| // Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "base/feature_list.h" |
| #include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h" |
| #include "base/run_loop.h" |
| #include "build/build_config.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_browsertest.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model_observer.h" |
| #include "chrome/test/base/ui_test_utils.h" |
| #include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h" |
| #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" |
| #include "content/public/test/browser_test.h" |
| #include "content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h" |
| #include "content/public/test/no_renderer_crashes_assertion.h" |
| #include "content/public/test/test_navigation_observer.h" |
| #include "content/public/test/test_utils.h" |
| #include "extensions/browser/disable_reason.h" |
| #include "extensions/common/constants.h" |
| #include "extensions/common/extension.h" |
| #include "extensions/test/test_extension_dir.h" |
| #include "net/dns/mock_host_resolver.h" |
| #include "net/test/embedded_test_server/embedded_test_server.h" |
| #include "services/network/public/cpp/features.h" |
| #include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h" |
| #include "url/origin.h" |
| #include "url/url_constants.h" |
| |
| namespace extensions { |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| // A helper class to wait for a particular tab count. Requires the tab strip |
| // to outlive this object. |
| class TestTabStripModelObserver : public TabStripModelObserver { |
| public: |
| explicit TestTabStripModelObserver(TabStripModel* model) |
| : model_(model), desired_count_(0) { |
| model->AddObserver(this); |
| } |
| |
| TestTabStripModelObserver(const TestTabStripModelObserver&) = delete; |
| TestTabStripModelObserver& operator=(const TestTabStripModelObserver&) = |
| delete; |
| |
| ~TestTabStripModelObserver() override = default; |
| |
| void WaitForTabCount(int count) { |
| if (model_->count() == count) |
| return; |
| desired_count_ = count; |
| run_loop_.Run(); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| // TabStripModelObserver: |
| void OnTabStripModelChanged( |
| TabStripModel* tab_strip_model, |
| const TabStripModelChange& change, |
| const TabStripSelectionChange& selection) override { |
| if (model_->count() == desired_count_) |
| run_loop_.Quit(); |
| } |
| |
| raw_ptr<TabStripModel> model_; |
| int desired_count_; |
| base::RunLoop run_loop_; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| class ExtensionUnloadBrowserTest : public ExtensionBrowserTest { |
| public: |
| void SetUpOnMainThread() override { |
| ExtensionBrowserTest::SetUpOnMainThread(); |
| host_resolver()->AddRule("maps.google.com", ""); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(ExtensionUnloadBrowserTest, TestUnload) { |
| // Load an extension that installs unload and beforeunload listeners. |
| const Extension* extension = |
| LoadExtension(test_data_dir_.AppendASCII("unload_listener")); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(extension); |
| std::string id = extension->id(); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, browser()->tab_strip_model()->count()); |
| GURL initial_tab_url = |
| browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetWebContentsAt(0)->GetLastCommittedURL(); |
| ui_test_utils::NavigateToURLWithDisposition( |
| browser(), extension->GetResourceURL("page.html"), |
| WindowOpenDisposition::NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB, |
| ui_test_utils::BROWSER_TEST_WAIT_FOR_LOAD_STOP); |
| EXPECT_EQ(2, browser()->tab_strip_model()->count()); |
| DisableExtension(id); |
| // There should only be one remaining web contents - the initial one. |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, browser()->tab_strip_model()->count()); |
| initial_tab_url, |
| browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetWebContentsAt(0)->GetLastCommittedURL()); |
| } |
| |
| // After an extension is uninstalled, network requests from its content scripts |
| // should fail but not kill the renderer process. |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(ExtensionUnloadBrowserTest, UnloadWithContentScripts) { |
| ASSERT_TRUE(embedded_test_server()->Start()); |
| |
| // Load an extension with a content script that has a button to send XHRs. |
| const Extension* extension = |
| LoadExtension(test_data_dir_.AppendASCII("xhr_from_content_script")); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(extension); |
| std::string id = extension->id(); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, browser()->tab_strip_model()->count()); |
| GURL test_url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/title1.html"); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), test_url)); |
| |
| // The content script sends an XHR with the webpage's (rather than |
| // extension's) Origin header - this should succeed (given that |
| // xhr.txt.mock-http-headers says `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *`). |
| const char kSendXhrScript[] = "document.getElementById('xhrButton').click();"; |
| content::DOMMessageQueue message_queue; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(content::ExecJs( |
| browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents(), kSendXhrScript)); |
| std::string ack; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(message_queue.WaitForMessage(&ack)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("true", ack); |
| |
| DisableExtension(id); |
| |
