[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 12e9352cd48e9225602988e01283232afd0c1fcc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/url_loader_completion_status.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_response_head.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
class GURL;
template <class T>
class scoped_refptr;
namespace base {
class FilePath;
class TickClock;
class TimeDelta;
} // namespace base
namespace net {
class HttpResponseHeaders;
struct NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag;
struct RedirectInfo;
} // namespace net
namespace network {
struct ResourceRequest;
namespace mojom {
class URLLoaderFactory;
} // namespace network
namespace network {
class SimpleURLLoaderStreamConsumer;
class SimpleURLLoaderThrottle;
// Creates and wraps a URLLoader, and runs it to completion. It's recommended
// that consumers use this class instead of URLLoader directly, due to the
// complexity of the API.
// Deleting a SimpleURLLoader before it completes cancels the requests and frees
// any resources it is using (including any partially downloaded files). A
// SimpleURLLoader may be safely deleted while it's invoking any callback method
// that was passed it.
// Each SimpleURLLoader can only be used for a single request.
// By default SimpleURLLoader will not return the response body for non-2xx
// HTTP codes. See SetAllowHttpErrorResults() for details.
// TODO(mmenke): Support the following:
// * Maybe some sort of retry backoff or delay? ServiceURLLoaderContext enables
// throttling for its URLFetchers. Could additionally/alternatively support
// 503 + Retry-After.
// When a failed request should automatically be retried. These are intended
// to be ORed together.
enum RetryMode {
// Retries whenever the server returns a 5xx response code.
RETRY_ON_5XX = 0x1,
// Retries on net::ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED.
// Retries on net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED.
// The maximum size DownloadToString will accept.
static constexpr size_t kMaxBoundedStringDownloadSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
// Maximum upload body size to send as a block to the URLLoaderFactory. This
// data may appear in memory twice for a while, in the retry case, and there
// may briefly be 3 to 5 copies as it's copied over the Mojo pipe: This
// class's copy (with retries enabled), the source mojo pipe's input copy, the
// copy on the IPC buffer, the destination mojo pipe's copy, and the network
// service's copy.
// Only exposed for tests.
static constexpr size_t kMaxUploadStringSizeToCopy = 256 * 1024;
// Callback used when downloading the response body as a std::string.
// |response_body| is the body of the response, or nullptr on failure. Note
// that |response_body| may be nullptr even if there's a valid response code
// like HTTP_OK, which could happen if there's an interruption before the
// full response body is received. It is safe to delete the SimpleURLLoader
// during the callback.
using BodyAsStringCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<std::string> response_body)>;
// Callback used when ignoring the response body. |headers| are the received
// HTTP headers, or nullptr if none were received. It is safe to delete the
// SimpleURLLoader during the callback.
using HeadersOnlyCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders> headers)>;
// Callback used when downloading the response body to a file. On failure,
// |path| will be empty. It is safe to delete the SimpleURLLoader during the
// callback.
using DownloadToFileCompleteCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(base::FilePath path)>;
// Callback used when a redirect is being followed. It is safe to delete the
// SimpleURLLoader during the callback.
// |removed_headers| is used to set variations headers that need to be
// removed for requests when a redirect to a non-Google URL occurs.
using OnRedirectCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const net::RedirectInfo& redirect_info,
const mojom::URLResponseHead& response_head,
std::vector<std::string>* removed_headers)>;
// Callback used when a response is received. It is safe to delete the
// SimpleURLLoader during the callback.
using OnResponseStartedCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const GURL& final_url,
const mojom::URLResponseHead& response_head)>;
// Callback used when an upload progress is reported. It is safe to
// delete the SimpleURLLoader during the callback.
using UploadProgressCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(uint64_t position, uint64_t total)>;
// Callback used for reporting upload or download progress.
// |current| is the number of bytes transferred thus far for the current
// fetch attempt (so in case of retries, it might appear to go backwards). It
// is safe to delete the SimpleURLLoader during the callback.
using DownloadProgressCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(uint64_t current)>;
// Creates a SimpleURLLoader for |resource_request|. The request can be
// started by calling any one of the Download methods once. The loader may not
// be reused.
static std::unique_ptr<SimpleURLLoader> Create(
std::unique_ptr<ResourceRequest> resource_request,
const net::NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag& annotation_tag,
base::Location created_from = base::Location::Current());
// The TickClock to use to configure a timer that tracks if |timeout_duration|
// has been reached or not. This can be removed once https://crbug.com/905412
// is completed. When null, the timer falls back to base::TimeTicks::Now().
static void SetTimeoutTickClockForTest(
const base::TickClock* timeout_tick_clock);
SimpleURLLoader(const SimpleURLLoader&) = delete;
SimpleURLLoader& operator=(const SimpleURLLoader&) = delete;
virtual ~SimpleURLLoader();
// Starts the request using |url_loader_factory|. The SimpleURLLoader will
// accumulate all downloaded data in an in-memory string of bounded size. If
// |max_body_size| is exceeded, the request will fail with
// net::ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES. |max_body_size| must be no greater than
// |kMaxBoundedStringDownloadSize|. For anything larger, it's recommended to
// either save to a temp file, or consume the data as it is received.
