[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 98de0ca7bd0b7c16fa9361f0968e1428b9c63ddc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/events/types/event_type.h"
#include "ui/events/types/scroll_input_type.h"
namespace cc {
class PinchEventMetrics;
class ScrollEventMetrics;
class ScrollUpdateEventMetrics;
// Data about an event used by CompositorFrameReporter in generating event
// latency metrics.
class CC_EXPORT EventMetrics {
using List = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<EventMetrics>>;
// Event types we are interested in. This list should be in the same order as
// values of EventLatencyEventType enum from enums.xml file.
enum class EventType {
// TODO(crbug/1071645): Currently, all ET_KEY_PRESSED events are reported
// under EventLatency.KeyPressed histogram. This includes both key-down and
// key-char events. Consider reporting them separately.
kMaxValue = kInertialGestureScrollUpdate,
// Stages of event dispatch in different processes/threads.
enum class DispatchStage {
kMaxValue = kRendererMainFinished,
// Returns a new instance if the event is of a type we are interested in.
// Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. For scroll and pinch events, use the
// appropriate subcalss instead.
static std::unique_ptr<EventMetrics> Create(ui::EventType type,
base::TimeTicks timestamp);
// Similar to `Create()` with an extra `base::TickClock` to use in tests.
static std::unique_ptr<EventMetrics> CreateForTesting(
ui::EventType type,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
// Used to create an instance for an event generated based on an existing
// event. If the new event is of an interesting type, we expect that the
// existing event is also of an interesting type in which case `existing` is
// not `nullptr` and timestamps (up to and including `last_dispatch_stage`)
// and tick clock from `existing` will be used for the new metrics object. If
// the new event is not an interesting one, return value would be `nullptr`.
// For scroll and pinch events, use the appropriate subclass instead.
static std::unique_ptr<EventMetrics> CreateFromExisting(
ui::EventType type,
DispatchStage last_dispatch_stage,
const EventMetrics* existing);
virtual ~EventMetrics();
EventMetrics& operator=(const EventMetrics&) = delete;
EventType type() const { return type_; }
// Returns a string representing event type.
const char* GetTypeName() const;
void SetHighLatencyStage(const std::string& stage);
const std::vector<std::string>& GetHighLatencyStages() const {
return high_latency_stages_;
void ClearHighLatencyStagesForTesting() { high_latency_stages_.clear(); }
void SetDispatchStageTimestamp(DispatchStage stage);
base::TimeTicks GetDispatchStageTimestamp(DispatchStage stage) const;
// Resets the metrics object to dispatch stage `stage` by setting timestamps
// of dispatch stages after `stage` to null timestamp,
void ResetToDispatchStage(DispatchStage stage);
bool HasSmoothInputEvent() const;
virtual ScrollEventMetrics* AsScroll();
const ScrollEventMetrics* AsScroll() const;
virtual ScrollUpdateEventMetrics* AsScrollUpdate();
const ScrollUpdateEventMetrics* AsScrollUpdate() const;
virtual PinchEventMetrics* AsPinch();
const PinchEventMetrics* AsPinch() const;
virtual std::unique_ptr<EventMetrics> Clone() const;
bool should_record_tracing() const { return should_record_tracing_; }
void tracing_recorded() {
should_record_tracing_ = false;
bool requires_main_thread_update() const {
return requires_main_thread_update_;
void set_requires_main_thread_update() {
requires_main_thread_update_ = true;
EventMetrics(EventType type,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
EventMetrics(EventType type,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
base::TimeTicks arrived_in_browser_main_timestamp,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
// Creates a clone of `other` that might be used in creating `EventMetrics`
// objects for some injected events. Since this object itself does not
// directly correspond to an event, it won't be used in recording trace
// events.
EventMetrics(const EventMetrics& other);
// Copy timestamps of dispatch stages (up to and including
// `last_dispatch_stage`) from `other`.
void CopyTimestampsFrom(const EventMetrics& other,
DispatchStage last_dispatch_stage);
friend class ScrollEventMetrics;
friend class ScrollUpdateEventMetrics;
static std::unique_ptr<EventMetrics> CreateInternal(
ui::EventType type,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
EventType type_;
std::vector<std::string> high_latency_stages_;
const raw_ptr<const base::TickClock> tick_clock_;
// Timestamps of different stages of event dispatch. Timestamps are set as the
// event moves forward in the pipeline. In the end, some stages might not have
// a timestamp which means the event did not pass those stages.
