[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 6a842c3a440cd0292dc876a4e2152d3351dc378d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
namespace url_pattern_index {
// The class used to iteratively extract N-grams from strings. An N-gram is a
// string consisting of N (up to 8) non-special characters, which are stored in
// the lowest N non-zero bytes, lower bytes corresponding to later symbols. The
// size of the integer type limits the maximum value of N. For example an
// uint64_t can store up to 8-grams.
// Note: If used for UTF-8 strings, the N-grams can have partial byte sequences.
// Template parameters:
// * N - the size of N-grams.
// * NGramType - the integer type used to encode N-grams.
// * CasePolicy - whether or not to lower-case the N-grams. Assumes ASCII.
// * IsSeparator - the type of a bool(char) functor.
enum class NGramCaseExtraction { kCaseSensitive, kLowerCase };
template <size_t N,
typename NGramType,
NGramCaseExtraction CasePolicy,
typename IsSeparator>
class NGramExtractor {
// An STL compatible input iterator over N-grams contained in a string.
class Iterator {
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
using value_type = NGramType;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = NGramType*;
using reference = NGramType&;
// Creates an iterator, which points to the leftmost valid N-gram within the
// |extractor|'s string, starting from |head|.
Iterator(const NGramExtractor& extractor,
base::StringPiece::const_iterator head)
: extractor_(extractor), head_(head), end_(extractor.string_.end()) {
DCHECK_GE(head, extractor_->string_.begin());
DCHECK_LE(head, end_);
bool operator==(const Iterator& rhs) const { return head_ == rhs.head_; }
bool operator!=(const Iterator& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); }
NGramType operator*() const { return ngram_; }
NGramType* operator->() const { return &ngram_; }
Iterator& operator++() {
ngram_ &= ~(static_cast<NGramType>(0xFFu) << 8 * (N - 1));
CompleteNGramFrom(N - 1);
return *this;
Iterator operator++(int) {
Iterator copy(*this);
return copy;
char ExtractHeadByte() {
char head_byte = *head_;
switch (CasePolicy) {
case NGramCaseExtraction::kCaseSensitive:
return head_byte;
case NGramCaseExtraction::kLowerCase:
return base::ToLowerASCII(head_byte);
// Consumes characters starting with the one pointed to by |head_|, as many
// of them as needed to extend |ngram_| from its |current_length| to a
// length of N. Leaves |head_| pointing to the last character consumed.
void CompleteNGramFrom(size_t current_length) {
for (; head_ != end_; ++head_) {
if (extractor_->is_separator_(*head_)) {
current_length = 0;
ngram_ = 0;
} else {
ngram_ = ngram_ << 8 | static_cast<NGramType>(ExtractHeadByte());
if (++current_length == N)
const raw_ref<const NGramExtractor> extractor_;
// Always points to the last character included in the current |ngram_|.
base::StringPiece::const_iterator head_;
// Always points to extractor_.string_.end().
base::StringPiece::const_iterator end_;
// Contains the N-gram currently pointed to by the iterator. Undefined if
// the iterator is at the end.
NGramType ngram_ = 0;
// Constructs an extractor for iterating over N-grams contained in the
// |string|. |is_separator| is used to determine whether a certain character
// is a separator and should not be contained in an N-gram.
NGramExtractor(base::StringPiece string, IsSeparator is_separator)
: string_(string), is_separator_(is_separator) {}
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(*this, string_.begin()); }
Iterator end() const { return Iterator(*this, string_.end()); }
static_assert(std::is_integral<NGramType>::value, "Not an integral type.");
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<NGramType>::value, "Not an unsigned type.");
static_assert(N > 0u, "N should be positive.");
static_assert(N <= sizeof(NGramType), "N-gram doesn't fit into the type.");
base::StringPiece string_;
IsSeparator is_separator_;
// A helper function used to create an NGramExtractor for a |string| without
// knowing the direct type of the |is_separator| functor.
// Typical usage:
// const char* str = "no*abacaba*abcd";
// auto extractor =
// CreateNGramExtractor<5, uint64_t, NGrameCaseExtraction::kLowercase>(
// str, [](char c) { return c == '*'; });
// for (uint64_t ngram : extractor) {
// ... process the |ngram| ...
// }
template <size_t N,
typename NGramType,
NGramCaseExtraction CasePolicy,
typename IsSeparator>
NGramExtractor<N, NGramType, CasePolicy, IsSeparator> CreateNGramExtractor(
base::StringPiece string,
IsSeparator is_separator) {
return NGramExtractor<N, NGramType, CasePolicy, IsSeparator>(string,
} // namespace url_pattern_index