[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: d19cfc652e0d3d4386d0eee8eee23db953a912e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/cancelable_callback.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/benchmarks/micro_benchmark.h"
#include "cc/benchmarks/micro_benchmark_controller.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/input/browser_controls_state.h"
#include "cc/input/event_listener_properties.h"
#include "cc/input/input_handler.h"
#include "cc/input/layer_selection_bound.h"
#include "cc/input/scrollbar.h"
#include "cc/layers/layer_collections.h"
#include "cc/layers/layer_list_iterator.h"
#include "cc/trees/compositor_mode.h"
#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_frame_sink.h"
#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host_client.h"
#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_settings.h"
#include "cc/trees/mutator_host.h"
#include "cc/trees/proxy.h"
#include "cc/trees/swap_promise.h"
#include "cc/trees/swap_promise_manager.h"
#include "cc/trees/target_property.h"
#include "components/viz/common/resources/resource_format.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace gfx {
struct PresentationFeedback;
namespace cc {
class HeadsUpDisplayLayer;
class Layer;
class LayerTreeHostClient;
class LayerTreeHostImpl;
class LayerTreeHostImplClient;
class LayerTreeHostSingleThreadClient;
class LayerTreeMutator;
class MutatorEvents;
class MutatorHost;
struct PendingPageScaleAnimation;
class RenderFrameMetadataObserver;
class RenderingStatsInstrumentation;
struct OverscrollBehavior;
class TaskGraphRunner;
class UIResourceManager;
class UkmRecorderFactory;
struct RenderingStats;
struct ScrollAndScaleSet;
class CC_EXPORT LayerTreeHost : public MutatorHostClient {
struct CC_EXPORT InitParams {
LayerTreeHostClient* client = nullptr;
TaskGraphRunner* task_graph_runner = nullptr;
LayerTreeSettings const* settings = nullptr;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_task_runner;
MutatorHost* mutator_host = nullptr;
// The image worker task runner is used to schedule image decodes. The
// compositor thread may make sync calls to this thread, analogous to the
// raster worker threads.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> image_worker_task_runner;
std::unique_ptr<UkmRecorderFactory> ukm_recorder_factory;
static std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeHost> CreateThreaded(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> impl_task_runner,
InitParams* params);
static std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeHost> CreateSingleThreaded(
LayerTreeHostSingleThreadClient* single_thread_client,
InitParams* params);
virtual ~LayerTreeHost();
// Returns the process global unique identifier for this LayerTreeHost.
int GetId() const;
// The current source frame number. This is incremented for each main frame
// update(commit) pushed to the compositor thread.
int SourceFrameNumber() const;
// Returns the UIResourceManager used to create UIResources for
// UIResourceLayers pushed to the LayerTree.
UIResourceManager* GetUIResourceManager() const;
// Returns the TaskRunnerProvider used to access the main and compositor
// thread task runners.
TaskRunnerProvider* GetTaskRunnerProvider() const;
// Returns the settings used by this host.
const LayerTreeSettings& GetSettings() const;
// Sets the LayerTreeMutator interface used to directly mutate the compositor
// state on the compositor thread. (Compositor-Worker)
void SetLayerTreeMutator(std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeMutator> mutator);
// Call this function when you expect there to be a swap buffer.
// See swap_promise.h for how to use SwapPromise.
void QueueSwapPromise(std::unique_ptr<SwapPromise> swap_promise);
// Returns the SwapPromiseManager used to create SwapPromiseMonitors for this
// host.
SwapPromiseManager* GetSwapPromiseManager();
// Sets whether the content is suitable to use Gpu Rasterization.
void SetHasGpuRasterizationTrigger(bool has_trigger);
// Visibility and LayerTreeFrameSink -------------------------------
void SetVisible(bool visible);
bool IsVisible() const;
// Called in response to a LayerTreeFrameSink request made to the client
// using LayerTreeHostClient::RequestNewLayerTreeFrameSink. The client will
// be informed of the LayerTreeFrameSink initialization status using
// DidInitializaLayerTreeFrameSink or DidFailToInitializeLayerTreeFrameSink.
