[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 306ba52fa4944d6fe40dbd1a6d955c5144f46bf9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/cbor/reader.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "base/bit_cast.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/numerics/checked_math.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "components/cbor/constants.h"
#include "components/cbor/float_conversions.h"
namespace cbor {
namespace constants {
const char kUnsupportedMajorType[] = "Unsupported major type.";
namespace {
Value::Type GetMajorType(uint8_t initial_data_byte) {
return static_cast<Value::Type>(
(initial_data_byte & constants::kMajorTypeMask) >>
uint8_t GetAdditionalInfo(uint8_t initial_data_byte) {
return initial_data_byte & constants::kAdditionalInformationMask;
// Error messages that correspond to each of the error codes. There is 1
// exception: we declare |kUnsupportedMajorType| in constants.h in the
// `constants` namespace, because we use it in several files.
const char kNoError[] = "Successfully deserialized to a CBOR value.";
const char kUnknownAdditionalInfo[] =
"Unknown additional info format in the first byte.";
const char kIncompleteCBORData[] =
"Prematurely terminated CBOR data byte array.";
const char kIncorrectMapKeyType[] =
"Specified map key type is not supported by the current implementation.";
const char kTooMuchNesting[] = "Too much nesting.";
const char kInvalidUTF8[] =
"String encodings other than UTF-8 are not allowed.";
const char kExtraneousData[] = "Trailing data bytes are not allowed.";
const char kMapKeyOutOfOrder[] =
"Map keys must be strictly monotonically increasing based on byte length "
"and then by byte-wise lexical order.";
const char kNonMinimalCBOREncoding[] =
"Unsigned integers must be encoded with minimum number of bytes.";
const char kUnsupportedSimpleValue[] =
"Unsupported or unassigned simple value.";
const char kUnsupportedFloatingPointValue[] =
"Floating point numbers are not supported unless the "
"`allow_floating_point` configuration option is set.";
const char kOutOfRangeIntegerValue[] =
"Integer values must be between INT64_MIN and INT64_MAX.";
const char kMapKeyDuplicate[] = "Duplicate map keys are not allowed.";
const char kUnknownError[] = "An unknown error occured.";
} // namespace
Reader::Config::Config() = default;
Reader::Config::~Config() = default;
Reader::Reader(base::span<const uint8_t> data)
: rest_(data), error_code_(DecoderError::CBOR_NO_ERROR) {}
Reader::~Reader() {}
// static
absl::optional<Value> Reader::Read(base::span<uint8_t const> data,
DecoderError* error_code_out,
int max_nesting_level) {
Config config;
config.error_code_out = error_code_out;
config.max_nesting_level = max_nesting_level;
return Read(data, config);
// static
absl::optional<Value> Reader::Read(base::span<uint8_t const> data,
size_t* num_bytes_consumed,
DecoderError* error_code_out,
int max_nesting_level) {
Config config;
config.num_bytes_consumed = num_bytes_consumed;
config.error_code_out = error_code_out;
config.max_nesting_level = max_nesting_level;
return Read(data, config);
// static
absl::optional<Value> Reader::Read(base::span<uint8_t const> data,
const Config& config) {
Reader reader(data);
absl::optional<Value> value =
reader.DecodeCompleteDataItem(config, config.max_nesting_level);
auto error = reader.GetErrorCode();
const bool success = value.has_value();
DCHECK_EQ(success, error == DecoderError::CBOR_NO_ERROR);
if (config.num_bytes_consumed) {
*config.num_bytes_consumed =
success ? data.size() - reader.num_bytes_remaining() : 0;
} else if (success && reader.num_bytes_remaining() > 0) {
error = DecoderError::EXTRANEOUS_DATA;
if (config.error_code_out) {
*config.error_code_out = error;
return value;
absl::optional<Value> Reader::DecodeCompleteDataItem(const Config& config,
int max_nesting_level) {
if (max_nesting_level < 0 || max_nesting_level > kCBORMaxDepth) {
error_code_ = DecoderError::TOO_MUCH_NESTING;
return absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<DataItemHeader> header = DecodeDataItemHeader();
if (!header.has_value()) {
return absl::nullopt;
switch (header->type) {
case Value::Type::UNSIGNED:
return DecodeValueToUnsigned(header->value);
case Value::Type::NEGATIVE:
return DecodeValueToNegative(header->value);
case Value::Type::BYTE_STRING:
return ReadByteStringContent(*header);
case Value::Type::STRING:
return ReadStringContent(*header, config);
case Value::Type::ARRAY:
return ReadArrayContent(*header, config, max_nesting_level);
case Value::Type::MAP:
return ReadMapContent(*header, config, max_nesting_level);
case Value::Type::SIMPLE_VALUE:
case Value::Type::FLOAT_VALUE:
// Floating point values also go here since they are also type 7.
