[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 3a11a9799ea64545fd2d9b9e9d5cca8b24f37a7f [file] [log] [blame]
This is a testharness.js-based test.
[FAIL] Element names in config item: elements
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'sort')
[FAIL] Element names in config item: removeElements
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'sort')
[FAIL] Element names in config item: replaceWithChildrenElements
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'sort')
[FAIL] Attribute names in config item: attributes
Cannot convert undefined or null to object
[FAIL] Attribute names in config item: removeAttributes
Cannot convert undefined or null to object
[FAIL] Namespaced elements #0: elements: ["p"]
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Namespaced elements #1: elements: ["svg"]
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Namespaced elements #2: elements: [{"name":"svg","namespace":"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"}]
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Namespaced elements #3: elements: ["math"]
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Namespaced elements #4: elements: [{"name":"math","namespace":"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"}]
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Namespaced elements #5: elements: [{"name":"math","namespace":"http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"}]
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Namespaced attributes #0: attributes: [{"name":"style"}]
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Namespaced attributes #1: attributes: [{"name":"href"}]
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Namespaced attributes #2: attributes: [{"name":"xlink:href"}]
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Namespaced attributes #3: attributes: [{"name":"href","namespace":"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"}]
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Namespaced attributes #4: attributes: [{"name":"href","namespace":"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"}]
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Namespaced attributes #5: attributes: [{"name":"href"}]
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Namespaced attribute xlink:href inside SVG tree
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Mixed-case element names #0: "svg:feBlend"
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Lower-case element names #0: "svg:feblend"
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Upper-case element names #0: "svg:FEBLEND"
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Mixed case element names #0: "feBlend" is preserved in config.
assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected array ["svg:feBlend"] length 1, got […, "p", "colgroup", "map", "listing", "td", "article", "body", "center", "dt", "fieldset", "br", "strike", "header", "dir", "nav", "label", "samp", "selectlist", "i", "input"] length 117
[FAIL] Mixed-case element names #1: "svg:feColorMatrix"
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Lower-case element names #1: "svg:fecolormatrix"
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Upper-case element names #1: "svg:FECOLORMATRIX"
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Mixed case element names #1: "feColorMatrix" is preserved in config.
assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected array ["svg:feColorMatrix"] length 1, got […, "p", "colgroup", "map", "listing", "td", "article", "body", "center", "dt", "fieldset", "br", "strike", "header", "dir", "nav", "label", "samp", "selectlist", "i", "input"] length 117
[FAIL] Mixed-case element names #2: "svg:textPath"
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Lower-case element names #2: "svg:textpath"
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Upper-case element names #2: "svg:TEXTPATH"
Failed to execute 'setHTML' on 'Element': Failed to read the 'sanitizer' property from 'ElementSetHTMLOptions': Failed to convert value to 'Sanitizer'.
[FAIL] Mixed case element names #2: "textPath" is preserved in config.
assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected array ["svg:textPath"] length 1, got […, "p", "colgroup", "map", "listing", "td", "article", "body", "center", "dt", "fieldset", "br", "strike", "header", "dir", "nav", "label", "samp", "selectlist", "i", "input"] length 117
Harness: the test ran to completion.