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blob: dbb344f174a8477912331551a7996df8ce025157 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Patch an orderfile.
Starting with a list of symbols in a binary and an orderfile (ordered list of
sections), matches the symbols in the orderfile and augments each symbol with
the symbols residing at the same address (due to having identical code). The
output is a list of section matching rules appropriate for the linker option
-section-ordering-file. These section matching rules include both actual
section names and names with wildcard (*) suffixes.
Note: It is possible to have.
- Several symbols mapping to the same offset in the binary.
- Several offsets for a given symbol (because we strip the ".clone." and other
The general pipeline is:
1. Get the symbol infos (name, offset, size, section) from the binary
2. Get the symbol names from the orderfile
3. Find the orderfile symbol names in the symbols coming from the binary
4. For each symbol found, get all the symbols at the same address
5. Output them to an updated orderfile, with several different prefixes
and suffixes
6. Output catch-all section matching rules for unprofiled methods.
import collections
import logging
import optparse
import sys
import cyglog_to_orderfile
import cygprofile_utils
import symbol_extractor
# Prefixes for the symbols. We strip them from the incoming symbols, and add
# them back in the output file.
_PREFIXES = ('.text.startup.', '.text.hot.', '.text.unlikely.', '.text.')
# Suffixes for the symbols. These are due to method splitting for inlining and
# method cloning for various reasons including constant propagation and
# inter-procedural optimization.
_SUFFIXES = ('.clone.', '.part.', '.isra.', '.constprop.')
def RemoveSuffixes(name):
"""Strips method name suffixes from cloning and splitting.
.clone. comes from cloning in -O3.
.part. comes from partial method splitting for inlining.
.isra. comes from inter-procedural optimizations.
.constprop. is cloning for constant propagation.
for suffix in _SUFFIXES:
name = name.split(suffix)[0]
return name
def _UniqueGenerator(generator):
"""Converts a generator to skip yielding elements already seen.
def Foo():
yield 1
yield 2
yield 1
yield 3
Foo() yields 1,2,3.
def _FilteringFunction(*args, **kwargs):
returned = set()
for item in generator(*args, **kwargs):
if item in returned:
yield item
return _FilteringFunction
def _GroupSymbolInfos(symbol_infos):
"""Groups the symbol infos by name and offset.
symbol_infos: an iterable of SymbolInfo
The same output as _GroupSymbolInfosFromBinary.
# Map the addresses to symbols.
offset_to_symbol_infos = collections.defaultdict(list)
name_to_symbol_infos = collections.defaultdict(list)
for symbol in symbol_infos:
symbol = symbol_extractor.SymbolInfo(name=RemoveSuffixes(symbol.name),
return (dict(offset_to_symbol_infos), dict(name_to_symbol_infos))
def _GroupSymbolInfosFromBinary(binary_filename):
"""Group all the symbols from a binary by name and offset.
binary_filename: path to the binary.
A tuple of dict:
(offset_to_symbol_infos, name_to_symbol_infos):
- offset_to_symbol_infos: {offset: [symbol_info1, ...]}
- name_to_symbol_infos: {name: [symbol_info1, ...]}
symbol_infos = symbol_extractor.SymbolInfosFromBinary(binary_filename)
return _GroupSymbolInfos(symbol_infos)
def _StripPrefix(line):
"""Strips the linker section name prefix from a symbol line.
line: a line from an orderfile, usually in the form:
The symbol, SymbolName in the example above.
for prefix in _PREFIXES:
if line.startswith(prefix):
return line[len(prefix):]
return line # Unprefixed case
def _SectionNameToSymbols(section_name, section_to_symbols_map):
"""Yields all symbols which could be referred to by section_name.
If the section name is present in the map, the names in the map are returned.
Otherwise, any clone annotations and prefixes are stripped from the section
name and the remainder is returned.
if (not section_name or
section_name == '.text' or
return # Don't return anything for catch-all sections
if section_name in section_to_symbols_map:
for symbol in section_to_symbols_map[section_name]:
yield symbol
name = _StripPrefix(section_name)
if name:
yield name
def GetSectionsFromOrderfile(filename):
"""Yields the sections from an orderfile.
filename: The name of the orderfile.
