[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 91d29b2c0d9f1c583b85f4c49bc7deda3f614d49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/gpu/exponential_moving_average.h"
#include "media/gpu/media_gpu_export.h"
namespace media {
// An encoded frame size estimator.
// The estimator maintains the history of intermediate values (qp_size_value)
// that are proportional to encoded frame size and QP, and inversely
// proportional to the QP ratio of the previous and the current frame
// (delta_q_step_factor). The QP is converted to Q step value that has linear
// dependency to the encoded frame size.
// q_step = 5 / 8 * 2^(qp / 6)
// delta_q_step_factor = q_step_prev / q_step
// qp_size_value = q_step * frame_bytes / delta_q_step_factor
// The prediction of the encoded frame size is based on average values of
// qp_size_value and qp_size_correction. The qp_size_correction is the
// difference between actual encoded bytes and the predicted value.
// qp_size_correction = frame_bytes -
// qp_size_value * delta_q_step_factor / q_step
// pred_frame_bytes =
// qp_size_value * delta_q_step_factor / q_step + qp_size_correction
class MEDIA_GPU_EXPORT FrameSizeEstimator {
FrameSizeEstimator(base::TimeDelta max_window_size,
float initial_qp_size,
float initial_size_correction);
FrameSizeEstimator(const FrameSizeEstimator& other) = delete;
FrameSizeEstimator& operator=(const FrameSizeEstimator& other) = delete;
// Estimates encoded frame size for the given qp and qp_prev, based on the
// stats of the previous frames. In usual encoding scenario, the current
// QP is unknown at this point, but the estimate of the QP parameter is used
// instead.
size_t Estimate(uint32_t qp, uint32_t qp_prev) const;
// Updates the frame size estimator state with the real encoded frame size and
// with the parameters used for video frame encoding.
void Update(size_t frame_bytes,
uint32_t qp,
uint32_t qp_prev,
base::TimeDelta elapsed_time);
float qp_size_mean() const { return qp_size_stats_.mean(); }
float size_correction_mean() const { return size_correction_stats_.mean(); }
void UpdateMaxWindowSize(base::TimeDelta max_window_size);
ExponentialMovingAverage qp_size_stats_;
ExponentialMovingAverage size_correction_stats_;
} // namespace media