[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 8f32277aea024076d7386ecb08c4970392aab560 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_sender.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_errors.h"
#include "ppapi/proxy/connection.h"
#include "ppapi/proxy/plugin_resource_callback.h"
#include "ppapi/proxy/ppapi_message_utils.h"
#include "ppapi/proxy/ppapi_proxy_export.h"
#include "ppapi/proxy/resource_message_params.h"
#include "ppapi/proxy/resource_reply_thread_registrar.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/resource.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/tracked_callback.h"
namespace ppapi {
namespace proxy {
class PPAPI_PROXY_EXPORT PluginResource : public Resource {
enum Destination {
PluginResource(Connection connection, PP_Instance instance);
~PluginResource() override;
// Returns true if we've previously sent a create message to the browser
// or renderer. Generally resources will use these to tell if they should
// lazily send create messages.
bool sent_create_to_browser() const { return sent_create_to_browser_; }
bool sent_create_to_renderer() const { return sent_create_to_renderer_; }
// This handles a reply to a resource call. It works by looking up the
// callback that was registered when CallBrowser/CallRenderer was called
// and calling it with |params| and |msg|.
void OnReplyReceived(const proxy::ResourceMessageReplyParams& params,
const IPC::Message& msg) override;
// Resource overrides.
// Note: Subclasses shouldn't override these methods directly. Instead, they
// should implement LastPluginRefWasDeleted() or InstanceWasDeleted() to get
// notified.
void NotifyLastPluginRefWasDeleted() override;
void NotifyInstanceWasDeleted() override;
// Sends a create message to the browser or renderer for the current resource.
void SendCreate(Destination dest, const IPC::Message& msg);
// When the host returnes a resource to the plugin, it will create a pending
// ResourceHost and send an ID back to the plugin that identifies the pending
// object. The plugin uses this function to connect the plugin resource with
// the pending host resource. See also PpapiHostMsg_AttachToPendingHost. This
// is in lieu of sending a create message.
void AttachToPendingHost(Destination dest, int pending_host_id);
// Sends the given IPC message as a resource request to the host
// corresponding to this resource object and does not expect a reply.
void Post(Destination dest, const IPC::Message& msg);
// Like Post() but expects a response. |callback| is a |base::Callback| that
// will be run when a reply message with a sequence number matching that of
// the call is received. |ReplyMsgClass| is the type of the reply message that
// is expected. An example of usage:
// Call<PpapiPluginMsg_MyResourceType_MyReplyMessage>(
// PpapiHostMsg_MyResourceType_MyRequestMessage(),
// base::Bind(&MyPluginResource::ReplyHandler, base::Unretained(this)));
// If a reply message to this call is received whose type does not match
// |ReplyMsgClass| (for example, in the case of an error), the callback will
// still be invoked but with the default values of the message parameters.
// Returns the new request's sequence number which can be used to identify
// the callback. This value will never be 0, which you can use to identify
// an invalid callback.
// Note: 1) When all plugin references to this resource are gone or the
// corresponding plugin instance is deleted, all pending callbacks
// are abandoned.
// 2) It is *not* recommended to let |callback| hold any reference to
// |this|, in which it will be stored. Otherwise, this object will
// live forever if we fail to clean up the callback. It is safe to
// use base::Unretained(this) or a weak pointer, because this object
// will outlive the callback.
template<typename ReplyMsgClass, typename CallbackType>
int32_t Call(Destination dest,
const IPC::Message& msg,
const CallbackType& callback);
// Comparing with the previous Call() method, this method takes
// |reply_thread_hint| as a hint to determine which thread to handle the reply
// message.
// If |reply_thread_hint| is non-blocking, the reply message will be handled
// on the target thread of the callback; otherwise, it will be handled on the
// main thread.
// If handling a reply message will cause a TrackedCallback to be run, it is
// recommended to use this version of Call(). It eliminates unnecessary
// thread switching and therefore has better performance.
template<typename ReplyMsgClass, typename CallbackType>
int32_t Call(Destination dest,
const IPC::Message& msg,
const CallbackType& callback,
scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback> reply_thread_hint);
// Calls the browser/renderer with sync messages. Returns the pepper error
// code from the call.
// |ReplyMsgClass| is the type of the reply message that is expected. If it
// carries x parameters, then the method with x out parameters should be used.
// An example of usage:
// // Assuming the reply message carries a string and an integer.