return DecodeToSimpleValueOrFloat(*header, config);
case Value::Type::TAG: // We explicitly don't support TAG.
case Value::Type::NONE:
case Value::Type::INVALID_UTF8:
error_code_ = DecoderError::UNSUPPORTED_MAJOR_TYPE;
return absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<Reader::DataItemHeader> Reader::DecodeDataItemHeader() {
const absl::optional<uint8_t> initial_byte = ReadByte();
if (!initial_byte) {
return absl::nullopt;
const auto major_type = GetMajorType(initial_byte.value());
const uint8_t additional_info = GetAdditionalInfo(initial_byte.value());
absl::optional<uint64_t> value =
ReadVariadicLengthInteger(major_type, additional_info);
return value ? absl::make_optional(
DataItemHeader{major_type, additional_info, value.value()})
: absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<uint64_t> Reader::ReadVariadicLengthInteger(
Value::Type type,
uint8_t additional_info) {
uint8_t additional_bytes = 0;
if (additional_info < 24) {
return absl::make_optional(additional_info);
} else if (additional_info == 24) {
additional_bytes = 1;
} else if (additional_info == 25) {
additional_bytes = 2;
} else if (additional_info == 26) {
additional_bytes = 4;
} else if (additional_info == 27) {
additional_bytes = 8;
} else {
error_code_ = DecoderError::UNKNOWN_ADDITIONAL_INFO;
return absl::nullopt;
const absl::optional<base::span<const uint8_t>> bytes =
if (!bytes) {
return absl::nullopt;
uint64_t int_data = 0;
for (const uint8_t b : bytes.value()) {
int_data <<= 8;
int_data |= b;
if (type == Value::Type::SIMPLE_VALUE && additional_info >= 25 &&
additional_info <= 27) {
// This is a floating point value and so `additional_bytes` should not be
// treated as an integer by minimality checking.
return absl::make_optional(int_data);
return IsEncodingMinimal(additional_bytes, int_data)
? absl::make_optional(int_data)
: absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<Value> Reader::DecodeValueToNegative(uint64_t value) {
auto negative_value = -base::CheckedNumeric<int64_t>(value) - 1;
if (!negative_value.IsValid()) {
error_code_ = DecoderError::OUT_OF_RANGE_INTEGER_VALUE;
return absl::nullopt;
return Value(static_cast<int64_t>(negative_value.ValueOrDie()));
absl::optional<Value> Reader::DecodeValueToUnsigned(uint64_t value) {
auto unsigned_value = base::CheckedNumeric<int64_t>(value);
if (!unsigned_value.IsValid()) {
error_code_ = DecoderError::OUT_OF_RANGE_INTEGER_VALUE;
return absl::nullopt;
return Value(static_cast<int64_t>(unsigned_value.ValueOrDie()));
absl::optional<Value> Reader::DecodeToSimpleValueOrFloat(
const DataItemHeader& header,
const Config& config) {
// ReadVariadicLengthInteger provides this bound.
