[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: c73bcc9113ec679ca23927449830d3c962b1e96f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/network/public/cpp/content_security_policy/csp_context.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/content_security_policy/content_security_policy.h"
#include "url/url_util.h"
namespace network {
namespace {
// Helper function that returns true if |policy| should be checked under
// |check_csp_disposition|.
bool ShouldCheckPolicy(const mojom::ContentSecurityPolicyPtr& policy,
CSPContext::CheckCSPDisposition check_csp_disposition) {
switch (check_csp_disposition) {
return policy->header->type == mojom::ContentSecurityPolicyType::kReport;
return policy->header->type == mojom::ContentSecurityPolicyType::kEnforce;
case CSPContext::CHECK_ALL_CSP:
return true;
return true;
} // namespace
CSPContext::CSPContext() = default;
CSPContext::~CSPContext() = default;
bool CSPContext::IsAllowedByCsp(
const std::vector<mojom::ContentSecurityPolicyPtr>& policies,
mojom::CSPDirectiveName directive_name,
const GURL& url,
const GURL& url_before_redirects,
bool has_followed_redirect,
bool is_response_check,
const mojom::SourceLocationPtr& source_location,
CheckCSPDisposition check_csp_disposition,
bool is_form_submission,
bool is_opaque_fenced_frame) {
bool allow = true;
for (const auto& policy : policies) {
if (ShouldCheckPolicy(policy, check_csp_disposition)) {
allow &= CheckContentSecurityPolicy(
policy, directive_name, url, url_before_redirects,
has_followed_redirect, is_response_check, this, source_location,
is_form_submission, is_opaque_fenced_frame);
DCHECK(allow || check_csp_disposition != CSPContext::CHECK_REPORT_ONLY_CSP);
return allow;
bool CSPContext::SchemeShouldBypassCSP(const base::StringPiece& scheme) {
// Blink uses its SchemeRegistry to check if a scheme should be bypassed.
// It can't be used on the browser process. It is used for two things:
// 1) Bypassing the "chrome-extension" scheme when chrome is built with the
// extensions support.
// 2) Bypassing arbitrary scheme for testing purpose only in blink and in V8.
// TODO(arthursonzogni): url::GetBypassingCSPScheme() is used instead of the
// blink::SchemeRegistry. It contains 1) but not 2).
const auto& bypassing_schemes = url::GetCSPBypassingSchemes();
return base::Contains(bypassing_schemes, scheme);
void CSPContext::SanitizeDataForUseInCspViolation(
mojom::CSPDirectiveName directive,
GURL* blocked_url,
network::mojom::SourceLocation* source_location) const {}
void CSPContext::ReportContentSecurityPolicyViolation(
network::mojom::CSPViolationPtr violation) {}
} // namespace network