[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 8f62ca2307616e03175cce0674679631c4b7a694 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
namespace service_manager {
// Represents metadata about a service that the Service Manager needs in order
// to start and control instances of that given service. This data is provided
// to the Service Manager at initialization time for every known service in the
// system.
// A service will typically define a dedicated manifest target in their public
// C++ client library with a single GetManifest() function that returns a
// const ref to a function-local static Manifest. Then any Service Manager
// embedder can reference the manifest in order to include support for that
// service within its runtime environment.
// Instead of constructing a Manifest manually, prefer to use a ManifestBuilder
// defined in manifest_builder.h for more readable and maintainable manifest
// definitions.
using ServiceName = std::string;
using CapabilityName = std::string;
using InterfaceName = std::string;
using InterfaceNameSet = std::set<InterfaceName>;
using CapabilityNameSet = std::set<CapabilityName>;
using ExposedCapabilityMap = std::map<CapabilityName, InterfaceNameSet>;
using RequiredCapabilityMap = std::map<ServiceName, CapabilityNameSet>;
// Represents the display name of this service (in e.g. a task manager).
enum class Type { kDefault, kRawString, kResourceId };
DisplayName() : type(Type::kDefault) {}
explicit DisplayName(const char* raw_string)
: type(Type::kRawString), raw_string(raw_string) {}
explicit DisplayName(int resource_id)
: type(Type::kResourceId), resource_id(resource_id) {}
Type type;
union {
const char* raw_string;
int resource_id;
enum class InstanceSharingPolicy {
// Instances of the service are never shared across groups or instance IDs.
// Every tuple of group and instance ID corresponds to a unique instance.
// Only one instance of the service can exist at a time, and any combination
// of group and instance ID refers to the same single instance. i.e. group
// and instance ID are effectively ignored when locating the instance of
// this service on behalf of clients.
// At most one instance of this service will exist with a given instance ID.
// i.e., instance group is effectively ignored when locating an instance of
// the service on behalf of a client.
// Indicates how instances of this service are launched. Ignored if this
// manifest is packaged within another manifest, as launch is always delegated
// to some instance of the packaging service in that case. See
// |packaged_services| below for more information about packaged service
// manifests.
enum class ExecutionMode {
// The service implementation is built into the Service Manager embedder's
// binary (for example Chromium, or any Content embedder), and the embedder
// handles requests for new instances of the service in-process via
// ServiceManager::Delegate::RunBuiltinServiceInstanceInCurrentProcess().
// If a service uses this ExecutionMode in Chromium for example, that means
// the service always runs in the browser process.
// The service implementation is built into the Service Manager embedder's
// binary (for example Chromium, or any Content embedder), and the embedder
// handles requests for new instances of the service via
// ServiceProcess::Delegate::RunService(). The service will always run in
// a child process sandboxed according to sandbox::mojom::Sandbox (see
// Options below).
// The service is launched out-of-process from a standalone service
// executable on disk within the running application's directory. The name
// of the executable is expected to be "${service_name}.service" (or
// "${service_name}.service.exe" on Windows).
// Proper sandboxing is currently not supported for standalone service
// executables, so sandbox::mojom::Sandbox (see Options below) is
// ignored. This renders
// standalone service executables generally unsuitable for production
// environments.
// Miscellanous options which control how the service is launched and how it
// can interact with other service instances in the system.
Options(const Options&);
Options& operator=(Options&&);
Options& operator=(const Options&);
// Indicates how instances of this service may be shared across clients.
InstanceSharingPolicy instance_sharing_policy =
// If |true|, this service is allowed to connect to other service instances
// in instance groups other than its own. This is considered a privileged
// capability, as instance grouping provides natural boundaries for service
// instance isolation.
bool can_connect_to_instances_in_any_group = false;
// If |true|, this service is allowed to connect to other services instances
// with a specific instance ID. This is considered a privileged capability
// since it allows this service to instigate the creation of an arbitrary
// number of service instances.
bool can_connect_to_instances_with_any_id = false;
// If |true|, this service is allowed to directly register new service
// instances with the Service Manager. This is considered a privileged
// capability since it grants this service a significant degree of control
// over the entire system's behavior. For example, the service could
// completely replace other system services and therefore intercept requests
// intended for those services.
bool can_register_other_service_instances = false;
// Indicates how instances of this service are launched. Ignored iff this
// manifest is packaged within another service's manifest.