A list of symbol names.
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f.xreadlines():
line = line.rstrip('\n')
if line:
yield line
def GetSymbolsFromOrderfile(filename, section_to_symbols_map):
"""Yields the symbols from an orderfile. Output elements do not repeat.
filename: The name of the orderfile.
section_to_symbols_map: The mapping from section to symbol names. If a
section name is missing from the mapping, the
symbol name is assumed to be the section name with
prefixes and suffixes stripped.
A list of symbol names.
# TODO(lizeb,pasko): Move this method to symbol_extractor.py
for section in GetSectionsFromOrderfile(filename):
for symbol in _SectionNameToSymbols(RemoveSuffixes(section),
yield symbol
def _SymbolsWithSameOffset(profiled_symbol, name_to_symbol_info,
"""Expands a symbol to include all symbols with the same offset.
profiled_symbol: the string symbol name to be expanded.
name_to_symbol_info: {name: [symbol_info1], ...}, as returned by
offset_to_symbol_info: {offset: [symbol_info1, ...], ...}
A list of symbol names, or an empty list if profiled_symbol was not in
if profiled_symbol not in name_to_symbol_info:
return []
symbol_infos = name_to_symbol_info[profiled_symbol]
expanded = []
for symbol_info in symbol_infos:
expanded += (s.name for s in offset_to_symbol_info[symbol_info.offset])
return expanded
def _SectionMatchingRules(section_name, name_to_symbol_infos,
offset_to_symbol_infos, section_to_symbols_map,
symbol_to_sections_map, suffixed_sections):
"""Gets the set of section matching rules for section_name.
These rules will include section_name, but also any sections which may
contain the same code due to cloning, splitting, or identical code folding.
section_name: The section to expand.
name_to_symbol_infos: {name: [symbol_info1], ...}, as returned by
offset_to_symbol_infos: {offset: [symbol_info1, ...], ...}
section_to_symbols_map: The mapping from section to symbol name. Missing
section names are treated as per _SectionNameToSymbols.
symbol_to_sections_map: The mapping from symbol name to names of linker
sections containing the symbol. If a symbol isn't in the mapping, the
section names are generated from the set of _PREFIXES with the symbol
suffixed_sections: A set of sections which can have suffixes.
Section names including at least section_name.
for name in _ExpandSection(section_name, name_to_symbol_infos,
offset_to_symbol_infos, section_to_symbols_map,
yield name
# Since only a subset of methods (mostly those compiled with O2) ever get
# suffixes, don't emit the wildcards for ones where it won't be helpful.
# Otherwise linking takes too long.
if name in suffixed_sections:
# TODO(lizeb,pasko): instead of just appending .*, append .suffix.* for
# _SUFFIXES. We can't do this right now because that many wildcards
# seems to kill the linker (linking libchrome takes 3 hours). This gets
# almost all the benefit at a much lower link-time cost, but could cause
# problems with unexpected suffixes.
yield name + '.*'
def _ExpandSection(section_name, name_to_symbol_infos, offset_to_symbol_infos,
section_to_symbols_map, symbol_to_sections_map):
"""Yields the set of section names for section_name.
This set will include section_name, but also any sections which may contain
the same code due to identical code folding.
section_name: The section to expand.
name_to_symbol_infos: {name: [symbol_info1], ...}, as returned by
offset_to_symbol_infos: {offset: [symbol_info1, ...], ...}
section_to_symbols_map: The mapping from section to symbol name. Missing
section names are treated as per _SectionNameToSymbols.
symbol_to_sections_map: The mapping from symbol name to names of linker
sections containing the symbol. If a symbol isn't in the mapping, the
section names are generated from the set of _PREFIXES with the symbol
Section names including at least section_name.
yield section_name
for first_sym in _SectionNameToSymbols(section_name,
for symbol in _SymbolsWithSameOffset(first_sym, name_to_symbol_infos,
if symbol in symbol_to_sections_map:
for section in symbol_to_sections_map[symbol]:
yield section
for prefix in _PREFIXES:
yield prefix + symbol
def _ExpandSections(section_names, name_to_symbol_infos,
offset_to_symbol_infos, section_to_symbols_map,
symbol_to_sections_map, suffixed_sections):
"""Gets an ordered set of section matching rules for a list of sections.
