[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 54ee8ac07d5da4418d38aba5f040c399c5eea95b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "sandbox/sandbox_export.h"
// These are helpers to build seccomp-bpf policies, i.e. policies for a
// sandbox that reduces the Linux kernel's attack surface. Given their
// nature, they don't have any clear semantics and are completely
// "implementation-defined".
namespace sandbox {
class SANDBOX_EXPORT SyscallSets {
SyscallSets() = delete;
SyscallSets(const SyscallSets&) = delete;
SyscallSets& operator=(const SyscallSets&) = delete;
static bool IsKill(int sysno);
static bool IsAllowedGettime(int sysno);
static bool IsCurrentDirectory(int sysno);
static bool IsUmask(int sysno);
// System calls that directly access the file system. They might acquire
// a new file descriptor or otherwise perform an operation directly
// via a path.
static bool IsFileSystem(int sysno);
static bool IsAllowedFileSystemAccessViaFd(int sysno);
static bool IsDeniedFileSystemAccessViaFd(int sysno);
static bool IsGetSimpleId(int sysno);
static bool IsProcessPrivilegeChange(int sysno);
static bool IsProcessGroupOrSession(int sysno);
static bool IsAllowedSignalHandling(int sysno);
static bool IsAllowedOperationOnFd(int sysno);
static bool IsKernelInternalApi(int sysno);
// This should be thought through in conjunction with IsFutex().
static bool IsAllowedProcessStartOrDeath(int sysno);
// It's difficult to restrict those, but there is attack surface here.
static bool IsAllowedFutex(int sysno);
static bool IsAllowedEpoll(int sysno);
static bool IsAllowedGetOrModifySocket(int sysno);
static bool IsDeniedGetOrModifySocket(int sysno);
#if defined(__i386__) || \
(defined(ARCH_CPU_MIPS_FAMILY) && defined(ARCH_CPU_32_BITS))
// Big multiplexing system call for sockets.
static bool IsSocketCall(int sysno);
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__mips__) || \
static bool IsNetworkSocketInformation(int sysno);
static bool IsAllowedAddressSpaceAccess(int sysno);
static bool IsAllowedGeneralIo(int sysno);
static bool IsPrctl(int sysno);
static bool IsSeccomp(int sysno);
static bool IsAllowedBasicScheduler(int sysno);
static bool IsAdminOperation(int sysno);
static bool IsKernelModule(int sysno);
static bool IsGlobalFSViewChange(int sysno);
static bool IsFsControl(int sysno);
static bool IsSendfile(int sysno);
static bool IsNuma(int sysno);
static bool IsMessageQueue(int sysno);
static bool IsGlobalProcessEnvironment(int sysno);
static bool IsDebug(int sysno);
static bool IsGlobalSystemStatus(int sysno);
static bool IsEventFd(int sysno);
// System calls used for dlopen(), which loads shared libraries. May overlap
// with other syscall sets.
static bool IsDlopen(int sysno);
// Asynchronous I/O API.
static bool IsAsyncIo(int sysno);
static bool IsKeyManagement(int sysno);
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__) || \
(defined(ARCH_CPU_MIPS_FAMILY) && defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS))
static bool IsSystemVSemaphores(int sysno);
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm__) || \
defined(__aarch64__) || \
(defined(ARCH_CPU_MIPS_FAMILY) && defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS))
// These give a lot of ambient authority and bypass the setuid sandbox.
static bool IsSystemVSharedMemory(int sysno);
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__) || \
(defined(ARCH_CPU_MIPS_FAMILY) && defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS))
static bool IsSystemVMessageQueue(int sysno);
#if defined(__i386__) || \
(defined(ARCH_CPU_MIPS_FAMILY) && defined(ARCH_CPU_32_BITS))
// Big system V multiplexing system call.
static bool IsSystemVIpc(int sysno);
static bool IsAnySystemV(int sysno);
static bool IsAdvancedScheduler(int sysno);
static bool IsInotify(int sysno);
static bool IsFaNotify(int sysno);
static bool IsTimer(int sysno);
static bool IsAdvancedTimer(int sysno);
static bool IsClockApi(int sysno);
static bool IsExtendedAttributes(int sysno);
static bool IsMisc(int sysno);
#if defined(__arm__)
static bool IsArmPciConfig(int sysno);
static bool IsArmPrivate(int sysno);
#endif // defined(__arm__)
#if defined(__mips__)
static bool IsMipsPrivate(int sysno);
static bool IsMipsMisc(int sysno);
#endif // defined(__mips__)
static bool IsGoogle3Threading(int sysno);
} // namespace sandbox.