[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: e4f828bd2777fd8e16a7dc99fb745c80adc62e6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/native_widget_ns_window_bridge.h"
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <objc/runtime.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#import "base/apple/foundation_util.h"
#import "base/apple/scoped_objc_class_swizzler.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#import "base/mac/mac_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/bridged_content_view.h"
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/native_widget_mac_nswindow.h"
#import "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/views_nswindow_delegate.h"
#import "testing/gtest_mac.h"
#include "ui/base/cocoa/find_pasteboard.h"
#import "ui/base/cocoa/window_size_constants.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/input_method.h"
#import "ui/base/test/cocoa_helper.h"
#include "ui/display/screen.h"
#include "ui/events/test/cocoa_test_event_utils.h"
#import "ui/gfx/mac/coordinate_conversion.h"
#import "ui/views/cocoa/native_widget_mac_ns_window_host.h"
#import "ui/views/cocoa/text_input_host.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/textfield/textfield.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/textfield/textfield_controller.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/textfield/textfield_model.h"
#include "ui/views/test/test_views_delegate.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/native_widget_mac.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/root_view.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget_observer.h"
using base::ASCIIToUTF16;
using base::SysNSStringToUTF8;
using base::SysNSStringToUTF16;
using base::SysUTF8ToNSString;
using base::SysUTF16ToNSString;
#define EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(a, b) \
EXPECT_EQ(a.location, b.location); \
EXPECT_EQ(a.length, b.length);
// Helpers to verify an expectation against both the actual toolkit-views
// behaviour and the Cocoa behaviour.
#define EXPECT_NSEQ_3(expected_literal, expected_cocoa, actual_views) \
EXPECT_NSEQ(expected_literal, actual_views); \
EXPECT_NSEQ(expected_cocoa, actual_views);
#define EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(expected_literal, expected_cocoa, actual_views) \
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(expected_literal, actual_views); \
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(expected_cocoa, actual_views);
#define EXPECT_EQ_3(expected_literal, expected_cocoa, actual_views) \
EXPECT_EQ(expected_literal, actual_views); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected_cocoa, actual_views);
namespace {
// Implemented NSResponder action messages for use in tests.
NSArray* const kMoveActions = @[
NSArray* const kSelectActions = @[
NSArray* const kDeleteActions = @[
@"deleteForward:", @"deleteBackward:", @"deleteWordForward:",
@"deleteWordBackward:", @"deleteToBeginningOfLine:", @"deleteToEndOfLine:",
@"deleteToBeginningOfParagraph:", @"deleteToEndOfParagraph:"
// This omits @"insertText:":. See BridgedNativeWidgetTest.NilTextInputClient.
NSArray* const kMiscActions = @[ @"cancelOperation:", @"transpose:", @"yank:" ];
// Empty range shortcut for readability.
NSRange EmptyRange() {
return NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0);
// Sets |composition_text| as the composition text with caret placed at
// |caret_pos| and updates |caret_range|.
void SetCompositionText(ui::TextInputClient* client,
const std::u16string& composition_text,
const int caret_pos,
NSRange* caret_range) {
ui::CompositionText composition;
composition.selection = gfx::Range(caret_pos);
composition.text = composition_text;
if (caret_range)
*caret_range = NSMakeRange(caret_pos, 0);
// Returns a zero width rectangle corresponding to current caret position.
gfx::Rect GetCaretBounds(const ui::TextInputClient* client) {
gfx::Rect caret_bounds = client->GetCaretBounds();
return caret_bounds;
// Returns a zero width rectangle corresponding to caret bounds when it's placed
// at |caret_pos| and updates |caret_range|.
gfx::Rect GetCaretBoundsForPosition(ui::TextInputClient* client,
const std::u16string& composition_text,
const int caret_pos,
NSRange* caret_range) {
SetCompositionText(client, composition_text, caret_pos, caret_range);
return GetCaretBounds(client);
// Returns the expected boundary rectangle for characters of |composition_text|
// within the |query_range|.
gfx::Rect GetExpectedBoundsForRange(ui::TextInputClient* client,
const std::u16string& composition_text,
NSRange query_range) {
gfx::Rect left_caret = GetCaretBoundsForPosition(
client, composition_text, query_range.location, nullptr);
gfx::Rect right_caret = GetCaretBoundsForPosition(
client, composition_text, query_range.location + query_range.length,
// The expected bounds correspond to the area between the left and right caret
// positions.
return gfx::Rect(left_caret.x(), left_caret.y(),
right_caret.x() - left_caret.x(), left_caret.height());
// Uses the NSTextInputClient protocol to extract a substring from |view|.
NSString* GetViewStringForRange(NSView<NSTextInputClient>* view,
NSRange range) {
return [[view attributedSubstringForProposedRange:range actualRange:nullptr]
// The behavior of NSTextView for RTL strings is buggy for some move and select
// commands, but only when the command is received when there is a selection
// active. E.g. moveRight: moves a cursor right in an RTL string, but it moves
// to the left-end of a selection. See TestEditingCommands() for specifics.
// This is filed as rdar://27863290.
bool IsRTLMoveBuggy(SEL sel) {
return sel == @selector(moveWordRight:) || sel == @selector(moveWordLeft:) ||
sel == @selector(moveRight:) || sel == @selector(moveLeft:);
bool IsRTLSelectBuggy(SEL sel) {
return sel == @selector(moveWordRightAndModifySelection:) ||
sel == @selector(moveWordLeftAndModifySelection:) ||
sel == @selector(moveRightAndModifySelection:) ||
sel == @selector(moveLeftAndModifySelection:);
// Used by InterpretKeyEventsDonorForNSView to simulate IME behavior.
using InterpretKeyEventsCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(id)>;
InterpretKeyEventsCallback* g_fake_interpret_key_events = nullptr;
// Used by UpdateWindowsDonorForNSApp to hook -[NSApp updateWindows].
base::RepeatingClosure* g_update_windows_closure = nullptr;
// Used to provide a return value for +[NSTextInputContext currentInputContext].
NSTextInputContext* g_fake_current_input_context = nullptr;
} // namespace
// Subclass of BridgedContentView with an override of interpretKeyEvents:. Note
// the size of the class must match BridgedContentView since the method table
// is swapped out at runtime. This is basically a mock, but mocks are banned
// under ui/views. Method swizzling causes these tests to flake when
// parallelized in the same process.
@interface InterpretKeyEventMockedBridgedContentView : BridgedContentView
@implementation InterpretKeyEventMockedBridgedContentView
- (void)interpretKeyEvents:(NSArray<NSEvent*>*)eventArray {
@interface UpdateWindowsDonorForNSApp : NSApplication
@implementation UpdateWindowsDonorForNSApp
- (void)updateWindows {
@interface CurrentInputContextDonorForNSTextInputContext : NSTextInputContext
@implementation CurrentInputContextDonorForNSTextInputContext
+ (NSTextInputContext*)currentInputContext {
return g_fake_current_input_context;
// Let's not mess with the machine's actual find pasteboard!
@interface MockFindPasteboard : FindPasteboard
@implementation MockFindPasteboard {
NSString* __strong _text;
+ (FindPasteboard*)sharedInstance {
static MockFindPasteboard* instance = nil;
if (!instance) {
instance = [[MockFindPasteboard alloc] init];
return instance;
- (instancetype)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_text = @"";
return self;
- (void)loadTextFromPasteboard:(NSNotification*)notification {
// No-op
- (void)setFindText:(NSString*)newText {
_text = [newText copy];
- (NSString*)findText {
return _text;
@interface NativeWidgetMacNSWindowForTesting : NativeWidgetMacNSWindow {
BOOL hasShadowForTesting;
// An NSTextStorage subclass for our DummyTextView, to work around test
// failures with macOS 13. See crbug.com/1446817 .
