[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: f18e9ca5588536560aff21196ecf466bf8ebbd8d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/network/public/cpp/cors/cors.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/containers/fixed_flat_set.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "net/base/mime_util.h"
#include "net/http/http_byte_range.h"
#include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
#include "net/http/http_util.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/is_potentially_trustworthy.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/request_mode.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"
#include "url/url_util.h"
// String conversion from blink::String to std::string for header name/value
// should be latin-1, not utf-8, as per HTTP. Note that as we use ByteString
// as the IDL types of header name/value, a character whose code point is
// greater than 255 has already been blocked.
namespace network {
namespace {
const char kAsterisk[] = "*";
const char kLowerCaseTrue[] = "true";
// TODO(toyoshim): Consider to move the following method to
// //net/base/mime_util, and expose to Blink platform/network in order to
// replace the existing equivalent method in HTTPParser.
// We may prefer to implement a strict RFC2616 media-type
// (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-3.7) parser.
std::string ExtractMIMETypeFromMediaType(const std::string& media_type) {
std::string::size_type semicolon = media_type.find(';');
std::string top_level_type;
std::string subtype;
if (net::ParseMimeTypeWithoutParameter(media_type.substr(0, semicolon),
&top_level_type, &subtype)) {
return top_level_type + "/" + subtype;
return std::string();
// Returns true only if |header_value| satisfies ABNF: 1*DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ]
bool IsSimilarToDoubleABNF(const std::string& header_value) {
if (header_value.empty())
return false;
char first_char = header_value.at(0);
if (!isdigit(first_char))
return false;
bool period_found = false;
bool digit_found_after_period = false;
for (char ch : header_value) {
if (isdigit(ch)) {
if (period_found) {
digit_found_after_period = true;
if (ch == '.') {
if (period_found)
return false;
period_found = true;
return false;
if (period_found)
return digit_found_after_period;
return true;
// Returns true only if |header_value| satisfies ABNF: 1*DIGIT
bool IsSimilarToIntABNF(const std::string& header_value) {
if (header_value.empty())
return false;
for (char ch : header_value) {
if (!isdigit(ch))
return false;
return true;
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#cors-unsafe-request-header-byte
bool IsCorsUnsafeRequestHeaderByte(char c) {
const auto u = static_cast<uint8_t>(c);
return (u < 0x20 && u != 0x09) || u == 0x22 || u == 0x28 || u == 0x29 ||
u == 0x3a || u == 0x3c || u == 0x3e || u == 0x3f || u == 0x40 ||
u == 0x5b || u == 0x5c || u == 0x5d || u == 0x7b || u == 0x7d ||
u == 0x7f;
// |value| should be lower case.
bool IsCorsSafelistedLowerCaseContentType(const std::string& value) {
DCHECK_EQ(value, base::ToLowerASCII(value));
if (base::ranges::any_of(value, IsCorsUnsafeRequestHeaderByte))
return false;
std::string mime_type = ExtractMIMETypeFromMediaType(value);
return mime_type == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ||
mime_type == "multipart/form-data" || mime_type == "text/plain";
bool IsNoCorsSafelistedHeaderNameLowerCase(const std::string& lower_name) {
if (lower_name != "accept" && lower_name != "accept-language" &&
lower_name != "content-language" && lower_name != "content-type") {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
namespace cors {
namespace header_names {
const char kAccessControlAllowCredentials[] =
const char kAccessControlAllowHeaders[] = "Access-Control-Allow-Headers";
const char kAccessControlAllowMethods[] = "Access-Control-Allow-Methods";
const char kAccessControlAllowOrigin[] = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin";
const char kAccessControlAllowPrivateNetwork[] =
const char kAccessControlMaxAge[] = "Access-Control-Max-Age";
const char kAccessControlRequestHeaders[] = "Access-Control-Request-Headers";
const char kAccessControlRequestMethod[] = "Access-Control-Request-Method";
const char kAccessControlRequestPrivateNetwork[] =
} // namespace header_names
// See https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#cors-check.
base::expected<void, CorsErrorStatus> CheckAccess(
const GURL& response_url,
const absl::optional<std::string>& allow_origin_header,
const absl::optional<std::string>& allow_credentials_header,
mojom::CredentialsMode credentials_mode,
const url::Origin& origin) {
if (allow_origin_header == kAsterisk) {
// A wildcard Access-Control-Allow-Origin can not be used if credentials are
// to be sent, even with Access-Control-Allow-Credentials set to true.
