[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: f8b9ecbeacaae67cfe7191e84eda55385be8779e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <tuple>
#include "base/component_export.h"
namespace tracing {
// Value 0 is an invalid ID.
using InterningID = uint32_t;
struct COMPONENT_EXPORT(TRACING_CPP) InterningIndexEntry {
InterningID id;
// Whether the entry was emitted since the last reset of emitted state. If
// |false|, the sink should (re)emit the entry in the current TracePacket.
// We don't remove entries on reset of emitted state, so that we can continue
// to use their original IDs and avoid unnecessarily incrementing the ID
// counter.
bool was_emitted;
// Index is a template that finds the index (stored in |value|) of a type
// |ValueType| inside a |Tuple|. This is done at compile time since this is
// needed inside a std::get<>().
template <typename ValueType, typename Tuple>
struct Index;
template <typename T, typename... Types>
struct Index<T, std::tuple<T, Types...>> {
static const size_t value = 0;
template <typename T, typename U, typename... Types>
struct Index<T, std::tuple<U, Types...>> {
static const size_t value = 1 + Index<T, std::tuple<Types...>>::value;
// A TypeList holds a list of types, while SizeList holds a list of size_t
// integers.
// We can't just use a parameter pack to store these two informations because we
// can only have one parameter pack in a template (it absorbs all the types) and
// must be last. However we want users to be able to specify per type size
// limits to decrease memory usage. One of these lists aren't strictly needed
// (you could just have users enter the numbers (or types) as a parameter pack
// directly), but we use both so that when declaring a InterningIndex to
// declaration is readable and avoids surprising behaviour.
template <typename...>
struct TypeList {};
template <size_t...>
struct SizeList {};
// Interning index that associates interned values with interning IDs. It can
// track entries of different types within the same ID space, e.g. so that both
// copied strings and pointers to static strings can co-exist in the same index.
// The index will cache for a given ValueType and Size pair up to |Size| values
// after which it will start replacing them in a FIFO basis. All |Size|s must be
// a power of 2 for performance reasons (this is a compile time error if not).
// This definition just declares the type and template. Do not use this this
// directly, instead use the partial specialization below.
template <typename ValueTypes, typename Sizes>
// Partially specalized so we can have two parameter packs which get nested
// inside their respective lists.
template <typename... ValueTypes, size_t... Sizes>
class InterningIndex<TypeList<ValueTypes...>, SizeList<Sizes...>> {
// IndexCache is just a pair of std::arrays which are kept in sync with each
// other. This has an advantage over a std::array<pairs> since we can load a
// bunch of keys to search in one cache line without loading values.
template <size_t N, typename ValueType>
class IndexCache {
IndexCache() {
// Assert that N is a power of two. This allows the "% N" in Insert() to
// compile to a bunch of bit shifts which improves performance over an
// arbitrary modulo division.
N && ((N & (N - 1)) == 0),
"InterningIndex requires that the cache size be a power of 2.");
void Clear() {
for (auto& val : keys_) {
val = ValueType{};
valid_index_ = 0;
current_index_ = 0;
typename std::array<InterningIndexEntry, N>::iterator Find(
const ValueType& value) {
// First note that only |valid_index_| worth of entries have been assigned
// InterningIDs.
// So we search from the beginning up to |valid_index_|.
// If valid_index_ <= keys_.size and the element doesn't exist find will
// return it == keys_.begin() + valid_index_. This works because
// IndexCache::end() returns values_.begin() + valid_index_. So this will
// appear to be the IndexCache::end(), which again makes Find() act like
// std::find should. If valid_index_ == keys_.size() then this will be
// values_.end() as well.
