[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 0e53cbcc570f6f9819e891c0ceb093e8a8b500f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rrect_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/gpu_fence_handle.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/overlay_priority_hint.h"
#include "ui/gfx/overlay_transform.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/common/wayland_object.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/host/wayland_zcr_color_space.h"
struct wp_content_type_v1;
struct wp_fractional_scale_v1;
struct zwp_linux_buffer_release_v1;
struct zcr_blending_v1;
namespace ui {
class WaylandConnection;
class WaylandOutput;
class WaylandWindow;
class WaylandBufferHandle;
class WaylandZcrColorManagementSurface;
class WaylandZAuraSurface;
// Wrapper of a wl_surface, owned by a WaylandWindow or a WlSubsurface.
class WaylandSurface {
using ExplicitReleaseCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(wl_buffer*, base::ScopedFD)>;
WaylandSurface(WaylandConnection* connection, WaylandWindow* root_window);
WaylandSurface(const WaylandSurface&) = delete;
WaylandSurface& operator=(const WaylandSurface&) = delete;
WaylandWindow* root_window() const { return root_window_; }
overlay_prioritized_surface* overlay_priority_surface() {
return overlay_priority_surface_.get();
wl_surface* surface() const { return surface_.get(); }
wp_viewport* viewport() const { return viewport_.get(); }
zcr_blending_v1* blending() const { return blending_.get(); }
uint32_t buffer_id() const { return state_.buffer_id; }
float opacity() const { return state_.opacity; }
bool use_blending() const { return state_.use_blending; }
const std::vector<uint32_t>& entered_outputs() const {
return entered_outputs_;
// Creates a zaura_surface extension object for this surface if it does not
// already exist and is supported by the server. Returns the surface
// extension.
WaylandZAuraSurface* CreateZAuraSurface();
// Resets the zaura_surface extension object for this surface if it exists.
// This may be done for the purposes of unmapping the toplevel surface when
// hiding the window (see crrev.com/c/3628350/comment/b6315793_85f0b073).
void ResetZAuraSurface();
WaylandZAuraSurface* zaura_surface() { return zaura_surface_.get(); }
// Requests an explicit release for the next commit.
void RequestExplicitRelease(ExplicitReleaseCallback callback);
// Returns an id that identifies the |wl_surface_|.
uint32_t get_surface_id() const { return surface_ ? surface_.id() : 0u; }
// Returns a gfx::AcceleratedWidget that identifies the WaylandWindow that
// this WaylandSurface belongs to.
gfx::AcceleratedWidget get_widget() const;
// Initializes the WaylandSurface and returns true iff success.
// This may return false if a wl_surface could not be created, for example.
bool Initialize();
// Unsets |root_window_|. This is intended to be used in special cases, where
// the underlying wl_surface must be kept alive with no root window associated
// (e.g: window/tab dragging sessions).
void UnsetRootWindow();
void SetRootWindow(WaylandWindow* window);
// Attaches the given wl_buffer to the underlying wl_surface at (0, 0).
// Returns true if wl_surface.attach will be called in ApplyPendingStates().
bool AttachBuffer(WaylandBufferHandle* buffer_handle);
// Describes where the surface needs to be repainted according to
// |buffer_pending_damage_region|, which should be in buffer coordinates (px).
void UpdateBufferDamageRegion(const gfx::Rect& damage_px);
// Sets a non-null in-fence, must be combined with an AttachBuffer() and a
// Commit().
void set_acquire_fence(gfx::GpuFenceHandle acquire_fence);
// Sets an optional transformation for how the Wayland compositor interprets
// the contents of the buffer attached to this surface.
void set_buffer_transform(gfx::OverlayTransform transform) {
pending_state_.buffer_transform = transform;
// Sets the |buffer_scale| (with respect to the scale factor used by the GPU
// process) for the next submitted buffer. This helps Wayland compositor to
// determine buffer size in dip (GPU operates in pixels. So, when buffers are
// created, their requested size is in pixels).
void set_surface_buffer_scale(float scale);
// Sets the region that is opaque on this surface in physical pixels. This is
// expected to be called whenever the region that the surface span changes or
// the opacity changes. Rects in |region_px| are specified surface-local, in
// physical pixels. If |region_px| is nullopt or empty, the opaque region is
// reset to empty.
void set_opaque_region(absl::optional<std::vector<gfx::Rect>> region_px);
// Sets the input region on this surface in physical pixels.
// The input region indicates which parts of the surface accept pointer and
// touch input events. This is expected to be called from ToplevelWindow
// whenever the region that the surface span changes or window state changes
// when custom frame is used. If |region_px| is nullptr, the input region is
// reset to cover the entire wl_surface.
void set_input_region(absl::optional<gfx::Rect> region_px);
// Set the crop uv of the attached wl_buffer.
// Unlike wp_viewport.set_source, this crops the buffer prior to
// |buffer_transform| being applied to the buffer, it will be transformed s.t.
// wp_viewport.source is called with correct params.
// See:
// https://cgit.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland-protocols/tree/stable/viewporter/viewporter.xml
// If |crop| is empty, the source rectangle is unset.