// See https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#cors-protocol-and-credentials.
if (credentials_mode != mojom::CredentialsMode::kInclude)
return base::expected<void, CorsErrorStatus>();
// Since the credential is a concept for network schemes, we perform the
// wildcard check only for HTTP and HTTPS. This is a quick hack to allow
// data URL (see https://crbug.com/315152).
// TODO(https://crbug.com/736308): Once the callers exist only in the
// browser process or network service, this check won't be needed any more
// because it is always for network requests there.
if (response_url.SchemeIsHTTPOrHTTPS()) {
return base::unexpected<CorsErrorStatus>(
} else if (!allow_origin_header) {
return base::unexpected<CorsErrorStatus>(
} else if (*allow_origin_header != origin.Serialize()) {
// We do not use url::Origin::IsSameOriginWith() here for two reasons below.
// 1. Allow "null" to match here. The latest spec does not have a clear
// information about this (https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#cors-check),
// but the old spec explicitly says that "null" works here
// (https://www.w3.org/TR/cors/#resource-sharing-check-0).
// 2. We do not have a good way to construct url::Origin from the string,
// *allow_origin_header, that may be broken. Unfortunately
// url::Origin::Create(GURL(*allow_origin_header)) accepts malformed
// URL and constructs a valid origin with unexpected fixes, which
// results in unexpected behavior.
// We run some more value checks below to provide better information to
// developers.
// Does not allow to have multiple origins in the allow origin header.
// See https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#http-access-control-allow-origin.
if (allow_origin_header->find_first_of(" ,") != std::string::npos) {
return base::unexpected<CorsErrorStatus>(CorsErrorStatus(
mojom::CorsError::kMultipleAllowOriginValues, *allow_origin_header));
// Check valid "null" first since GURL assumes it as invalid.
if (*allow_origin_header == "null") {
return base::unexpected<CorsErrorStatus>(CorsErrorStatus(
mojom::CorsError::kAllowOriginMismatch, *allow_origin_header));
// As commented above, this validation is not strict as an origin
// validation, but should be ok for providing error details to developers.
GURL header_origin(*allow_origin_header);
if (!header_origin.is_valid()) {
return base::unexpected<CorsErrorStatus>(CorsErrorStatus(
mojom::CorsError::kInvalidAllowOriginValue, *allow_origin_header));
return base::unexpected<CorsErrorStatus>(CorsErrorStatus(
mojom::CorsError::kAllowOriginMismatch, *allow_origin_header));
if (credentials_mode == mojom::CredentialsMode::kInclude) {
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#http-access-control-allow-credentials.
// This check should be case sensitive.
// See also https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#http-new-header-syntax.
if (allow_credentials_header != kLowerCaseTrue) {
return base::unexpected<CorsErrorStatus>(
return base::expected<void, CorsErrorStatus>();
base::expected<void, CorsErrorStatus> CheckAccessAndReportMetrics(
const GURL& response_url,
const absl::optional<std::string>& allow_origin_header,
const absl::optional<std::string>& allow_credentials_header,
mojom::CredentialsMode credentials_mode,
const url::Origin& origin) {
auto check_result =
CheckAccess(response_url, allow_origin_header, allow_credentials_header,
credentials_mode, origin);
cors::AccessCheckResult result = check_result.has_value()
? cors::AccessCheckResult::kPermitted
: cors::AccessCheckResult::kNotPermitted;
base::UmaHistogramEnumeration("Net.Cors.AccessCheckResult", result);
if (!IsOriginPotentiallyTrustworthy(origin)) {
"Net.Cors.AccessCheckResult.NotSecureRequestor", result);
return check_result;
bool ShouldCheckCors(const GURL& request_url,
const absl::optional<url::Origin>& request_initiator,
mojom::RequestMode request_mode) {
if (request_mode == network::mojom::RequestMode::kNavigate ||
request_mode == network::mojom::RequestMode::kNoCors) {
return false;
// CORS needs a proper origin (including a unique opaque origin). If the
// request doesn't have one, CORS should not work.
