kInvalidId| to request automatic
// assignment.
scoped_ptr<ResourceHandler> CreateResourceHandlerForDownload(
net::URLRequest* request,
bool is_content_initiated,
bool must_download,
uint32 id,
scoped_ptr<DownloadSaveInfo> save_info,
const DownloadUrlParameters::OnStartedCallback& started_cb);
// Must be called after the ResourceRequestInfo has been created
// and associated with the request.
scoped_ptr<ResourceHandler> MaybeInterceptAsStream(
net::URLRequest* request,
ResourceResponse* response);
void ClearSSLClientAuthHandlerForRequest(net::URLRequest* request);
ResourceScheduler* scheduler() { return scheduler_.get(); }
// Called by a ResourceHandler when it's ready to start reading data and
// sending it to the renderer. Returns true if there are enough file
// descriptors available for the shared memory buffer. If false is returned,
// the request should cancel.
bool HasSufficientResourcesForRequest(const net::URLRequest* request_);
// Called by a ResourceHandler after it has finished its request and is done
// using its shared memory buffer. Frees up that file descriptor to be used
// elsewhere.
void FinishedWithResourcesForRequest(const net::URLRequest* request_);
friend class ResourceDispatcherHostTest;
class ShutdownTask;
struct OustandingRequestsStats {
int memory_cost;
int num_requests;
friend class ShutdownTask;
friend class ResourceMessageDelegate;
// ResourceLoaderDelegate implementation:
virtual ResourceDispatcherHostLoginDelegate* CreateLoginDelegate(
ResourceLoader* loader,
net::AuthChallengeInfo* auth_info) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HandleExternalProtocol(ResourceLoader* loader,
const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidStartRequest(ResourceLoader* loader) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidReceiveRedirect(ResourceLoader* loader,
const GURL& new_url) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidReceiveResponse(ResourceLoader* loader) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidFinishLoading(ResourceLoader* loader) OVERRIDE;
// An init helper that runs on the IO thread.
void OnInit();
// A shutdown helper that runs on the IO thread.
void OnShutdown();
// Helper function for regular and download requests.
void BeginRequestInternal(scoped_ptr<net::URLRequest> request,
scoped_ptr<ResourceHandler> handler);
void StartLoading(ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info,
const linked_ptr<ResourceLoader>& loader);
// We keep track of how much memory each request needs and how many requests
// are issued by each renderer. These are known as OustandingRequestStats.
// Memory limits apply to all requests sent to us by the renderers. There is a
// limit for each renderer. File descriptor limits apply to requests that are
// receiving their body. These are known as in-flight requests. There is a
// global limit that applies for the browser process. Each render is allowed
// to use up to a fraction of that.
// Returns the OustandingRequestsStats for |info|'s renderer, or an empty
// struct if that renderer has no outstanding requests.
OustandingRequestsStats GetOutstandingRequestsStats(
const ResourceRequestInfoImpl& info);
// Updates |outstanding_requests_stats_map_| with the specified |stats| for
// the renderer that made the request in |info|.
void UpdateOutstandingRequestsStats(const ResourceRequestInfoImpl& info,
const OustandingRequestsStats& stats);
// Called every time an outstanding request is created or deleted. |count|
// indicates whether the request is new or deleted. |count| must be 1 or -1.
OustandingRequestsStats IncrementOutstandingRequestsMemory(
int count,
const ResourceRequestInfoImpl& info);
// Called every time an in flight request is issued or finished. |count|
// indicates whether the request is issuing or finishing. |count| must be 1
// or -1.
OustandingRequestsStats IncrementOutstandingRequestsCount(
int count,
const ResourceRequestInfoImpl& info);
// Estimate how much heap space |request| will consume to run.
static int CalculateApproximateMemoryCost(net::URLRequest* request);
// Force cancels any pending requests for the given route id. This method
// acts like CancelRequestsForProcess when route_id is -1.
void CancelRequestsForRoute(int child_id, int route_id);
// The list of all requests that we have pending. This list is not really
// optimized, and assumes that we have relatively few requests pending at once
// since some operations require brute-force searching of the list.
// It may be enhanced in the future to provide some kind of prioritization
// mechanism. We should also consider a hashtable or binary tree if it turns
// out we have a lot of things here.
typedef std::map<GlobalRequestID, linked_ptr<ResourceLoader> > LoaderMap;
// Deletes the pending request identified by the iterator passed in.
// This function will invalidate the iterator passed in. Callers should
// not rely on this iterator being valid on return.
void RemovePendingLoader(const LoaderMap::iterator& iter);
// Checks all pending requests and updates the load states and upload
// progress if necessary.
void UpdateLoadStates();
// Resumes or cancels (if |cancel_requests| is true) any blocked requests.
void ProcessBlockedRequestsForRoute(int child_id,
int route_id,
bool cancel_requests);
void OnRequestResource(int routing_id,
int request_id,
const ResourceHostMsg_Request& request_data);
void OnSyncLoad(int request_id,
const ResourceHostMsg_Request& request_data,
IPC::Message* sync_result);
// Update the ResourceRequestInfo and internal maps when a request is
// transferred from one process to another.
void UpdateRequestForTransfer(int child_id,
int route_id,
int request_id,
const ResourceHostMsg_Request& request_data,
const linked_ptr<ResourceLoader>& loader);
void BeginRequest(int request_id,
const ResourceHostMsg_Request& request_data,
IPC::Message* sync_result, // only valid for sync
int route_id); // only valid for async
// Creates a ResourceHandler to be used by BeginRequest() for normal resource
// loading.
scoped_ptr<ResourceHandler> CreateResourceHandler(
net::URLRequest* request,
const ResourceHostMsg_Request& request_data,
IPC::Message* sync_result,
int route_id,
int process_type,
int child_id,
ResourceContext* resource_context);
void OnDataDownloadedACK(int request_id);
void OnUploadProgressACK(int request_id);
void OnCancelRequest(int request_id);
void OnReleaseDownloadedFile(int request_id);
// Creates ResourceRequestInfoImpl for a download or page save.
