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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Tests getters and setters of the font metrics override descriptors of FontFace</title>
<link rel="author" href="mailto:xiaochengh@chromium.org">
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-font-loading/#fontface-interface">
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-4/#font-metrics-override-desc">
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function rejection(promise) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => promise.then(reject, resolve));
// ascentOverride
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
assert_equals(face.ascentOverride, 'normal');
}, "Initial value of ascentOverride should be 'normal'");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
{ascentOverride: 'normal'});
assert_equals(face.ascentOverride, 'normal');
}, "Initialize ascentOverride with 'normal' should succeed");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
{ascentOverride: '50%'});
assert_equals(face.ascentOverride, '50%');
}, "Initialize ascentOverride with a percentage should succeed");
promise_test(async () => {
const face = new FontFace(
{ascentOverride: '-50%'});
const error = await rejection(face.load());
assert_equals('error', face.status);
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', () => {throw error});
}, "Initialize ascentOverride with a negative percentage should fail");
promise_test(async () => {
const face = new FontFace(
{ascentOverride: '10px'});
const error = await rejection(face.load());
assert_equals('error', face.status);
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', () => {throw error});
}, "Initialize ascentOverride with a non-percentage should fail");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
{ascentOverride: 'normal'});
face.ascentOverride = '50%';
assert_equals(face.ascentOverride, '50%');
}, "Changing ascentOverride from 'normal' to percentage should succeed");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
{ascentOverride: '50%'});
face.ascentOverride = 'normal';
assert_equals(face.ascentOverride, 'normal');
}, "Changing ascentOverride from percentage to 'normal' should succeed");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', () => {face.ascentOverride = '10px'});
}, "Changing ascentOverride to invalid value should fail");
// descentOverride
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
assert_equals(face.descentOverride, 'normal');
}, "Initial value of descentOverride should be 'normal'");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
{descentOverride: 'normal'});
assert_equals(face.descentOverride, 'normal');
}, "Initialize descentOverride with 'normal' should succeed");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
{descentOverride: '50%'});
assert_equals(face.descentOverride, '50%');
}, "Initialize descentOverride with a percentage should succeed");
promise_test(async () => {
const face = new FontFace(
{descentOverride: '-50%'});
const error = await rejection(face.load());
assert_equals('error', face.status);
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', () => {throw error});
}, "Initialize descentOverride with a negative percentage should fail");
promise_test(async () => {
const face = new FontFace(
{descentOverride: '10px'});
const error = await rejection(face.load());
assert_equals('error', face.status);
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', () => {throw error});
}, "Initialize descentOverride with a non-percentage should fail");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
{descentOverride: 'normal'});
face.descentOverride = '50%';
assert_equals(face.descentOverride, '50%');
}, "Changing descentOverride from 'normal' to percentage should succeed");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
{descentOverride: '50%'});
face.descentOverride = 'normal';
assert_equals(face.descentOverride, 'normal');
}, "Changing descentOverride from percentage to 'normal' should succeed");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', () => {face.descentOverride = '10px'});
}, "Changing descentOverride to invalid value should fail");
// lineGapOverride
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
assert_equals(face.lineGapOverride, 'normal');
}, "Initial value of lineGapOverride should be 'normal'");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
{lineGapOverride: 'normal'});
assert_equals(face.lineGapOverride, 'normal');
}, "Initialize lineGapOverride with 'normal' should succeed");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
{lineGapOverride: '50%'});
assert_equals(face.lineGapOverride, '50%');
}, "Initialize lineGapOverride with a percentage should succeed");
promise_test(async () => {
const face = new FontFace(
{lineGapOverride: '-50%'});
const error = await rejection(face.load());
assert_equals('error', face.status);
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', () => {throw error});
}, "Initialize lineGapOverride with a negative percentage should fail");
promise_test(async () => {
const face = new FontFace(
{lineGapOverride: '10px'});
const error = await rejection(face.load());
assert_equals('error', face.status);
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', () => {throw error});
}, "Initialize lineGapOverride with a non-percentage should fail");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
{lineGapOverride: 'normal'});
face.lineGapOverride = '50%';
assert_equals(face.lineGapOverride, '50%');
}, "Changing lineGapOverride from 'normal' to percentage should succeed");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
{lineGapOverride: '50%'});
face.lineGapOverride = 'normal';
assert_equals(face.lineGapOverride, 'normal');
}, "Changing lineGapOverride from percentage to 'normal' should succeed");
test(() => {
const face = new FontFace(
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', () => {face.lineGapOverride = '10px'});
}, "Changing lineGapOverride to invalid value should fail");