[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 02d35d6b94417a962b898f7929d0d20ba7ee8154 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/lru_cache.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_math.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "base/trace_event/memory_dump_provider.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/paint/draw_image.h"
#include "cc/tiles/image_decode_cache.h"
#include "cc/tiles/software_image_decode_cache_utils.h"
namespace cc {
class CC_EXPORT SoftwareImageDecodeCache
: public ImageDecodeCache,
public base::trace_event::MemoryDumpProvider {
using Utils = SoftwareImageDecodeCacheUtils;
using CacheKey = Utils::CacheKey;
using CacheKeyHash = Utils::CacheKeyHash;
// Identifies whether a decode task performed decode work, or was fulfilled /
// failed trivially.
enum class TaskProcessingResult { kFullDecode, kLockOnly, kCancelled };
SoftwareImageDecodeCache(SkColorType color_type,
size_t locked_memory_limit_bytes);
~SoftwareImageDecodeCache() override;
// ImageDecodeCache overrides.
// |client_id| is not used by the SoftwareImageDecodeCache for both of these
// tasks.
TaskResult GetTaskForImageAndRef(ClientId client_id,
const DrawImage& image,
const TracingInfo& tracing_info) override;
TaskResult GetOutOfRasterDecodeTaskForImageAndRef(
ClientId client_id,
const DrawImage& image) override;
void UnrefImage(const DrawImage& image) override;
DecodedDrawImage GetDecodedImageForDraw(const DrawImage& image) override;
void DrawWithImageFinished(const DrawImage& image,
const DecodedDrawImage& decoded_image) override;
void ReduceCacheUsage() override;
// Software doesn't keep outstanding images pinned, so this is a no-op.
void SetShouldAggressivelyFreeResources(bool aggressively_free_resources,
bool context_lock_acquired) override {
void ClearCache() override;
size_t GetMaximumMemoryLimitBytes() const override;
bool UseCacheForDrawImage(const DrawImage& image) const override;
void RecordStats() override {}
ClientId GenerateClientId() override;
// Decode the given image and store it in the cache. This is only called by an
// image decode task from a worker thread.
TaskProcessingResult DecodeImageInTask(const CacheKey& key,
const PaintImage& paint_image,
DecodeTaskType task_type);
void OnImageDecodeTaskCompleted(const CacheKey& key,
DecodeTaskType task_type);
// MemoryDumpProvider overrides.
bool OnMemoryDump(const base::trace_event::MemoryDumpArgs& args,
base::trace_event::ProcessMemoryDump* pmd) override;
size_t GetNumCacheEntriesForTesting();
size_t GetMaxNumCacheEntriesForTesting();
using CacheEntry = Utils::CacheEntry;
// MemoryBudget is a convenience class for memory bookkeeping and ensuring
// that we don't go over the limit when pre-decoding.
class MemoryBudget {
explicit MemoryBudget(size_t limit_bytes);
size_t AvailableMemoryBytes() const;
void AddUsage(size_t usage);
void SubtractUsage(size_t usage);
void ResetUsage();
size_t total_limit_bytes() const { return limit_bytes_; }
size_t GetCurrentUsageSafe() const;
const size_t limit_bytes_;
base::CheckedNumeric<size_t> current_usage_bytes_;
using ImageLRUCache = base::
HashingLRUCache<CacheKey, std::unique_ptr<CacheEntry>, CacheKeyHash>;
// Get the decoded draw image for the given key and paint_image. Note that
// when used internally, we still require that DrawWithImageFinished() is
// called afterwards.
DecodedDrawImage GetDecodedImageForDrawInternal(const CacheKey& key,
const PaintImage& paint_image)
// Removes unlocked decoded images until the number of decoded images is
// reduced within the given limit.
void ReduceCacheUsageUntilWithinLimit(size_t limit)
// Helper method to get the different tasks. Note that this should be used as
// if it was public (ie, all of the locks need to be properly acquired).
TaskResult GetTaskForImageAndRefInternal(const DrawImage& image,
const TracingInfo& tracing_info,
DecodeTaskType type)
CacheEntry* AddCacheEntry(const CacheKey& key)
TaskProcessingResult DecodeImageIfNecessary(const CacheKey& key,
const PaintImage& paint_image,
CacheEntry* cache_entry)
void AddBudgetForImage(const CacheKey& key, CacheEntry* entry)
void RemoveBudgetForImage(const CacheKey& key, CacheEntry* entry)
std::optional<CacheKey> FindCachedCandidate(const CacheKey& key)
void UnrefImage(const CacheKey& key) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(lock_);
SkColorType GetColorTypeForPaintImage(
const TargetColorParams& target_color_params,
const PaintImage& paint_image);
base::Lock lock_;
// Decoded images and ref counts (predecode path).
ImageLRUCache decoded_images_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// A map of PaintImage::FrameKey to the ImageKeys for cached decodes of this
// PaintImage.
frame_key_to_image_keys_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Should be GUARDED_BY(lock_), except that accessing
// |locked_images_budget_.total_limit_bytes()| is fine without the lock, as
// it is const and thread safe.
MemoryBudget locked_images_budget_;
const SkColorType color_type_;
const PaintImage::GeneratorClientId generator_client_id_;
const size_t max_items_in_cache_;
} // namespace cc