// Whether the request succeeds or fails, the URLLoaderFactory pipe is closed,
// or the body exceeds |max_body_size|, |body_as_string_callback| will be
// invoked on completion. Deleting the SimpleURLLoader before the callback is
// invoked will result in cancelling the request, and the callback will not be
// called.
virtual void DownloadToString(mojom::URLLoaderFactory* url_loader_factory,
BodyAsStringCallback body_as_string_callback,
size_t max_body_size) = 0;
// Same as DownloadToString, but downloads to a buffer of unbounded size,
// potentially causing a crash if the amount of addressable memory is
// exceeded. It's recommended consumers use one of the other download methods
// instead (DownloadToString if the body is expected to be of reasonable
// length, or DownloadToFile otherwise).
virtual void DownloadToStringOfUnboundedSizeUntilCrashAndDie(
mojom::URLLoaderFactory* url_loader_factory,
BodyAsStringCallback body_as_string_callback) = 0;
// Starts the request using |url_loader_factory|. The SimpleURLLoader will
// discard the response body as it is received and |headers_only_callback|
// will be invoked on completion. It is safe to delete the SimpleURLLoader in
// this callback.
virtual void DownloadHeadersOnly(
mojom::URLLoaderFactory* url_loader_factory,
HeadersOnlyCallback headers_only_callback) = 0;
// SimpleURLLoader will download the entire response to a file at the
// specified path. File I/O will happen on another sequence, so it's safe to
// use this on any sequence.
// If there's a file, network, Mojo, or http error, or the max limit
// is exceeded, the file will be automatically destroyed before the callback
// is invoked and en empty path passed to the callback, unless
// SetAllowPartialResults() and/or SetAllowHttpErrorResults() were used to
// indicate partial results are allowed.
// If the SimpleURLLoader is destroyed before it has invoked the callback, the
// downloaded file will be deleted asynchronously and the callback will not be
// invoked, regardless of other settings.
virtual void DownloadToFile(
mojom::URLLoaderFactory* url_loader_factory,
DownloadToFileCompleteCallback download_to_file_complete_callback,
const base::FilePath& file_path,
int64_t max_body_size = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) = 0;
// Same as DownloadToFile, but creates a temporary file instead of taking a
// FilePath.
virtual void DownloadToTempFile(
mojom::URLLoaderFactory* url_loader_factory,
DownloadToFileCompleteCallback download_to_file_complete_callback,
int64_t max_body_size = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) = 0;
// SimpleURLLoader will stream the response body to
// SimpleURLLoaderStreamConsumer on the current thread. Destroying the
// SimpleURLLoader will cancel the request, and prevent any subsequent
// methods from being invoked on the Consumer. The SimpleURLLoader may also be
// destroyed in any of the Consumer's callbacks.
// |stream_consumer| must remain valid until either the SimpleURLLoader is
// deleted, or the consumer's OnComplete() method has been invoked by the
// SimpleURLLoader.
virtual void DownloadAsStream(
mojom::URLLoaderFactory* url_loader_factory,
SimpleURLLoaderStreamConsumer* stream_consumer) = 0;
// Sets callback to be invoked during redirects. Callback may delete the
// SimpleURLLoader.
virtual void SetOnRedirectCallback(
const OnRedirectCallback& on_redirect_callback) = 0;
// Sets callback to be invoked when the response has started.
// Callback may delete the SimpleURLLoader.
virtual void SetOnResponseStartedCallback(
OnResponseStartedCallback on_response_started_callback) = 0;
// Sets callback to be invoked during resource uploads to provide
// progress information. Callback may delete the SimpleURLLoader.
virtual void SetOnUploadProgressCallback(
UploadProgressCallback on_upload_progress_callback) = 0;
// Sets callback to be invoked to notify of body download progress.
// Note that this may be non-monotonic in case of retries.
// DownloadHeadersOnly() will disregard this setting, and never invoke the
// callback; otherwise it's guaranteed to fire at least once, with the final
// size.
// Callback may delete the SimpleURLLoader.
virtual void SetOnDownloadProgressCallback(
DownloadProgressCallback on_download_progress_callback) = 0;
// Sets whether partially received results are allowed. Defaults to false.
// When true, if an error is received after reading the body starts or the max
// allowed body size exceeded, the partial response body that was received
// will be provided to the caller. The partial response body may be an empty
// string.
// When downloading as a stream, this has no observable effect.
// May only be called before the request is started.
virtual void SetAllowPartialResults(bool allow_partial_results) = 0;
// Sets whether bodies of non-2xx responses are returned. May only be called
// before the request is started.