CHECK_LE(header.additional_info, 27);
// Floating point numbers.
if (header.additional_info > 24) {
if (header.additional_info >= 28) {
error_code_ = DecoderError::UNSUPPORTED_SIMPLE_VALUE;
return absl::nullopt;
if (!config.allow_floating_point) {
return absl::nullopt;
switch (header.additional_info) {
case 25:
return Value(DecodeHalfPrecisionFloat(header.value));
case 26: {
double result =
if (!std::isfinite(result) ||
result ==
DecodeHalfPrecisionFloat(EncodeHalfPrecisionFloat(result))) {
// This could have been encoded as a 16 bit float.
// Note that we use `isfinite()` here to handle NaN since infinity
// and NaN can both be encoded in 16 bits but NaN doesn't compare
// with equality.
error_code_ = DecoderError::NON_MINIMAL_CBOR_ENCODING;
return absl::nullopt;
return Value(result);
case 27: {
double result = base::bit_cast<double>(header.value);
float result_32 = result;
if (result == result_32) {
// This could have been encoded as a 32 bit float.
error_code_ = DecoderError::NON_MINIMAL_CBOR_ENCODING;
return absl::nullopt;
return Value(result);
error_code_ = DecoderError::UNSUPPORTED_SIMPLE_VALUE;
return absl::nullopt;
// Since |header.additional_info| <= 24, ReadVariadicLengthInteger also
// provides this bound for |header.value|.
CHECK_LE(header.value, 255u);
// |SimpleValue| is an enum class and so the underlying type is specified to
// be |int|. So this cast is safe.
Value::SimpleValue possibly_unsupported_simple_value =
switch (possibly_unsupported_simple_value) {
case Value::SimpleValue::FALSE_VALUE:
case Value::SimpleValue::TRUE_VALUE:
case Value::SimpleValue::NULL_VALUE:
case Value::SimpleValue::UNDEFINED:
return Value(possibly_unsupported_simple_value);
error_code_ = DecoderError::UNSUPPORTED_SIMPLE_VALUE;
return absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<Value> Reader::ReadStringContent(
const Reader::DataItemHeader& header,
const Config& config) {
uint64_t num_bytes = header.value;
const absl::optional<base::span<const uint8_t>> bytes = ReadBytes(num_bytes);
if (!bytes) {
return absl::nullopt;
std::string cbor_string(bytes->begin(), bytes->end());
if (base::IsStringUTF8(cbor_string)) {
return Value(std::move(cbor_string));
if (config.allow_invalid_utf8) {
return Value(*bytes, Value::Type::INVALID_UTF8);
error_code_ = DecoderError::INVALID_UTF8;
return absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<Value> Reader::ReadByteStringContent(
const Reader::DataItemHeader& header) {
uint64_t num_bytes = header.value;
const absl::optional<base::span<const uint8_t>> bytes = ReadBytes(num_bytes);
if (!bytes) {
return absl::nullopt;
std::vector<uint8_t> cbor_byte_string(bytes->begin(), bytes->end());
return Value(std::move(cbor_byte_string));
absl::optional<Value> Reader::ReadArrayContent(
const Reader::DataItemHeader& header,
const Config& config,
int max_nesting_level) {
const uint64_t length = header.value;
Value::ArrayValue cbor_array;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
absl::optional<Value> cbor_element =
DecodeCompleteDataItem(config, max_nesting_level - 1);
if (!cbor_element.has_value()) {
return absl::nullopt;
return Value(std::move(cbor_array));
absl::optional<Value> Reader::ReadMapContent(
const Reader::DataItemHeader& header,
const Config& config,
int max_nesting_level) {
const uint64_t length = header.value;
std::map<Value, Value, Value::Less> cbor_map;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
absl::optional<Value> key =
DecodeCompleteDataItem(config, max_nesting_level - 1);
absl::optional<Value> value =
DecodeCompleteDataItem(config, max_nesting_level - 1);
if (!key.has_value() || !value.has_value()) {
return absl::nullopt;
switch (key.value().type()) {
case Value::Type::UNSIGNED:
case Value::Type::NEGATIVE:
case Value::Type::STRING:
case Value::Type::BYTE_STRING:
case Value::Type::INVALID_UTF8:
error_code_ = DecoderError::INVALID_UTF8;
return absl::nullopt;
error_code_ = DecoderError::INCORRECT_MAP_KEY_TYPE;
return absl::nullopt;
if (IsDuplicateKey(key.value(), cbor_map))
return absl::nullopt;
if (!config.allow_and_canonicalize_out_of_order_keys &&
!IsKeyInOrder(key.value(), cbor_map)) {
return absl::nullopt;
cbor_map.emplace(std::move(key.value()), std::move(value.value()));
Value::MapValue map;
// TODO(crbug/1271599): when Chromium switches to C++17, this code can be
// optimized using std::map::extract().