| // The tab should still be open with the content script injected. |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, browser()->tab_strip_model()->count()); |
| test_url, |
| browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetWebContentsAt(0)->GetLastCommittedURL()); |
| |
| // The content script sends an XHR with the webpage's (rather than |
| // extension's) Origin header - this should succeed (given that |
| // xhr.txt.mock-http-headers says `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *`). |
| EXPECT_TRUE(content::ExecJs( |
| browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents(), kSendXhrScript)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(message_queue.WaitForMessage(&ack)); |
| EXPECT_EQ("true", ack); |
| |
| // Ensure the process has not been killed. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(browser() |
| ->tab_strip_model() |
| ->GetActiveWebContents() |
| ->GetPrimaryMainFrame() |
| ->IsRenderFrameLive()); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that windows with opaque origins opened by the extension are closed |
| // when the extension is unloaded. Regression test for https://crbug.com/894477. |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(ExtensionUnloadBrowserTest, OpenedOpaqueWindows) { |
| TestExtensionDir test_dir; |
| constexpr char kManifest[] = |
| R"({ |
| "name": "Test", |
| "manifest_version": 2, |
| "version": "0.1", |
| "background": { |
| "scripts": ["background.js"] |
| } |
| })"; |
| test_dir.WriteManifest(kManifest); |
| test_dir.WriteFile(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("background.js"), |
| "window.open('about:blank');"); |
| |
| const GURL about_blank(url::kAboutBlankURL); |
| content::TestNavigationObserver about_blank_observer(about_blank); |
| about_blank_observer.StartWatchingNewWebContents(); |
| const Extension* extension = LoadExtension(test_dir.UnpackedPath()); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(extension); |
| about_blank_observer.WaitForNavigationFinished(); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2, browser()->tab_strip_model()->count()); |
| content::WebContents* web_contents = |
| browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(about_blank, web_contents->GetLastCommittedURL()); |
| url::Origin frame_origin = |
| web_contents->GetPrimaryMainFrame()->GetLastCommittedOrigin(); |
| url::SchemeHostPort precursor_tuple = |
| frame_origin.GetTupleOrPrecursorTupleIfOpaque(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(kExtensionScheme, precursor_tuple.scheme()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(extension->id(), precursor_tuple.host()); |
| |
| TestTabStripModelObserver test_tab_strip_model_observer( |
| browser()->tab_strip_model()); |
| extension_service()->DisableExtension(extension->id(), |
| disable_reason::DISABLE_USER_ACTION); |
| test_tab_strip_model_observer.WaitForTabCount(1); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, browser()->tab_strip_model()->count()); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(ExtensionUnloadBrowserTest, CrashedTabs) { |
| TestExtensionDir test_dir; |
| test_dir.WriteManifest( |
| R"({ |
| "name": "test extension", |
| "manifest_version": 2, |
| "version": "0.1" |
| })"); |
| test_dir.WriteFile(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("page.html"), |
| "<!doctype html><html><body>Hello world</body></html>"); |
| scoped_refptr<const Extension> extension( |
| LoadExtension(test_dir.UnpackedPath())); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(extension); |
| const GURL page_url = extension->GetResourceURL("page.html"); |
| ui_test_utils::NavigateToURLWithDisposition( |
| browser(), page_url, WindowOpenDisposition::NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB, |
| ui_test_utils::BROWSER_TEST_WAIT_FOR_LOAD_STOP); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2, browser()->tab_strip_model()->count()); |
| |
| content::WebContents* active_tab = |
| browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(page_url, active_tab->GetLastCommittedURL()); |
| |
| { |
| content::ScopedAllowRendererCrashes allow_renderer_crashes( |
| active_tab->GetPrimaryMainFrame()->GetProcess()); |
| ui_test_utils::NavigateToURLWithDisposition( |
| browser(), GURL("chrome://crash"), WindowOpenDisposition::CURRENT_TAB, |
| ui_test_utils::BROWSER_TEST_WAIT_FOR_LOAD_STOP); |
| } |
| |
| // There should still be two open tabs, but the active one is crashed. |
| EXPECT_EQ(2, browser()->tab_strip_model()->count()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(active_tab->IsCrashed()); |
| |
| // Even though the tab is crashed, it should still have the last committed |
| // URL of the extension page. |
| EXPECT_EQ(page_url, active_tab->GetLastCommittedURL()); |
| |
| // Unloading the extension should close the crashed tab, since its origin was |
| // still the extension's origin. |
| TestTabStripModelObserver test_tab_strip_model_observer( |
| browser()->tab_strip_model()); |
| extension_service()->DisableExtension(extension->id(), |
| disable_reason::DISABLE_USER_ACTION); |
| test_tab_strip_model_observer.WaitForTabCount(1); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, browser()->tab_strip_model()->count()); |
| EXPECT_NE(extension->url().DeprecatedGetOriginAsURL(), |
| browser() |
| ->tab_strip_model() |
| ->GetActiveWebContents() |
| ->GetLastCommittedURL() |
| .DeprecatedGetOriginAsURL()); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(devlin): Investigate what to do for embedded iframes. |
| |
| } // namespace extensions |