// When false, if a non-2xx result is received (Other than a redirect), the
// request will fail with net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE without waiting
// to read the response body, though headers will be accessible through
// response_info().
// When true, non-2xx responses are treated no differently than other
// responses, so their response body is returned just as with any other
// response code, and when they complete, NetError() will return net::OK, if
// no other problem occurs.
// Defaults to false.
virtual void SetAllowHttpErrorResults(bool allow_http_error_results) = 0;
// Attaches the specified string as the upload body. Depending on the length
// of the string, the string may be copied to the URLLoader, or may be
// streamed to it from the current process. May only be called once, and only
// if ResourceRequest passed to the constructor had a null |request_body|.
// |content_type| will overwrite any Content-Type header in the
// ResourceRequest passed to Create().
// TODO(mmenke): This currently always requires a copy. Update DataElement not
// to require this.
virtual void AttachStringForUpload(
const std::string& upload_data,
const std::string& upload_content_type) = 0;
virtual void AttachStringForUpload(const std::string& upload_data) = 0;
// Helper method to attach a file for upload, so the consumer won't need to
// open the file itself off-thread. May only be called once, and only if the
// ResourceRequest passed to the constructor had a null |request_body|.
// The |offset| and |length| can optionally be set to specify the desired
// range of the file to be uploaded. By default the entire file is uploaded.
// |content_type| will overwrite any Content-Type header in the
// ResourceRequest passed to Create().
virtual void AttachFileForUpload(
const base::FilePath& upload_file_path,
const std::string& upload_content_type,
uint64_t offset = 0,
uint64_t length = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) = 0;
virtual void AttachFileForUpload(const base::FilePath& upload_file_path,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t length) = 0;
void AttachFileForUpload(const base::FilePath& upload_file_path) {
AttachFileForUpload(upload_file_path, 0,
// Sets the when to try and the max number of times to retry a request, if
// any. |max_retries| is the number of times to retry the request, not
// counting the initial request. |retry_mode| is a combination of one or more
// RetryModes, indicating when the request should be retried. If it is
// RETRY_NEVER, |max_retries| must be 0.
// By default, a request will not be retried.
// When a request is retried, the the request will start again using the
// initial content::ResourceRequest, even if the request was redirected.
// Calling this multiple times will overwrite the values previously passed to
// this method. May only be called before the request is started.
// Cannot retry requests with an upload body that contains a data pipe that
// was added to the ResourceRequest passed to Create() by the consumer.
virtual void SetRetryOptions(int max_retries, int retry_mode) = 0;
// Sets options for URLLoaderFactory::CreateLoaderAndStart. See
// //network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom. This should be
// called before the request is started.
virtual void SetURLLoaderFactoryOptions(uint32_t options) = 0;
// Sets request_id for URLLoaderFactory::CreateLoaderAndStart. See
// network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom. This should be called before
// the request is started.
virtual void SetRequestID(int32_t request_id) = 0;
// The amount of time to wait before giving up on a given network request and
// considering it an error. If not set, then the request is allowed to take
// as much time as it wants.
virtual void SetTimeoutDuration(base::TimeDelta timeout_duration) = 0;
// Allows this SimpleURLLoader to be batched when sending a network request
// impacts on battery consumption. This should be called before the request
// is started.
// NOTE: This is for an experimental use. Please contact bashi@chromium.org
// before starting using this function.
virtual void SetAllowBatching() = 0;
// Returns the net::Error representing the final status of the request. May
// only be called once the loader has informed the caller of completion.
virtual int NetError() const = 0;
// The URLResponseHead for the request. Will be nullptr if ResponseInfo
// was never received. May only be called once the loader has informed the
// caller of completion.
virtual const mojom::URLResponseHead* ResponseInfo() const = 0;
// The URLLoaderCompletionStatus for the request. Will be nullopt if the
// response never completed. May only be called once the loader has informed
// the caller of completion.
virtual const absl::optional<URLLoaderCompletionStatus>& CompletionStatus()
const = 0;
// Returns the URL that this loader is processing. May only be called once the
// loader has informed the caller of completion.
virtual const GURL& GetFinalURL() const = 0;
// Indicates the request that this loader is processing was loaded from the
// HTTP cache. May only be called once the loader has informed the caller of
// completion.
virtual bool LoadedFromCache() const = 0;
// Indicates the total of decompressed bytes of the response body.
// May only be called once the loader has informed the caller of completion.
// The value might be different than the number of bytes actually
// received over the network. This happens, for example, in the case
// of gzipped bodies (Content-Encoding: gzip).
// When |SetAllowPartialResults| is set to true and there is an error,
// the method returns the total bytes decompressed bytes until the failure
// occurred.
virtual int64_t GetContentSize() const = 0;
// Returns the number of times retry has been attempted.
virtual int GetNumRetries() const = 0;
virtual SimpleURLLoaderThrottle* GetThrottleForTesting() = 0;
} // namespace network