dispatch_stage_timestamps_[static_cast<int>(DispatchStage::kMaxValue) +
// Determines whether a tracing event should be recorded for this object or
// not. This is `true` by default and set to `false` after a tracing event is
// recorded to avoid multiple recordings. Also, it is `false` for cloned
// objects as they are not meant to be recorded in tracings.
bool should_record_tracing_ = true;
// This is set on an EventMetrics object that comes from the impl thread, if
// the visual update from the event requires the main thread. Currently used
// for GestureScrollUpdate with scroll unification, when the scroller isn't
// composited or has main-thread scrolling reasons on the ScrollNode.
bool requires_main_thread_update_ = false;
class CC_EXPORT ScrollEventMetrics : public EventMetrics {
// Type of scroll events. This list should be in the same order as values of
// `EventLatencyScrollInputType` enum from enums.xml file.
enum class ScrollType {
kMaxValue = kWheel,
// Returns a new instance if the event is of a type we are interested in.
// Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. Should only be used for scroll events other
// than scroll-update.
// TODO(b/224960731): Fix tests and stop supporting the case when
// `arrived_in_browser_main_timestamp` is null.
static std::unique_ptr<ScrollEventMetrics> Create(
ui::EventType type,
ui::ScrollInputType input_type,
bool is_inertial,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
base::TimeTicks arrived_in_browser_main_timestamp);
// Prefer to use `Create()` above. This method is used only by the Browser
// process which have own breakdowns.
// Similar to `Create()` above but doesn't set kArrivedInBrowserMain.
static std::unique_ptr<ScrollEventMetrics> CreateForBrowser(
ui::EventType type,
ui::ScrollInputType input_type,
bool is_inertial,
base::TimeTicks timestamp);
// Similar to `Create()` with an extra `base::TickClock` to use in tests.
// Should only be used for scroll events other than scroll-update.
static std::unique_ptr<ScrollEventMetrics> CreateForTesting(
ui::EventType type,
ui::ScrollInputType input_type,
bool is_inertial,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
base::TimeTicks arrived_in_browser_main_timestamp,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
// Used to create an instance for an event generated based on an existing
// event. If the new event is of an interesting type, we expect that the
// existing event is also of an interesting type in which case `existing` is
// not `nullptr` and timestamps (up to and including `last_dispatch_stage`)
// and tick clock from `existing` will be used for the new metrics object. If
// the new event is not an interesting one, return value would be `nullptr`.
// Should only be used for scroll events other than scroll-update.
static std::unique_ptr<ScrollEventMetrics> CreateFromExisting(
ui::EventType type,
ui::ScrollInputType input_type,
bool is_inertial,
DispatchStage last_dispatch_stage,
const EventMetrics* existing);
~ScrollEventMetrics() override;
ScrollType scroll_type() const { return scroll_type_; }
// Returns a string representing input type for a scroll event.
const char* GetScrollTypeName() const;
ScrollEventMetrics* AsScroll() override;
std::unique_ptr<EventMetrics> Clone() const override;
ScrollEventMetrics(EventType type,
ScrollType scroll_type,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
base::TimeTicks arrived_in_browser_main_timestamp,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
ScrollEventMetrics(const ScrollEventMetrics&);
static std::unique_ptr<ScrollEventMetrics> CreateInternal(
ui::EventType type,
ui::ScrollInputType input_type,
bool is_inertial,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
base::TimeTicks arrived_in_browser_main_timestamp,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
// Type of the input device for the event.
ScrollType scroll_type_;
class CC_EXPORT ScrollUpdateEventMetrics : public ScrollEventMetrics {
// Determines whether a scroll-update event is the first one in a gesture
// scroll sequence or not.
enum class ScrollUpdateType {
kMaxValue = kContinued,
// Returns a new instance if the event is of a type we are interested in.
// Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. Should only be used for scroll-update events.
// TODO(b/224960731): Fix tests and stop supporting the case when
// `arrived_in_browser_main_timestamp` is null.
static std::unique_ptr<ScrollUpdateEventMetrics> Create(
ui::EventType type,
ui::ScrollInputType input_type,
bool is_inertial,
ScrollUpdateType scroll_update_type,
float delta,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
base::TimeTicks arrived_in_browser_main_timestamp);
// Prefer to use `Create()` above. This method is used only by the Browser
// process which have own breakdowns.
