[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: efac96f8a68685fa274bf94fdd4c9afe21eb54b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "cc/base/region.h"
#include "components/exo/layer_tree_frame_sink_holder.h"
#include "components/exo/surface_delegate.h"
#include "components/viz/common/frame_sinks/begin_frame_source.h"
#include "components/viz/common/resources/transferable_resource.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBlendMode.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_targeter.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
class TracedValue;
namespace gfx {
class Path;
namespace viz {
class CompositorFrame;
namespace exo {
class Buffer;
class LayerTreeFrameSinkHolder;
class Pointer;
class SurfaceObserver;
class Surface;
namespace subtle {
class PropertyHelper;
// Counter-clockwise rotations.
enum class Transform { NORMAL, ROTATE_90, ROTATE_180, ROTATE_270 };
// The pointer class is currently the only cursor provider class but this can
// change in the future when better hardware cursor support is added.
using CursorProvider = Pointer;
// This class represents a rectangular area that is displayed on the screen.
// It has a location, size and pixel contents.
class Surface final : public ui::PropertyHandler {
using PropertyDeallocator = void (*)(int64_t value);
// Type-checking downcast routine.
static Surface* AsSurface(const aura::Window* window);
aura::Window* window() { return window_.get(); }
// Set a buffer as the content of this surface. A buffer can only be attached
// to one surface at a time.
void Attach(Buffer* buffer);
// Describe the regions where the pending buffer is different from the
// current surface contents, and where the surface therefore needs to be
// repainted.
void Damage(const gfx::Rect& rect);
// Request notification when it's a good time to produce a new frame. Useful
// for throttling redrawing operations, and driving animations.
using FrameCallback = base::Callback<void(base::TimeTicks frame_time)>;
void RequestFrameCallback(const FrameCallback& callback);
// Request notification when the next frame is displayed. Useful for
// throttling redrawing operations, and driving animations.
using PresentationCallback =
base::Callback<void(base::TimeTicks presentation_time,
base::TimeDelta refresh,
uint32_t flags)>;
void RequestPresentationCallback(const PresentationCallback& callback);
// This sets the region of the surface that contains opaque content.
void SetOpaqueRegion(const cc::Region& region);
// This sets the region of the surface that can receive pointer and touch
// events. The region is clipped to the surface bounds.
void SetInputRegion(const cc::Region& region);
// This resets the region of the surface that can receive pointer and touch
// events to be wide-open. This will be clipped to the surface bounds.
void ResetInputRegion();
// This overrides the input region to the surface bounds with an outset.
// TODO(domlaskowski): Remove this once client-driven resizing is removed.
void SetInputOutset(int outset);
// This sets the scaling factor used to interpret the contents of the buffer
// attached to the surface. Note that if the scale is larger than 1, then you
// have to attach a buffer that is larger (by a factor of scale in each
// dimension) than the desired surface size.
void SetBufferScale(float scale);
// This sets the transformation used to interpret the contents of the buffer
// attached to the surface.
void SetBufferTransform(Transform transform);
// Functions that control sub-surface state. All sub-surface state is
// double-buffered and will be applied when Commit() is called.
void AddSubSurface(Surface* sub_surface);
void RemoveSubSurface(Surface* sub_surface);
void SetSubSurfacePosition(Surface* sub_surface, const gfx::Point& position);
void PlaceSubSurfaceAbove(Surface* sub_surface, Surface* reference);
void PlaceSubSurfaceBelow(Surface* sub_surface, Surface* sibling);
void OnSubSurfaceCommit();
// This sets the surface viewport for scaling.
void SetViewport(const gfx::Size& viewport);
// This sets the surface crop rectangle.
void SetCrop(const gfx::RectF& crop);
// This sets the only visible on secure output flag, preventing it from
// appearing in screenshots or from being viewed on non-secure displays.
void SetOnlyVisibleOnSecureOutput(bool only_visible_on_secure_output);
// This sets the blend mode that will be used when drawing the surface.
void SetBlendMode(SkBlendMode blend_mode);
// This sets the alpha value that will be applied to the whole surface.
void SetAlpha(float alpha);
// Request that surface should have the specified frame type.
void SetFrame(SurfaceFrameType type);
// Request that surface should use a specific set of frame colors.
void SetFrameColors(SkColor active_color, SkColor inactive_color);
// Request "parent" for surface.
void SetParent(Surface* parent, const gfx::Point& position);
// Surface state (damage regions, attached buffers, etc.) is double-buffered.