@interface DummyTextStorage : NSTextStorage {
NSMutableAttributedString* __strong _backingStore;
@implementation DummyTextStorage
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_backingStore = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] init];
return self;
- (NSString*)string {
return [_backingStore string];
- (NSDictionary*)attributesAtIndex:(NSUInteger)location
effectiveRange:(NSRangePointer)range {
return [_backingStore attributesAtIndex:location effectiveRange:range];
- (void)replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range withString:(NSString*)str {
[self beginEditing];
[_backingStore replaceCharactersInRange:range withString:str];
[self edited:NSTextStorageEditedCharacters
changeInLength:str.length - range.length];
[self endEditing];
- (void)setAttributes:(NSDictionary<NSAttributedStringKey, id>*)attrs
range:(NSRange)range {
[self beginEditing];
[_backingStore setAttributes:attrs range:range];
[self edited:NSTextStorageEditedAttributes range:range changeInLength:0];
[self endEditing];
// An NSTextView subclass that uses its own NSTextStorage subclass, to work
// around test failures with macOS 13. See crbug.com/1446817 .
@interface DummyTextView : NSTextView {
@implementation DummyTextView
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect
textContainer:(NSTextContainer*)container {
DummyTextStorage* textStorage = [[DummyTextStorage alloc] init];
NSTextContainer* textContainer = [[NSTextContainer alloc]
NSLayoutManager* layoutManager = [[NSLayoutManager alloc] init];
[layoutManager addTextContainer:textContainer];
[textStorage addLayoutManager:layoutManager];
self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect textContainer:textContainer];
return self;
@implementation NativeWidgetMacNSWindowForTesting
// Preserves the value of the hasShadow flag. During testing, -hasShadow will
// always return NO because shadows are disabled on the bots.
- (void)setHasShadow:(BOOL)flag {
hasShadowForTesting = flag;
[super setHasShadow:flag];
// Returns the value of the hasShadow flag during tests.
- (BOOL)hasShadowForTesting {
return hasShadowForTesting;
namespace views::test {
// Provides the |parent| argument to construct a NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge.
class MockNativeWidgetMac : public NativeWidgetMac {
explicit MockNativeWidgetMac(internal::NativeWidgetDelegate* delegate)
: NativeWidgetMac(delegate) {}
MockNativeWidgetMac(const MockNativeWidgetMac&) = delete;
MockNativeWidgetMac& operator=(const MockNativeWidgetMac&) = delete;
using NativeWidgetMac::GetInProcessNSWindowBridge;
using NativeWidgetMac::GetNSWindowHost;
// internal::NativeWidgetPrivate:
void InitNativeWidget(Widget::InitParams params) override {
ownership_ = params.ownership;
NativeWidgetMacNSWindow* window = [[NativeWidgetMacNSWindowForTesting alloc]
if (auto* parent =
NativeWidgetMacNSWindowHost::GetFromNativeView(params.parent)) {
// Usually the bridge gets initialized here. It is skipped to run extra
// checks in tests, and so that a second window isn't created.
// To allow events to dispatch to a view, it needs a way to get focus.
void ReorderNativeViews() override {
// Called via Widget::Init to set the content view. No-op in these tests.
// Helper test base to construct a NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge with a valid
// parent.
class BridgedNativeWidgetTestBase : public ui::CocoaTest {
struct SkipInitialization {};
: widget_(new Widget),
native_widget_mac_(new MockNativeWidgetMac(widget_.get())) {}
explicit BridgedNativeWidgetTestBase(SkipInitialization tag)
: native_widget_mac_(nullptr) {}
BridgedNativeWidgetTestBase(const BridgedNativeWidgetTestBase&) = delete;
BridgedNativeWidgetTestBase& operator=(const BridgedNativeWidgetTestBase&) =
remote_cocoa::NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge* bridge() {
return native_widget_mac_->GetInProcessNSWindowBridge();
NativeWidgetMacNSWindowHost* GetNSWindowHost() {
return native_widget_mac_->GetNSWindowHost();
// Generate an autoreleased KeyDown NSEvent* in |widget_| for pressing the
// corresponding |key_code|.
NSEvent* VkeyKeyDown(ui::KeyboardCode key_code) {
return cocoa_test_event_utils::SynthesizeKeyEvent(
widget_->GetNativeWindow().GetNativeNSWindow(), true /* keyDown */,
key_code, 0);
// Generate an autoreleased KeyDown NSEvent* using the given keycode, and
// representing the first unicode character of |chars|.
NSEvent* UnicodeKeyDown(int key_code, NSString* chars) {
return cocoa_test_event_utils::KeyEventWithKeyCode(
key_code, [chars characterAtIndex:0], NSEventTypeKeyDown, 0);
// Overridden from testing::Test:
void SetUp() override {
Widget::InitParams init_params;
init_params.native_widget = native_widget_mac_.get();
init_params.type = type_;
init_params.ownership = ownership_;
init_params.opacity = opacity_;
init_params.bounds = bounds_;
init_params.shadow_type = shadow_type_;
if (native_widget_mac_)
void TearDown() override {
// ui::CocoaTest::TearDown will wait until all NSWindows are destroyed, so
// be sure to destroy the widget (which will destroy its NSWindow)
// beforehand.
NSWindow* bridge_window() const {
if (auto* bridge = native_widget_mac_->GetInProcessNSWindowBridge())
return bridge->ns_window();
return nil;
bool BridgeWindowHasShadow() {
return [base::apple::ObjCCast<NativeWidgetMacNSWindowForTesting>(
bridge_window()) hasShadowForTesting];
std::unique_ptr<Widget> widget_;
raw_ptr<MockNativeWidgetMac, DanglingUntriaged>
native_widget_mac_; // Weak. Owned by |widget_|.
// Use a frameless window, otherwise Widget will try to center the window
// before the tests covering the Init() flow are ready to do that.
Widget::InitParams::Type type_ = Widget::InitParams::TYPE_WINDOW_FRAMELESS;
// To control the lifetime without an actual window that must be closed,
// tests in this file need to use WIDGET_OWNS_NATIVE_WIDGET.
Widget::InitParams::Ownership ownership_ =
// Opacity defaults to "infer" which is usually updated by ViewsDelegate.
Widget::InitParams::WindowOpacity opacity_ =
gfx::Rect bounds_ = gfx::Rect(100, 100, 100, 100);
Widget::InitParams::ShadowType shadow_type_ =
TestViewsDelegate test_views_delegate_;
display::ScopedNativeScreen screen_;
class BridgedNativeWidgetTest : public BridgedNativeWidgetTestBase,
public TextfieldController {
using HandleKeyEventCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(Textfield*, const ui::KeyEvent& key_event)>;
BridgedNativeWidgetTest(const BridgedNativeWidgetTest&) = delete;
BridgedNativeWidgetTest& operator=(const BridgedNativeWidgetTest&) = delete;
~BridgedNativeWidgetTest() override;
// Install a textfield with input type |text_input_type| in the view hierarchy
// and make it the text input client. Also initializes |dummy_text_view_|.
Textfield* InstallTextField(
const std::u16string& text,
ui::TextInputType text_input_type = ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_TEXT);
Textfield* InstallTextField(const std::string& text);
// Returns the actual current text for |ns_view_|, or the selected substring.