// |request_url| should not contain the url::kDataScheme here, but have a
// DCHECK for a while, just in case.
if (request_initiator->IsSameOriginWith(request_url))
return false;
return true;
bool IsCorsEnabledRequestMode(mojom::RequestMode mode) {
return mode == mojom::RequestMode::kCors ||
mode == mojom::RequestMode::kCorsWithForcedPreflight;
bool IsCorsSafelistedMethod(const std::string& method) {
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#cors-safelisted-method
// "A CORS-safelisted method is a method that is `GET`, `HEAD`, or `POST`."
std::string method_upper = base::ToUpperASCII(method);
return method_upper == net::HttpRequestHeaders::kGetMethod ||
method_upper == net::HttpRequestHeaders::kHeadMethod ||
method_upper == net::HttpRequestHeaders::kPostMethod;
bool IsCorsSafelistedContentType(const std::string& media_type) {
return IsCorsSafelistedLowerCaseContentType(base::ToLowerASCII(media_type));
bool IsCorsSafelistedHeader(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) {
const std::string lower_name = base::ToLowerASCII(name);
// If |value|’s length is greater than 128, then return false.
if (value.size() > 128)
return false;
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#cors-safelisted-request-header
// "A CORS-safelisted header is a header whose name is either one of `Accept`,
// `Accept-Language`, and `Content-Language`, or whose name is
// `Content-Type` and value, once parsed, is one of
// `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, `multipart/form-data`, and
// `text/plain`
// or whose name is a byte-case-insensitive match for one of
// `DPR`, `Save-Data`, `device-memory`, `Viewport-Width`, and `Width`,
// and whose value, once extracted, is not failure."
// Treat inspector headers as a CORS-safelisted headers, since they are added
// by blink when the inspector is open.
// Treat 'Intervention' as a CORS-safelisted header, since it is added by
// Chrome when an intervention is (or may be) applied.
static constexpr auto safe_names = base::MakeFixedFlatSet<base::StringPiece>({
// These four were deprecated and replaced by variants with a `sec-ch-`
// prefix to conform with the proposal:
// https://wicg.github.io/client-hints-infrastructure/
// The Sec-CH-Viewport-height header field gives a server information
// about the user-agent's current viewport height.
// https://wicg.github.io/responsive-image-client-hints/#sec-ch-viewport-height
// The `Sec-CH-UA-*` header fields are proposed replacements for
// `User-Agent`, using the Client Hints infrastructure.
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-west-ua-client-hints
// The `Sec-CH-UA-Reduced` header field is a temporary client hint, which
// will only be sent in the presence of a valid Origin Trial token. It
// was introduced to enable safely experimenting with sending a reduced
// user agent string in the `User-Agent` header.
// The `Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme` header field is modeled after the
// prefers-color-scheme user preference media feature. It reflects the
// user’s desire that the page use a light or dark color theme. This is
// currently pull from operating system preferences, although there may be
// internal UI in the future.
// https://wicg.github.io/user-preference-media-features-headers/#sec-ch-prefers-color-scheme
// The Device Memory header field is a number that indicates the client’s
// device memory i.e. approximate amount of ram in GiB. The header value
// must satisfy ABNF 1*DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ]
// See
// https://w3c.github.io/device-memory/#sec-device-memory-client-hint-header
// for more details.
// Simple range values are safelisted.
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#simple-range-header-value
// The `Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version-List` provide server information about the
// full version for each brand in its brands list.
// https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/#sec-ch-ua-full-version-list
// The `Sec-CH-UA-Full` header field is a temporary client hint, which
// will only be sent in the presence of a valid Origin Trial token. It
// was introduced to enable sites to register for the deprecation UA
// reduction origin trial and continue to receive the full UA string for
// some period, once UA reduction rolls out.
if (!base::Contains(safe_names, lower_name))
return false;
// Client hints are device specific, and not origin specific. As such all
// client hint headers are considered as safe.
// See
// third_party/blink/public/mojom/web_client_hints/web_client_hints_types.mojom.
// Client hint headers can be added by Chrome automatically or via JavaScript.
if (lower_name == "device-memory" || lower_name == "dpr")
return IsSimilarToDoubleABNF(value);
if (lower_name == "width" || lower_name == "viewport-width")
return IsSimilarToIntABNF(value);
const std::string lower_value = base::ToLowerASCII(value);
if (lower_name == "save-data")
return lower_value == "on";
if (lower_name == "accept") {
return !base::ranges::any_of(value, IsCorsUnsafeRequestHeaderByte);
if (lower_name == "accept-language" || lower_name == "content-language") {
return base::ranges::all_of(value, [](char c) {
return (0x30 <= c && c <= 0x39) || (0x41 <= c && c <= 0x5a) ||
(0x61 <= c && c <= 0x7a) || c == 0x20 || c == 0x2a || c == 0x2c ||
c == 0x2d || c == 0x2e || c == 0x3b || c == 0x3d;
if (lower_name == "content-type")
return IsCorsSafelistedLowerCaseContentType(lower_value);
if (lower_name == "range") {
// A 'simple' range value is of the following form: 'bytes=\d+-(\d+)?'.
