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// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Copyright 2014 Blake Embrey (hello@blakeembrey.com)
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/liburlpattern/options.h"
namespace liburlpattern {
// Numeric values are set such that more restrictive values come last. This
// is important for comparison routines in calling code, like URLPattern.
enum class PartType {
// A part that matches any character to the end of the input string.
kFullWildcard = 0,
// A part that matches any character to the next segment separator.
kSegmentWildcard = 1,
// A part with a custom regular expression.
kRegex = 2,
// A fixed, non-variable part of the pattern. Consists of kChar and
// kEscapedChar Tokens.
kFixed = 3,
// Numeric values are set such that more restrictive values come last. This
// is important for comparison routines in calling code, like URLPattern.
enum class Modifier {
// The `*` modifier.
kZeroOrMore = 0,
// The `?` modifier.
kOptional = 1,
// The `+` modifier.
kOneOrMore = 2,
// No modifier.
kNone = 3,
// A structure representing one part of a parsed Pattern. A full Pattern
// consists of an ordered sequence of Part objects.
// The type of the Part.
PartType type = PartType::kFixed;
// The name of the Part. Only kRegex, kSegmentWildcard, and kFullWildcard
// parts may have a |name|. kFixed parts must have an empty |name|.
std::string name;
// A fixed string prefix that is expected before any regex or wildcard match.
// kFixed parts must have an empty |prefix|.
std::string prefix;
// The meaning of the |value| depends on the |type| of the Part. For kFixed
// parts the |value| contains the fixed string to match. For kRegex parts
// the |value| contains a regular expression to match. The |value| is empty
// for kSegmentWildcard and kFullWildcard parts since the |type| encodes what
// to match.
std::string value;
// A fixed string prefix that is expected after any regex or wildcard match.
// kFixed parts must have an empty |suffix|.
std::string suffix;
// A |modifier| indicating whether the Part is optional and/or repeated. Any
// Part type may have a |modifier|.
Modifier modifier = Modifier::kNone;
Part(PartType type, std::string value, Modifier modifier);
Part(PartType type,
std::string name,
std::string prefix,
std::string value,
std::string suffix,
Modifier modifier);
Part() = default;
// Returns true if the `name` member is a custom name; e.g. for a `:foo`
// group.
bool HasCustomName() const;
inline bool operator==(const Part& lh, const Part& rh) {
return lh.name == rh.name && lh.prefix == rh.prefix && lh.value == rh.value &&
lh.suffix == rh.suffix && lh.modifier == rh.modifier;
inline bool operator!=(const Part& lh, const Part& rh) {
return !(lh == rh);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, Part part);
// This class represents a successfully parsed pattern string. It will contain
// an intermediate representation that can be used to generate either a regular
// expression string or to directly match against input strings. Not all
// patterns are supported for direct matching.
Pattern(std::vector<Part> part_list,
Options options,
std::string segment_wildcard_regex);
// Generate a canonical string for the parsed pattern. This may result
// in a value different from the pattern string originally passed to
// Parse(). For example, no-op syntax like `{bar}` will be simplified to
// `bar`. In addition, the generated string will include any changes mad
// by EncodingCallback hooks. Finally, regular expressions equivalent to
// `*` and named group default matching will be simplified; e.g. `(.*)`
// will become just `*`.
std::string GeneratePatternString() const;
// Generate an ECMA-262 regular expression string that is equivalent to this
// pattern. A vector of strings can be optionally passed to |name_list_out|
// to be populated with the list of group names. These correspond
// sequentially to the regular expression capture groups. Note, the
// regular expression string does not currently used named capture groups
// directly in order to match the upstream path-to-regexp behavior.
std::string GenerateRegexString(
std::vector<std::string>* name_list_out = nullptr) const;
const std::vector<Part>& PartList() const { return part_list_; }
// Returns true if the pattern has at least one kRegex part.
bool HasRegexGroups() const;
// Returns true if the pattern can match input strings using `DirectMatch()`.
bool CanDirectMatch() const;
// Attempts to match the pattern against the given `input` string directly
// without using a regular expression. Only some patterns support this
// feature. The caller must only call `DirectMatch()` if `CanDirectMatch()`
// returns true.
// `DirectMatch()` returns true if the pattern matches `input` and false
// otherwise. If the `group_list_out` pointer is provided then the vector
// is populated with name:value pairs for matched pattern groups. If a
// group had an optional modifier and it did not match any input characters
// then its `group_list_out` value will be std::nullopt.
bool DirectMatch(absl::string_view input,
group_list_out) const;
// Compute the expected size of the string that will be returned by
// GenerateRegexString().
size_t RegexStringLength() const;
// Utility method to help with generating the regex string and length.
void AppendDelimiterList(std::string& append_target) const;
size_t DelimiterListLength() const;
void AppendEndsWith(std::string& append_target) const;
size_t EndsWithLength() const;
// Utility methods to help with direct matching.
bool IsOnlyFullWildcard() const;
bool IsOnlyFixedText() const;
std::vector<Part> part_list_;
Options options_;
std::string segment_wildcard_regex_;
} // namespace liburlpattern