[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 55e05acb831cf32d5f3a095b94fe4b09c25c1b00 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a testharness.js-based test.
[FAIL] XPathNSResolver is cross-realm plain object without 'lookupNamespaceURI' property
assert_equals: expected "object" but got "undefined"
[FAIL] XPathNSResolver is cross-realm plain object with non-callable 'lookupNamespaceURI' property
assert_equals: expected "object" but got "undefined"
[FAIL] XPathNSResolver is cross-realm non-callable revoked Proxy
assert_equals: expected "object" but got "undefined"
[FAIL] XPathNSResolver is cross-realm callable revoked Proxy
assert_equals: expected function "function TypeError() { [native code] }" but got function "function TypeError() { [native code] }"
[FAIL] XPathNSResolver is cross-realm plain object with revoked Proxy as 'lookupNamespaceURI' property
assert_equals: expected function "function TypeError() { [native code] }" but got function "function TypeError() { [native code] }"
Harness: the test ran to completion.