// By doing this here and not checking the conditional we can only check
// it once and saves us a pretty impactful branch (this find is the
// majority of the time in LookUpOrInsert when profiled.
auto it = std::find(keys_.begin(), keys_.begin() + valid_index_, value);
return values_.begin() + (it - keys_.begin());
typename std::array<InterningIndexEntry, N>::iterator Insert(
const ValueType& key,
InterningIndexEntry&& value) {
size_t new_position = current_index_++ % N;
keys_[new_position] = key;
values_[new_position] = std::move(value);
valid_index_ = std::min(valid_index_ + 1, values_.size());
return values_.begin() + new_position;
typename std::array<InterningIndexEntry, N>::iterator begin() {
return values_.begin();
typename std::array<InterningIndexEntry, N>::iterator end() {
return values_.begin() + valid_index_;
size_t valid_index_ = 0;
size_t current_index_ = 0;
std::array<ValueType, N> keys_{{}};
std::array<InterningIndexEntry, N> values_{{}};
// Construct a new index with caches for each of the ValueTypes. The cache
// size for the n-th ValueType will be limited to n-th element in the Sizes
// list.
// For example, to construct an index containing at most 1024 char* pointers
// and 128 std::string objects:
// InterningIndex<TypeList<char*, std::string>, SizeList<1024, 128>>
// index;
InterningIndex() {}
// GetCache<ValueType>() Returns the cache for |ValueType| as a reference.
// A c++14 helper function.
// This is purely syntactic sugar function that is made possible by c++14.
// Every call to GetCache could be replaced by inlining the std::get below,
// but this hinders readability due to the template meta programing.
// auto return type means the compiler will determine the exact type returned,
// using the trailing decltype(auto) return type (which is a c++14 feature)
// allows us to never specify the type while the decltype(auto) rules
// preserves references.
// The return type here is an std::array<ValueType, Size>. However, figuring
// out the correct Size for the given ValueType is hard: because each
// ValueType has a unique Size given at compile time, but when we look up a
// Cache we only know which ValueType we want to store. So instead, we let the
// compiler figure out the return type (including the value of Size) based on
// the call to std;:get<>.
template <typename ValueType>
auto GetCache() -> decltype(auto) {
return std::get<Index<ValueType, std::tuple<ValueTypes...>>::value>(
// Returns the entry for the given interned |value|, adding it to the index if
// it didn't exist previously or was evicted from the index. Entries may be
// evicted if they are accessed infrequently and the index for the respective
// ValueType is at full capacity.
// If the returned entry's |was_emitted| flag is false, the caller should
// (re)emit the entry in the current TracePacket's InternedData message.
template <typename ValueType>
InterningIndexEntry LookupOrAdd(const ValueType& value) {
auto& cache = GetCache<ValueType>();
auto it = cache.Find(value);
if (it == cache.end()) {
it = cache.Insert(value, InterningIndexEntry{next_id_++, false});
DCHECK(it->id != 0);
bool was_emitted = it->was_emitted;
// The caller will (re)emit the entry, so mark it as emitted.
it->was_emitted = true;
return InterningIndexEntry{it->id, was_emitted};
// Marks all entries as "not emitted", so that they will be reemitted when
// next accessed.
void ResetEmittedState() { ResetStateHelper<ValueTypes...>(/*clear=*/false); }
// Removes all entries from the index and restarts from the first valid ID.
void Clear() {
next_id_ = 1u;
// Recursive helper template methods to reset the emitted state for all
// entries or remove all entries from each of the caches.
template <typename ValueType>
void ResetStateHelper(bool clear) {
return ResetStateForValueType<ValueType>(clear);
template <typename ValueType1,
typename ValueType2,
typename... RemainingValueTypes>
void ResetStateHelper(bool clear) {
ResetStateHelper<ValueType2, RemainingValueTypes...>(clear);
template <typename ValueType>
void ResetStateForValueType(bool clear) {
auto& cache = GetCache<ValueType>();
if (clear) {
} else {
for (auto& entry : cache) {
entry.was_emitted = false;
std::tuple<IndexCache<Sizes, ValueTypes>...> entry_caches_;
InterningID next_id_ = 1u; // ID 0 indicates an unset field value.
} // namespace tracing