[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: cb9d8ddaf195546b60d9df7b5e338dd17de3d2fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece_forward.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/corb/corb_api.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/fetch_api.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_response_head.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
// This header provides an implementation of Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB).
// The implementation should typically be used through the public corb_api.h.
// See the doc comment in corb_api.h for a more detailed description of CORB.
namespace content {
FORWARD_DECLARE_TEST(CrossSiteDocumentResourceHandlerTest, ResponseBlocking);
} // namespace content
namespace network {
namespace corb {
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(NETWORK_CPP) CrossOriginReadBlocking {
// Not instantiable - only static methods.
CrossOriginReadBlocking() = delete;
// This enum describes how CORB should decide whether to block a given
// no-cors, cross-origin response.
// Note that these values are used in histograms, and must not change.
enum class MimeType {
// Blocked if served with `X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff` or if this is a
// 206 range response or if sniffing confirms that the body matches
// `Content-Type`.
kHtml = 0,
kXml = 1,
kJson = 2,
// Blocked if served with `X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff` or
// sniffing detects that this is HTML, JSON or XML. For example, this
// behavior is used for `Content-Type: text/plain`.
kPlain = 3,
// Blocked if sniffing finds a JSON security prefix. Used for an otherwise
// unrecognized type (i.e. type that isn't explicitly recognized as
// belonging to one of the other categories).
kOthers = 4,
// Always blocked. Used for content types that are unlikely to be
// incorrectly applied to images, scripts and other legacy no-cors
// resources. For example, `Content-Type: application/zip` is blocked
// without any confirmation sniffing.
kNeverSniffed = 5,
kInvalidMimeType, // For DCHECKs.
kMaxValue = kInvalidMimeType, // For UMA histograms.
// An instance for tracking the state of analyzing a single response
// and deciding whether CORB should block the response.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(NETWORK_CPP) CorbResponseAnalyzer final
: public network::corb::ResponseAnalyzer {
// Categorizes the resource MIME type for CORB protection logging.
enum MimeTypeBucket {
// MIME types we expect CORB to protect (HTML, JSON etc.).
kProtected = 0,
// MIME types we expect CORB to allow through (js, images).
// Other MIME types.
// Enum for CORB protection logging. Records if CORB would block a request
// if it was made cross-origin. This enum backs a histogram, so do not
// change the order of entries or remove entries. When adding new entries
// update |kMaxValue| and enums.xml (see the CrossOriginProtectionDecision
// enum).
enum class CrossOriginProtectionDecision {
// Logged if the request would be allowed without sniffing.
kAllow = 0,
// Logged if the request would be blocked without sniffing.
kBlock = 1,
// Logged if the request needed more sniffing for a decision.
kNeedToSniffMore = 2,
// Logged if the request would be allowed after sniffing.
kAllowedAfterSniffing = 3,
// Logged if the request would be blocked after sniffing.
kBlockedAfterSniffing = 4,
kMaxValue = kBlockedAfterSniffing,
CorbResponseAnalyzer(const CorbResponseAnalyzer&) = delete;
CorbResponseAnalyzer& operator=(const CorbResponseAnalyzer&) = delete;
// Implementation of the `corb::ResponseAnalyzer` abstract interface.
~CorbResponseAnalyzer() override;
Decision Init(const GURL& request_url,
const absl::optional<url::Origin>& request_initiator,
mojom::RequestMode request_mode,
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead& response) override;
Decision Sniff(base::StringPiece data) override;
Decision HandleEndOfSniffableResponseBody() override;
bool ShouldReportBlockedResponse() const override;
class ConfirmationSniffer;
class SimpleConfirmationSniffer;
// Returns true if the response has a nosniff header.
static bool HasNoSniff(const network::mojom::URLResponseHead& response);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ResponseAnalyzerTest, CORBProtectionLogging);
// true if either 1) ShouldBlockBasedOnHeaders decided to allow the response
// based on headers alone or 2) ShouldBlockBasedOnHeaders decided to sniff
// the response body and SniffResponseBody decided to allow the response
// (e.g. because none of sniffers found blockable content). false
// otherwise.
bool ShouldAllow() const;
// true if either 1) ShouldBlockBasedOnHeaders decided to block the response
// based on headers alone or 2) ShouldBlockBasedOnHeaders decided to sniff
// the response body and SniffResponseBody confirmed that the response
// contains blockable content. false otherwise.
bool ShouldBlock() const;
// true if the analyzed response should report Cross-Origin Read Blocking in
// a warning message written to the DevTools console.
// Whether ShouldBlockBasedOnHeaders asked to sniff the body or the CORB
// protection logging needs extra sniffing.
bool needs_sniffing() const {
return should_block_based_on_headers_ == Decision::kSniffMore ||
// Helper for translating ShouldAllow(), ShouldBlock() and needs_sniffing()
// into corb::Decision.
Decision GetCorbDecision();
void LogAllowedResponse();
void LogBlockedResponse();
// Static because this method is called both during the actual decision, and
// for the CORB protection logging decision.
static Decision ShouldBlockBasedOnHeaders(
mojom::RequestMode request_mode,
const GURL& request_url,
const absl::optional<url::Origin>& request_initiator,
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead& response,
MimeType canonical_mime_type);
// Checks if the response seems sensitive for CORB protection logging.
