[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: ae9ba4749a2becd42d5b8e6d67fa424bda345e39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/types/expected.h"
#include "base/uuid.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/api/tabs.h"
#include "extensions/common/features/feature.h"
#include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
class Browser;
class ChromeExtensionFunctionDetails;
class ExtensionFunction;
class GURL;
class Profile;
class TabStripModel;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class WebContents;
namespace blink::mojom {
class WindowFeatures;
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
class WindowController;
// Provides various utility functions that help manipulate tabs.
class ExtensionTabUtil {
enum PopulateTabBehavior {
enum ScrubTabBehaviorType {
struct ScrubTabBehavior {
ScrubTabBehaviorType committed_info;
ScrubTabBehaviorType pending_info;
struct OpenTabParams {
bool create_browser_if_needed = false;
absl::optional<int> window_id;
absl::optional<int> opener_tab_id;
absl::optional<std::string> url;
absl::optional<bool> active;
absl::optional<bool> pinned;
absl::optional<int> index;
absl::optional<base::Uuid> bookmark_id;
// Opens a new tab given an extension function |function| and creation
// parameters |params|. If a tab can be produced, it will return a
// base::Value::Dict representing the tab, otherwise it will optionally return
// an error message, if any is appropriate.
static base::expected<base::Value::Dict, std::string> OpenTab(
ExtensionFunction* function,
const OpenTabParams& params,
bool user_gesture);
static int GetWindowId(const Browser* browser);
static int GetWindowIdOfTabStripModel(const TabStripModel* tab_strip_model);
static int GetTabId(const content::WebContents* web_contents);
static std::string GetTabStatusText(content::WebContents* web_contents);
static int GetWindowIdOfTab(const content::WebContents* web_contents);
static base::Value::List CreateTabList(const Browser* browser,
const Extension* extension,
Feature::Context context);
static Browser* GetBrowserFromWindowID(
const ChromeExtensionFunctionDetails& details,
int window_id,
std::string* error_message);
// Returns the Browser with the specified `window id` and the associated
// `profile`. Optionally, this will also look at browsers associated with the
// incognito version of `profile` if `also_match_incognito_profile` is true.
// Populates `error_message` if no matching browser is found.
static Browser* GetBrowserInProfileWithId(Profile* profile,
int window_id,
bool also_match_incognito_profile,
std::string* error_message);
// Returns the tabs:: API constant for the window type of the |browser|.
static std::string GetBrowserWindowTypeText(const Browser& browser);
// Creates a Tab object (see chrome/common/extensions/api/tabs.json) with
// information about the state of a browser tab for the given |web_contents|.
// This will scrub the tab of sensitive data (URL, favicon, title) according
// to |scrub_tab_behavior| and |extension|'s permissions. A null extension is
// treated as having no permissions.
// By default, tab information should always be scrubbed (kScrubTab) for any
// data passed to any extension.
static api::tabs::Tab CreateTabObject(content::WebContents* web_contents,
ScrubTabBehavior scrub_tab_behavior,
const Extension* extension) {
return CreateTabObject(web_contents, scrub_tab_behavior, extension, nullptr,
static api::tabs::Tab CreateTabObject(content::WebContents* web_contents,
ScrubTabBehavior scrub_tab_behavior,
const Extension* extension,
TabStripModel* tab_strip,
int tab_index);
// Creates a base::Value::Dict representing the window for the given
// |browser|, and scrubs any privacy-sensitive data that |extension| does not
// have access to. |populate_tab_behavior| determines whether tabs will be
// populated in the result. |context| is used to determine the
// ScrubTabBehavior for the populated tabs data.
// TODO(devlin): Convert this to a api::Windows::Window object.
static base::Value::Dict CreateWindowValueForExtension(
const Browser& browser,
const Extension* extension,
PopulateTabBehavior populate_tab_behavior,
Feature::Context context);
// Creates a tab MutedInfo object (see chrome/common/extensions/api/tabs.json)
// with information about the mute state of a browser tab.
static api::tabs::MutedInfo CreateMutedInfo(content::WebContents* contents);
// Gets the level of scrubbing of tab data that needs to happen for a given
// extension and web contents. This is the preferred way to get
// ScrubTabBehavior.
static ScrubTabBehavior GetScrubTabBehavior(const Extension* extension,
Feature::Context context,
content::WebContents* contents);
// Only use this if there is no access to a specific WebContents, such as when
// the tab has been closed and there is no active WebContents anymore.
