[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 66860bbb48fb4411b2ffadb097894feaadaf2394 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "content/browser/cocoa/system_hotkey_map.h"
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include "base/apple/foundation_util.h"
#pragma mark - NSDictionary Helper Functions
namespace {
// All 4 following functions return nil if the object doesn't exist, or isn't of
// the right class.
id ObjectForKey(NSDictionary* dict, NSString* key, Class aClass) {
id object = [dict objectForKey:key];
if (![object isKindOfClass:aClass])
return nil;
return object;
NSDictionary* DictionaryForKey(NSDictionary* dict, NSString* key) {
return ObjectForKey(dict, key, [NSDictionary class]);
NSArray* ArrayForKey(NSDictionary* dict, NSString* key) {
return ObjectForKey(dict, key, [NSArray class]);
NSNumber* NumberForKey(NSDictionary* dict, NSString* key) {
return ObjectForKey(dict, key, [NSNumber class]);
NSString* StringForKey(NSDictionary* dict, NSString* key) {
return ObjectForKey(dict, key, [NSString class]);
} // namespace
#pragma mark - SystemHotkey
namespace content {
struct SystemHotkey {
unsigned short key_code;
NSUInteger modifiers;
#pragma mark - SystemHotkeyMap
SystemHotkeyMap::SystemHotkeyMap() = default;
SystemHotkeyMap::SystemHotkeyMap(SystemHotkeyMap&&) = default;
SystemHotkeyMap::~SystemHotkeyMap() = default;
bool SystemHotkeyMap::ParseDictionary(NSDictionary* dictionary) {
if (!dictionary)
return false;
NSDictionary* user_hotkey_dictionaries =
DictionaryForKey(dictionary, @"AppleSymbolicHotKeys");
if (!user_hotkey_dictionaries)
return false;
// Start with a dictionary of default OS X hotkeys that are not necessarily
// listed in com.apple.symbolichotkeys.plist, but should still be handled as
// reserved.
// If the user has overridden or disabled any of these hotkeys,
// -NSMutableDictionary addEntriesFromDictionary:] will ensure that the new
// values are used.
// See https://crbug.com/145062#c8
NSMutableDictionary* hotkey_dictionaries = [@{
// Default Window switch key binding: Command + `
// Note: The first parameter @96 is not used by |SystemHotkeyMap|.
@"27" : @{
@"enabled" : @YES,
@"value" : @{
@"type" : @"standard",
@"parameters" : @[
@96 /* unused */, @(kVK_ANSI_Grave), @(NSEventModifierFlagCommand)
} mutableCopy];
[hotkey_dictionaries addEntriesFromDictionary:user_hotkey_dictionaries];
for (NSString* hotkey_system_effect in [hotkey_dictionaries allKeys]) {
if (![hotkey_system_effect isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
NSDictionary* hotkey_dictionary = hotkey_dictionaries[hotkey_system_effect];
if (![hotkey_dictionary isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
NSNumber* enabled = NumberForKey(hotkey_dictionary, @"enabled");
if (!enabled || enabled.boolValue == NO)
NSDictionary* value = DictionaryForKey(hotkey_dictionary, @"value");
if (!value)
NSString* type = StringForKey(value, @"type");
if (!type || ![type isEqualToString:@"standard"])
NSArray* parameters = ArrayForKey(value, @"parameters");
if (!parameters || [parameters count] != 3)
NSNumber* key_code = [parameters objectAtIndex:1];
if (![key_code isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
NSNumber* modifiers = [parameters objectAtIndex:2];
if (![modifiers isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]])
return true;
bool SystemHotkeyMap::IsEventReserved(NSEvent* event) const {
return IsHotkeyReserved(event.keyCode, event.modifierFlags);
bool SystemHotkeyMap::IsHotkeyReserved(unsigned short key_code,
NSUInteger modifiers) const {
modifiers &= NSEventModifierFlagDeviceIndependentFlagsMask;
std::vector<SystemHotkey>::const_iterator it;
for (it = system_hotkeys_.begin(); it != system_hotkeys_.end(); ++it) {
if (it->key_code == key_code && it->modifiers == modifiers)
return true;
return false;
void SystemHotkeyMap::ReserveHotkey(unsigned short key_code,
NSUInteger modifiers,
NSString* system_effect) {
ReserveHotkey(key_code, modifiers);
// If a hotkey exists for toggling through the windows of an application, then
// adding shift to that hotkey toggles through the windows backwards.
if ([system_effect isEqualToString:@"27"])
ReserveHotkey(key_code, modifiers | NSEventModifierFlagShift);
void SystemHotkeyMap::ReserveHotkey(unsigned short key_code,
NSUInteger modifiers) {
// Hotkeys require at least one of control, command, or alternate keys to be
// down.
NSUInteger required_modifiers = NSEventModifierFlagControl |
NSEventModifierFlagCommand |
if ((modifiers & required_modifiers) == 0)
SystemHotkey hotkey;
hotkey.key_code = key_code;
hotkey.modifiers = modifiers;
} // namespace content