NSString* GetActualText();
NSString* GetActualSelectedText();
// Returns the expected current text from |dummy_text_view_|, or the selected
// substring.
NSString* GetExpectedText();
NSString* GetExpectedSelectedText();
// Returns the actual selection range for |ns_view_|.
NSRange GetActualSelectionRange();
// Returns the expected selection range from |dummy_text_view_|.
NSRange GetExpectedSelectionRange();
// Set the selection range for the installed textfield and |dummy_text_view_|.
void SetSelectionRange(NSRange range);
// Perform command |sel| on |ns_view_| and |dummy_text_view_|.
void PerformCommand(SEL sel);
// Make selection from |start| to |end| on installed views::Textfield and
// |dummy_text_view_|. If |start| > |end|, extend selection to left from
// |start|.
void MakeSelection(int start, int end);
// Helper method to set the private |keyDownEvent_| field on |ns_view_|.
void SetKeyDownEvent(NSEvent* event);
// Sets a callback to run on the next HandleKeyEvent().
void SetHandleKeyEventCallback(HandleKeyEventCallback callback);
// testing::Test:
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
// TextfieldController:
bool HandleKeyEvent(Textfield* sender,
const ui::KeyEvent& key_event) override;
// Test delete to beginning of line or paragraph based on |sel|. |sel| can be
// either deleteToBeginningOfLine: or deleteToBeginningOfParagraph:.
void TestDeleteBeginning(SEL sel);
// Test delete to end of line or paragraph based on |sel|. |sel| can be
// either deleteToEndOfLine: or deleteToEndOfParagraph:.
void TestDeleteEnd(SEL sel);
// Test editing commands in |selectors| against the expectations set by
// |dummy_text_view_|. This is done by selecting every substring within a set
// of test strings (both RTL and non-RTL by default) and performing every
// selector on both the NSTextView and the BridgedContentView hosting a
// focused views::TextField to ensure the resulting text and selection ranges
// match. |selectors| is an NSArray of NSStrings. |cases| determines whether
// RTL strings are to be tested.
void TestEditingCommands(NSArray* selectors);
std::unique_ptr<views::View> view_;
// Owned by bridge().
BridgedContentView* __weak ns_view_;
// An NSTextView which helps set the expectations for our tests.
NSTextView* __strong dummy_text_view_;
HandleKeyEventCallback handle_key_event_callback_;
base::test::SingleThreadTaskEnvironment task_environment_{
// Class that counts occurrences of a VKEY_RETURN accelerator, marking them
// processed.
class EnterAcceleratorView : public View {
EnterAcceleratorView() { AddAccelerator({ui::VKEY_RETURN, 0}); }
int count() const { return count_; }
// View:
bool AcceleratorPressed(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) override {
return true;
int count_ = 0;
BridgedNativeWidgetTest::BridgedNativeWidgetTest() = default;
BridgedNativeWidgetTest::~BridgedNativeWidgetTest() = default;
Textfield* BridgedNativeWidgetTest::InstallTextField(
const std::u16string& text,
ui::TextInputType text_input_type) {
Textfield* textfield = new Textfield();
// Request focus so the InputMethod can dispatch events to the RootView, and
// have them delivered to the textfield. Note that focusing a textfield
// schedules a task to flash the cursor, so this requires |message_loop_|.
// Initialize the dummy text view. Initializing this with NSZeroRect causes
// weird NSTextView behavior on OSX 10.9.
dummy_text_view_ =
[[DummyTextView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100, 100)];
[dummy_text_view_ setString:SysUTF16ToNSString(text)];
return textfield;
Textfield* BridgedNativeWidgetTest::InstallTextField(const std::string& text) {
return InstallTextField(base::ASCIIToUTF16(text));
NSString* BridgedNativeWidgetTest::GetActualText() {
return GetViewStringForRange(ns_view_, EmptyRange());
NSString* BridgedNativeWidgetTest::GetActualSelectedText() {
return GetViewStringForRange(ns_view_, [ns_view_ selectedRange]);
NSString* BridgedNativeWidgetTest::GetExpectedText() {
return GetViewStringForRange(dummy_text_view_, EmptyRange());
NSString* BridgedNativeWidgetTest::GetExpectedSelectedText() {
return GetViewStringForRange(dummy_text_view_,
[dummy_text_view_ selectedRange]);
NSRange BridgedNativeWidgetTest::GetActualSelectionRange() {
return [ns_view_ selectedRange];
NSRange BridgedNativeWidgetTest::GetExpectedSelectionRange() {
return [dummy_text_view_ selectedRange];
void BridgedNativeWidgetTest::SetSelectionRange(NSRange range) {
ui::TextInputClient* client = [ns_view_ textInputClient];
[dummy_text_view_ setSelectedRange:range];
void BridgedNativeWidgetTest::PerformCommand(SEL sel) {
[ns_view_ doCommandBySelector:sel];
[dummy_text_view_ doCommandBySelector:sel];
void BridgedNativeWidgetTest::MakeSelection(int start, int end) {
ui::TextInputClient* client = [ns_view_ textInputClient];
const gfx::Range range(start, end);
// Although a gfx::Range is directed, the underlying model will not choose an
// affinity until the cursor is moved.
// Set the range without an affinity. The first @selector sent to the text
// field determines the affinity. Note that Range::ToNSRange() may discard
// the direction since NSRange has no direction.
[dummy_text_view_ setSelectedRange:range.ToNSRange()];
void BridgedNativeWidgetTest::SetKeyDownEvent(NSEvent* event) {
ns_view_.keyDownEventForTesting = event;
void BridgedNativeWidgetTest::SetHandleKeyEventCallback(
HandleKeyEventCallback callback) {
handle_key_event_callback_ = std::move(callback);
void BridgedNativeWidgetTest::SetUp() {
view_ = std::make_unique<views::internal::RootView>(widget_.get());
NSWindow* window = bridge_window();
// The delegate should exist before setting the root view.
EXPECT_TRUE([window delegate]);
ns_view_ = bridge()->ns_view();
// Pretend it has been shown via NativeWidgetMac::Show().
[window orderFront:nil];
[window makeFirstResponder:bridge()->ns_view()];
void BridgedNativeWidgetTest::TearDown() {
// Clear kill buffer so that no state persists between tests.
if (GetNSWindowHost()) {
bool BridgedNativeWidgetTest::HandleKeyEvent(Textfield* sender,
const ui::KeyEvent& key_event) {
if (handle_key_event_callback_)
return handle_key_event_callback_.Run(sender, key_event);
return false;
void BridgedNativeWidgetTest::TestDeleteBeginning(SEL sel) {
InstallTextField("foo bar baz");
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(11, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Move the caret to the beginning of the line.
SetSelectionRange(NSMakeRange(0, 0));
// Verify no deletion takes place.
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"foo bar baz", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(0, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Move the caret as- "foo| bar baz".
SetSelectionRange(NSMakeRange(3, 0));
// Verify state is "| bar baz".
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@" bar baz", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(0, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Make a selection as- " bar |baz|".
SetSelectionRange(NSMakeRange(5, 3));
// Verify only the selection is deleted so that the state is " bar |".
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@" bar ", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(5, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Verify yanking inserts the deleted text.
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@" bar baz", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(8, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
void BridgedNativeWidgetTest::TestDeleteEnd(SEL sel) {
InstallTextField("foo bar baz");
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(11, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Caret is at the end of the line. Verify no deletion takes place.
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"foo bar baz", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(11, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Move the caret as- "foo bar| baz".
SetSelectionRange(NSMakeRange(7, 0));
// Verify state is "foo bar|".
