[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: dac33e07ac2fb0d7d8cea3c93be117c041c7a962 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "printing/mojom/print.mojom.h"
#include "printing/print_job_constants.h"
#include "printing/printing_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#include "base/values.h"
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
// This is the interface for platform-specific code for a print backend
namespace printing {
struct PRINTING_EXPORT PrinterBasicInfo {
PrinterBasicInfo(const PrinterBasicInfo& other);
// The name of the printer as understood by OS.
std::string printer_name;
// The name of the printer as shown in Print Preview.
// For Windows SetGetDisplayNameFunction() can be used to set the setter of
// this field.
std::string display_name;
std::string printer_description;
int printer_status = 0;
int is_default = false;
std::map<std::string, std::string> options;
using PrinterList = std::vector<PrinterBasicInfo>;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
struct PRINTING_EXPORT AdvancedCapabilityValue {
AdvancedCapabilityValue(const AdvancedCapabilityValue& other);
// IPP identifier of the value.
std::string name;
// Localized name for the value.
std::string display_name;
struct PRINTING_EXPORT AdvancedCapability {
AdvancedCapability(const AdvancedCapability& other);
// IPP identifier of the attribute.
std::string name;
// Localized name for the attribute.
std::string display_name;
// Attribute type.
base::Value::Type type;
// Default value.
std::string default_value;
// Values for enumerated attributes.
std::vector<AdvancedCapabilityValue> values;
using AdvancedCapabilities = std::vector<AdvancedCapability>;
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
struct PRINTING_EXPORT PrinterSemanticCapsAndDefaults {
PrinterSemanticCapsAndDefaults(const PrinterSemanticCapsAndDefaults& other);
bool collate_capable = false;
bool collate_default = false;
// If |copies_max| > 1, copies are supported.
// If |copies_max| = 1, copies are not supported.
// |copies_max| should never be < 1.
int32_t copies_max = 1;
std::vector<mojom::DuplexMode> duplex_modes;
mojom::DuplexMode duplex_default = mojom::DuplexMode::kUnknownDuplexMode;
bool color_changeable = false;
bool color_default = false;
ColorModel color_model = UNKNOWN_COLOR_MODEL;
ColorModel bw_model = UNKNOWN_COLOR_MODEL;
struct Paper {
std::string display_name;
std::string vendor_id;
gfx::Size size_um;
using Papers = std::vector<Paper>;
Papers papers;
Papers user_defined_papers;
Paper default_paper;
std::vector<gfx::Size> dpis;
gfx::Size default_dpi;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
bool pin_supported = false;
AdvancedCapabilities advanced_capabilities;
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
struct PRINTING_EXPORT PrinterCapsAndDefaults {
PrinterCapsAndDefaults(const PrinterCapsAndDefaults& other);
std::string printer_capabilities;
std::string caps_mime_type;
std::string printer_defaults;
std::string defaults_mime_type;
// PrintBackend class will provide interface for different print backends
// (Windows, CUPS) to implement. User will call CreateInstance() to
// obtain available print backend.
// Please note, that PrintBackend is not platform specific, but rather
// print system specific. For example, CUPS is available on both Linux and Mac,
// but not available on ChromeOS, etc. This design allows us to add more
// functionality on some platforms, while reusing core (CUPS) functions.
class PRINTING_EXPORT PrintBackend
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<PrintBackend> {
// Enumerates the list of installed local and network printers.
virtual bool EnumeratePrinters(PrinterList* printer_list) = 0;
// Gets the default printer name. Empty string if no default printer.
virtual std::string GetDefaultPrinterName() = 0;
// Gets the basic printer info for a specific printer. Implementations must
// check |printer_name| validity in the same way as IsValidPrinter().
virtual bool GetPrinterBasicInfo(const std::string& printer_name,
PrinterBasicInfo* printer_info) = 0;
// Gets the semantic capabilities and defaults for a specific printer.
// This is usually a lighter implementation than GetPrinterCapsAndDefaults().
// Implementations must check |printer_name| validity in the same way as
// IsValidPrinter().
// NOTE: on some old platforms (WinXP without XPS pack)
// GetPrinterCapsAndDefaults() will fail, while this function will succeed.
virtual bool GetPrinterSemanticCapsAndDefaults(
const std::string& printer_name,
PrinterSemanticCapsAndDefaults* printer_info) = 0;
// Gets the capabilities and defaults for a specific printer.
virtual bool GetPrinterCapsAndDefaults(
const std::string& printer_name,
PrinterCapsAndDefaults* printer_info) = 0;
// Gets the information about driver for a specific printer.
virtual std::string GetPrinterDriverInfo(const std::string& printer_name) = 0;
// Returns true if printer_name points to a valid printer.
virtual bool IsValidPrinter(const std::string& printer_name) = 0;
// Allocates a print backend. If |print_backend_settings| is nullptr, default
// settings will be used.
static scoped_refptr<PrintBackend> CreateInstance(
const base::DictionaryValue* print_backend_settings,
const std::string& locale);
#if defined(USE_CUPS)
// TODO(crbug.com/1062136): Remove this static function when Cloud Print is
// supposed to stop working. Follow up after Jan 1, 2021.
// Similar to CreateInstance(), but ensures that the CUPS PPD backend is used
// instead of the CUPS IPP backend.
static scoped_refptr<PrintBackend> CreateInstanceForCloudPrint(
const base::DictionaryValue* print_backend_settings);
#endif // defined(USE_CUPS)
// Test method to override the print backend for testing. Caller should
// retain ownership.
static void SetPrintBackendForTesting(PrintBackend* print_backend);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<PrintBackend>;
explicit PrintBackend(const std::string& locale);
virtual ~PrintBackend();
// Provide the actual backend for CreateInstance().
static scoped_refptr<PrintBackend> CreateInstanceImpl(
const base::DictionaryValue* print_backend_settings,
const std::string& locale,
bool for_cloud_print);
const std::string& locale() const { return locale_; }
const std::string locale_;
} // namespace printing