// |download| should be true if the request is a file download.
ResourceRequestInfoImpl* CreateRequestInfo(
int child_id,
int route_id,
bool download,
ResourceContext* context);
// Relationship of resource being authenticated with the top level page.
enum HttpAuthRelationType {
HTTP_AUTH_RELATION_TOP, // Top-level page itself
HTTP_AUTH_RELATION_SAME_DOMAIN, // Sub-content from same domain
HTTP_AUTH_RELATION_BLOCKED_CROSS, // Blocked Sub-content from cross domain
HTTP_AUTH_RELATION_ALLOWED_CROSS, // Allowed Sub-content per command line
HttpAuthRelationType HttpAuthRelationTypeOf(const GURL& request_url,
const GURL& first_party);
// Returns whether the URLRequest identified by |transferred_request_id| is
// currently in the process of being transferred to a different renderer.
// This happens if a request is redirected cross-site and needs to be resumed
// by a new render view.
bool IsTransferredNavigation(
const GlobalRequestID& transferred_request_id) const;
ResourceLoader* GetLoader(const GlobalRequestID& id) const;
ResourceLoader* GetLoader(int child_id, int request_id) const;
// Registers |delegate| to receive resource IPC messages targeted to the
// specified |id|.
void RegisterResourceMessageDelegate(const GlobalRequestID& id,
ResourceMessageDelegate* delegate);
void UnregisterResourceMessageDelegate(const GlobalRequestID& id,
ResourceMessageDelegate* delegate);
int BuildLoadFlagsForRequest(const ResourceHostMsg_Request& request_data,
int child_id,
bool is_sync_load);
LoaderMap pending_loaders_;
// Collection of temp files downloaded for child processes via
// the download_to_file mechanism. We avoid deleting them until
// the client no longer needs them.
typedef std::map<int, scoped_refptr<webkit_blob::ShareableFileReference> >
DeletableFilesMap; // key is request id
typedef std::map<int, DeletableFilesMap>
RegisteredTempFiles; // key is child process id
RegisteredTempFiles registered_temp_files_;
// A timer that periodically calls UpdateLoadStates while pending_requests_
// is not empty.
scoped_ptr<base::RepeatingTimer<ResourceDispatcherHostImpl> >
// We own the save file manager.
scoped_refptr<SaveFileManager> save_file_manager_;
// Request ID for browser initiated requests. request_ids generated by
// child processes are counted up from 0, while browser created requests
// start at -2 and go down from there. (We need to start at -2 because -1 is
// used as a special value all over the resource_dispatcher_host for
// uninitialized variables.) This way, we no longer have the unlikely (but
// observed in the real world!) event where we have two requests with the same
// request_id_.
int request_id_;
// True if the resource dispatcher host has been shut down.
bool is_shutdown_;
typedef std::vector<linked_ptr<ResourceLoader> > BlockedLoadersList;
typedef std::map<GlobalRoutingID, BlockedLoadersList*> BlockedLoadersMap;
BlockedLoadersMap blocked_loaders_map_;
// Maps the child_ids to the approximate number of bytes
// being used to service its resource requests. No entry implies 0 cost.
typedef std::map<int, OustandingRequestsStats> OutstandingRequestsStatsMap;
OutstandingRequestsStatsMap outstanding_requests_stats_map_;
// |num_in_flight_requests_| is the total number of requests currently issued
// summed across all renderers.
int num_in_flight_requests_;
// |max_num_in_flight_requests_| is the upper bound on how many requests
// can be in flight at once. It's based on the maximum number of file
// descriptors open per process. We need a global limit for the browser
// process.
int max_num_in_flight_requests_;
// |max_num_in_flight_requests_| is the upper bound on how many requests
// can be issued at once. It's based on the maximum number of file
// descriptors open per process. We need a per-renderer limit so that no
// single renderer can hog the browser's limit.
int max_num_in_flight_requests_per_process_;
// |max_outstanding_requests_cost_per_process_| is the upper bound on how
// many outstanding requests can be issued per child process host.
// The constraint is expressed in terms of bytes (where the cost of
// individual requests is given by CalculateApproximateMemoryCost).
// The total number of outstanding requests is roughly:
// (max_outstanding_requests_cost_per_process_ /
// kAvgBytesPerOutstandingRequest)
int max_outstanding_requests_cost_per_process_;
// Time of the last user gesture. Stored so that we can add a load
// flag to requests occurring soon after a gesture to indicate they
// may be because of explicit user action.
base::TimeTicks last_user_gesture_time_;
// Used during IPC message dispatching so that the handlers can get a pointer
// to the source of the message.
ResourceMessageFilter* filter_;
ResourceDispatcherHostDelegate* delegate_;
bool allow_cross_origin_auth_prompt_;
// http://crbug.com/90971 - Assists in tracking down use-after-frees on
// shutdown.
std::set<const ResourceContext*> active_resource_contexts_;
typedef std::map<GlobalRequestID,
ObserverList<ResourceMessageDelegate>*> DelegateMap;
DelegateMap delegate_map_;
scoped_ptr<ResourceScheduler> scheduler_;
} // namespace content