[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: ddfddd3e3ad26fb9e43653c60e409aa92ad08f90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/web_apps/isolated_web_apps/isolated_web_app_installer_model.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace views {
class DialogDelegate;
} // namespace views
namespace web_app {
class SignedWebBundleMetadata;
// Responsible for displaying the contents section of the installation dialog:
// +--------------------+
// | title controls |
// +--------------------+
// | *contents* |
// +--------------------+
// | buttons |
// +--------------------+
// Close/accept buttons and window controls are NOT drawn by this View, nor
// are any nested dialogs that show up during the installation flow. Those are
// all handled by the ViewController.
class IsolatedWebAppInstallerView : public views::View {
METADATA_HEADER(IsolatedWebAppInstallerView, views::View)
static constexpr char kInstallerWidgetName[] = "IsolatedWebAppInstaller";
static constexpr char kNestedDialogWidgetName[] =
class Delegate {
virtual void OnSettingsLinkClicked() = 0;
virtual void OnManageProfilesLinkClicked() = 0;
virtual void OnChildDialogCanceled() = 0;
virtual void OnChildDialogAccepted() = 0;
// Configures the buttons of the given DialogDelegate.
static void SetDialogButtons(views::DialogDelegate* dialog_delegate,
int close_button_label_id,
std::optional<int> accept_button_label_id);
static std::unique_ptr<IsolatedWebAppInstallerView> Create(
Delegate* delegate);
virtual void ShowDisabledScreen() = 0;
virtual void ShowGetMetadataScreen() = 0;
virtual void UpdateGetMetadataProgress(double percent) = 0;
virtual void ShowMetadataScreen(
const SignedWebBundleMetadata& bundle_metadata) = 0;
virtual void ShowInstallScreen(
const SignedWebBundleMetadata& bundle_metadata) = 0;
virtual void UpdateInstallProgress(double percent) = 0;
virtual void ShowInstallSuccessScreen(
const SignedWebBundleMetadata& bundle_metadata) = 0;
virtual void ShowDialog(
const IsolatedWebAppInstallerModel::Dialog& dialog) = 0;
} // namespace web_app