[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 0a1aeffbb7eb5801d865f36ec9c34600fb68dea9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_management.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/api_permission_set.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace base {
class Version;
} // namespace base
namespace extensions {
class URLPatternSet;
namespace internal {
// Class to hold extension management settings for one or a group of
// extensions. Settings can be applied to an individual extension identified
// by an ID, a group of extensions with specific |update_url| or all
// extensions at once.
// The settings applied to all extensions are the default settings and can be
// overridden by per-extension or per-update-url settings.
// There are multiple fields in this class. Unspecified fields in per-extension
// and per-update-url settings will take the default fallback value, and do not
// inherit from default settings.
// Since update URL is not directly associated to extension ID, per-extension
// and per-update-url settings might be enforced at the same time, see per-field
// comments below for details.
// Some features do not support per-update-url setttings.
struct IndividualSettings {
enum ParsingScope {
// Parses the default settings.
// Parses the settings for extensions with specified update URL in its
// manifest.
// Parses the settings for an extension with specified extension ID.
explicit IndividualSettings(const IndividualSettings* default_settings);
IndividualSettings(const IndividualSettings&) = delete;
IndividualSettings& operator=(const IndividualSettings&) = delete;
void Reset();
// Parses the individual settings. |dict| is a sub-dictionary in extension
// management preference and |scope| represents the applicable range of the
// settings, a single extension, a group of extensions or default settings.
// Note that in case of parsing errors, |this| will NOT be left untouched.
// This method is required to be called for SCOPE_DEFAULT first, then
bool Parse(const base::Value::Dict& dict, ParsingScope scope);
// Extension installation mode. Setting this to INSTALLATION_FORCED or
// INSTALLATION_RECOMMENDED will enable extension auto-loading (only
// applicable to single extension), and in this case the |update_url| must
// be specified, containing the update URL for this extension.
// Note that |update_url| will be ignored for INSTALLATION_ALLOWED and
// INSTALLATION_BLOCKED installation mode.
// This setting will NOT merge from the default settings. Any settings from
// the default settings that should be applied to an individual extension
// should be re-declared.
// In case this setting is specified in both per-extensions and
// per-update-url settings, per-extension settings will override
// per-update-url settings.
ExtensionManagement::InstallationMode installation_mode;
std::string update_url;
// Boolean to indicate whether the update URL of the extension/app is
// overridden by the policy or not. It can be true only for extensions/apps
// which are marked as |force_installed|.
bool override_update_url{false};
// Permissions block list for extensions. This setting won't grant permissions
// to extensions automatically. Instead, this setting will provide a list of
// blocked permissions for each extension. That is, if an extension requires a
// permission which has been blocklisted, this extension will not be allowed
// to load. And if it contains a blocked permission as optional requirement,
// it will be allowed to load (of course, with permission granted from user if
// necessary), but conflicting permissions will be dropped.
// This setting will NOT merge from the default settings. Any settings from
// the default settings that should be applied to an individual extension
// should be re-declared.
// In case this setting is specified in both per-extensions and per-update-url
// settings, both settings will be enforced.
APIPermissionSet blocked_permissions;
// This setting will provide a list of hosts that are blocked for each
// extension at runtime. That is, if an extension attempts to use an API
// call which requires a host permission specified in policy_blocked_hosts
// it will fail no matter which host permissions are declared in the
// extension manifest. This setting will NOT merge from the default settings.
// Either the default settings will be applied, or an extension specific
// setting.
// If a URL is specified in the policy_allowed_hosts, and in the
// policy_blocked_hosts, the policy_allowed_hosts wins and the call will be
// allowed.
// This setting is only supported per-extensions or default
// (per-update-url not supported)
URLPatternSet policy_blocked_hosts;
// This setting will provide a list of hosts that are exempted from the
// policy_blocked_hosts setting and may be used at runtime. That is,
// if an extension attempts to use an API call which requires a host
// permission that was blocked using policy_blocked_hosts it will
// fail unless also declared here.
// A generic pattern may be declared in policy_blocked_hosts and a
// more specific pattern declared here. For example, if we block
// "*://*.example.com/*" with policy_blocked_hosts we can then
// allow "http://good.example.com/*" in policy_allowed_hosts.
// This setting will NOT merge from the default settings. Either the
// default settings will be applied, or an extension specific setting.
// If a URL is specified in policy_blocked_hosts, and in
// policy_allowed_hosts, the allowed list wins.
// This setting is only supported per-extensions or default
// (per-update-url not supported)
URLPatternSet policy_allowed_hosts;
// Minimum version required for an extensions, applies to per-extension
// settings only. Extension (with specified extension ID) with version older
// than the specified minimum version will be disabled.
std::unique_ptr<base::Version> minimum_version_required;
// Allows the admin to provide text that will be displayed to the user in the
// chrome webstore if installation is blocked. This is plain text and will not
// support any HTML, links, or anything special. This can be used to direct
// users to company information about acceptable extensions, ways to request
// exceptions etc. This string is limited to 1000 characters.
std::string blocked_install_message;
// Allows admins to control whether the extension icon should be pinned to
// the toolbar next to the omnibar. If it is pinned, the icon is visible at
// all times.
ExtensionManagement::ToolbarPinMode toolbar_pin =
// Global extension management settings, applicable to all extensions.
struct GlobalSettings {
enum class ManifestV2Setting {
kDefault = 0,
enum class UnpublishedAvailability {
kAllowUnpublished = 0,
kDisableUnpublished = 1,
GlobalSettings(const GlobalSettings&) = delete;
GlobalSettings& operator=(const GlobalSettings&) = delete;
void Reset();
// Settings specifying which URLs are allowed to install extensions, will be
// enforced only if |has_restricted_install_sources| is set to true.
absl::optional<URLPatternSet> install_sources;
// Settings specifying all allowed app/extension types, will be enforced
// only of |has_restricted_allowed_types| is set to true.
absl::optional<std::vector<Manifest::Type>> allowed_types;
// An enum setting indicates if manifest v2 is allowed.
ManifestV2Setting manifest_v2_setting = ManifestV2Setting::kDefault;
UnpublishedAvailability unpublished_availability_setting =
} // namespace internal
} // namespace extensions