[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: ee2c27d5f8a12d1f1e58da9dc997710270ea5649 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/network/public/mojom/trust_tokens.mojom-shared.h"
namespace network {
// A Trust Tokens operation requires the 'trust-token-redemption' Permissions
// Policy feature if it's of type "redemption" or "signing" (as opposed to
// "issuance").
// Needing the top-level frame's authorization to execute a redemption operation
// has two motivations: security and privacy.
// - Security: Executing a redemption operation counts against rate limits,
// currently indelible short of a user-initiated browsing data clear, that are
// scoped to the redemption-time top frame origin. Using Permissions Policy
// stops subframes from denying service to ancestor frames by exhausting these
// rate limits.
// - Privacy: The results of a redemption operation ("signed redemption
// records") are persistent first-party identifiers in the context of the top
// frame at redemption time. Since embedded third-party frames are on the other
// side of a privacy boundary, we’d like to prohibit these third-party frames
// from having access to the redeeming-context RRs without the top-level
// frame's explicit consent.
constexpr bool DoesTrustTokenOperationRequirePermissionsPolicy(
mojom::TrustTokenOperationType type) {
switch (type) {
case mojom::TrustTokenOperationType::kRedemption:
case mojom::TrustTokenOperationType::kSigning:
return true;
case mojom::TrustTokenOperationType::kIssuance:
return false;
} // namespace network