// std::string param_1;
// int param_2 = 0;
// int32_t result = SyncCall<PpapiPluginMsg_MyResourceType_MyReplyMessage>(
// RENDERER, PpapiHostMsg_MyResourceType_MyRequestMessage(),
// &param_1, &param_2);
template <class ReplyMsgClass>
int32_t SyncCall(Destination dest, const IPC::Message& msg);
template <class ReplyMsgClass, class A>
int32_t SyncCall(Destination dest, const IPC::Message& msg, A* a);
template <class ReplyMsgClass, class A, class B>
int32_t SyncCall(Destination dest, const IPC::Message& msg, A* a, B* b);
template <class ReplyMsgClass, class A, class B, class C>
int32_t SyncCall(Destination dest, const IPC::Message& msg, A* a, B* b, C* c);
template <class ReplyMsgClass, class A, class B, class C, class D>
int32_t SyncCall(
Destination dest, const IPC::Message& msg, A* a, B* b, C* c, D* d);
template <class ReplyMsgClass, class A, class B, class C, class D, class E>
int32_t SyncCall(
Destination dest, const IPC::Message& msg, A* a, B* b, C* c, D* d, E* e);
int32_t GenericSyncCall(Destination dest,
const IPC::Message& msg,
IPC::Message* reply_msg,
ResourceMessageReplyParams* reply_params);
const Connection& connection() { return connection_; }
IPC::Sender* GetSender(Destination dest) {
return dest == RENDERER ? connection_.GetRendererSender()
: connection_.browser_sender();
// Helper function to send a |PpapiHostMsg_ResourceCall| to the given
// destination with |nested_msg| and |call_params|.
bool SendResourceCall(Destination dest,
const ResourceMessageCallParams& call_params,
const IPC::Message& nested_msg);
int32_t GetNextSequence();
Connection connection_;
// Use GetNextSequence to retrieve the next value.
int32_t next_sequence_number_;
bool sent_create_to_browser_;
bool sent_create_to_renderer_;
typedef std::map<int32_t, scoped_refptr<PluginResourceCallbackBase> >
CallbackMap callbacks_;
scoped_refptr<ResourceReplyThreadRegistrar> resource_reply_thread_registrar_;
template<typename ReplyMsgClass, typename CallbackType>
int32_t PluginResource::Call(Destination dest,
const IPC::Message& msg,
const CallbackType& callback) {
return Call<ReplyMsgClass>(dest, msg, callback, NULL);
template<typename ReplyMsgClass, typename CallbackType>
int32_t PluginResource::Call(
Destination dest,
const IPC::Message& msg,
const CallbackType& callback,
scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback> reply_thread_hint) {
TRACE_EVENT2("ppapi proxy", "PluginResource::Call",
"Class", IPC_MESSAGE_ID_CLASS(msg.type()),
"Line", IPC_MESSAGE_ID_LINE(msg.type()));
ResourceMessageCallParams params(pp_resource(), next_sequence_number_++);
// Stash the |callback| in |callbacks_| identified by the sequence number of
// the call.
scoped_refptr<PluginResourceCallbackBase> plugin_callback(
new PluginResourceCallback<ReplyMsgClass, CallbackType>(callback));
callbacks_.insert(std::make_pair(params.sequence(), plugin_callback));
if (resource_reply_thread_registrar_.get()) {
pp_resource(), params.sequence(), reply_thread_hint);
SendResourceCall(dest, params, msg);
return params.sequence();
template <class ReplyMsgClass>
int32_t PluginResource::SyncCall(Destination dest, const IPC::Message& msg) {
IPC::Message reply;
ResourceMessageReplyParams reply_params;
return GenericSyncCall(dest, msg, &reply, &reply_params);
template <class ReplyMsgClass, class A>
int32_t PluginResource::SyncCall(
Destination dest, const IPC::Message& msg, A* a) {
IPC::Message reply;
ResourceMessageReplyParams reply_params;
int32_t result = GenericSyncCall(dest, msg, &reply, &reply_params);
if (UnpackMessage<ReplyMsgClass>(reply, a))
return result;
template <class ReplyMsgClass, class A, class B>
int32_t PluginResource::SyncCall(
Destination dest, const IPC::Message& msg, A* a, B* b) {
IPC::Message reply;
ResourceMessageReplyParams reply_params;
int32_t result = GenericSyncCall(dest, msg, &reply, &reply_params);
if (UnpackMessage<ReplyMsgClass>(reply, a, b))
return result;
template <class ReplyMsgClass, class A, class B, class C>
int32_t PluginResource::SyncCall(
Destination dest, const IPC::Message& msg, A* a, B* b, C* c) {
IPC::Message reply;
ResourceMessageReplyParams reply_params;
int32_t result = GenericSyncCall(dest, msg, &reply, &reply_params);
if (UnpackMessage<ReplyMsgClass>(reply, a, b, c))
return result;
template <class ReplyMsgClass, class A, class B, class C, class D>
int32_t PluginResource::SyncCall(
Destination dest, const IPC::Message& msg, A* a, B* b, C* c, D* d) {
IPC::Message reply;
ResourceMessageReplyParams reply_params;
int32_t result = GenericSyncCall(dest, msg, &reply, &reply_params);
if (UnpackMessage<ReplyMsgClass>(reply, a, b, c, d))
return result;
template <class ReplyMsgClass, class A, class B, class C, class D, class E>
int32_t PluginResource::SyncCall(
Destination dest, const IPC::Message& msg, A* a, B* b, C* c, D* d, E* e) {
IPC::Message reply;
ResourceMessageReplyParams reply_params;
int32_t result = GenericSyncCall(dest, msg, &reply, &reply_params);
if (UnpackMessage<ReplyMsgClass>(reply, a, b, c, d, e))
return result;
} // namespace proxy
} // namespace ppapi