// The request is completed when the host successfully initializes an
// LayerTreeFrameSink.
void SetLayerTreeFrameSink(
std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeFrameSink> layer_tree_frame_sink);
// Forces the host to immediately release all references to the
// LayerTreeFrameSink, if any. Can be safely called any time, but the
// compositor should not be visible.
std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeFrameSink> ReleaseLayerTreeFrameSink();
// Frame Scheduling (main and compositor frames) requests -------
// Requests a main frame update even if no content has changed. This is used,
// for instance in the case of RequestAnimationFrame from blink to ensure the
// main frame update is run on the next tick without pre-emptively forcing a
// full commit synchronization or layer updates.
void SetNeedsAnimate();
// Requests a main frame update and also ensure that the host pulls layer
// updates from the client, even if no content might have changed, without
// forcing a full commit synchronization.
virtual void SetNeedsUpdateLayers();
// Requests that the next main frame update performs a full commit
// synchronization.
virtual void SetNeedsCommit();
// Returns true after SetNeedsAnimate(), SetNeedsUpdateLayers() or
// SetNeedsCommit(), until it is satisfied.
bool RequestedMainFramePending();
// Requests that the next frame re-chooses crisp raster scales for all layers.
void SetNeedsRecalculateRasterScales();
// Returns true if a main frame with commit synchronization has been
// requested.
bool CommitRequested() const;
// Enables/disables the compositor from requesting main frame updates from the
// client.
void SetDeferCommits(bool defer_commits);
// Returns the value last passed to SetDeferCommits(), though commits may be
// deferred also when the local_surface_id_from_parent() is not valid.
bool defer_commits() const { return defer_commits_; }
// Synchronously performs a main frame update and layer updates. Used only in
// single threaded mode when the compositor's internal scheduling is disabled.
void LayoutAndUpdateLayers();
// Synchronously performs a complete main frame update, commit and compositor
// frame. Used only in single threaded mode when the compositor's internal
// scheduling is disabled.
void Composite(base::TimeTicks frame_begin_time, bool raster);
// Requests a redraw (compositor frame) for the given rect.
void SetNeedsRedrawRect(const gfx::Rect& damage_rect);
// Requests a main frame (including layer updates) and ensures that this main
// frame results in a redraw for the complete viewport when producing the
// CompositorFrame.
void SetNeedsCommitWithForcedRedraw();
// Input Handling ---------------------------------------------
// Notifies the compositor that input from the browser is being throttled till
// the next commit. The compositor will prioritize activation of the pending
// tree so a commit can be performed.
void NotifyInputThrottledUntilCommit();
// Sets the state of the browser controls. (Used for URL bar animations on
// android).
void UpdateBrowserControlsState(BrowserControlsState constraints,
BrowserControlsState current,
bool animate);
// Returns a reference to the InputHandler used to respond to input events on
// the compositor thread.
const base::WeakPtr<InputHandler>& GetInputHandler() const;
// Informs the compositor that an active fling gesture being processed on the
// main thread has been finished.
void DidStopFlinging();
// Debugging and benchmarks ---------------------------------
void SetDebugState(const LayerTreeDebugState& debug_state);
const LayerTreeDebugState& GetDebugState() const;
// Returns the id of the benchmark on success, 0 otherwise.
int ScheduleMicroBenchmark(const std::string& benchmark_name,
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value,
MicroBenchmark::DoneCallback callback);
// Returns true if the message was successfully delivered and handled.
bool SendMessageToMicroBenchmark(int id, std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value);
// When the main thread informs the impl thread that it is ready to commit,
// generally it would remain blocked till the main thread state is copied to
// the pending tree. Calling this would ensure that the main thread remains
// blocked till the pending tree is activated.
void SetNextCommitWaitsForActivation();
// The LayerTreeHost tracks whether the content is suitable for Gpu raster.
