[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 579c5bbc4f5c0f1529dd7904e3e919b006ce10b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/page_load_metrics/browser/observers/core/largest_contentful_paint_handler.h"
#include "components/page_load_metrics/browser/page_load_metrics_observer.h"
#include "components/page_load_metrics/browser/page_load_metrics_observer_delegate.h"
#include "components/page_load_metrics/browser/page_load_metrics_update_dispatcher.h"
#include "components/page_load_metrics/browser/resource_tracker.h"
#include "components/page_load_metrics/common/page_end_reason.h"
#include "components/page_load_metrics/common/page_load_metrics.mojom.h"
#include "components/page_load_metrics/common/page_load_timing.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_request_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "net/cookies/canonical_cookie.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/performance/performance_timeline_constants.h"
#include "ui/base/scoped_visibility_tracker.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
class GURL;
namespace blink {
class WebInputEvent;
} // namespace blink
namespace content {
class NavigationHandle;
class WebContents;
} // namespace content
namespace page_load_metrics {
struct MemoryUpdate;
class PageLoadMetricsEmbedderInterface;
namespace internal {
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class PageLoadPrerenderEvent {
kNavigationInPrerenderedMainFrame = 0,
kPrerenderActivationNavigation = 1,
kMaxValue = kPrerenderActivationNavigation,
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class PageLoadTrackerPageType {
kPrimaryPage = 0,
kPrerenderPage = 1,
kFencedFramesPage = 2,
kMaxValue = kFencedFramesPage,
extern const char kErrorEvents[];
extern const char kPageLoadPrerender2Event[];
extern const char kPageLoadPrerender2VisibilityAtActivation[];
extern const char kPageLoadTrackerPageType[];
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class VisibilityAtActivation {
kHidden = 0,
kOccluded = 1,
kVisible = 2,
kMaxValue = kVisible
// These values are recorded into a UMA histogram as causes of irregular LCP
// image load timings. These entries should not be renumbered and the numeric
// values should not be reused. These entries should be kept in sync with the
// definition in tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml
enum class ImageLoadStartLessThanDocumentTtfbCause {
kUnknown = 0,
kLoadedFromMemoryCache = 1,
kPreloadedWithEarlyHints = 2,
kLoadedFromMemoryCacheAndPreloadedWithEarlyHints = 3,
kMaxValue = kLoadedFromMemoryCacheAndPreloadedWithEarlyHints
} // namespace internal
// These errors are internal to the page_load_metrics subsystem and do not
// reflect actual errors that occur during a page load.
// If you add elements to this enum, make sure you update the enum
// value in histograms.xml. Only add elements to the end to prevent
// inconsistencies between versions.
enum InternalErrorLoadEvent {
// A timing IPC was sent from the renderer that did not line up with previous
// data we've received (i.e. navigation start is different or the timing
// struct is somehow invalid). This error can only occur once the IPC is
// vetted in other ways (see other errors). This error is deprecated as it has
// been replaced by the more detailed ERR_BAD_TIMING_IPC_* error codes.
// The following IPCs are not mutually exclusive.
// We received an IPC when we weren't tracking a committed load. This will
// often happen if we get an IPC from a bad URL scheme (that is, the renderer
// sent us an IPC from a navigation we don't care about).
// Received a notification from a frame that has been navigated away from.
// We received an IPC even through the last committed url from the browser
// was not http/s. This can happen with the renderer sending IPCs for the
// new tab page. This will often come paired with
// If we track a navigation, but the renderer sends us no IPCs. This could
// occur if the browser filters loads less aggressively than the renderer.
// Tracks frequency with which we record an end time that occurred before
// navigation start. This is expected to happen in some cases (see comments in
// cc file for details). We use this error counter to understand how often it
// happens.
// A new navigation triggers abort updates in multiple trackers in
// |aborted_provisional_loads_|, when usually there should only be one (the
// navigation that just aborted because of this one). If this happens, the
// latest aborted load is used to track the chain size.
// Received user input without a relevant load. This error type is deprecated,
// as it is valid to receive user input without a relevant load. We leave the
// enum value here since it's also used in histogram recording, so it's
// important that we not re-use this enum entry for a different value.
// A TimeTicks value in the browser process has value less than
// navigation_start_. This could happen if navigation_start_ was computed in
// renderer process and the system clock has inter process time tick skew.