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"foo bar", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(7, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Make a selection as- "|foo |bar".
SetSelectionRange(NSMakeRange(0, 4));
// Verify only the selection is deleted so that the state is "|bar".
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"bar", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(0, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Verify yanking inserts the deleted text.
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"foo bar", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(4, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
void BridgedNativeWidgetTest::TestEditingCommands(NSArray* selectors) {
struct {
std::u16string test_string;
bool is_rtl;
} test_cases[] = {
{u"ab c", false},
{u"\x0634\x0632 \x064A", true},
for (const auto& test_case : test_cases) {
for (NSString* selector_string in selectors) {
SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(selector_string);
const int len = test_case.test_string.length();
for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <= len; j++) {
"Testing range [%d-%d] for case %s and selector %s\n", i, j,
MakeSelection(i, j);
// Sanity checks for MakeSelection().
EXPECT_NSEQ(GetExpectedSelectedText(), GetActualSelectedText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(std::min(i, j), std::abs(i - j)),
// Bail out early for selection-modifying commands that are buggy in
// Cocoa, since the selected text will not match.
if (test_case.is_rtl && i != j && IsRTLSelectBuggy(sel))
EXPECT_NSEQ(GetExpectedSelectedText(), GetActualSelectedText());
EXPECT_NSEQ(GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
// Spot-check some Cocoa RTL bugs. These only manifest when there is a
// selection (i != j), not for regular cursor moves.
if (test_case.is_rtl && i != j && IsRTLMoveBuggy(sel)) {
if (sel == @selector(moveRight:)) {
// Surely moving right with an rtl string moves to the start of a
// range (i.e. min). But Cocoa moves to the end.
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(NSMakeRange(std::max(i, j), 0),
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(NSMakeRange(std::min(i, j), 0),
} else if (sel == @selector(moveLeft:)) {
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(NSMakeRange(std::min(i, j), 0),
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(NSMakeRange(std::max(i, j), 0),
// The TEST_VIEW macro expects the view it's testing to have a superview. In
// these tests, the NSView bridge is a contentView, at the root. These mimic
// what TEST_VIEW usually does.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, BridgedNativeWidgetTest_TestViewAddRemove) {
BridgedContentView* view = bridge()->ns_view();
NSWindow* window = bridge_window();
EXPECT_NSEQ([window contentView], view);
EXPECT_NSEQ(window, [view window]);
// The superview of a contentView is an NSNextStepFrame.
EXPECT_TRUE([view superview]);
EXPECT_TRUE([view bridge]);
// Ensure the tracking area to propagate mouseMoved: events to the RootView is
// installed.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, [[view trackingAreas] count]);
// Closing the window should tear down the C++ bridge, remove references to
// any C++ objects in the ObjectiveC object, and remove it from the hierarchy.
[window close];
EXPECT_FALSE([view bridge]);
EXPECT_FALSE([view superview]);
EXPECT_FALSE([view window]);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, [[view trackingAreas] count]);
EXPECT_FALSE([window contentView]);
EXPECT_FALSE([window delegate]);
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, BridgedNativeWidgetTest_TestViewDisplay) {
[bridge()->ns_view() display];
// Test that resizing the window resizes the root view appropriately.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, ViewSizeTracksWindow) {
const int kTestNewWidth = 400;
const int kTestNewHeight = 300;
// |bridge_window()| is borderless, so these should align.
NSSize window_size = [bridge_window() frame].size;
EXPECT_EQ(view_->width(), static_cast<int>(window_size.width));
EXPECT_EQ(view_->height(), static_cast<int>(window_size.height));
// Make sure a resize actually occurs.
EXPECT_NE(kTestNewWidth, view_->width());
EXPECT_NE(kTestNewHeight, view_->height());
[bridge_window() setFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, kTestNewWidth, kTestNewHeight)
EXPECT_EQ(kTestNewWidth, view_->width());
EXPECT_EQ(kTestNewHeight, view_->height());
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, GetInputMethodShouldNotReturnNull) {
// A simpler test harness for testing initialization flows.
class BridgedNativeWidgetInitTest : public BridgedNativeWidgetTestBase {
: BridgedNativeWidgetTestBase(SkipInitialization()) {}
BridgedNativeWidgetInitTest(const BridgedNativeWidgetInitTest&) = delete;
BridgedNativeWidgetInitTest& operator=(const BridgedNativeWidgetInitTest&) =
// Prepares a new |window_| and |widget_| for a call to PerformInit().
void CreateNewWidgetToInit() {
widget_ = std::make_unique<Widget>();
native_widget_mac_ = new MockNativeWidgetMac(widget_.get());
void PerformInit() {
Widget::InitParams init_params;
init_params.native_widget = native_widget_mac_.get();
init_params.type = type_;
init_params.ownership = ownership_;
init_params.opacity = opacity_;
init_params.bounds = bounds_;
init_params.shadow_type = shadow_type_;
// Test that NativeWidgetNSWindowBridge remains sane if Init() is never called.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetInitTest, InitNotCalled) {
// Don't use a Widget* as the delegate. ~Widget() checks for Widget::
// |native_widget_destroyed_| being set to true. That can only happen with a
// non-null WidgetDelegate, which is only set in Widget::Init(). Then, since
// neither Widget nor NativeWidget take ownership, use a unique_ptr.
std::unique_ptr<MockNativeWidgetMac> native_widget(
new MockNativeWidgetMac(nullptr));
native_widget_mac_ = native_widget.get();
// Tests the shadow type given in InitParams.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetInitTest, ShadowType) {
// Verify Widget::InitParam defaults and arguments added from SetUp().
EXPECT_EQ(Widget::InitParams::TYPE_WINDOW_FRAMELESS, type_);
EXPECT_EQ(Widget::InitParams::WindowOpacity::kOpaque, opacity_);
EXPECT_EQ(Widget::InitParams::ShadowType::kDefault, shadow_type_);
BridgeWindowHasShadow()); // Default for NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless.
// Borderless is 0, so isn't really a mask. Check that nothing is set.
EXPECT_EQ(NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless, [bridge_window() styleMask]);
EXPECT_TRUE(BridgeWindowHasShadow()); // ShadowType::kDefault means a shadow.
shadow_type_ = Widget::InitParams::ShadowType::kNone;
EXPECT_FALSE(BridgeWindowHasShadow()); // Preserves lack of shadow.
// Default for Widget::InitParams::TYPE_WINDOW.
EXPECT_FALSE(BridgeWindowHasShadow()); // ShadowType::kNone removes shadow.
shadow_type_ = Widget::InitParams::ShadowType::kDefault;
EXPECT_TRUE(BridgeWindowHasShadow()); // Preserves shadow.
