[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 1fec7bd737d5e02297e89b4000c2abcb3f3b78bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/message_pipe.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/cpp/bind_source_info.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/mojom/service.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace service_manager {
// The primary contract between a Service and the Service Manager, receiving
// lifecycle notifications and connection requests.
virtual ~Service();
// Transfers ownership of |service| to itself such that self-termination via
// |Terminate()| is also self-deletion. Note that most services implicitly
// call |Terminate()| when disconnected from the Service Manager, via the
// default implementation of |OnDisconnected()|.
// This should really only be called on a Service instance that has a bound
// connection to the Service Manager, e.g. a functioning ServiceReceiver. If
// the service never calls |Terminate()|, it will effectively leak.
// If |callback| is non-null, it will be invoked after |service| is destroyed.
static void RunAsyncUntilTermination(std::unique_ptr<Service> service,
base::OnceClosure callback = {});
// Sets a closure to run when the service wants to self-terminate. This may be
// used by whomever created the Service instance in order to clean up
// associated resources.
void set_termination_closure(base::OnceClosure callback) {
termination_closure_ = std::move(callback);
// Called exactly once when a bidirectional connection with the Service
// Manager has been established. No calls to OnBindInterface() will be made
// before this.
virtual void OnStart();
// Called when the service instance identified by |source.identity| requests
// to have a receiver for |interface_name| connected through the Service
// Manager, and the Service Manager routes the request to |this|. By the time
// this method has been called, the Service Manager has already determined
// that policy allows for such a connection to be fulfilled.
// |receiver_pipe| is a message pipe handle that can be used to construct a
// mojo::PendingReceiver<T>, where T should dynamically correspond to the
// interface named by |interface_name|. Services can use a BinderMap to
// simplify the work of mapping incoming requests to methods which bind
// specific types of interfaces.
// NOTE: Do not override |OnBindInterface()| if overriding this method. This
// method always takes precedence, so |OnBindInterface()| will never be called
// if this is overridden.
virtual void OnConnect(const ConnectSourceInfo& source,
const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle receiver_pipe);
// DEPRECATED: Same as above, but deprecated naming. Prefer to override
// |OnConnect()| instead. In any case, do not override both!
virtual void OnBindInterface(const BindSourceInfo& source,
const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle interface_pipe);
// Called by the Service Manager when it wants this service to launch a new
// instance of a packaged service listed in this service's Manifest. The
// packaged service to launch is identified by |service_name|, and the
// Service receiver pipe in |service_receiver| should be used to construct
// a new Service instance for the packaged service. If and when that instance
// is created, |callback| should be invoked with the new instance's PID (which
// may be the same as this service's PID if they will share a process). If the
// requested service is not launched, |callback| should be invoked with
// |absl::nullopt|.
using CreatePackagedServiceInstanceCallback =
virtual void CreatePackagedServiceInstance(
const std::string& service_name,
mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::Service> service_receiver,
CreatePackagedServiceInstanceCallback callback);
// Called when the Service Manager has stopped tracking this instance. Once
// invoked, no further Service interface methods will be called on this
// Service, and no further communication with the Service Manager is possible.
// The Service may continue to operate and service existing client connections
// as it deems appropriate. The default implementation invokes |Terminate()|.
virtual void OnDisconnected();
// Called when the Service Manager has stopped tracking this instance. The
// service should use this as a signal to shut down, and in fact its process
// may be reaped shortly afterward if applicable.
// If this returns |true| then QuitNow() will be invoked immediately upon
// return to the ServiceContext. Otherwise the Service is responsible for
// eventually calling QuitNow().
// The default implementation returns |true|.
// NOTE: This may be called at any time, and once it's been called, none of
// the other public Service methods will be invoked by the ServiceContext.
// This is ONLY invoked when using a ServiceContext and is therefore
// deprecated.
virtual bool OnServiceManagerConnectionLost();
// Runs a RunLoop until this service self-terminates. This is intended for use
// in environments where the service is the only thing running, e.g. as a
// standalone executable.
void RunUntilTermination();
// Subclasses should always invoke |Terminate()| when they want to
// self-terminate. This should generally only be done once the service is
// disconnected from the Service Manager and has no outstanding interface
// connections servicing clients. Calling |Terminate()| should be considered
// roughly equivalent to calling |exit(0)| in a normal POSIX process
// environment, except that services allow for the host environment to define
// exactly what termination means (see |set_termination_closure| above).
// Note that if no termination closure is set on this Service instance,
// calls to |Terminate()| do nothing.
// As a general rule, subclasses should *ALWAYS* assume that |Terminate()| may
// delete |*this| before returning.
void Terminate();
base::OnceClosure termination_closure_;
} // namespace service_manager