// We can use the regular range header parser with the following caveats:
// - No space characters or trailing commas
// - Only one range is provided
// - No suffix (bytes=-x) ranges
if (base::ranges::any_of(lower_value, [](char c) {
return net::HttpUtil::IsLWS(c) || c == ',';
})) {
return false;
std::vector<net::HttpByteRange> ranges;
if (!net::HttpUtil::ParseRangeHeader(lower_value, &ranges))
return false;
if (ranges.size() != 1 || ranges[0].IsSuffixByteRange())
return false;
return true;
return true;
bool IsNoCorsSafelistedHeaderName(const std::string& name) {
return IsNoCorsSafelistedHeaderNameLowerCase(base::ToLowerASCII(name));
bool IsPrivilegedNoCorsHeaderName(const std::string& name) {
const std::string lower_name = base::ToLowerASCII(name);
const std::vector<std::string> privileged_no_cors_header_names =
for (const auto& header : privileged_no_cors_header_names) {
if (lower_name == header)
return true;
return false;
bool IsNoCorsSafelistedHeader(const std::string& name,
const std::string& value) {
const std::string lower_name = base::ToLowerASCII(name);
if (!IsNoCorsSafelistedHeaderNameLowerCase(lower_name))
return false;
return IsCorsSafelistedHeader(lower_name, value);
std::vector<std::string> CorsUnsafeRequestHeaderNames(
const net::HttpRequestHeaders::HeaderVector& headers) {
std::vector<std::string> potentially_unsafe_names;
std::vector<std::string> header_names;
constexpr size_t kSafeListValueSizeMax = 1024;
size_t safe_list_value_size = 0;
for (const auto& header : headers) {
if (!IsCorsSafelistedHeader(header.key, header.value)) {
} else {
safe_list_value_size += header.value.size();
if (safe_list_value_size > kSafeListValueSizeMax) {
header_names.insert(header_names.end(), potentially_unsafe_names.begin(),
return header_names;
std::vector<std::string> PrivilegedNoCorsHeaderNames() {
return {"range"};
bool IsForbiddenMethod(const std::string& method) {
const std::string upper_method = base::ToUpperASCII(method);
return upper_method == net::HttpRequestHeaders::kConnectMethod ||
upper_method == net::HttpRequestHeaders::kTraceMethod ||
upper_method == net::HttpRequestHeaders::kTrackMethod;
bool IsOkStatus(int status) {
return status >= 200 && status < 300;
bool IsCorsSameOriginResponseType(mojom::FetchResponseType type) {
switch (type) {
case mojom::FetchResponseType::kBasic:
case mojom::FetchResponseType::kCors:
case mojom::FetchResponseType::kDefault:
return true;
case mojom::FetchResponseType::kError:
case mojom::FetchResponseType::kOpaque:
case mojom::FetchResponseType::kOpaqueRedirect:
return false;
bool IsCorsCrossOriginResponseType(mojom::FetchResponseType type) {
switch (type) {
case mojom::FetchResponseType::kBasic:
case mojom::FetchResponseType::kCors:
case mojom::FetchResponseType::kDefault:
case mojom::FetchResponseType::kError:
return false;
case mojom::FetchResponseType::kOpaque:
case mojom::FetchResponseType::kOpaqueRedirect:
return true;
bool CalculateCredentialsFlag(mojom::CredentialsMode credentials_mode,
mojom::FetchResponseType response_tainting) {
// Let |credentials flag| be set if one of
// - |request|’s credentials mode is "include"
// - |request|’s credentials mode is "same-origin" and |request|’s
// response tainting is "basic"
// is true, and unset otherwise.
switch (credentials_mode) {
case network::mojom::CredentialsMode::kOmit:
case network::mojom::CredentialsMode::kOmitBug_775438_Workaround:
return false;
case network::mojom::CredentialsMode::kSameOrigin:
return response_tainting == network::mojom::FetchResponseType::kBasic;
case network::mojom::CredentialsMode::kInclude:
return true;
mojom::FetchResponseType CalculateResponseType(
mojom::RequestMode mode,
bool is_request_considered_same_origin) {
if (is_request_considered_same_origin ||
mode == network::mojom::RequestMode::kNavigate ||
mode == network::mojom::RequestMode::kSameOrigin) {
return network::mojom::FetchResponseType::kBasic;
} else if (mode == network::mojom::RequestMode::kNoCors) {
return network::mojom::FetchResponseType::kOpaque;
} else {
DCHECK(network::cors::IsCorsEnabledRequestMode(mode)) << mode;
return network::mojom::FetchResponseType::kCors;
} // namespace cors
} // namespace network