// At the time a PageLoadTracker was destroyed, we had received neither a
// commit nor a failed provisional load.
// No page load end time was recorded for this page load.
// Received a timing update from a subframe (deprecated).
// A timing IPC was sent from the renderer that contained timing data which
// was inconsistent with our timing data for the currently committed load.
// A timing IPC was sent from the renderer that contained loading behavior
// data which was inconsistent with our loading behavior data for the
// currently committed load.
// A timing IPC was sent from the renderer that contained invalid timing data
// (e.g. out of order timings, or other issues).
// We received a navigation start for a child frame that is before the
// navigation start of the main frame.
// We received an IPC from a subframe when we weren't tracking a committed
// load. We expect this error to happen, and track it so we can understand how
// frequently this case is encountered.
// We received browser-process reported metrics when we weren't tracking a
// committed load. We expect this error to happen, and track it so we can
// understand how frequently this case is encountered.
// Add values before this final count.
// NOTE: these functions are shared by page_load_tracker.cc and
// metrics_web_contents_observer.cc. They are declared here to allow both files
// to access them.
void RecordInternalError(InternalErrorLoadEvent event);
PageEndReason EndReasonForPageTransition(ui::PageTransition transition);
bool IsNavigationUserInitiated(content::NavigationHandle* handle);
// This class tracks a given page load, starting from navigation start /
// provisional load, until a new navigation commits or the navigation fails.
// MetricsWebContentsObserver manages a set of provisional PageLoadTrackers, as
// well as a committed PageLoadTracker.
class PageLoadTracker : public PageLoadMetricsUpdateDispatcher::Client,
public PageLoadMetricsObserverDelegate {
// Caller must guarantee that the `embedder_interface` pointer outlives this
// class. The PageLoadTracker must not hold on to `navigation_handle` beyond
// the scope of the constructor.
PageLoadTracker(bool in_foreground,
PageLoadMetricsEmbedderInterface* embedder_interface,
const GURL& currently_committed_url,
bool is_first_navigation_in_web_contents,
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle,
UserInitiatedInfo user_initiated_info,
ukm::SourceId source_id,
base::WeakPtr<PageLoadTracker> parent_tracker);
PageLoadTracker(const PageLoadTracker&) = delete;
PageLoadTracker& operator=(const PageLoadTracker&) = delete;
~PageLoadTracker() override;
// PageLoadMetricsUpdateDispatcher::Client implementation:
bool IsPageMainFrame(content::RenderFrameHost* rfh) const override;
void OnTimingChanged() override;
void OnPageInputTimingChanged(uint64_t num_interactions,
uint64_t num_input_events) override;
void OnSubFrameTimingChanged(content::RenderFrameHost* rfh,
const mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing) override;
void OnSubFrameInputTimingChanged(
content::RenderFrameHost* rfh,
const mojom::InputTiming& input_timing_delta) override;
void OnPageRenderDataChanged(const mojom::FrameRenderDataUpdate& render_data,
bool is_main_frame) override;
void OnSubFrameRenderDataChanged(
content::RenderFrameHost* rfh,
const mojom::FrameRenderDataUpdate& render_data) override;
void OnMainFrameMetadataChanged() override;
void OnSubframeMetadataChanged(content::RenderFrameHost* rfh,
const mojom::FrameMetadata& metadata) override;
void OnSoftNavigationChanged(
const mojom::SoftNavigationMetrics& soft_navigation_metrics) override;
void UpdateFeaturesUsage(
content::RenderFrameHost* rfh,
const std::vector<blink::UseCounterFeature>& new_features) override;
void UpdateResourceDataUse(
content::RenderFrameHost* rfh,
const std::vector<mojom::ResourceDataUpdatePtr>& resources) override;
void UpdateFrameCpuTiming(content::RenderFrameHost* rfh,
const mojom::CpuTiming& timing) override;
void OnMainFrameIntersectionRectChanged(
content::RenderFrameHost* rfh,
const gfx::Rect& main_frame_intersection_rect) override;
void OnMainFrameViewportRectChanged(
const gfx::Rect& main_frame_viewport_rect) override;
void OnMainFrameImageAdRectsChanged(
const base::flat_map<int, gfx::Rect>& main_frame_image_ad_rects) override;
void SetUpSharedMemoryForSmoothness(
base::ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion shared_memory) override;
// PageLoadMetricsObserverDelegate implementation:
content::WebContents* GetWebContents() const override;