for (auto& it : cbor_map)
map.emplace_hint(map.end(), it.first.Clone(), std::move(it.second));
return Value(std::move(map));
absl::optional<uint8_t> Reader::ReadByte() {
const absl::optional<base::span<const uint8_t>> bytes = ReadBytes(1);
return bytes ? absl::make_optional(bytes.value()[0]) : absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<base::span<const uint8_t>> Reader::ReadBytes(
uint64_t num_bytes) {
if (base::strict_cast<uint64_t>(rest_.size()) < num_bytes) {
error_code_ = DecoderError::INCOMPLETE_CBOR_DATA;
return absl::nullopt;
const base::span<const uint8_t> ret = rest_.first(num_bytes);
rest_ = rest_.subspan(num_bytes);
return ret;
bool Reader::IsEncodingMinimal(uint8_t additional_bytes, uint64_t uint_data) {
if ((additional_bytes == 1 && uint_data < 24) ||
uint_data <= (1ULL << 8 * (additional_bytes >> 1)) - 1) {
error_code_ = DecoderError::NON_MINIMAL_CBOR_ENCODING;
return false;
return true;
bool Reader::IsKeyInOrder(const Value& new_key,
const std::map<Value, Value, Value::Less>& map) {
if (map.empty()) {
return true;
const auto& max_current_key = map.rbegin()->first;
const auto less = map.key_comp();
if (!less(max_current_key, new_key)) {
error_code_ = DecoderError::OUT_OF_ORDER_KEY;
return false;
return true;
bool Reader::IsDuplicateKey(const Value& new_key,
const std::map<Value, Value, Value::Less>& map) {
if (map.find(new_key) == map.end()) {
return false;
error_code_ = DecoderError::DUPLICATE_KEY;
return true;
// static
const char* Reader::ErrorCodeToString(DecoderError error) {
switch (error) {
case DecoderError::CBOR_NO_ERROR:
return kNoError;
return constants::kUnsupportedMajorType;
return kUnknownAdditionalInfo;
case DecoderError::INCOMPLETE_CBOR_DATA:
return kIncompleteCBORData;
case DecoderError::INCORRECT_MAP_KEY_TYPE:
return kIncorrectMapKeyType;
case DecoderError::TOO_MUCH_NESTING:
return kTooMuchNesting;
case DecoderError::INVALID_UTF8:
return kInvalidUTF8;
case DecoderError::EXTRANEOUS_DATA:
return kExtraneousData;
case DecoderError::OUT_OF_ORDER_KEY:
return kMapKeyOutOfOrder;
return kNonMinimalCBOREncoding;
return kUnsupportedSimpleValue;
return kUnsupportedFloatingPointValue;
return kOutOfRangeIntegerValue;
case DecoderError::DUPLICATE_KEY:
return kMapKeyDuplicate;
case DecoderError::UNKNOWN_ERROR:
return kUnknownError;
return "Unknown error code.";
} // namespace cbor