[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 07d9de938880c020aa64d3ca43d121a9313315ea [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Presubmit script for ios.
See http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/depottools/presubmit-scripts
for more details about the presubmit API built into depot_tools.
import os
NULLABILITY_PATTERN = r'(nonnull|nullable|_Nullable|_Nonnull)'
TODO_PATTERN = r'TO[D]O\(([^\)]*)\)'
BUG_PATTERN = r'(crbug\.com|b)/\d+$'
INCLUDE_PATTERN = r'^#include'
PIPE_IN_COMMENT_PATTERN = r'//.*[^|]\|(?!\|)'
def IsSubListOf(needle, hay):
"""Returns whether there is a slice of |hay| equal to |needle|."""
for i, line in enumerate(hay):
if line == needle[0]:
if needle == hay[i:i + len(needle)]:
return True
return False
def _CheckNullabilityAnnotations(input_api, output_api):
""" Checks whether there are nullability annotations in ios code."""
nullability_regex = input_api.re.compile(NULLABILITY_PATTERN)
errors = []
for f in input_api.AffectedFiles():
for line_num, line in f.ChangedContents():
if nullability_regex.search(line):
errors.append('%s:%s' % (f.LocalPath(), line_num))
if not errors:
return []
plural_suffix = '' if len(errors) == 1 else 's'
error_message = ('Found Nullability annotation%(plural)s. '
'Prefer DCHECKs in ios code to check for nullness:' % {
'plural': plural_suffix
return [output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning(error_message, items=errors)]
def _CheckBugInToDo(input_api, output_api):
""" Checks whether TODOs in ios code are identified by a bug number."""
errors = []
for f in input_api.AffectedFiles():
for line_num, line in f.ChangedContents():
if _HasToDoWithNoBug(input_api, line):
errors.append('%s:%s' % (f.LocalPath(), line_num))
if not errors:
return []
plural_suffix = '' if len(errors) == 1 else 's'
error_message = '\n'.join([
'Found TO'
'DO%(plural)s without bug number%(plural)s (expected format '
'is \"TO'
'DO(crbug.com/######)\":' % {
'plural': plural_suffix
] + errors) + '\n'
return [output_api.PresubmitError(error_message)]
def _CheckHasNoIncludeDirectives(input_api, output_api):
""" Checks that #include preprocessor directives are not present."""
errors = []
for f in input_api.AffectedFiles():
if not _IsInIosPackage(input_api, f.LocalPath()):
_, ext = os.path.splitext(f.LocalPath())
if ext != '.mm':
for line_num, line in f.ChangedContents():
if _HasIncludeDirective(input_api, line):
errors.append('%s:%s' % (f.LocalPath(), line_num))
if not errors:
return []
singular_plural = 'it' if len(errors) == 1 else 'them'
plural_suffix = '' if len(errors) == 1 else 's'
error_message = '\n'.join([
'Found usage of `#include` preprocessor directive%(plural)s! Please, '
'replace %(singular_plural)s with `#import` preprocessor '
'directive%(plural)s instead. '
'Consider replacing all existing `#include` with `#import` (if any) in '
'this file for the code clean up. See '
'#import-and-include-in-the-directory for more details. '
'\n\nAffected file%(plural)s:' % {
'plural': plural_suffix,
'singular_plural': singular_plural
] + errors) + '\n'
return [output_api.PresubmitError(error_message)]
def _CheckHasNoPipeInComment(input_api, output_api):
""" Checks that comments don't contain pipes."""
pipe_regex = input_api.re.compile(PIPE_IN_COMMENT_PATTERN)
errors = []
for f in input_api.AffectedFiles():
if not _IsInIosPackage(input_api, f.LocalPath()):
for line_num, line in f.ChangedContents():
if pipe_regex.search(line):
errors.append('%s:%s' % (f.LocalPath(), line_num))
if not errors:
return []
error_message = '\n'.join([
'Please use backticks "`" instead of pipes "|" if you need to quote'
' variable names and symbols in comments.\n'
'Found potential uses of pipes in:'
] + errors) + '\n'
return [output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning(error_message)]
def _IsInIosPackage(input_api, path):
""" Returns True if path is within ios package"""
ios_package_regex = input_api.re.compile(IOS_PACKAGE_PATTERN)
return ios_package_regex.search(path)
def _HasIncludeDirective(input_api, line):
""" Returns True if #include is found in the line"""
include_regex = input_api.re.compile(INCLUDE_PATTERN)
return include_regex.search(line)
def _HasToDoWithNoBug(input_api, line):
""" Returns True if TODO is not identified by a bug number."""
todo_regex = input_api.re.compile(TODO_PATTERN)
bug_regex = input_api.re.compile(BUG_PATTERN)
todo_match = todo_regex.search(line)
if not todo_match:
return False
return not bug_regex.match(todo_match.group(1))
def _CheckHasNoBoxedBOOL(input_api, output_api):
""" Checks that there are no @(YES) or @(NO)."""
boxed_BOOL_regex = input_api.re.compile(BOXED_BOOL_PATTERN)
errors = []
for f in input_api.AffectedFiles():
for line_num, line in f.ChangedContents():
if boxed_BOOL_regex.search(line):
errors.append('%s:%s' % (f.LocalPath(), line_num))
if not errors:
return []
plural_suffix = '' if len(errors) == 1 else 's'
error_message = ('Found boxed BOOL%(plural)s. '
'Prefer @YES or @NO in ios code:' % {
'plural': plural_suffix
return [output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning(error_message, items=errors)]
def CheckChangeOnUpload(input_api, output_api):
results = []
results.extend(_CheckBugInToDo(input_api, output_api))
results.extend(_CheckNullabilityAnnotations(input_api, output_api))
results.extend(_CheckHasNoIncludeDirectives(input_api, output_api))
results.extend(_CheckHasNoPipeInComment(input_api, output_api))
results.extend(_CheckHasNoBoxedBOOL(input_api, output_api))
return results