base::TimeTicks GetNavigationStart() const override;
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> GetTimeToFirstBackground() const override;
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> GetTimeToFirstForeground() const override;
PrerenderingState GetPrerenderingState() const override;
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> GetActivationStart() const override;
const BackForwardCacheRestore& GetBackForwardCacheRestore(
size_t index) const override;
bool StartedInForeground() const override;
PageVisibility GetVisibilityAtActivation() const override;
bool WasPrerenderedThenActivatedInForeground() const override;
const UserInitiatedInfo& GetUserInitiatedInfo() const override;
const GURL& GetUrl() const override;
const GURL& GetStartUrl() const override;
bool DidCommit() const override;
PageEndReason GetPageEndReason() const override;
const UserInitiatedInfo& GetPageEndUserInitiatedInfo() const override;
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> GetTimeToPageEnd() const override;
const base::TimeTicks& GetPageEndTime() const override;
const mojom::FrameMetadata& GetMainFrameMetadata() const override;
const mojom::FrameMetadata& GetSubframeMetadata() const override;
const PageRenderData& GetPageRenderData() const override;
const NormalizedCLSData& GetNormalizedCLSData(
BfcacheStrategy bfcache_strategy) const override;
const NormalizedResponsivenessMetrics& GetNormalizedResponsivenessMetrics()
const override;
const mojom::InputTiming& GetPageInputTiming() const override;
const absl::optional<blink::SubresourceLoadMetrics>&
GetSubresourceLoadMetrics() const override;
const PageRenderData& GetMainFrameRenderData() const override;
const ui::ScopedVisibilityTracker& GetVisibilityTracker() const override;
const ResourceTracker& GetResourceTracker() const override;
const LargestContentfulPaintHandler& GetLargestContentfulPaintHandler()
const override;
const LargestContentfulPaintHandler&
GetExperimentalLargestContentfulPaintHandler() const override;
ukm::SourceId GetPageUkmSourceId() const override;
mojom::SoftNavigationMetrics& GetSoftNavigationMetrics() const override;
ukm::SourceId GetUkmSourceIdForSoftNavigation() const override;
ukm::SourceId GetPreviousUkmSourceIdForSoftNavigation() const override;
bool IsFirstNavigationInWebContents() const override;
void Redirect(content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
void WillProcessNavigationResponse(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
void Commit(content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
void DidCommitSameDocumentNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
void DidInternalNavigationAbort(content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
void ReadyToCommitNavigation(content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
void DidFinishSubFrameNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
void FailedProvisionalLoad(content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle,
base::TimeTicks failed_load_time);
void PageHidden();
void PageShown();
void RenderFrameDeleted(content::RenderFrameHost* rfh);
void FrameTreeNodeDeleted(int frame_tree_node_id);
void OnInputEvent(const blink::WebInputEvent& event);
// Flush any buffered metrics, as part of the metrics subsystem persisting
// metrics as the application goes into the background. The application may be
// killed at any time after this method is invoked without further
// notification.
void FlushMetricsOnAppEnterBackground();
// Replaces the |visibility_tracker_| for testing, which can mock a clock.
void SetVisibilityTrackerForTesting(
const ui::ScopedVisibilityTracker& tracker) {
visibility_tracker_ = tracker;
void OnLoadedResource(
const ExtraRequestCompleteInfo& extra_request_complete_info);
void FrameReceivedUserActivation(content::RenderFrameHost* rfh);
void FrameDisplayStateChanged(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
bool is_display_none);
void FrameSizeChanged(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
const gfx::Size& frame_size);
void OnCookiesRead(const GURL& url,
const GURL& first_party_url,
const net::CookieList& cookie_list,
bool blocked_by_policy);
void OnCookieChange(const GURL& url,
const GURL& first_party_url,
const net::CanonicalCookie& cookie,
bool blocked_by_policy);
void OnStorageAccessed(const GURL& url,
const GURL& first_party_url,
bool blocked_by_policy,
StorageType access_type);
// Signals that we should stop tracking metrics for the associated page load.