// Ensure a nil NSTextInputContext is returned when the ui::TextInputClient is
// not editable, a password field, or unset.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, InputContext) {
const std::u16string test_string = u"test_str";
InstallTextField(test_string, ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_PASSWORD);
EXPECT_FALSE([ns_view_ inputContext]);
InstallTextField(test_string, ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_TEXT);
EXPECT_TRUE([ns_view_ inputContext]);
EXPECT_FALSE([ns_view_ inputContext]);
InstallTextField(test_string, ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_NONE);
EXPECT_FALSE([ns_view_ inputContext]);
// Test getting complete string using text input protocol.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_GetCompleteString) {
const std::string test_string = "foo bar baz";
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, test_string.size());
NSRange actual_range;
NSAttributedString* actual_text =
[ns_view_ attributedSubstringForProposedRange:range
NSRange expected_range;
NSAttributedString* expected_text =
[dummy_text_view_ attributedSubstringForProposedRange:range
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"foo bar baz", [expected_text string], [actual_text string]);
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(range, expected_range, actual_range);
// Test getting middle substring using text input protocol.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_GetMiddleSubstring) {
const std::string test_string = "foo bar baz";
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(4, 3);
NSRange actual_range;
NSAttributedString* actual_text =
[ns_view_ attributedSubstringForProposedRange:range
NSRange expected_range;
NSAttributedString* expected_text =
[dummy_text_view_ attributedSubstringForProposedRange:range
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"bar", [expected_text string], [actual_text string]);
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(range, expected_range, actual_range);
// Test getting ending substring using text input protocol.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_GetEndingSubstring) {
const std::string test_string = "foo bar baz";
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(8, 100);
NSRange actual_range;
NSAttributedString* actual_text =
[ns_view_ attributedSubstringForProposedRange:range
NSRange expected_range;
NSAttributedString* expected_text =
[dummy_text_view_ attributedSubstringForProposedRange:range
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"baz", [expected_text string], [actual_text string]);
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(8, 3), expected_range, actual_range);
// Test getting empty substring using text input protocol.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_GetEmptySubstring) {
const std::string test_string = "foo bar baz";
// Try with EmptyRange(). This behaves specially and should return the
// complete string and the corresponding text range.
NSRange range = EmptyRange();
NSRange actual_range = EmptyRange();
NSRange expected_range = EmptyRange();
NSAttributedString* actual_text =
[ns_view_ attributedSubstringForProposedRange:range
NSAttributedString* expected_text =
[dummy_text_view_ attributedSubstringForProposedRange:range
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"foo bar baz", [expected_text string], [actual_text string]);
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(0, test_string.length()), expected_range,
// Try with a valid empty range.
range = NSMakeRange(2, 0);
actual_range = EmptyRange();
expected_range = EmptyRange();
actual_text = [ns_view_ attributedSubstringForProposedRange:range
expected_text =
[dummy_text_view_ attributedSubstringForProposedRange:range
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(nil, [expected_text string], [actual_text string]);
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(range, expected_range, actual_range);
// Try with an out of bounds empty range.
range = NSMakeRange(20, 0);
actual_range = EmptyRange();
expected_range = EmptyRange();
actual_text = [ns_view_ attributedSubstringForProposedRange:range
expected_text =
[dummy_text_view_ attributedSubstringForProposedRange:range
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(nil, [expected_text string], [actual_text string]);
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(0, 0), expected_range, actual_range);
// Test inserting text using text input protocol.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_InsertText) {
const std::string test_string = "foo";
[ns_view_ insertText:SysUTF8ToNSString(test_string)
[dummy_text_view_ insertText:SysUTF8ToNSString(test_string)
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"foofoo", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
// Test replacing text using text input protocol.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_ReplaceText) {
const std::string test_string = "foo bar";
[ns_view_ insertText:@"baz" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(4, 3)];
[dummy_text_view_ insertText:@"baz" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(4, 3)];
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"foo baz", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
// Test IME composition using text input protocol.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_Compose) {
const std::string test_string = "foo ";
EXPECT_EQ_3(NO, [dummy_text_view_ hasMarkedText], [ns_view_ hasMarkedText]);
// As per NSTextInputClient documentation, markedRange should return
// {NSNotFound, 0} iff hasMarked returns false. However, NSTextView returns
// {text_length, text_length} for this case. We maintain consistency with the
// documentation, hence the EXPECT_FALSE check.
NSEqualRanges([dummy_text_view_ markedRange], [ns_view_ markedRange]));
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(EmptyRange(), [ns_view_ markedRange]);
// Start composition.
NSString* compositionText = @"bar";
NSUInteger compositionLength = [compositionText length];
[ns_view_ setMarkedText:compositionText
selectedRange:NSMakeRange(0, 2)
[dummy_text_view_ setMarkedText:compositionText
selectedRange:NSMakeRange(0, 2)
EXPECT_EQ_3(YES, [dummy_text_view_ hasMarkedText], [ns_view_ hasMarkedText]);
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(test_string.size(), compositionLength),
[dummy_text_view_ markedRange], [ns_view_ markedRange]);
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(test_string.size(), 2),
GetExpectedSelectionRange(), GetActualSelectionRange());
// Confirm composition.
[ns_view_ unmarkText];
[dummy_text_view_ unmarkText];
EXPECT_EQ_3(NO, [dummy_text_view_ hasMarkedText], [ns_view_ hasMarkedText]);
NSEqualRanges([dummy_text_view_ markedRange], [ns_view_ markedRange]));
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(EmptyRange(), [ns_view_ markedRange]);
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"foo bar", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange([GetActualText() length], 0),
GetExpectedSelectionRange(), GetActualSelectionRange());
// Test IME composition for accented characters.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_AccentedCharacter) {
// Simulate action messages generated when the key 'a' is pressed repeatedly
// and leads to the showing of an IME candidate window. To simulate an event,
// set the private keyDownEvent field on the BridgedContentView.
// First an insertText: message with key 'a' is generated.
widget_->GetNativeWindow().GetNativeNSWindow(), true, ui::VKEY_A, 0));
[ns_view_ insertText:@"a" replacementRange:EmptyRange()];
[dummy_text_view_ insertText:@"a" replacementRange:EmptyRange()];
EXPECT_EQ_3(NO, [dummy_text_view_ hasMarkedText], [ns_view_ hasMarkedText]);
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"abca", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
// Next the IME popup appears. On selecting the accented character using arrow
// keys, setMarkedText action message is generated which replaces the earlier
// inserted 'a'.
widget_->GetNativeWindow().GetNativeNSWindow(), true, ui::VKEY_RIGHT, 0));
[ns_view_ setMarkedText:@"à"
selectedRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)
replacementRange:NSMakeRange(3, 1)];
[dummy_text_view_ setMarkedText:@"à"
selectedRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)
replacementRange:NSMakeRange(3, 1)];
EXPECT_EQ_3(YES, [dummy_text_view_ hasMarkedText], [ns_view_ hasMarkedText]);
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(3, 1), [dummy_text_view_ markedRange],
[ns_view_ markedRange]);
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(3, 1), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"abcà", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
// On pressing enter, the marked text is confirmed.
widget_->GetNativeWindow().GetNativeNSWindow(), true, ui::VKEY_RETURN,
[ns_view_ insertText:@"à" replacementRange:EmptyRange()];
[dummy_text_view_ insertText:@"à" replacementRange:EmptyRange()];
EXPECT_EQ_3(NO, [dummy_text_view_ hasMarkedText], [ns_view_ hasMarkedText]);
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(4, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"abcà", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
// Test moving the caret left and right using text input protocol.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_MoveLeftRight) {
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(3, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Move right not allowed, out of range.
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(3, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Move left.
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(2, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Move right.
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(3, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Test backward delete using text input protocol.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_DeleteBackward) {
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(1, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Delete one character.
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(nil, GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(0, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Verify that deletion did not modify the kill buffer.
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(nil, GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(0, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Try to delete again on an empty string.
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(nil, GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(0, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Test forward delete using text input protocol.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_DeleteForward) {
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(1, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// At the end of the string, can't delete forward.
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"a", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(1, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Should succeed after moving left first.
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(nil, GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(0, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Verify that deletion did not modify the kill buffer.
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(nil, GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(0, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Test forward word deletion using text input protocol.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_DeleteWordForward) {
InstallTextField("foo bar baz");
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(11, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Caret is at the end of the line. Verify no deletion takes place.