static ScrubTabBehavior GetScrubTabBehavior(const Extension* extension,
Feature::Context context,
const GURL& url);
// Removes any privacy-sensitive fields from a Tab object if appropriate,
// given the permissions of the extension and the tab in question. The
// tab object is modified in place.
static void ScrubTabForExtension(const Extension* extension,
content::WebContents* contents,
api::tabs::Tab* tab,
ScrubTabBehavior scrub_tab_behavior);
// Gets the |tab_strip_model| and |tab_index| for the given |web_contents|.
static bool GetTabStripModel(const content::WebContents* web_contents,
TabStripModel** tab_strip_model,
int* tab_index);
static bool GetDefaultTab(Browser* browser,
content::WebContents** contents,
int* tab_id);
// Any out parameter (|browser|, |tab_strip|, |contents|, & |tab_index|) may
// be NULL and will not be set within the function.
static bool GetTabById(int tab_id,
content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
bool include_incognito,
Browser** browser,
TabStripModel** tab_strip,
content::WebContents** contents,
int* tab_index);
static bool GetTabById(int tab_id,
content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
bool include_incognito,
content::WebContents** contents);
// Returns all active web contents for the given |browser_context|.
static std::vector<content::WebContents*> GetAllActiveWebContentsForContext(
content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
bool include_incognito);
// Determines if the |web_contents| is in |browser_context| or it's OTR
// BrowserContext if |include_incognito| is true.
static bool IsWebContentsInContext(content::WebContents* web_contents,
content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
bool include_incognito);
// Takes |url_string| and returns a GURL which is either valid and absolute
// or invalid. If |url_string| is not directly interpretable as a valid (it is
// likely a relative URL) an attempt is made to resolve it. When |extension|
// is non-null, the URL is resolved relative to its extension base
// (chrome-extension://<id>/). Using the source frame url would be more
// correct, but because the api shipped with urls resolved relative to their
// extension base, we decided it wasn't worth breaking existing extensions to
// fix.
static GURL ResolvePossiblyRelativeURL(const std::string& url_string,
const Extension* extension);
// Returns true if navigating to |url| would kill a page or the browser
// itself, whether by simulating a crash, browser quit, thread hang, or
// equivalent. Extensions should be prevented from navigating to such URLs.
// The caller should ensure that |url| has already been "fixed up" by calling
// url_formatter::FixupURL.
static bool IsKillURL(const GURL& url);
// Resolves the URL and ensures the extension is allowed to navigate to it.
// Returns the url if successful, otherwise returns an error string.
static base::expected<GURL, std::string> PrepareURLForNavigation(
const std::string& url_string,
const Extension* extension,
content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
// Opens a tab for the specified |web_contents|.
static void CreateTab(std::unique_ptr<content::WebContents> web_contents,
const std::string& extension_id,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
const blink::mojom::WindowFeatures& window_features,
bool user_gesture);
// Executes the specified callback for all tabs in all browser windows.
static void ForEachTab(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(content::WebContents*)> callback);
static WindowController* GetWindowControllerOfTab(
const content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Open the extension's options page. Returns true if an options page was
// successfully opened (though it may not necessarily *load*, e.g. if the
// URL does not exist). This call to open the options page is iniatiated by
// the extension via chrome.runtime.openOptionsPage.
static bool OpenOptionsPageFromAPI(const Extension* extension,
content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
// Open the extension's options page. Returns true if an options page was
// successfully opened (though it may not necessarily *load*, e.g. if the
// URL does not exist).
static bool OpenOptionsPage(const Extension* extension, Browser* browser);
// Returns true if the given Browser can report tabs to extensions.
// Example of Browsers which don't support tabs include apps and devtools.
static bool BrowserSupportsTabs(Browser* browser);
// Determines the loading status of the given |contents|. This needs to access
// some non-const member functions of |contents|, but actually leaves it
// unmodified.
static api::tabs::TabStatus GetLoadingStatus(content::WebContents* contents);
// Clears the back-forward cache for all active tabs across all browser
// contexts.
static void ClearBackForwardCache();
// Check TabStripModel editability in every browser because a drag session
// could be running in another browser that reverts to the current browser. Or
// a drag could be mid-handoff if from one browser to another.
static bool IsTabStripEditable();
// Retrieve a TabStripModel only if every browser is editable.
static TabStripModel* GetEditableTabStripModel(Browser* browser);
} // namespace extensions