[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 5d83d08cf0213568dec3c32476623ad8ce24c747 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/os_crypt/key_storage_libsecret.h"
#include "components/os_crypt/libsecret_util_linux.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
// Mock functions expect MockSecretValue, where SecretValue appears, and cast it
// to the mock type. We can reduce SecretValue to an std::string, because we
// don't use anything else from it.
using MockSecretValue = std::string;
// Likewise, we only need a SecretValue from SecretItem.
using MockSecretItem = MockSecretValue;
const SecretSchema kKeystoreSchemaV1 = {
const SecretSchema kKeystoreSchemaV2 = {
// Replaces some of LibsecretLoader's methods with mocked ones.
class MockLibsecretLoader : public LibsecretLoader {
// Sets up the minimum mock implementation necessary for OSCrypt to work
// with Libsecret. Also resets the state to mock a clean database.
static bool ResetForOSCrypt();
// Sets OSCrypt's password in the libsecret mock to a specific value
static void SetOSCryptPassword(const char*);
// Releases memory and restores LibsecretLoader to an uninitialized state.
static void TearDown();
// Set whether there is an old password that needs to be migrated from the
// deprecated schema. Null means no such password. See crbug.com/639298
static void SetDeprecatedOSCryptPassword(const char* value);
// These methods are used to redirect calls through LibsecretLoader
static const gchar* mock_secret_value_get_text(SecretValue* value);
static gboolean mock_secret_password_store_sync(const SecretSchema* schema,
const gchar* collection,
const gchar* label,
const gchar* password,
GCancellable* cancellable,
GError** error,
static void mock_secret_value_unref(gpointer value);
static GList* mock_secret_service_search_sync(SecretService* service,
const SecretSchema* schema,
GHashTable* attributes,
SecretSearchFlags flags,
GCancellable* cancellable,
GError** error);
static gboolean mock_secret_password_clear_sync(const SecretSchema* schema,
GCancellable* cancellable,
GError** error,
static SecretValue* mock_secret_item_get_secret(SecretItem* item);
// MockLibsecretLoader owns these objects.
static MockSecretValue* stored_password_mock_ptr_;
static MockSecretValue* deprecated_password_mock_ptr_;
MockSecretValue* MockLibsecretLoader::stored_password_mock_ptr_ = nullptr;
MockSecretValue* MockLibsecretLoader::deprecated_password_mock_ptr_ = nullptr;
const gchar* MockLibsecretLoader::mock_secret_value_get_text(
SecretValue* value) {
MockSecretValue* mock_value = reinterpret_cast<MockSecretValue*>(value);
return mock_value->c_str();
// static
gboolean MockLibsecretLoader::mock_secret_password_store_sync(
const SecretSchema* schema,
const gchar* collection,
const gchar* label,
const gchar* password,
GCancellable* cancellable,
GError** error,
...) {
// TODO(crbug.com/660005) We don't read the dummy we store to unlock keyring.
if (strcmp("_chrome_dummy_schema_for_unlocking", schema->name) == 0)
return true;
EXPECT_STREQ(kKeystoreSchemaV2.name, schema->name);
delete stored_password_mock_ptr_;
stored_password_mock_ptr_ = new MockSecretValue(password);
return true;
// static
void MockLibsecretLoader::mock_secret_value_unref(gpointer value) {}
// static
GList* MockLibsecretLoader::mock_secret_service_search_sync(
SecretService* service,
const SecretSchema* schema,
GHashTable* attributes,
SecretSearchFlags flags,
GCancellable* cancellable,
GError** error) {
bool is_known_schema = strcmp(schema->name, kKeystoreSchemaV2.name) == 0 ||
strcmp(schema->name, kKeystoreSchemaV1.name) == 0;
MockSecretItem* item = nullptr;
if (strcmp(schema->name, kKeystoreSchemaV2.name) == 0)
item = stored_password_mock_ptr_;
else if (strcmp(schema->name, kKeystoreSchemaV1.name) == 0)
item = deprecated_password_mock_ptr_;
GList* result = nullptr;
result = g_list_append(result, item);
return result;
// static
gboolean MockLibsecretLoader::mock_secret_password_clear_sync(
const SecretSchema* schema,
GCancellable* cancellable,
GError** error,
...) {
// We would only delete entries in the deprecated schema.
EXPECT_STREQ(kKeystoreSchemaV1.name, schema->name);
delete deprecated_password_mock_ptr_;
deprecated_password_mock_ptr_ = nullptr;
return true;
// static
SecretValue* MockLibsecretLoader::mock_secret_item_get_secret(
SecretItem* item) {
static_assert(std::is_same<MockSecretValue, MockSecretItem>::value,
"mock_secret_item_get_secret() assumes that the only thing we "
"need from MockSercetItem is the MockSecretValue");
return reinterpret_cast<SecretValue*>(item);
// static
bool MockLibsecretLoader::ResetForOSCrypt() {
// Methods used by KeyStorageLibsecret
secret_password_store_sync =
secret_value_get_text = &MockLibsecretLoader::mock_secret_value_get_text;
secret_value_unref = &MockLibsecretLoader::mock_secret_value_unref;
secret_service_search_sync =
secret_item_get_secret = &MockLibsecretLoader::mock_secret_item_get_secret;
// Used by Migrate()
secret_password_clear_sync =
delete stored_password_mock_ptr_;
stored_password_mock_ptr_ = nullptr;
libsecret_loaded_ = true;
return true;
// static
void MockLibsecretLoader::SetOSCryptPassword(const char* value) {
delete stored_password_mock_ptr_;
stored_password_mock_ptr_ = new MockSecretValue(value);
// static
void MockLibsecretLoader::SetDeprecatedOSCryptPassword(const char* value) {
delete deprecated_password_mock_ptr_;
deprecated_password_mock_ptr_ = new MockSecretValue(value);
// static
void MockLibsecretLoader::TearDown() {
delete stored_password_mock_ptr_;
stored_password_mock_ptr_ = nullptr;
libsecret_loaded_ =
false; // Function pointers will be restored when loading.
class LibsecretTest : public testing::Test {
LibsecretTest() = default;
~LibsecretTest() override = default;
void SetUp() override { MockLibsecretLoader::ResetForOSCrypt(); }
void TearDown() override { MockLibsecretLoader::TearDown(); }
TEST_F(LibsecretTest, LibsecretRepeats) {
KeyStorageLibsecret libsecret;
std::string password = libsecret.GetKey();
std::string password_repeat = libsecret.GetKey();
EXPECT_EQ(password, password_repeat);
TEST_F(LibsecretTest, LibsecretCreatesRandomised) {
KeyStorageLibsecret libsecret;
std::string password = libsecret.GetKey();
std::string password_new = libsecret.GetKey();
EXPECT_NE(password, password_new);
TEST_F(LibsecretTest, LibsecretMigratesFromSchemaV1ToV2) {
KeyStorageLibsecret libsecret;
std::string password = libsecret.GetKey();
EXPECT_EQ("swallow", password);
} // namespace