[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: f9d9f52c01c88d531026a1422cf763e20f0d347b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/segmentation_platform/internal/execution/processing/query_processor.h"
#include "components/segmentation_platform/public/proto/model_metadata.pb.h"
namespace segmentation_platform::processing {
class FeatureProcessorState;
class InputDelegateHolder;
// CustomInputProcessor adds support to a larger variety of data type
// (timestamps, strings mapped to enums, etc), transforming them into valid
// input tensor to use when executing the ML model.
class CustomInputProcessor : public QueryProcessor {
CustomInputProcessor(const base::Time prediction_time,
InputDelegateHolder* input_delegate_holder);
CustomInputProcessor(base::flat_map<FeatureIndex, Data>&& data,
const base::Time prediction_time,
InputDelegateHolder* input_delegate_holder);
~CustomInputProcessor() override;
using FeatureListQueryProcessorCallback =
// QueryProcessor implementation.
void Process(std::unique_ptr<FeatureProcessorState> feature_processor_state,
QueryProcessorCallback callback) override;
template <typename IndexType>
using TemplateCallback =
base::flat_map<IndexType, Tensor>)>;
// Process a data mapping with a customized index type and return the tensor
// values in |callback|. Appends the input to the provided `result` and
// returns it.
template <typename IndexType>
void ProcessIndexType(
base::flat_map<IndexType, proto::CustomInput> custom_inputs,
std::unique_ptr<FeatureProcessorState> feature_processor_state,
std::unique_ptr<base::flat_map<IndexType, Tensor>> result,
TemplateCallback<IndexType> callback);
// Helper method to handle async custom inputs for `ProcessIndexType()`
template <typename IndexType>
void OnGotProcessedValue(
base::flat_map<IndexType, proto::CustomInput> custom_inputs,
std::unique_ptr<FeatureProcessorState> feature_processor_state,
std::unique_ptr<base::flat_map<IndexType, Tensor>> result,
TemplateCallback<IndexType> callback,
IndexType current_index,
size_t current_tensor_length,
bool error,
Tensor current_value);
// Helper function for parsing a single sync custom input and insert the
// result along with the corresponding feature index.
QueryProcessor::Tensor ProcessSingleCustomInput(
const proto::CustomInput& custom_input,
FeatureProcessorState* feature_processor_state);
// Add a tensor value for CustomInput::FILL_PREDICTION_TIME type and return
// whether it succeeded.
bool AddPredictionTime(const proto::CustomInput& custom_input,
std::vector<ProcessedValue>& out_tensor);
// Add a tensor value for CustomInput::FILL_DEVICE_RAM type and return
// whether it succeeded.
bool AddDeviceRAMInMB(const proto::CustomInput& custom_input,
std::vector<ProcessedValue>& out_tensor);
// Add a tensor value for CustomInput::FILL_DEVICE_OS type and return
// whether it succeeded.
bool AddDeviceOSVersionNumber(const proto::CustomInput& custom_input,
std::vector<ProcessedValue>& out_tensor);
// Add a tensor value for CustomInput::FILL_DEVICE_PPI type and return
// whether it succeeded.
bool AddDevicePPI(const proto::CustomInput& custom_input,
std::vector<ProcessedValue>& out_tensor);
// Add a tensor value for CustomInput::TIME_RANGE_BEFORE_PREDICTION type and
// return whether it succeeded.
bool AddTimeRangeBeforePrediction(const proto::CustomInput& custom_input,
std::vector<ProcessedValue>& out_tensor);
// Add a tensor value for CustomInput::FILL_FROM_INPUT_CONTEXT and return
// whether it succeeded.
bool AddFromInputContext(const proto::CustomInput& custom_input,
FeatureProcessorState* feature_processor_state,
std::vector<ProcessedValue>& out_tensor);
// Add a random number for CustomInput::FILL_RANDOM and return whether it
// succeeded.
bool AddRandom(const proto::CustomInput& custom_input,
std::vector<ProcessedValue>& out_tensor);
const raw_ptr<InputDelegateHolder, DanglingAcrossTasks>
// List of custom inputs to process into input tensors.
base::flat_map<FeatureIndex, proto::CustomInput> custom_inputs_;
// Time at which we expect the model execution to run.
base::Time prediction_time_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CustomInputProcessor> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace segmentation_platform::processing