// Note this method does not send corresponding wayland requests until
// attaching the next buffer.
void set_buffer_crop(const gfx::RectF& crop) {
pending_state_.crop = crop == gfx::RectF{1.f, 1.f} ? gfx::RectF() : crop;
// Sets the opacity of the wl_surface using zcr_blending_v1_set_alpha.
// See: alpha-compositing-unstable-v1.xml
void set_opacity(const float opacity) {
if (blending())
pending_state_.opacity = opacity;
// Sets the blending equation of the wl_surface using
// zcr_blending_v1_set_blending. See: alpha-compositing-unstable-v1.xml
void set_blending(const bool use_blending) {
if (blending())
pending_state_.use_blending = use_blending;
// Set the destination size of the associated wl_surface according to
// |dest_size_px|, which should be in physical pixels.
// Note this method sends corresponding wayland requests immediately because
// it does not need a new buffer attach to take effect.
void set_viewport_destination(const gfx::SizeF& dest_size_px) {
pending_state_.viewport_px = dest_size_px;
// Sets the priority hint for the overlay that is committed via this surface.
void set_overlay_priority(gfx::OverlayPriorityHint priority_hint) {
if (overlay_priority_surface())
pending_state_.priority_hint = priority_hint;
// Sets the rounded clip bounds for this surface.
void set_rounded_clip_bounds(const gfx::RRectF& rounded_clip_bounds) {
if (get_augmented_surface())
pending_state_.rounded_clip_bounds = rounded_clip_bounds;
// Sets the background color for this surface, which will be blended with the
// wl_buffer contents during the compositing step on the Wayland compositor
// side.
void set_background_color(absl::optional<SkColor4f> background_color) {
if (get_augmented_surface())
pending_state_.background_color = background_color;
// Sets whether this surface contains a video.
void set_contains_video(bool contains_video) {
pending_state_.contains_video = contains_video;
// Creates a wl_subsurface relating this surface and a parent surface,
// |parent|. Callers take ownership of the wl_subsurface.
wl::Object<wl_subsurface> CreateSubsurface(WaylandSurface* parent);
// When display is removed, the WaylandOutput from `entered_outputs_` should
// be removed.
void RemoveEnteredOutput(uint32_t id);
// Set surface ColorSpace
void set_color_space(gfx::ColorSpace color_space);
// Validates the |pending_state_| and generates the corresponding requests.
// Then copy |pending_states_| to |states_|.
void ApplyPendingState();
// Commits the underlying wl_surface, triggers a wayland connection flush if
// |flush| is true.
void Commit(bool flush = true);
// Workaround used by GLSurfaceWayland when libgbm is not available. Causes
// SetSurfaceBufferScale() SetOpaqueRegion(), and SetInputRegion() to take
// effect immediately.
void ForceImmediateStateApplication();
// Asks the Wayland compositor to enable or disable the keyboard shortcuts
// inhibition for this surface. i.e: to receive key events even if they match
// compositor accelerators, e.g: Alt+Tab, etc.
void SetKeyboardShortcutsInhibition(bool enabled);
// Set the trusted damage flag on this surface to be active, if the surface
// augmenter protocol is available. This only needs to be set on the root
// surface for a window.
void EnableTrustedDamageIfPossible();
// Holds information about each explicit synchronization buffer release.
struct ExplicitReleaseInfo {
wl::Object<zwp_linux_buffer_release_v1>&& linux_buffer_release,
wl_buffer* buffer,
ExplicitReleaseCallback explicit_release_callback);
ExplicitReleaseInfo(const ExplicitReleaseInfo&) = delete;
ExplicitReleaseInfo& operator=(const ExplicitReleaseInfo&) = delete;
ExplicitReleaseInfo& operator=(ExplicitReleaseInfo&&);
wl::Object<zwp_linux_buffer_release_v1> linux_buffer_release;
// The buffer associated with this explicit release.
raw_ptr<wl_buffer, DanglingAcrossTasks> buffer;
// The associated release callback with this request.
ExplicitReleaseCallback explicit_release_callback;
struct State {
State(const State& other) = delete;
State& operator=(const State& other);
std::vector<gfx::Rect> damage_px;
std::vector<gfx::Rect> opaque_region_px;
absl::optional<gfx::Rect> input_region_px = absl::nullopt;
// The current color space of the surface.
scoped_refptr<WaylandZcrColorSpace> color_space = nullptr;
// The acquire gpu fence to associate with the surface buffer.
gfx::GpuFenceHandle acquire_fence;
uint32_t buffer_id = 0;
// Note that this wl_buffer ptr is never cleared, even when the
// buffer_handle owning this wl_buffer is destroyed. Accessing this field
// should ensure wl_buffer exists by calling
// WaylandBufferManagerHost::EnsureBufferHandle(buffer_id).
raw_ptr<wl_buffer, DanglingAcrossTasks> buffer = nullptr;
gfx::Size buffer_size_px;
// The buffer scale refers to the ratio between the buffer size and the
// window size. This allows support for high-DPI displays.
float buffer_scale_float = 1;
// Transformation for how the compositor interprets the contents of the
// buffer.
gfx::OverlayTransform buffer_transform = gfx::OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_NONE;
// Following fields are used to help determine the damage_region in
// surface-local coordinates if wl_surface_damage_buffer() is not available.