// We may stop tracking a page load if it doesn't meet the criteria for
// tracking metrics in DidFinishNavigation.
void StopTracking();
void AddObserver(std::unique_ptr<PageLoadMetricsObserverInterface> observer);
base::WeakPtr<PageLoadMetricsObserverInterface> FindObserver(
char const* name);
// If the user performs some abort-like action while we are tracking this page
// load, notify the tracker. Note that we may not classify this as an abort if
// we've already performed a first paint.
// is_certainly_browser_timestamp signifies if the timestamp passed is taken
// in the
// browser process or not. We need this to possibly clamp browser timestamp on
// a machine with inter process time tick skew.
void NotifyPageEnd(PageEndReason page_end_reason,
UserInitiatedInfo user_initiated_info,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
bool is_certainly_browser_timestamp);
void UpdatePageEnd(PageEndReason page_end_reason,
UserInitiatedInfo user_initiated_info,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
bool is_certainly_browser_timestamp);
// This method returns true if this page load has been aborted with type of
// END_OTHER, and the |abort_cause_time| is within a sufficiently close
// delta to when it was aborted. Note that only provisional loads can be
// aborted with END_OTHER. While this heuristic is coarse, it works better
// and is simpler than other feasible methods. See https://goo.gl/WKRG98.
bool IsLikelyProvisionalAbort(base::TimeTicks abort_cause_time) const;
bool did_commit() const { return did_commit_; }
const GURL& url() const { return url_; }
base::TimeTicks navigation_start() const { return navigation_start_; }
UserInitiatedInfo user_initiated_info() const { return user_initiated_info_; }
PageLoadMetricsUpdateDispatcher* metrics_update_dispatcher() {
return &metrics_update_dispatcher_;
// Whether this PageLoadTracker has a navigation GlobalRequestID that matches
// the given request_id. This method will return false before
// WillProcessNavigationResponse has been invoked, as PageLoadTracker doesn't
// know its GlobalRequestID until WillProcessNavigationResponse has been
// invoked.
bool HasMatchingNavigationRequestID(
const content::GlobalRequestID& request_id) const;
// Invoked when a media element starts playing.
void MediaStartedPlaying(
const content::WebContentsObserver::MediaPlayerInfo& video_type,
content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host);
void OnPrefetchLikely();
void OnEnterBackForwardCache();
void OnRestoreFromBackForwardCache(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
// Called when the page tracked was just activated after being loaded inside a
// portal.
void DidActivatePortal(base::TimeTicks activation_time);
// Called when the page tracked was just activated after being prerendered.
void DidActivatePrerenderedPage(content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
// Called when V8 per-frame memory usage updates are available.
void OnV8MemoryChanged(const std::vector<MemoryUpdate>& memory_updates);
// Called when a `SharedStorageWorkletHost` is created.
void OnSharedStorageWorkletHostCreated();
// Checks if this tracker is for outermost pages.
bool IsOutermostTracker() const { return !parent_tracker_; }
void UpdateMetrics(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
mojom::PageLoadTimingPtr new_timing,
mojom::FrameMetadataPtr new_metadata,
const std::vector<blink::UseCounterFeature>& new_features,
const std::vector<mojom::ResourceDataUpdatePtr>& resources,
mojom::FrameRenderDataUpdatePtr render_data,
mojom::CpuTimingPtr new_cpu_timing,
mojom::InputTimingPtr input_timing_delta,
const absl::optional<blink::SubresourceLoadMetrics>&
mojom::SoftNavigationMetricsPtr soft_navigation_metrics);
// Set RenderFrameHost for the main frame of the page this tracker instance is
// bound. This is called on moving the tracker to the active / inactive
// tracker list after the provisional load is committed.
void SetPageMainFrame(content::RenderFrameHost* rfh);
// Gets a bound ukm::SourceId without any check for testing.
ukm::SourceId GetPageUkmSourceIdForTesting() const { return source_id_; }
// Obtains a weak pointer for this instance.
base::WeakPtr<PageLoadTracker> GetWeakPtr();
// This function converts a TimeTicks value taken in the browser process
// to navigation_start_ if:
// - base::TimeTicks is not comparable across processes because the clock
// is not system wide monotonic.
// - *event_time < navigation_start_
void ClampBrowserTimestampIfInterProcessTimeTickSkew(
base::TimeTicks* event_time);
void UpdatePageEndInternal(PageEndReason page_end_reason,
UserInitiatedInfo user_initiated_info,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
bool is_certainly_browser_timestamp);
// Given a |time|, returns the duration between |navigation_start_| and
// |time|. |time| must be greater than or equal to |navigation_start_|.