// A Commit() call atomically applies all pending state, replacing the
// current state. Commit() is not guaranteed to be synchronous. See
// CommitSurfaceHierarchy() below.
void Commit();
// This will commit all pending state of the surface and its descendants by
// recursively calling CommitSurfaceHierarchy() for each sub-surface.
// If |synchronized| is set to false, then synchronized surfaces should not
// commit pending state.
void CommitSurfaceHierarchy(bool synchronized);
// This will append current callbacks for surface and its descendants to
// |frame_callbacks| and |presentation_callbacks|.
void AppendSurfaceHierarchyCallbacks(
std::list<FrameCallback>* frame_callbacks,
std::list<PresentationCallback>* presentation_callbacks);
// This will append contents for surface and its descendants to frame.
void AppendSurfaceHierarchyContentsToFrame(
const gfx::Point& origin,
float device_scale_factor,
LayerTreeFrameSinkHolder* frame_sink_holder,
viz::CompositorFrame* frame);
// Returns true if surface is in synchronized mode.
bool IsSynchronized() const;
// Returns true if surface should receive input events.
bool IsInputEnabled(Surface* surface) const;
// Returns false if the hit test region is empty.
bool HasHitTestRegion() const;
// Returns true if |point| is inside the surface.
bool HitTest(const gfx::Point& point) const;
// Sets |mask| to the path that delineates the hit test region of the surface.
void GetHitTestMask(gfx::Path* mask) const;
// Returns the current input region of surface in the form of a set of
// hit-test rects.
std::unique_ptr<aura::WindowTargeter::HitTestRects> GetHitTestShapeRects()
// Surface does not own cursor providers. It is the responsibility of the
// caller to remove the cursor provider before it is destroyed.
void RegisterCursorProvider(CursorProvider* provider);
void UnregisterCursorProvider(CursorProvider* provider);
// Returns the cursor for the surface. If no cursor provider is registered
// then CursorType::kNull is returned.
gfx::NativeCursor GetCursor();
// Set the surface delegate.
void SetSurfaceDelegate(SurfaceDelegate* delegate);
// Returns true if surface has been assigned a surface delegate.
bool HasSurfaceDelegate() const;
// Surface does not own observers. It is the responsibility of the observer
// to remove itself when it is done observing.
void AddSurfaceObserver(SurfaceObserver* observer);
void RemoveSurfaceObserver(SurfaceObserver* observer);
bool HasSurfaceObserver(const SurfaceObserver* observer) const;
// Returns a trace value representing the state of the surface.
std::unique_ptr<base::trace_event::TracedValue> AsTracedValue() const;
// Called when the begin frame source has changed.
void SetBeginFrameSource(viz::BeginFrameSource* begin_frame_source);
// Returns the active content size.
const gfx::Size& content_size() const { return content_size_; }
// Returns the active content bounds for surface hierarchy. ie. the bounding
// box of the surface and its descendants, in the local coordinate space of
// the surface.
const gfx::Rect& surface_hierarchy_content_bounds() const {
return surface_hierarchy_content_bounds_;
// Returns true if the associated window is in 'stylus-only' mode.
bool IsStylusOnly();
// Enables 'stylus-only' mode for the associated window.
void SetStylusOnly();
// Notify surface that resources and subsurfaces' resources have been lost.
void SurfaceHierarchyResourcesLost();
// Returns true if the surface's bounds should be filled opaquely.
bool FillsBoundsOpaquely() const;
bool HasPendingDamageForTesting(const gfx::Rect& damage) const {
return pending_damage_.Contains(damage);
struct State {
bool operator==(const State& other);
bool operator!=(const State& other) { return !(*this == other); }
cc::Region opaque_region;
base::Optional<cc::Region> input_region;
int input_outset = 0;
float buffer_scale = 1.0f;
Transform buffer_transform = Transform::NORMAL;
gfx::Size viewport;
gfx::RectF crop;
bool only_visible_on_secure_output = false;
SkBlendMode blend_mode = SkBlendMode::kSrcOver;
float alpha = 1.0f;
class BufferAttachment {
BufferAttachment& operator=(BufferAttachment&& buffer);
base::WeakPtr<Buffer>& buffer();
const base::WeakPtr<Buffer>& buffer() const;
const gfx::Size& size() const;
void Reset(base::WeakPtr<Buffer> buffer);
base::WeakPtr<Buffer> buffer_;
gfx::Size size_;
friend class subtle::PropertyHelper;
// Updates current_resource_ with a new resource id corresponding to the
// contents of the attached buffer (or id 0, if no buffer is attached).