// Normalized bounds of the buffer to be displayed in |viewport_px|.
// If empty, no cropping is applied.
gfx::RectF crop = {0.f, 0.f};
// Current size of the destination of the viewport in physical pixels.
// Wayland compositor will scale the (cropped) buffer content to fit the
// |viewport_px|.
// If empty, no scaling is applied.
gfx::SizeF viewport_px = {0, 0};
// The opacity of the wl_surface used to call zcr_blending_v1_set_alpha.
float opacity = 1.f;
// The blending equation of the wl_surface used to call
// zcr_blending_v1_set_blending.
bool use_blending = true;
gfx::RRectF rounded_clip_bounds;
gfx::OverlayPriorityHint priority_hint = gfx::OverlayPriorityHint::kRegular;
// Optional background color for this surface. This information
// can be used by Wayland compositor to correctly display delegated textures
// which require background color applied.
absl::optional<SkColor4f> background_color;
// Whether or not this surface contains video, for wp_content_type_v1.
bool contains_video = false;
// The wayland scale refers to the scale factor between the buffer coordinates
// and Wayland surface coordinates. When SurfaceSubmissionInPixelCoordinates
// is true, this is always 1. Otherwise, this is buffer_scale_float unless the
// value is less than 1. In that case 1 is returned. Additionally, if
// viewporter surface scaling is disabled, the value will be rounded up to the
// next integer.
float GetWaylandScale(const State& state);
bool IsViewportScaled(const State& state);
// Tracks the last sent src and dst values across wayland protocol s.t. we
// skip resending them when possible.
wl_fixed_t src_set_[4] = {wl_fixed_from_int(-1), wl_fixed_from_int(-1),
wl_fixed_from_int(-1), wl_fixed_from_int(-1)};
float dst_set_[2] = {-1.f, -1.f};
// Tracks the last sent surface_scale value s.t. we skip resending.
// This is used by wl_surface_set_buffer_scale which only supports integer
// scales.
int32_t surface_scale_set_ = 1;
wl::Object<wl_region> CreateAndAddRegion(
const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& region_px,
float buffer_scale);
// wl_surface states that are stored in Wayland client. It moves to |state_|
// on ApplyPendingState().
State pending_state_;
// wl_surface states that are either active or will be active once Commit() is
// called.
State state_;
// Creates (if not created) the synchronization surface and returns a pointer
// to it.
zwp_linux_surface_synchronization_v1* GetOrCreateSurfaceSync();
augmented_surface* get_augmented_surface() {
return augmented_surface_.get();
const raw_ptr<WaylandConnection> connection_;
raw_ptr<WaylandWindow> root_window_ = nullptr;
bool apply_state_immediately_ = false;
wl::Object<wl_surface> surface_;
wl::Object<wp_viewport> viewport_;
wl::Object<zcr_blending_v1> blending_;
wl::Object<zwp_linux_surface_synchronization_v1> surface_sync_;
wl::Object<overlay_prioritized_surface> overlay_priority_surface_;
wl::Object<augmented_surface> augmented_surface_;
wl::Object<wp_content_type_v1> content_type_;
wl::Object<wp_fractional_scale_v1> fractional_scale_;
std::unique_ptr<WaylandZAuraSurface> zaura_surface_;
base::flat_map<zwp_linux_buffer_release_v1*, ExplicitReleaseInfo>
ExplicitReleaseCallback next_explicit_release_request_;
// A cached copy of connection->SurfaceSubmissionInPixelCoordinates(). While
// it is technically possible to handle this value as mutable, in practice
// it's constant.
const bool surface_submission_in_pixel_coordinates_;
// Same as above except it caches
// connection->UseViewporterSurfaceScaling().
const bool use_viewporter_surface_scaling_;
// For top level window, stores outputs that the window is currently rendered
// at.
// Not used by popups. When sub-menus are hidden and shown again, Wayland
// 'repositions' them to wrong outputs by sending them leave and enter
// events so their list of entered outputs becomes meaningless after they have
// been hidden at least once. To determine which output the popup belongs to,
// we ask its parent.
std::vector<uint32_t> entered_outputs_;
void ExplicitRelease(struct zwp_linux_buffer_release_v1* linux_buffer_release,
base::ScopedFD fence);
// wl_surface_listener
static void Enter(void* data,
struct wl_surface* wl_surface,
struct wl_output* output);
static void Leave(void* data,
struct wl_surface* wl_surface,
struct wl_output* output);
// wp_fractional_scale_v1_listener
static void PreferredScale(
void* data,
struct wp_fractional_scale_v1* wp_fractional_scale_v1,
uint32_t scale);
// zwp_linux_buffer_release_v1_listener
static void FencedRelease(
void* data,
struct zwp_linux_buffer_release_v1* linux_buffer_release,
int32_t fence);
static void ImmediateRelease(
void* data,
struct zwp_linux_buffer_release_v1* linux_buffer_release);
} // namespace ui