// Returns nullopt if and only if the |time| passed is nullopt.
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> DurationSinceNavigationStartForTime(
const absl::optional<base::TimeTicks>& time) const;
using InvokeCallback =
void InvokeAndPruneObservers(const char* trace_name,
InvokeCallback callback,
bool permit_forwarding);
// Whether we stopped tracking this navigation after it was initiated. We may
// stop tracking a navigation if it doesn't meet the criteria for tracking
// metrics in DidFinishNavigation.
bool did_stop_tracking_;
// The navigation start in TimeTicks, not the wall time reported by Blink.
const base::TimeTicks navigation_start_;
// The most recent URL of this page load. Updated at navigation start, upon
// redirection, and at commit time.
GURL url_;
// The start URL for this page load (before redirects).
GURL start_url_;
ui::ScopedVisibilityTracker visibility_tracker_;
// Whether this page load committed.
bool did_commit_;
std::unique_ptr<FailedProvisionalLoadInfo> failed_provisional_load_info_;
// Will be END_NONE if we have not ended this load yet. Otherwise will
// be the first page end reason encountered.
PageEndReason page_end_reason_;
// Whether the page end cause for this page load was user initiated. For
// example, if this page load was ended by a new navigation, this field tracks
// whether that new navigation was user-initiated. This field is only useful
// if this page load's end reason is a value other than END_NONE. Note that
// this value is currently experimental, and is subject to change. In
// particular, this field is never set to true for some page end reasons, such
// as stop and close, since we don't yet have sufficient instrumentation to
// know if a stop or close was caused by a user action.
UserInitiatedInfo page_end_user_initiated_info_;
base::TimeTicks page_end_time_;
// We record separate metrics for events that occur after a background,
// because metrics like layout/paint are delayed artificially
// when they occur in the background.
absl::optional<base::TimeTicks> first_background_time_;
absl::optional<base::TimeTicks> first_foreground_time_;
std::vector<BackForwardCacheRestore> back_forward_cache_restores_;
const bool started_in_foreground_;
PrerenderingState prerendering_state_ = PrerenderingState::kNoPrerendering;
// Holds the page's visibility at activation.
PageVisibility visibility_at_activation_ = PageVisibility::kNotInitialized;
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> activation_start_ = absl::nullopt;
mojom::PageLoadTimingPtr last_dispatched_merged_page_timing_;
absl::optional<content::GlobalRequestID> navigation_request_id_;
// Whether this page load was user initiated.
UserInitiatedInfo user_initiated_info_;
// Keeps track of actively loading resources on the page.
ResourceTracker resource_tracker_;
// Interface to chrome features. Must outlive the class.
const raw_ptr<PageLoadMetricsEmbedderInterface> embedder_interface_;
// Holds active PageLoadMetricsObserverInterface inheritances' instances bound
// to the tracking page.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PageLoadMetricsObserverInterface>> observers_;
// Observer's name pointer to instance map. Can be raw_ptr as the instance is
// owned `observers` above, and is removed from the map on destruction.
base::flat_map<const char*, raw_ptr<PageLoadMetricsObserverInterface>>
PageLoadMetricsUpdateDispatcher metrics_update_dispatcher_;
ukm::SourceId source_id_;
const raw_ptr<content::WebContents> web_contents_;
// Holds the RenderFrameHost for the main frame of the page that this tracker
// instance is bound. Safe to use raw_ptr as the tracker instance is accessed
// via a map that uses the RenderFrameHost as the key while it's valid.
raw_ptr<content::RenderFrameHost, DanglingAcrossTasks> page_main_frame_;
const bool is_first_navigation_in_web_contents_;
mojom::SoftNavigationMetricsPtr soft_navigation_metrics_ =
GURL potential_soft_navigation_url_;
ukm::SourceId potential_soft_navigation_source_id_ = ukm::kInvalidSourceId;
ukm::SourceId previous_soft_navigation_source_id_ = ukm::kInvalidSourceId;
absl::optional<base::TimeTicks> main_frame_receive_headers_start_;
const internal::PageLoadTrackerPageType page_type_;
const base::WeakPtr<PageLoadTracker> parent_tracker_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PageLoadTracker> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace page_load_metrics