ExecutionMode execution_mode = ExecutionMode::kInProcessBuiltin;
// The type of sandboxing required by instances of this service. Only used
// if |execution_mode| is |kOutOfProcessBuiltin| or
// |kStandaloneExecutable|.
// TODO(https://crbug.com/915806): Make this field a
// sandbox::mojom::Sandbox enum.
std::string sandbox_type{"utility"};
// Represents a file required by instances of the service despite being
// inaccessible to the service directly, due to e.g. sandboxing constraints.
// Currently ignored on platforms other than Android and Linux.
struct PreloadedFileInfo {
// A key which can be used by the service implementation to locate the
// file's open descriptor via |base::FileDescriptorStore|.
std::string key;
// The path to the file. On Linux this is relative to the main Service
// Manager embedder's executable (i.e. relative to base::DIR_EXE.) On
// Android it's an APK asset path.
base::FilePath path;
// A helper for Manifest writers to create a set of interfaces to be used in
// in exposed capabilities.
template <typename... InterfaceTypes>
struct InterfaceList {};
Manifest(const Manifest&);
Manifest& operator=(const Manifest&);
Manifest& operator=(Manifest&&);
// Amends this Manifest with a subset of |other|. Namely, exposed and required
// capabilities, exposed and required interface filter capabilities, packaged
// services, and preloaded files are all added from |other| if present.
Manifest& Amend(Manifest other);
ServiceName service_name;
DisplayName display_name;
Options options;
// All capabilities exposed by this service. The key is the name of the
// capability, which is an arbitrary string value chosen by and scoped to the
// service. The value is a set of mojom interface names, conveying the set of
// interfaces to which this capability grants access via the Service Manager.
// See |required_capabilities| for information on how another service can have
// that access granted to them.
ExposedCapabilityMap exposed_capabilities;
// All capabilities required by this service. The key is the name of another
// service, and the corresponding value is the set of (names of) capabilities
// required from that service.
// If a service A declares in its manifest that it requires a capability X
// from service B, then A will be allowed to request any interface exposed
// through X (i.e. through the capability in the |exposed_capabilities| field
// of B's manifest), using |BindInterface()| on A's Connector.
RequiredCapabilityMap required_capabilities;
// DEPRECATED: This will be removed soon. Don't add new uses of interface
// filters. Instead prefer to define explicit broker interfaces and expose
// them through |exposed_capabilities|.
// Services may define capabilities to be scoped within a named interface
// filter. These capabilities do not apply to normal interface binding
// requests (i.e. requests made by clients through |Connector.BindInterface|).
// Instead, the exposing service may use |Connector.FilterInterfaces| to
// set up an InterfaceProvider pipe proxied through the Service Manager. The
// Service Manager will filter interface requests on that pipe according to
// the given filter name and remote service name. The remote service must in
// turn require one or more capabilities from the named filter in order to
// access any interfaces via the proxied InterfaceProvider, which the exposing
// service must pass to the remote service somehow.
// If this all sounds very confusing, that's because it is very confusing.
// Hence the "DEPRECATED" bit.
using FilterName = std::string;
std::map<FilterName, ExposedCapabilityMap>
// DEPRECATED: This will be removed soon. Don't add new uses of interface
// filters.
// This is like |required_capabilities|, except that it only grants the
// requiring/ service access to a set of interfaces on a specific
// InterfaceProvider, filtered by the exposing service according to an
// |exposed_interface_filter_capabilities| in that service's manifest. See
// notes on that field above.
std::map<FilterName, RequiredCapabilityMap>
// A list of manifests for services "packaged" by this service. For a service
// Y to be packaged within a service X means that the Service Manager will
// always delegate creation of Y instances to an instance of X via calls to
// |Service::CreatePackagedServiceInstance()|.
// See
// https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/services/service_manager/README.md#Packaging
// for more information.
std::vector<Manifest> packaged_services;
std::vector<PreloadedFileInfo> preloaded_files;
// The list of interfaces that this service are allowed to connect to
// unconditionally on any service.
InterfaceNameSet interfaces_bindable_on_any_service;
} // namespace service_manager