[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 09835f8c0c905676ec12fb8f90bc124006b7e3fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/metrics/frame_sequence_metrics.h"
namespace cc {
// This class reports 3 sets of metrics related to janks:
// - Graphics.Smoothness.Jank.*: Percent of frames that have longer
// presentation interval than its previous frame.
// Reports one percentage number per tracker.
// - Graphics.Smoothness.Stale.*: The difference between the real presentation
// interval and its expected value. Reports one
// TimeDelta per frame.
// - Graphics.Smoothness.MaxStale.*: The maximum staleness value that occurred
// during the course of an interaction.
// Reports one TimeDelta per tracker.
class CC_EXPORT JankMetrics {
JankMetrics(FrameSequenceTrackerType tracker_type,
FrameInfo::SmoothEffectDrivingThread effective_thread);
JankMetrics(const JankMetrics&) = delete;
JankMetrics& operator=(const JankMetrics&) = delete;
void AddFrameWithNoUpdate(uint32_t sequence_number,
base::TimeDelta frame_interval);
// Check if a jank occurs based on the timestamps of recent presentations.
// If there is a jank, increment |jank_count_| and log a trace event.
// Graphics.Smoothness.Stale.* metrics are reported in this function.
void AddPresentedFrame(uint32_t presented_frame_token,
base::TimeTicks current_presentation_timestamp,
base::TimeDelta frame_interval);
void AddSubmitFrame(uint32_t frame_token, uint32_t sequence_number);
// Merge the current jank count with a previously unreported jank metrics.
void Merge(std::unique_ptr<JankMetrics> jank_metrics);
// Report Graphics.Smoothness.(Jank|MaxStale).* metrics.
void ReportJankMetrics(int frames_expected);
// Reset the internal jank count
void Reset();
int jank_count() const { return jank_count_; }
base::TimeDelta max_staleness() const { return max_staleness_; }
FrameInfo::SmoothEffectDrivingThread thread_type() const {
return effective_thread_;
// The type of the tracker this JankMetrics object is attached to.
const FrameSequenceTrackerType tracker_type_;
// The thread that contributes to the janks detected by the current
// JankMetrics object.
const FrameInfo::SmoothEffectDrivingThread effective_thread_;
// Number of janks detected.
int jank_count_ = 0;
// The time when the last presentation occurs
base::TimeTicks last_presentation_timestamp_;
// The sequence number associated with the last presented frame
uint32_t last_presentation_frame_id_ = 0u;
// The interval before the previous frame presentation.
base::TimeDelta prev_frame_delta_;
// A queue storing {frame token, sequence number} for all submitted
// frames, in ascending order of frame token.
std::queue<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> queue_frame_token_and_id_;
// A queue storing {sequence number, frame interval} of unprocessed no-update
// frames, in ascending order of sequence number.
std::queue<std::pair<uint32_t, base::TimeDelta>> queue_frame_id_and_interval_;
// The maximum frame staleness that occurred during the tracker's lifetime.
base::TimeDelta max_staleness_;
} // namespace cc