[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 8b2f636957faf939e276dbe3f3d80dffd795a538 [file] [log] [blame]
Name: Tensorflow Hub Models
Short Name: tfhub_models
URL: https://tfhub.dev/
Date: 2023/08/02
License: Apache 2.0
License File: LICENSE
Version: 2023/08/02
Security Critical: No
Shipped: no
CPEPrefix: unknown
This directory contains models downloaded from https://tfhub.dev/ under its
Apache license. These models are not built into Chromium and are only used as
Uploading New Models:
1. Put all the models you want uploaded (including existing models to keep) in
the existing //third_party/tfhub_models/models directory.
2. `cd` to //third_party/tfhub_models.
3. Run the following commands:
tar -czf models.tar.gz models/*
sha1sum models.tar.gz | awk '{print $1}' > models.tar.gz.sha1
4. Upload the tarball to the cloud storage bucket:
upload_to_google_storage.py --bucket chromium-tfhub-models models.tar.gz
5. Overwrite chromium's sha1 models.tar.gz.sha1 file with the new one.
Please keep this list and BUILD.gn up to date when new files are added to the
Cloud Storage Bucket.
* lite-model_universal-sentence-encoder-qa-ondevice_1.tflite - A TFLite
Support compatible embedding model trained on Q&A text, pulled from
Requires sentencepiece tokenization to be built into Chrome, which is not
currently supported. See also https://crrev.com/c/4722355.
* rehead_embedding_from_mobilebert.tflite - A TFLite Support compatible
embedding model which was adapted from this BERT model,
https://tfhub.dev/tensorflow/lite-model/mobilebert/1/metadata/1. The base
model was re-headed to expose the embedding layer.