[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 1b566cd5e112848f2d41760d1d10328d551059d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/guid.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/types/strong_alias.h"
#include "content/browser/attribution_reporting/aggregatable_attribution.h"
#include "content/browser/attribution_reporting/stored_source.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/variant.h"
class GURL;
namespace base {
class Value;
} // namespace base
namespace content {
// Class that contains all the data needed to serialize and send an attribution
// report. This class can represent multiple different types of reports.
class CONTENT_EXPORT AttributionReport {
// Struct that contains the data specific to the event-level report.
struct CONTENT_EXPORT EventLevelData {
using Id = base::StrongAlias<EventLevelData, int64_t>;
EventLevelData(uint64_t trigger_data,
int64_t priority,
absl::optional<Id> id);
EventLevelData(const EventLevelData& other);
EventLevelData& operator=(const EventLevelData& other);
EventLevelData(EventLevelData&& other);
EventLevelData& operator=(EventLevelData&& other);
// Data provided at trigger time by the attribution destination. Depending
// on the source type, this contains the associated data in the trigger
// redirect.
uint64_t trigger_data;
// Priority specified in conversion redirect.
int64_t priority;
// Id assigned by storage to uniquely identify a completed conversion. If
// null, an ID has not been assigned yet.
absl::optional<Id> id;
// When adding new members, the corresponding `operator==()` definition in
// `attribution_test_utils.h` should also be updated.
// Struct that contains the data specific to the aggregatable report.
struct CONTENT_EXPORT AggregatableContributionData {
using Id = base::StrongAlias<AggregatableContributionData, int64_t>;
AggregatableContributionData(HistogramContribution contribution,
absl::optional<Id> id);
AggregatableContributionData(const AggregatableContributionData& other);
AggregatableContributionData& operator=(
const AggregatableContributionData& other);
AggregatableContributionData(AggregatableContributionData&& other);
AggregatableContributionData& operator=(
AggregatableContributionData&& other);
// The historgram contribution.
HistogramContribution contribution;
// Id assigned by storage to uniquely identify an aggregatable contribution.
// If null, an ID has not been assigned yet.
absl::optional<Id> id;
// When adding new members, the corresponding `operator==()` definition in
// `attribution_test_utils.h` should also be updated.
using Id =
absl::variant<EventLevelData::Id, AggregatableContributionData::Id>;
StoredSource source,
base::Time trigger_time,
base::Time report_time,
base::GUID external_report_id,
absl::variant<EventLevelData, AggregatableContributionData> data);
AttributionReport(const AttributionReport& other);
AttributionReport& operator=(const AttributionReport& other);
AttributionReport(AttributionReport&& other);
AttributionReport& operator=(AttributionReport&& other);
// Returns the URL to which the report will be sent.
GURL ReportURL() const;
base::Value ReportBody() const;
absl::optional<Id> ReportId() const;
const StoredSource& source() const { return source_; }
base::Time trigger_time() const { return trigger_time_; }
base::Time report_time() const { return report_time_; }
const base::GUID& external_report_id() const { return external_report_id_; }
int failed_send_attempts() const { return failed_send_attempts_; }
const absl::variant<EventLevelData, AggregatableContributionData>& data()
const {
return data_;
absl::variant<EventLevelData, AggregatableContributionData>& data() {
return data_;
void set_report_time(base::Time report_time);
void set_failed_send_attempts(int failed_send_attempts);
void SetExternalReportIdForTesting(base::GUID external_report_id);
// Source associated with this conversion report.
StoredSource source_;
// The time the trigger occurred.
base::Time trigger_time_;
// The time this conversion report should be sent.
base::Time report_time_;
// External report ID for deduplicating reports received by the reporting
// origin.
base::GUID external_report_id_;
// Number of times the browser has tried and failed to send this report.
int failed_send_attempts_ = 0;
// Only one type of data may be stored at once.
absl::variant<EventLevelData, AggregatableContributionData> data_;
// When adding new members, the corresponding `operator==()` definition in
// `attribution_test_utils.h` should also be updated.
} // namespace content