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"foo bar baz", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(11, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Move the caret as- "foo b|ar baz".
SetSelectionRange(NSMakeRange(5, 0));
// Verify state is "foo b| baz"
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"foo b baz", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(5, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Make a selection as- "|fo|o b baz".
SetSelectionRange(NSMakeRange(0, 2));
// Verify only the selection is deleted and state is "|o b baz".
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"o b baz", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(0, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Verify that deletion did not modify the kill buffer.
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"o b baz", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(0, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Test backward word deletion using text input protocol.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_DeleteWordBackward) {
InstallTextField("foo bar baz");
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(11, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Move the caret to the beginning of the line.
SetSelectionRange(NSMakeRange(0, 0));
// Verify no deletion takes place.
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"foo bar baz", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(0, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Move the caret as- "foo ba|r baz".
SetSelectionRange(NSMakeRange(6, 0));
// Verify state is "foo |r baz".
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"foo r baz", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(4, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Make a selection as- "f|oo r b|az".
SetSelectionRange(NSMakeRange(1, 6));
// Verify only the selection is deleted and state is "f|az"
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"faz", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(1, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Verify that deletion did not modify the kill buffer.
EXPECT_NSEQ_3(@"faz", GetExpectedText(), GetActualText());
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE_3(NSMakeRange(1, 0), GetExpectedSelectionRange(),
// Test deleting to beginning/end of line/paragraph using text input protocol.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_DeleteToBeginningOfLine) {
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_DeleteToEndOfLine) {
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_DeleteToBeginningOfParagraph) {
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_DeleteToEndOfParagraph) {
// Test move commands against expectations set by |dummy_text_view_|.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_MoveEditingCommands) {
// Test move and select commands against expectations set by |dummy_text_view_|.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_MoveAndSelectEditingCommands) {
// Test delete commands against expectations set by |dummy_text_view_|.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_DeleteCommands) {
// Test that we don't crash during an action message even if the TextInputClient
// is nil. Regression test for crbug.com/615745.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, NilTextInputClient) {
NSMutableArray* selectors = [NSMutableArray array];
[selectors addObjectsFromArray:kMoveActions];
[selectors addObjectsFromArray:kSelectActions];
[selectors addObjectsFromArray:kDeleteActions];
// -insertText: is omitted from this list to avoid a DCHECK in
// doCommandBySelector:. AppKit never passes -insertText: to
// doCommandBySelector: (it calls -insertText: directly instead).
[selectors addObjectsFromArray:kMiscActions];
for (NSString* selector in selectors)
[ns_view_ doCommandBySelector:NSSelectorFromString(selector)];
[ns_view_ insertText:@""];
// Test transpose command against expectations set by |dummy_text_view_|.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_Transpose) {
TestEditingCommands(@[ @"transpose:" ]);
// Test firstRectForCharacterRange:actualRange for cases where query range is
// empty or outside composition range.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_FirstRectForCharacterRange_Caret) {
ui::TextInputClient* client = [ns_view_ textInputClient];
// No composition. Ensure bounds and range corresponding to the current caret
// position are returned.
// Initially selection range will be [0, 0].
NSRange caret_range = NSMakeRange(0, 0);
NSRange query_range = NSMakeRange(1, 1);
NSRange actual_range;
NSRect rect = [ns_view_ firstRectForCharacterRange:query_range
EXPECT_EQ(GetCaretBounds(client), gfx::ScreenRectFromNSRect(rect));
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(caret_range, actual_range);
// Set composition with caret before second character ('e').
const std::u16string test_string = u"test_str";
const size_t kTextLength = 8;
SetCompositionText(client, test_string, 1, &caret_range);
// Test bounds returned for empty ranges within composition range. As per
// Apple's documentation for firstRectForCharacterRange:actualRange:, for an
// empty query range, the returned rectangle should coincide with the
// insertion point and have zero width. However in our implementation, if the
// empty query range lies within the composition range, we return a zero width
// rectangle corresponding to the query range location.
// Test bounds returned for empty range before second character ('e') are same
// as caret bounds when placed before second character.
query_range = NSMakeRange(1, 0);
rect = [ns_view_ firstRectForCharacterRange:query_range
EXPECT_EQ(GetCaretBoundsForPosition(client, test_string, 1, &caret_range),
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(query_range, actual_range);
// Test bounds returned for empty range after the composition text are same as
// caret bounds when placed after the composition text.
query_range = NSMakeRange(kTextLength, 0);
rect = [ns_view_ firstRectForCharacterRange:query_range
EXPECT_NE(GetCaretBoundsForPosition(client, test_string, 1, &caret_range),
GetCaretBoundsForPosition(client, test_string, kTextLength, &caret_range),
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(query_range, actual_range);
// Query outside composition range. Ensure bounds and range corresponding to
// the current caret position are returned.
query_range = NSMakeRange(kTextLength + 1, 0);
rect = [ns_view_ firstRectForCharacterRange:query_range
EXPECT_EQ(GetCaretBounds(client), gfx::ScreenRectFromNSRect(rect));
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(caret_range, actual_range);
// Make sure not crashing by passing null pointer instead of actualRange.
rect = [ns_view_ firstRectForCharacterRange:query_range actualRange:nullptr];
// Test firstRectForCharacterRange:actualRange for non-empty query ranges within
// the composition range.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_FirstRectForCharacterRange) {
ui::TextInputClient* client = [ns_view_ textInputClient];
const std::u16string test_string = u"test_str";
const size_t kTextLength = 8;
SetCompositionText(client, test_string, 1, nullptr);
// Query bounds for the whole composition string.
NSRange query_range = NSMakeRange(0, kTextLength);
NSRange actual_range;
NSRect rect = [ns_view_ firstRectForCharacterRange:query_range
EXPECT_EQ(GetExpectedBoundsForRange(client, test_string, query_range),
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(query_range, actual_range);
// Query bounds for the substring "est_".
query_range = NSMakeRange(1, 4);
rect = [ns_view_ firstRectForCharacterRange:query_range
EXPECT_EQ(GetExpectedBoundsForRange(client, test_string, query_range),
EXPECT_EQ_RANGE(query_range, actual_range);
// Test simulated codepaths for IMEs that do not always "mark" text. E.g.
// phonetic languages such as Korean and Vietnamese.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_SimulatePhoneticIme) {
Textfield* textfield = InstallTextField("");
EXPECT_TRUE([ns_view_ textInputClient]);
object_setClass(ns_view_, [InterpretKeyEventMockedBridgedContentView class]);
// Sequence of calls (and corresponding keyDown events) obtained via tracing
// with 2-Set Korean IME and pressing q, o, then Enter on the keyboard.
NSEvent* q_in_ime = UnicodeKeyDown(12, @"ㅂ");
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_q_in_ime = base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
[view insertText:@"ㅂ" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)];
NSEvent* o_in_ime = UnicodeKeyDown(31, @"ㅐ");
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_o_in_ime = base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
[view insertText:@"배" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_return_in_ime =
base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
// When confirming the composition, AppKit repeats itself.
[view insertText:@"배" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
[view insertText:@"배" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
[view doCommandBySelector:@selector(insertNewLine:)];
// Add a hook for the KeyEvent being received by the TextfieldController. E.g.
// this is where the Omnibox would start to search when Return is pressed.
bool saw_vkey_return = false;
[](bool* saw_return, Textfield* textfield, const ui::KeyEvent& event) {
if (event.key_code() == ui::VKEY_RETURN) {
*saw_return = true;
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"배"), textfield->GetText());
return false;
EXPECT_EQ(u"", textfield->GetText());
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_q_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:q_in_ime];
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"ㅂ"), textfield->GetText());
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_o_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:o_in_ime];
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"배"), textfield->GetText());
// Note the "Enter" should not replace the replacement range, even though a
// replacement range was set.