// Returns true if the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header has a value other
// than *.
static bool SeemsSensitiveFromCORSHeuristic(
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead& response);
// Checks if the response seems sensitive for CORB protection logging.
// Returns true if the response has Vary: Origin and Cache-Control: Private
// headers.
static bool SeemsSensitiveFromCacheHeuristic(
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead& response);
// Checks if a response has an Accept-Ranges header. This indicates the
// server supports range requests which may allow bypassing CORB due to
// their multipart content type.
static bool SupportsRangeRequests(
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead& response_headers);
// Determines the MIME type bucket for CORB protection logging.
static MimeTypeBucket GetMimeTypeBucket(
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead& response);
// Translates a blocking decision into a protection decision for use by
// LogSensitiveResponseProtection.
static CrossOriginProtectionDecision BlockingDecisionToProtectionDecision(
Decision would_protect_based_on_headers);
// Returns a protection decision (blocked after sniffing or allowed after
// sniffing) depending on if the sniffers found blockable content.
static CrossOriginProtectionDecision SniffingDecisionToProtectionDecision(
bool found_blockable_content);
// Populates |sniffers_| container based on |canonical_mime_type_|. Called
// if ShouldBlockBasedOnHeaders returns kSniffMore
void CreateSniffers();
// Reports potentially sensitive responses and whether CORB would have
// protected them, were they made cross origin. Also reports if the server
// supports range requests.
void LogSensitiveResponseProtection(
CrossOriginProtectionDecision protection_decision) const;
// Outcome of ShouldBlockBasedOnHeaders recorded inside the Create method.
Decision should_block_based_on_headers_ = Decision::kBlock;
// The following values store information about the response and are used by
// the CORB protection logging in LogSensitiveResponseProtection.
bool corb_protection_logging_needs_sniffing_ = false;
// |mime_type_bucket_| is either kProtected (if it's a type we expect to
// protect such as HTML), kPublic (for javascript etc.) or kOther.
MimeTypeBucket mime_type_bucket_ = kOther;
// A few booleans that are computed based on the response headers.
bool seems_sensitive_from_cors_heuristic_ = false;
bool seems_sensitive_from_cache_heuristic_ = false;
bool supports_range_requests_ = false;
bool has_nosniff_header_ = false;
// |hypothetical_sniffing_mode_| is true if we need to sniff only because of
// the CORB protection logging (and otherwise, CORB would not sniff).
bool hypothetical_sniffing_mode_ = false;
// Canonical MIME type detected by ShouldBlockBasedOnHeaders. Used to
// determine if blocking the response is needed, as well as which type of
// sniffing to perform.
MimeType canonical_mime_type_ = MimeType::kInvalidMimeType;
// Content length if available. -1 if not available.
int64_t content_length_ = -1;
// The HTTP response code (e.g. 200 or 404) received in response to this
// resource request.
int http_response_code_ = 0;
// The sniffers to be used.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ConfirmationSniffer>> sniffers_;
// Sniffing results.
bool found_blockable_content_ = false;
// Whether the final allow/block decision has been logged to UMA.
// (This is only used in DCHECKs that verify that such UMA is only logged
// once.)
bool has_logged_final_decision_ = false;
// This enum backs a histogram, so do not change the order of entries or
// remove entries. When adding new entries update |kMaxValue| and enums.xml
// (see the SiteIsolationResponseAction enum).
enum class Action {
// Logged at OnResponseStarted.
kResponseStarted = 0,
// Logged when a response is blocked without requiring sniffing.
kBlockedWithoutSniffing = 1,
// Logged when a response is blocked as a result of sniffing the content.
kBlockedAfterSniffing = 2,
// Logged when a response is allowed without requiring sniffing.
kAllowedWithoutSniffing = 3,
// Logged when a response is allowed as a result of sniffing the content.
kAllowedAfterSniffing = 4,
kMaxValue = kAllowedAfterSniffing
// Three conclusions are possible from sniffing a byte sequence:
// - No: meaning that the data definitively doesn't match the indicated type.
// - Yes: meaning that the data definitive does match the indicated type.
// - Maybe: meaning that if more bytes are appended to the stream, it's
// possible to get a Yes result. For example, if we are sniffing for a tag
// like "<html", a kMaybe result would occur if the data contains just
// "<ht".
enum SniffingResult {
// Returns whether `mime_type` is a Javascript MIME type based on
// https://mimesniff.spec.whatwg.org/#javascript-mime-type
static bool IsJavascriptMimeType(base::StringPiece mime_type);
// Returns the representative mime type enum value of the mime type of
// response. For example, this returns the same value for all text/xml mime
// type families such as application/xml, application/rss+xml.
static MimeType GetCanonicalMimeType(base::StringPiece mime_type);
static SniffingResult SniffForHTML(base::StringPiece data);
static SniffingResult SniffForXML(base::StringPiece data);
static SniffingResult SniffForJSON(base::StringPiece data);
// Sniff for patterns that indicate |data| only ought to be consumed by XHR()
// or fetch(). This detects Javascript parser-breaker and particular JS
// infinite-loop patterns, which are used conventionally as a defense against
// JSON data exfiltration by means of a <script> tag.
static SniffingResult SniffForFetchOnlyResource(base::StringPiece data);
inline std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& out,
const CrossOriginReadBlocking::MimeType& value) {
out << static_cast<int>(value);
return out;
} // namespace corb
} // namespace network