[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: d96bc83a8bf2b01f39b29a8f16387569e65ef41e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gpu/gpu_export.h"
namespace switches {
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kDisableGpuRasterization[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kDisableMipmapGeneration[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kEnableGpuRasterization[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kGpuBlocklistTestGroup[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kGpuDriverBugListTestGroup[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kGpuPreferences[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kIgnoreGpuBlocklist[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kGpuDiskCacheSizeKB[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kDisableGpuProcessForDX12InfoCollection[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kEnableUnsafeWebGPU[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kEnableWebGPUDeveloperFeatures[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kEnableDawnBackendValidation[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kUseWebGPUAdapter[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kUseWebGPUPowerPreference[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kEnableDawnFeatures[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kDisableDawnFeatures[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kUseHighGPUThreadPriorityForPerfTests[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kNoDelayForDX12VulkanInfoCollection[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kEnableGpuBlockedTime[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kGpuVendorId[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kGpuDeviceId[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kGpuSubSystemId[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kGpuRevision[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kGpuDriverVersion[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kWebViewDrawFunctorUsesVulkan[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kEnableVulkanProtectedMemory[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kDisableVulkanFallbackToGLForTesting[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kVulkanHeapMemoryLimitMb[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kVulkanSyncCpuMemoryLimitMb[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kForceBrowserCrashOnGpuCrash[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kGpuWatchdogTimeoutSeconds[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kForceSeparateEGLDisplayForWebGLTesting[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kSkiaGraphiteBackend[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kSkiaGraphiteBackendDawn[];
GPU_EXPORT extern const char kSkiaGraphiteBackendMetal[];
} // namespace switches