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_return_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:VkeyKeyDown(ui::VKEY_RETURN)];
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"배"), textfield->GetText());
// VKEY_RETURN should be seen by via the unhandled key event handler (but not
// via -insertText:.
g_fake_interpret_key_events = nullptr;
// Test simulated codepaths for typing 'm', 'o', 'o', Enter in the Telex IME.
// This IME does not mark text, but, unlike 2-set Korean, it re-inserts the
// entire word on each keypress, even though only the last character in the word
// can be modified. This prevents the keypress being treated as a "character"
// event (which is unavoidably unfortunate for the Undo buffer), but also led to
// a codepath that suppressed a VKEY_RETURN when it should not, since there is
// no candidate IME window to dismiss for this IME.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_SimulateTelexMoo) {
Textfield* textfield = InstallTextField("");
EXPECT_TRUE([ns_view_ textInputClient]);
EnterAcceleratorView* enter_view = new EnterAcceleratorView();
// Sequence of calls (and corresponding keyDown events) obtained via tracing
// with Telex IME and pressing 'm', 'o', 'o', then Enter on the keyboard.
// Note that without the leading 'm', only one character changes, which could
// allow the keypress to be treated as a character event, which would not
// produce the bug.
NSEvent* m_in_ime = UnicodeKeyDown(46, @"m");
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_m_in_ime = base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
[view insertText:@"m" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)];
// Note that (unlike Korean IME), Telex generates a latin "o" for both events:
// it doesn't associate a unicode character on the second NSEvent.
NSEvent* o_in_ime = UnicodeKeyDown(31, @"o");
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_first_o_in_ime =
base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
// Note the whole word is replaced, not just the last character.
[view insertText:@"mo" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_second_o_in_ime =
base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
[view insertText:@"mô" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(0, 2)];
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_return_in_ime =
base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
// Note the previous -insertText: repeats, even though it is unchanged.
// But the IME also follows with an -insertNewLine:.
[view insertText:@"mô" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(0, 2)];
[view doCommandBySelector:@selector(insertNewLine:)];
EXPECT_EQ(u"", textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count());
object_setClass(ns_view_, [InterpretKeyEventMockedBridgedContentView class]);
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_m_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:m_in_ime];
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"m"), textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count());
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_first_o_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:o_in_ime];
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"mo"), textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count());
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_second_o_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:o_in_ime];
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"mô"), textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count());
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_return_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:VkeyKeyDown(ui::VKEY_RETURN)];
textfield->GetText()); // No change.
EXPECT_EQ(1, enter_view->count()); // Now we see the accelerator.
// Simulate 'a' and candidate selection keys. This should just insert "啊",
// suppressing accelerators.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_NoAcceleratorPinyinSelectWord) {
Textfield* textfield = InstallTextField("");
EXPECT_TRUE([ns_view_ textInputClient]);
EnterAcceleratorView* enter_view = new EnterAcceleratorView();
// Sequence of calls (and corresponding keyDown events) obtained via tracing
// with Pinyin IME and pressing 'a', Tab, PageDown, PageUp, Right, Down, Left,
// and finally Up on the keyboard.
// Note 0 is the actual keyCode for 'a', not a placeholder.
NSEvent* a_in_ime = UnicodeKeyDown(0, @"a");
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_a_in_ime = base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
// Pinyin does not change composition text while selecting candidate words.
[view setMarkedText:@"a"
selectedRange:NSMakeRange(1, 0)
replacementRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)];
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_tab_in_ime =
base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
[view setMarkedText:@"ā"
selectedRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)
replacementRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)];
// Composition text will not change in candidate selection.
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_candidate_select_in_ime =
base::BindRepeating([](id view) {});
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_space_in_ime =
base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
// Space will confirm the composition.
[view insertText:@"啊" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)];
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_enter_in_ime =
base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
// Space after Space will generate -insertNewLine:.
[view doCommandBySelector:@selector(insertNewLine:)];
EXPECT_EQ(u"", textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count());
object_setClass(ns_view_, [InterpretKeyEventMockedBridgedContentView class]);
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_a_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:a_in_ime];
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"a"), textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count());
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_tab_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:VkeyKeyDown(ui::VKEY_RETURN)];
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"ā"), textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count()); // Not seen as an accelerator.
// Pinyin changes candidate word on this sequence of keys without changing the
// composition text. At the end of this sequence, the word "啊" should be
// selected.
const ui::KeyboardCode key_sequence[] = {ui::VKEY_NEXT, ui::VKEY_PRIOR,
ui::VKEY_LEFT, ui::VKEY_UP};
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_candidate_select_in_ime;
for (auto key : key_sequence) {
[ns_view_ keyDown:VkeyKeyDown(key)];
textfield->GetText()); // No change.
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count());
// Space to confirm composition
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_space_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:VkeyKeyDown(ui::VKEY_SPACE)];
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"啊"), textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count());
// The next Enter should be processed as accelerator.
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_enter_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:VkeyKeyDown(ui::VKEY_RETURN)];
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"啊"), textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(1, enter_view->count());
// Simulate 'a', Enter in Hiragana. This should just insert "あ", suppressing
// accelerators.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_NoAcceleratorEnterComposition) {
Textfield* textfield = InstallTextField("");
EXPECT_TRUE([ns_view_ textInputClient]);
EnterAcceleratorView* enter_view = new EnterAcceleratorView();
// Sequence of calls (and corresponding keyDown events) obtained via tracing
// with Hiragana IME and pressing 'a', then Enter on the keyboard.
// Note 0 is the actual keyCode for 'a', not a placeholder.
NSEvent* a_in_ime = UnicodeKeyDown(0, @"a");
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_a_in_ime = base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
// TODO(crbug/612675): |text| should be an NSAttributedString.
[view setMarkedText:@"あ"
selectedRange:NSMakeRange(1, 0)
replacementRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)];
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_first_return_in_ime =
base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
[view insertText:@"あ" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)];
// Note there is no call to -insertNewLine: here.
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_second_return_in_ime = base::BindRepeating(
[](id view) { [view doCommandBySelector:@selector(insertNewLine:)]; });
EXPECT_EQ(u"", textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count());
object_setClass(ns_view_, [InterpretKeyEventMockedBridgedContentView class]);
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_a_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:a_in_ime];
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"あ"), textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count());
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_first_return_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:VkeyKeyDown(ui::VKEY_RETURN)];
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"あ"), textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count()); // Not seen as an accelerator.
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_second_return_in_ime;
keyDown:VkeyKeyDown(ui::VKEY_RETURN)]; // Sanity check: send Enter again.
textfield->GetText()); // No change.
EXPECT_EQ(1, enter_view->count()); // Now we see the accelerator.
// Simulate 'a', Tab, Enter, Enter in Hiragana. This should just insert "a",
// suppressing accelerators.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_NoAcceleratorTabEnterComposition) {
Textfield* textfield = InstallTextField("");
EXPECT_TRUE([ns_view_ textInputClient]);
EnterAcceleratorView* enter_view = new EnterAcceleratorView();
// Sequence of calls (and corresponding keyDown events) obtained via tracing
// with Hiragana IME and pressing 'a', Tab, then Enter on the keyboard.
NSEvent* a_in_ime = UnicodeKeyDown(0, @"a");
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_a_in_ime = base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
// TODO(crbug/612675): |text| should have an underline.