// Calling this will reset it back to not suitable state.
void ResetGpuRasterizationTracking();
// Registers a callback that is run when the next frame successfully makes it
// to the screen (it's entirely possible some frames may be dropped between
// the time this is called and the callback is run).
using PresentationTimeCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const gfx::PresentationFeedback&)>;
void RequestPresentationTimeForNextFrame(PresentationTimeCallback callback);
void SetRootLayer(scoped_refptr<Layer> root_layer);
Layer* root_layer() { return root_layer_.get(); }
const Layer* root_layer() const { return root_layer_.get(); }
struct CC_EXPORT ViewportLayers {
scoped_refptr<Layer> overscroll_elasticity;
scoped_refptr<Layer> page_scale;
scoped_refptr<Layer> inner_viewport_container;
scoped_refptr<Layer> outer_viewport_container;
scoped_refptr<Layer> inner_viewport_scroll;
scoped_refptr<Layer> outer_viewport_scroll;
void RegisterViewportLayers(const ViewportLayers& viewport_layers);
Layer* overscroll_elasticity_layer() const {
return viewport_layers_.overscroll_elasticity.get();
Layer* page_scale_layer() const { return viewport_layers_.page_scale.get(); }
Layer* inner_viewport_container_layer() const {
return viewport_layers_.inner_viewport_container.get();
Layer* outer_viewport_container_layer() const {
return viewport_layers_.outer_viewport_container.get();
Layer* inner_viewport_scroll_layer() const {
return viewport_layers_.inner_viewport_scroll.get();
Layer* outer_viewport_scroll_layer() const {
return viewport_layers_.outer_viewport_scroll.get();
void RegisterSelection(const LayerSelection& selection);
const LayerSelection& selection() const { return selection_; }
void SetHaveScrollEventHandlers(bool have_event_handlers);
bool have_scroll_event_handlers() const {
return have_scroll_event_handlers_;
void SetEventListenerProperties(EventListenerClass event_class,
EventListenerProperties event_properties);
EventListenerProperties event_listener_properties(
EventListenerClass event_class) const {
return event_listener_properties_[static_cast<size_t>(event_class)];
void SetViewportSizeAndScale(
const gfx::Size& device_viewport_size,
float device_scale_factor,
const viz::LocalSurfaceId& local_surface_id_from_parent);
void SetViewportVisibleRect(const gfx::Rect& visible_rect);
gfx::Rect viewport_visible_rect() const { return viewport_visible_rect_; }
gfx::Size device_viewport_size() const { return device_viewport_size_; }
void SetBrowserControlsHeight(float top_height,
float bottom_height,
bool shrink);
void SetBrowserControlsShownRatio(float ratio);
void SetOverscrollBehavior(const OverscrollBehavior& overscroll_behavior);
void SetPageScaleFactorAndLimits(float page_scale_factor,
float min_page_scale_factor,
float max_page_scale_factor);
float page_scale_factor() const { return page_scale_factor_; }
float min_page_scale_factor() const { return min_page_scale_factor_; }
float max_page_scale_factor() const { return max_page_scale_factor_; }
void set_background_color(SkColor color) { background_color_ = color; }
SkColor background_color() const { return background_color_; }
void StartPageScaleAnimation(const gfx::Vector2d& target_offset,
bool use_anchor,
float scale,
base::TimeDelta duration);
bool HasPendingPageScaleAnimation() const;
float device_scale_factor() const { return device_scale_factor_; }
void SetRecordingScaleFactor(float recording_scale_factor);
float painted_device_scale_factor() const {
return painted_device_scale_factor_;
void SetContentSourceId(uint32_t);
uint32_t content_source_id() const { return content_source_id_; }
// Clears image caches and resets the scheduling history for the content
// produced by this host so far.
void ClearCachesOnNextCommit();
// If this LayerTreeHost needs a valid viz::LocalSurfaceId then commits will
// be deferred until a valid viz::LocalSurfaceId is provided.
void SetLocalSurfaceIdFromParent(
const viz::LocalSurfaceId& local_surface_id_from_parent);
const viz::LocalSurfaceId& local_surface_id_from_parent() const {
return local_surface_id_from_parent_;
// Requests the allocation of a new LocalSurfaceId on the compositor thread.
void RequestNewLocalSurfaceId();
// Returns the current state of the new LocalSurfaceId request and resets
// the state.
bool TakeNewLocalSurfaceIdRequest();
bool new_local_surface_id_request_for_testing() const {
return new_local_surface_id_request_;
void SetRasterColorSpace(const gfx::ColorSpace& raster_color_space);
const gfx::ColorSpace& raster_color_space() const {
return raster_color_space_;
// Used externally by blink for setting the PropertyTrees when
// UseLayerLists() is true, which also implies that Slimming Paint
// v2 is enabled.