Rules will not be repeated.
section_names: The sections to expand.
name_to_symbol_infos: {name: [symbol_info1], ...}, as returned by
offset_to_symbol_infos: {offset: [symbol_info1, ...], ...}
section_to_symbols_map: The mapping from section to symbol names.
symbol_to_sections_map: The mapping from symbol name to names of linker
sections containing the symbol.
suffixed_sections: A set of sections which can have suffixes.
Section matching rules including at least section_names.
for profiled_section in section_names:
for section in _SectionMatchingRules(
profiled_section, name_to_symbol_infos, offset_to_symbol_infos,
section_to_symbols_map, symbol_to_sections_map, suffixed_sections):
yield section
def _CombineSectionListsByPrimaryName(symbol_to_sections_map):
"""Combines values of the symbol_to_sections_map by stripping suffixes.
{foo: [.text.foo, .text.bar.part.1],
foo.constprop.4: [.text.baz.constprop.3]} ->
{foo: [.text.foo, .text.bar, .text.baz]}
symbol_to_sections_map: Mapping from symbol name to list of section names
The same mapping, but with symbol and section names suffix-stripped.
simplified = {}
for suffixed_symbol, suffixed_sections in symbol_to_sections_map.iteritems():
symbol = RemoveSuffixes(suffixed_symbol)
sections = [RemoveSuffixes(section) for section in suffixed_sections]
simplified.setdefault(symbol, []).extend(sections)
return simplified
def _SectionsWithSuffixes(symbol_to_sections_map):
"""Finds sections which have suffixes applied.
symbol_to_sections_map: a map where the values are lists of section names.
A set containing all section names which were seen with suffixes applied.
sections_with_suffixes = set()
for suffixed_sections in symbol_to_sections_map.itervalues():
for suffixed_section in suffixed_sections:
section = RemoveSuffixes(suffixed_section)
if section != suffixed_section:
return sections_with_suffixes
def _StripSuffixes(section_list):
"""Remove all suffixes on items in a list of sections or symbols."""
return [RemoveSuffixes(section) for section in section_list]
def main(argv):
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=
'usage: %prog [options] <unpatched_orderfile> <library>')
parser.add_option('--target-arch', action='store', dest='arch',
choices=['arm', 'arm64', 'x86', 'x86_64', 'x64', 'mips'],
help='The target architecture for the library.')
options, argv = parser.parse_args(argv)
if not options.arch:
options.arch = cygprofile_utils.DetectArchitecture()
if len(argv) != 3:
return 1
orderfile_filename = argv[1]
binary_filename = argv[2]
(offset_to_symbol_infos, name_to_symbol_infos) = _GroupSymbolInfosFromBinary(
obj_dir = cygprofile_utils.GetObjDir(binary_filename)
raw_symbol_map = cyglog_to_orderfile.GetSymbolToSectionsMapFromObjectFiles(
suffixed = _SectionsWithSuffixes(raw_symbol_map)
symbol_to_sections_map = _CombineSectionListsByPrimaryName(raw_symbol_map)
section_to_symbols_map = cygprofile_utils.InvertMapping(
profiled_sections = _StripSuffixes(
expanded_sections = _ExpandSections(
profiled_sections, name_to_symbol_infos, offset_to_symbol_infos,
section_to_symbols_map, symbol_to_sections_map, suffixed)
for section in expanded_sections:
print section
# The following is needed otherwise Gold only applies a partial sort.
print '.text' # gets methods not in a section, such as assembly
for prefix in _PREFIXES:
print prefix + '*' # gets everything else
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':