[view setMarkedText:@"あ"
selectedRange:NSMakeRange(1, 0)
replacementRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)];
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_tab_in_ime =
base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
// TODO(crbug/612675): |text| should be an NSAttributedString (now with
// a different underline color).
[view setMarkedText:@"a"
selectedRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)
replacementRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)];
// Note there is no -insertTab: generated.
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_first_return_in_ime =
base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
// Do *nothing*. Enter does not confirm nor change the composition, it
// just dismisses the IME window, leaving the text marked.
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_second_return_in_ime =
base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
// The second return will confirm the composition.
[view insertText:@"a" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)];
InterpretKeyEventsCallback handle_third_return_in_ime =
base::BindRepeating([](id view) {
// Only the third return will generate -insertNewLine:.
[view doCommandBySelector:@selector(insertNewLine:)];
EXPECT_EQ(u"", textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count());
object_setClass(ns_view_, [InterpretKeyEventMockedBridgedContentView class]);
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_a_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:a_in_ime];
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"あ"), textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count());
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_tab_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:VkeyKeyDown(ui::VKEY_TAB)];
// Tab will switch to a Romanji (Latin) character.
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"a"), textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count());
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_first_return_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:VkeyKeyDown(ui::VKEY_RETURN)];
// Enter just dismisses the IME window. The composition is still active.
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"a"), textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count()); // Not seen as an accelerator.
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_second_return_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:VkeyKeyDown(ui::VKEY_RETURN)];
// Enter now confirms the composition (unmarks text). Note there is still no
// IME window visible but, since there is marked text, IME is still active.
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"a"), textfield->GetText());
EXPECT_EQ(0, enter_view->count()); // Not seen as an accelerator.
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &handle_third_return_in_ime;
[ns_view_ keyDown:VkeyKeyDown(ui::VKEY_RETURN)]; // Send Enter a third time.
textfield->GetText()); // No change.
EXPECT_EQ(1, enter_view->count()); // Now we see the accelerator.
// Test a codepath that could hypothetically cause [NSApp updateWindows] to be
// called recursively due to IME dismissal during teardown triggering a focus
// change. Twice.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_RecursiveUpdateWindows) {
Textfield* textfield = InstallTextField("");
EXPECT_TRUE([ns_view_ textInputClient]);
object_setClass(ns_view_, [InterpretKeyEventMockedBridgedContentView class]);
base::apple::ScopedObjCClassSwizzler update_windows_swizzler(
[NSApplication class], [UpdateWindowsDonorForNSApp class],
base::apple::ScopedObjCClassSwizzler current_input_context_swizzler(
[NSTextInputContext class],
[CurrentInputContextDonorForNSTextInputContext class],
int vkey_return_count = 0;
// Everything happens with this one event.
NSEvent* return_with_fake_ime = cocoa_test_event_utils::SynthesizeKeyEvent(
widget_->GetNativeWindow().GetNativeNSWindow(), true, ui::VKEY_RETURN, 0);
InterpretKeyEventsCallback generate_return_and_fake_ime = base::BindRepeating(
[](int* saw_return_count, id view) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, *saw_return_count);
// First generate the return to simulate an input context change.
[view insertText:@"\r" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)];
EXPECT_EQ(1, *saw_return_count);
bool saw_update_windows = false;
base::RepeatingClosure update_windows_closure = base::BindRepeating(
[](bool* saw_update_windows, BridgedContentView* view,
NativeWidgetMacNSWindowHost* host, Textfield* textfield) {
// Ensure updateWindows is not invoked recursively.
*saw_update_windows = true;
// Inside updateWindows, assume the IME got dismissed and wants to
// insert its last bit of text for the old input context.
[view insertText:@"배" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
// This is triggered by the setTextInputClient:nullptr in
// SetHandleKeyEventCallback(), so -inputContext should also be nil.
EXPECT_FALSE([view inputContext]);
// Ensure we can't recursively call updateWindows. A TextInputClient
// reacting to InsertChar could theoretically do this, but toolkit-views
// DCHECKs if there is recursive event dispatch, so call
// setTextInputClient directly.
// Finally simulate what -[NSApp updateWindows] should _actually_ do,
// which is to update the input context (from the first responder).
g_fake_current_input_context = [view inputContext];
// Now, the |textfield| set above should have been set again.
&saw_update_windows, ns_view_, GetNSWindowHost(), textfield);
[](int* saw_return_count, BridgedContentView* view,
NativeWidgetMacNSWindowHost* host, Textfield* textfield,
const ui::KeyEvent& event) {
if (event.key_code() == ui::VKEY_RETURN) {
*saw_return_count += 1;
// Simulate Textfield::OnBlur() by clearing the input method.
// Textfield needs to be in a Widget to do this normally.
return false;
&vkey_return_count, ns_view_, GetNSWindowHost()));
// Starting text (just insert it).
[ns_view_ insertText:@"ㅂ" replacementRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)];
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"ㅂ"), textfield->GetText());
g_fake_interpret_key_events = &generate_return_and_fake_ime;
g_update_windows_closure = &update_windows_closure;
g_fake_current_input_context = [ns_view_ inputContext];
[ns_view_ keyDown:return_with_fake_ime];
// We should see one VKEY_RETURNs and one updateWindows. In particular, note
// that there is not a second VKEY_RETURN seen generated by keyDown: thinking
// the event has been unhandled. This is because it was handled when the fake
// IME sent \r.
EXPECT_EQ(1, vkey_return_count);
// The text inserted during updateWindows should have been inserted, even
// though we were trying to change the input context.
EXPECT_EQ(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(@"배"), textfield->GetText());
g_fake_current_input_context = nullptr;
g_fake_interpret_key_events = nullptr;
g_update_windows_closure = nullptr;
// Write selection text to the pasteboard.
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, TextInput_WriteToPasteboard) {
const std::string test_string = "foo bar baz";
NSArray* types = @[ NSPasteboardTypeString ];
// Try to write with no selection. This will succeed, but the string will be
// empty.
NSPasteboard* pboard = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithUniqueName];
BOOL wrote_to_pboard = [ns_view_ writeSelectionToPasteboard:pboard
NSArray* objects = [pboard readObjectsForClasses:@[ [NSString class] ]
EXPECT_EQ(1u, [objects count]);
EXPECT_NSEQ(@"", [objects lastObject]);
// Write a selection successfully.
SetSelectionRange(NSMakeRange(4, 7));
NSPasteboard* pboard = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithUniqueName];
BOOL wrote_to_pboard = [ns_view_ writeSelectionToPasteboard:pboard
NSArray* objects = [pboard readObjectsForClasses:@[ [NSString class] ]
EXPECT_EQ(1u, [objects count]);
EXPECT_NSEQ(@"bar baz", [objects lastObject]);
TEST_F(BridgedNativeWidgetTest, WriteToFindPasteboard) {
base::apple::ScopedObjCClassSwizzler swizzler([FindPasteboard class],
[MockFindPasteboard class],
EXPECT_NSEQ(@"", [[FindPasteboard sharedInstance] findText]);
const std::string test_string = "foo bar baz";
SetSelectionRange(NSMakeRange(4, 7));
[ns_view_ copyToFindPboard:nil];
EXPECT_NSEQ(@"bar baz", [[FindPasteboard sharedInstance] findText]);
// Don't overwrite with empty selection
SetSelectionRange(NSMakeRange(0, 0));
[ns_view_ copyToFindPboard:nil];
EXPECT_NSEQ(@"bar baz", [[FindPasteboard sharedInstance] findText]);
} // namespace views::test