PropertyTrees* property_trees() { return &property_trees_; }
const PropertyTrees* property_trees() const { return &property_trees_; }
void SetNeedsDisplayOnAllLayers();
void RegisterLayer(Layer* layer);
void UnregisterLayer(Layer* layer);
Layer* LayerById(int id) const;
size_t NumLayers() const;
bool in_update_property_trees() const { return in_update_property_trees_; }
bool PaintContent(const LayerList& update_layer_list,
bool* content_has_slow_paths,
bool* content_has_non_aa_paint);
bool in_paint_layer_contents() const { return in_paint_layer_contents_; }
void SetHasCopyRequest(bool has_copy_request);
bool has_copy_request() const { return has_copy_request_; }
void AddSurfaceLayerId(const viz::SurfaceId& surface_id);
void RemoveSurfaceLayerId(const viz::SurfaceId& surface_id);
base::flat_set<viz::SurfaceId> SurfaceLayerIds() const;
void AddLayerShouldPushProperties(Layer* layer);
void RemoveLayerShouldPushProperties(Layer* layer);
std::unordered_set<Layer*>& LayersThatShouldPushProperties();
bool LayerNeedsPushPropertiesForTesting(Layer* layer) const;
void SetPageScaleFromImplSide(float page_scale);
void SetElasticOverscrollFromImplSide(gfx::Vector2dF elastic_overscroll);
gfx::Vector2dF elastic_overscroll() const { return elastic_overscroll_; }
void UpdateHudLayer(bool show_hud_info);
HeadsUpDisplayLayer* hud_layer() const { return hud_layer_.get(); }
virtual void SetNeedsFullTreeSync();
bool needs_full_tree_sync() const { return needs_full_tree_sync_; }
bool needs_surface_ids_sync() const { return needs_surface_ids_sync_; }
void set_needs_surface_ids_sync(bool needs_surface_ids_sync) {
needs_surface_ids_sync_ = needs_surface_ids_sync;
void SetPropertyTreesNeedRebuild();
void PushPropertyTreesTo(LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl);
void PushLayerTreePropertiesTo(LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl);
void PushSurfaceIdsTo(LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl);
void PushLayerTreeHostPropertiesTo(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl);
MutatorHost* mutator_host() const { return mutator_host_; }
Layer* LayerByElementId(ElementId element_id) const;
void RegisterElement(ElementId element_id,
ElementListType list_type,
Layer* layer);
void UnregisterElement(ElementId element_id, ElementListType list_type);
void SetElementIdsForTesting();
void BuildPropertyTreesForTesting();
// Layer iterators.
LayerListIterator<Layer> begin() const;
LayerListIterator<Layer> end() const;
LayerListReverseIterator<Layer> rbegin();
LayerListReverseIterator<Layer> rend();
// LayerTreeHost interface to Proxy.
void WillBeginMainFrame();
void DidBeginMainFrame();
void BeginMainFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
void BeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon();
void BeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntil(base::TimeTicks time);
void AnimateLayers(base::TimeTicks monotonic_frame_begin_time);
using VisualStateUpdate = LayerTreeHostClient::VisualStateUpdate;
void RequestMainFrameUpdate(
VisualStateUpdate requested_update = VisualStateUpdate::kAll);
void FinishCommitOnImplThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl);
void WillCommit();
void CommitComplete();
void RequestNewLayerTreeFrameSink();
void DidInitializeLayerTreeFrameSink();
void DidFailToInitializeLayerTreeFrameSink();
virtual std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeHostImpl> CreateLayerTreeHostImpl(
LayerTreeHostImplClient* client);
void DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSink();
void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() { client_->DidCommitAndDrawFrame(); }
void DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck() {
bool UpdateLayers();
void DidPresentCompositorFrame(
uint32_t frame_token,
std::vector<LayerTreeHost::PresentationTimeCallback> callbacks,
const gfx::PresentationFeedback& feedback);
// Called when the compositor completed page scale animation.