// Similar to `Create()` above but doesn't set kArrivedInBrowserMain.
static std::unique_ptr<ScrollUpdateEventMetrics> CreateForBrowser(
ui::EventType type,
ui::ScrollInputType input_type,
bool is_inertial,
ScrollUpdateType scroll_update_type,
float delta,
base::TimeTicks timestamp);
// Similar to `Create()` with an extra `base::TickClock` to use in tests.
// Should only be used for scroll-update events.
static std::unique_ptr<ScrollUpdateEventMetrics> CreateForTesting(
ui::EventType type,
ui::ScrollInputType input_type,
bool is_inertial,
ScrollUpdateType scroll_update_type,
float delta,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
base::TimeTicks arrived_in_browser_main_timestamp,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
// Used to create an instance for an event generated based on an existing
// event. If the new event is of an interesting type, we expect that the
// existing event is also of an interesting type in which case `existing` is
// not `nullptr` and timestamps (up to and including `last_dispatch_stage`)
// and tick clock from `existing` will be used for the new metrics object. If
// the new event is not an interesting one, return value would be `nullptr`.
// Should only be used for scroll-update events.
static std::unique_ptr<ScrollUpdateEventMetrics> CreateFromExisting(
ui::EventType type,
ui::ScrollInputType input_type,
bool is_inertial,
ScrollUpdateType scroll_update_type,
float delta,
DispatchStage last_dispatch_stage,
const EventMetrics* existing);
~ScrollUpdateEventMetrics() override;
void CoalesceWith(const ScrollUpdateEventMetrics& newer_scroll_update);
ScrollUpdateEventMetrics* AsScrollUpdate() override;
float delta() const { return delta_; }
float predicted_delta() const { return predicted_delta_; }
void set_predicted_delta(float predicted_delta) {
predicted_delta_ = predicted_delta;
base::TimeTicks last_timestamp() const { return last_timestamp_; }
std::unique_ptr<EventMetrics> Clone() const override;
ScrollUpdateEventMetrics(EventType type,
ScrollType scroll_type,
ScrollUpdateType scroll_update_type,
float delta,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
base::TimeTicks arrived_in_browser_main_timestamp,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
ScrollUpdateEventMetrics(const ScrollUpdateEventMetrics&);
static std::unique_ptr<ScrollUpdateEventMetrics> CreateInternal(
ui::EventType type,
ui::ScrollInputType input_type,
bool is_inertial,
ScrollUpdateType scroll_update_type,
float delta,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
base::TimeTicks arrived_in_browser_main_timestamp,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
float delta_;
float predicted_delta_;
// Timestamp of the last event coalesced into this one.
base::TimeTicks last_timestamp_;
class CC_EXPORT PinchEventMetrics : public EventMetrics {
// Type of pinch events. This list should be in the same order as values of
// `EventLatencyPinchInputType` enum from enums.xml file.
enum class PinchType {
kMaxValue = kTouchscreen,
// Returns a new instance if the event is of a type we are interested in.
// Otherwise, returns `nullptr`. Should only be used for pinch events.
static std::unique_ptr<PinchEventMetrics> Create(
ui::EventType type,
ui::ScrollInputType input_type,
base::TimeTicks timestamp);
// Similar to `Create()` with an extra `base::TickClock` to use in tests.
// Should only be used for pinch events.
static std::unique_ptr<PinchEventMetrics> CreateForTesting(
ui::EventType type,
ui::ScrollInputType input_type,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
~PinchEventMetrics() override;
PinchType pinch_type() const { return pinch_type_; }
// Returns a string representing input type for a pinch event. Should only be
// called for pinch events.
const char* GetPinchTypeName() const;
PinchEventMetrics* AsPinch() override;
std::unique_ptr<EventMetrics> Clone() const override;
PinchEventMetrics(EventType type,
PinchType pinch_type,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
PinchEventMetrics(const PinchEventMetrics&);
static std::unique_ptr<PinchEventMetrics> CreateInternal(
ui::EventType type,
ui::ScrollInputType input_type,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
PinchType pinch_type_;
// Struct storing event metrics from both main and impl threads.
struct CC_EXPORT EventMetricsSet {
EventMetricsSet(EventMetrics::List main_thread_event_metrics,
EventMetrics::List impl_thread_event_metrics);
EventMetricsSet& operator=(EventMetricsSet&&);
EventMetricsSet(const EventMetricsSet&) = delete;
EventMetricsSet& operator=(const EventMetricsSet&) = delete;
EventMetrics::List main_event_metrics;
EventMetrics::List impl_event_metrics;
} // namespace cc