// UpdateSurface must be called afterwards to ensure the release callback
// will be called.
void UpdateResource(LayerTreeFrameSinkHolder* frame_sink_holder);
// Updates buffer_transform_ to match the current buffer parameters.
void UpdateBufferTransform();
// Puts the current surface into a draw quad, and appends the draw quads into
// the |frame|.
void AppendContentsToFrame(const gfx::Point& origin,
float device_scale_factor,
viz::CompositorFrame* frame);
// Update surface content size base on current buffer size.
void UpdateContentSize();
// This returns true when the surface has some contents assigned to it.
bool has_contents() const { return !current_buffer_.size().IsEmpty(); }
// This window has the layer which contains the Surface contents.
std::unique_ptr<aura::Window> window_;
// This true, if sub_surfaces_ has changes (order, position, etc).
bool sub_surfaces_changed_ = false;
// This is the size of the last committed contents.
gfx::Size content_size_;
// This is the bounds of the last committed surface hierarchy contents.
gfx::Rect surface_hierarchy_content_bounds_;
// This is true when Attach() has been called and new contents should take
// effect next time Commit() is called.
bool has_pending_contents_ = false;
// The buffer that will become the content of surface when Commit() is called.
BufferAttachment pending_buffer_;
// The damage region to schedule paint for when Commit() is called.
cc::Region pending_damage_;
// The damage region which will be used by
// AppendSurfaceHierarchyContentsToFrame() to generate frame.
cc::Region damage_;
// These lists contains the callbacks to notify the client when it is a good
// time to start producing a new frame. These callbacks move to
// |frame_callbacks_| when Commit() is called. Later they are moved to
// |active_frame_callbacks_| when the effect of the Commit() is scheduled to
// be drawn. They fire at the first begin frame notification after this.
std::list<FrameCallback> pending_frame_callbacks_;
std::list<FrameCallback> frame_callbacks_;
// These lists contains the callbacks to notify the client when surface
// contents have been presented. These callbacks move to
// |presentation_callbacks_| when Commit() is called. Later they are moved to
// |swapping_presentation_callbacks_| when the effect of the Commit() is
// scheduled to be drawn and then moved to |swapped_presentation_callbacks_|
// after receiving VSync parameters update for the previous frame. They fire
// at the next VSync parameters update after that.
std::list<PresentationCallback> pending_presentation_callbacks_;
std::list<PresentationCallback> presentation_callbacks_;
// This is the state that has yet to be committed.
State pending_state_;
// This is the state that has been committed.
State state_;
// Cumulative input region of surface and its sub-surfaces.
cc::Region hit_test_region_;
// The stack of sub-surfaces to take effect when Commit() is called.
// Bottom-most sub-surface at the front of the list and top-most sub-surface
// at the back.
using SubSurfaceEntry = std::pair<Surface*, gfx::Point>;
using SubSurfaceEntryList = std::list<SubSurfaceEntry>;
SubSurfaceEntryList pending_sub_surfaces_;
SubSurfaceEntryList sub_surfaces_;
// The buffer that is currently set as content of surface.
BufferAttachment current_buffer_;
// The last resource that was sent to a surface.
viz::TransferableResource current_resource_;
// Whether the last resource that was sent to a surface has an alpha channel.
bool current_resource_has_alpha_ = false;
// This is true if a call to Commit() as been made but
// CommitSurfaceHierarchy() has not yet been called.
bool needs_commit_surface_ = false;
// This is true if UpdateResources() should be called.
bool needs_update_resource_ = true;
// The current buffer transform matrix. It specifies the transformation from
// normalized buffer coordinates to post-tranform buffer coordinates.
gfx::Transform buffer_transform_;
// This is set when the compositing starts and passed to active frame
// callbacks when compositing successfully ends.
base::TimeTicks last_compositing_start_time_;
// Cursor providers. Surface does not own the cursor providers.
std::set<CursorProvider*> cursor_providers_;
// This can be set to have some functions delegated. E.g. ShellSurface class
// can set this to handle Commit() and apply any double buffered state it
// maintains.
SurfaceDelegate* delegate_ = nullptr;
// Surface observer list. Surface does not own the observers.
base::ObserverList<SurfaceObserver, true> observers_;
} // namespace exo