void DidCompletePageScaleAnimation();
void ApplyScrollAndScale(ScrollAndScaleSet* info);
LayerTreeHostClient* client() { return client_; }
bool gpu_rasterization_histogram_recorded() const {
return gpu_rasterization_histogram_recorded_;
void CollectRenderingStats(RenderingStats* stats) const;
RenderingStatsInstrumentation* rendering_stats_instrumentation() const {
return rendering_stats_instrumentation_.get();
void SetAnimationEvents(std::unique_ptr<MutatorEvents> events);
bool has_gpu_rasterization_trigger() const {
return has_gpu_rasterization_trigger_;
Proxy* proxy() const { return proxy_.get(); }
bool IsSingleThreaded() const;
bool IsThreaded() const;
// Indicates whether this host is configured to use layer lists
// rather than layer trees. This also implies that property trees
// are always already built and so cc doesn't have to build them.
bool IsUsingLayerLists() const;
// MutatorHostClient implementation.
bool IsElementInList(ElementId element_id,
ElementListType list_type) const override;
void SetMutatorsNeedCommit() override;
void SetMutatorsNeedRebuildPropertyTrees() override;
void SetElementFilterMutated(ElementId element_id,
ElementListType list_type,
const FilterOperations& filters) override;
void SetElementOpacityMutated(ElementId element_id,
ElementListType list_type,
float opacity) override;
void SetElementTransformMutated(ElementId element_id,
ElementListType list_type,
const gfx::Transform& transform) override;
void SetElementScrollOffsetMutated(
ElementId element_id,
ElementListType list_type,
const gfx::ScrollOffset& scroll_offset) override;
void ElementIsAnimatingChanged(ElementId element_id,
ElementListType list_type,
const PropertyAnimationState& mask,
const PropertyAnimationState& state) override;
void ScrollOffsetAnimationFinished() override {}
gfx::ScrollOffset GetScrollOffsetForAnimation(
ElementId element_id) const override;
void QueueImageDecode(const PaintImage& image,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback);
void ImageDecodesFinished(const std::vector<std::pair<int, bool>>& results);
void RequestBeginMainFrameNotExpected(bool new_state);
float recording_scale_factor() const { return recording_scale_factor_; }
void SetURLForUkm(const GURL& url);
void SetRenderFrameObserver(
std::unique_ptr<RenderFrameMetadataObserver> observer);
LayerTreeHost(InitParams* params, CompositorMode mode);
void InitializeThreaded(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_task_runner,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> impl_task_runner);
void InitializeSingleThreaded(
LayerTreeHostSingleThreadClient* single_thread_client,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_task_runner);
void InitializeForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<TaskRunnerProvider> task_runner_provider,
std::unique_ptr<Proxy> proxy_for_testing);
void SetTaskRunnerProviderForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<TaskRunnerProvider> task_runner_provider);
void SetUIResourceManagerForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<UIResourceManager> ui_resource_manager);
// task_graph_runner() returns a valid value only until the LayerTreeHostImpl
// is created in CreateLayerTreeHostImpl().
TaskGraphRunner* task_graph_runner() const { return task_graph_runner_; }
void OnCommitForSwapPromises();
void RecordGpuRasterizationHistogram(const LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl);
MicroBenchmarkController micro_benchmark_controller_;
base::WeakPtr<InputHandler> input_handler_weak_ptr_;
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> image_worker_task_runner_;
std::unique_ptr<UkmRecorderFactory> ukm_recorder_factory_;
friend class LayerTreeHostSerializationTest;
// This is the number of consecutive frames in which we want the content to be
// free of slow-paths before toggling the flag.
enum { kNumFramesToConsiderBeforeRemovingSlowPathFlag = 60 };
void ApplyViewportDeltas(ScrollAndScaleSet* info);
void RecordWheelAndTouchScrollingCount(ScrollAndScaleSet* info);
void ApplyPageScaleDeltaFromImplSide(float page_scale_delta);
void InitializeProxy(std::unique_ptr<Proxy> proxy);
bool DoUpdateLayers(Layer* root_layer);
void UpdateDeferCommitsInternal();
const CompositorMode compositor_mode_;
std::unique_ptr<UIResourceManager> ui_resource_manager_;
LayerTreeHostClient* client_;
std::unique_ptr<Proxy> proxy_;
std::unique_ptr<TaskRunnerProvider> task_runner_provider_;
int source_frame_number_ = 0U;
SwapPromiseManager swap_promise_manager_;
// |current_layer_tree_frame_sink_| can't be updated until we've successfully
// initialized a new LayerTreeFrameSink. |new_layer_tree_frame_sink_|
// contains the new LayerTreeFrameSink that is currently being initialized.
