[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 01a37ed472a51ab5b1eb3cdddccc9bed49dd105d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type {FileManagerBase} from '../background/js/file_manager_base.js';
import type {VolumeManager} from '../background/js/volume_manager.js';
import type {MetadataModel} from '../foreground/js/metadata/metadata_model.js';
import type {FileManagerUI} from '../foreground/js/ui/file_manager_ui.js';
* Type definition for foreground/js/file_manager.js:FileManager.
* For now only defining the bare minimum.
interface FileManager {
volumeManager: VolumeManager;
metadataModel: MetadataModel;
crostini: Crostini;
selectionHandler: FileSelectionHandler;
taskController: TaskController;
dialogType: DialogType;
directoryModel: DirectoryModel;
directoryTreeNamingController: DirectoryTreeNamingController;
ui: FileManagerUI;
getLastVisitedUrl(): string;
getTranslatedString(id: string): string;
onUnloadForTest(): void;
interface AppState {
currentDirectoryURL?: string;
selectionURL?: string;
viewOptions?: any;
* The singleton instance for FileManager is available in the Window object.
declare global {
interface Window {
appID: string;
fileManager: FileManager;
IN_TEST: boolean;
JSErrorCount: number;
store: Store;
/** Namespace used for test utils. */
test: any;
appState?: AppState;
// Only used for grid.ts
cvox?: {
Api?: {
isChromeVoxActive: () => boolean,
// Defined in the file_manager_base.ts
background: FileManagerBase;
// Defined in the main_window_component.ts
isFocused?: () => boolean;
// For unit test.
chrome: typeof chrome;
function webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL(
url: string, successCallback: FileSystemEntryCallback,
errorCallback: ErrorCallback): void;
export {};