[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 6d50e6d63cfbece8b61280c759d317e29b629962 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest.h"
#include "net/base/backoff_entry.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace extensions {
// Class that asks ExtensionService to reinstall corrupted extensions.
// If a reinstallation fails for some reason (e.g. network unavailability) then
// it will retry reinstallation with backoff.
class CorruptedExtensionReinstaller {
// The reason why we want to reinstall the extension.
// Note: enum used for UMA. Do NOT reorder or remove entries. Don't forget to
// update enums.xml (name: ExtensionPolicyReinstallReason) when adding new
// entries.
enum class PolicyReinstallReason {
// Tried to load extension which was previously disabled because of
// corruption (but is a force-installed extension and therefore should be
// repaired).
// That happens when extension corruption was detected, but for some reason
// reinstall could not happen in the same session (no internet or session
// was closed right after detection), so at start of the next session we add
// extension to reinstall list again.
// Corruption detected in an extension from Chrome Web Store.
// Corruption detected in an extension outside Chrome Web Store.
// Planned future option:
// Extension doesn't have hashes for corruption checks. This should not
// happen for extension from Chrome Web Store (since we can fetch hashes
// from server), but for extensions outside Chrome Web Store that means that
// we need to reinstall the extension (and compute hashes during
// installation).
// Not used currently, see https://crbug.com/958794#c22 for details.
// Extension doesn't have hashes for corruption checks. Ideally this
// extension should be reinstalled in this case, but currently we just skip
// them. See https://crbug.com/958794#c22 for details.
// Magic constant used by the histogram macros.
// Always update it to the max value.
using ReinstallCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(base::OnceClosure callback,
base::TimeDelta delay)>;
explicit CorruptedExtensionReinstaller(content::BrowserContext* context);
CorruptedExtensionReinstaller(const CorruptedExtensionReinstaller&) = delete;
CorruptedExtensionReinstaller& operator=(
const CorruptedExtensionReinstaller&) = delete;
// Records UMA metrics about policy reinstall to UMA. Temporarily exposed
// publicly because we now skip reinstall for non-webstore policy
// force-installed extensions without hashes, but are interested in number
// of such cases.
// See https://crbug.com/958794#c22 for details.
void RecordPolicyReinstallReason(PolicyReinstallReason reason_for_uma);
// Notifies the manager that we are reinstalling the policy force-installed
// extension with |id| because we detected corruption in the current copy.
// |reason_for_uma| indicates origin and details of the requires, and is used
// for statistics purposes (sent to UMA). |manifest_location_for_uma| is the
// manifest location, and is used for statistics purposes (sent to UMA)
void ExpectReinstallForCorruption(
const ExtensionId& id,
absl::optional<PolicyReinstallReason> reason_for_uma,
mojom::ManifestLocation manifest_location_for_uma);
// Call this method when extension in reinstalled to remove it from the set
// and update the metrics.
void MarkResolved(const ExtensionId& id);
// Returns true if we are expecting a reinstall of the extension with |id| due
// to corruption?
bool IsReinstallForCorruptionExpected(const ExtensionId& id) const;
// Whether or not there are any corrupted extensions.
bool HasAnyReinstallForCorruption() const;
// Gets the view on extensions scheduled for reinstall.
const std::map<ExtensionId, base::TimeTicks>& GetExpectedReinstalls() const;
// Notifies this reinstaller about an extension corruption.
void NotifyExtensionDisabledDueToCorruption();
// Called when ExtensionSystem is shutting down. Cancels already-scheduled
// attempts, if any, for a smoother shutdown.
void Shutdown();
// For tests, overrides the default action to take to initiate reinstalls.
static void set_reinstall_action_for_test(ReinstallCallback* action);
void Fire();
base::TimeDelta GetNextFireDelay();
void ScheduleNextReinstallAttempt();
const raw_ptr<content::BrowserContext, DanglingUntriaged> context_ = nullptr;
// A set of extension ids that are being reinstalled due to corruption, mapped
// to the time we detected the corruption.
std::map<ExtensionId, base::TimeTicks> expected_reinstalls_;
net::BackoffEntry backoff_entry_;
// Whether or not there is a pending PostTask to Fire().
bool scheduled_fire_pending_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CorruptedExtensionReinstaller> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace extensions