// If initialization is successful then |new_layer_tree_frame_sink_| replaces
// |current_layer_tree_frame_sink_|.
std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeFrameSink> new_layer_tree_frame_sink_;
std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeFrameSink> current_layer_tree_frame_sink_;
const LayerTreeSettings settings_;
LayerTreeDebugState debug_state_;
bool visible_ = false;
bool has_gpu_rasterization_trigger_ = false;
bool content_has_slow_paths_ = false;
bool content_has_non_aa_paint_ = false;
bool gpu_rasterization_histogram_recorded_ = false;
// If set, then page scale animation has completed, but the client hasn't been
// notified about it yet.
bool did_complete_scale_animation_ = false;
int id_;
bool next_commit_forces_redraw_ = false;
bool next_commit_forces_recalculate_raster_scales_ = false;
// Track when we're inside a main frame to see if compositor is being
// destroyed midway which causes a crash. crbug.com/654672
bool inside_main_frame_ = false;
TaskGraphRunner* task_graph_runner_;
uint32_t num_consecutive_frames_without_slow_paths_ = 0;
scoped_refptr<Layer> root_layer_;
ViewportLayers viewport_layers_;
float top_controls_height_ = 0.f;
float top_controls_shown_ratio_ = 0.f;
bool browser_controls_shrink_blink_size_ = false;
OverscrollBehavior overscroll_behavior_;
float bottom_controls_height_ = 0.f;
float device_scale_factor_ = 1.f;
float painted_device_scale_factor_ = 1.f;
float recording_scale_factor_ = 1.f;
float page_scale_factor_ = 1.f;
float min_page_scale_factor_ = 1.f;
float max_page_scale_factor_ = 1.f;
int raster_color_space_id_ = -1;
gfx::ColorSpace raster_color_space_;
bool clear_caches_on_next_commit_ = false;
uint32_t content_source_id_;
viz::LocalSurfaceId local_surface_id_from_parent_;
// Used to detect surface invariant violations.
bool has_pushed_local_surface_id_from_parent_ = false;
bool new_local_surface_id_request_ = false;
bool defer_commits_ = false;
SkColor background_color_ = SK_ColorWHITE;
LayerSelection selection_;
gfx::Size device_viewport_size_;
gfx::Rect viewport_visible_rect_;
bool have_scroll_event_handlers_ = false;
EventListenerProperties event_listener_properties_[static_cast<size_t>(
std::unique_ptr<PendingPageScaleAnimation> pending_page_scale_animation_;
PropertyTrees property_trees_;
bool needs_full_tree_sync_ = true;
bool needs_surface_ids_sync_ = false;
gfx::Vector2dF elastic_overscroll_;
scoped_refptr<HeadsUpDisplayLayer> hud_layer_;
// The number of SurfaceLayers that have fallback set to viz::SurfaceId.
base::flat_map<viz::SurfaceId, int> surface_layer_ids_;
// Set of layers that need to push properties.
std::unordered_set<Layer*> layers_that_should_push_properties_;
// Layer id to Layer map.
std::unordered_map<int, Layer*> layer_id_map_;
std::unordered_map<ElementId, Layer*, ElementIdHash> element_layers_map_;
bool in_paint_layer_contents_ = false;
bool in_update_property_trees_ = false;
// This is true if atleast one layer in the layer tree has a copy request. We
// use this bool to decide whether we need to compute subtree has copy request
// for every layer during property tree building.
bool has_copy_request_ = false;
MutatorHost* mutator_host_;
std::vector<std::pair<PaintImage, base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>>>
std::unordered_map<int, base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>>
// Presentation time callbacks requested for the next frame are initially
// added here.
std::vector<PresentationTimeCallback> pending_presentation_time_callbacks_;
} // namespace cc